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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. Yes, I would assuming price was reasonable. May try to negotiate price down due to murder if it was a buyer’s market.
  2. We’ve paid local junk removers couple times for large items. Everything went smoothly. When we did some remodeling last year, we gave away furniture, exercise equipment and other large items to workers who wanted them.
  3. I generally stay out of these threads to avoid heartbreak even though I have a child in his upper 30s who transitioned to male early on in his life. I wanted to address the notion that gender dysphoria presenting in early childhood often resolves itself as child grows. My child exhibited certain mannerisms and behaviors by age 3 or 4 that I had seen in the only other person I knew from my childhood who exhibited gender dysphoria. I don’t know what became of her but I hope she got out of that hick town and found loving support and medical care. My child’s gender dysphoria remained constant. Around 14, he began living as male and started physical transition at age 18 after medical approval. His mental health and general outlook improved when he began the transition process. No one in his life pressured him to be a person who was transgender; in fact, the opposite was true. My child’s story of course is anecdotal but sometimes learning about an actual human’s experience can be more enlightening than slew of studies. Of course, you may choose to dismiss his experience if you wish. This is extent of information I can share without violating my child’s privacy.
  4. If this hobby group is open to public, how can you stop the relative from going or joining ? Sounds very frustrating.
  5. My liver doctor advised against all supplements and alternative treatments such as coffee enema (yes, that’s really a thing).
  6. Assuming brother-in-law’s wife is open to the situation, my first concern would be that brother-in-law will be exhausted with new baby. May be good idea to wait until baby has established a sleep pattern. When time comes that one of dog’s owners no longer want the responsibility, will the other owner step up to plate to provide life long home to dog? Sounds like a good setup for puppy if it’s training is consistent between the two homes.
  7. I actually had a similar dream once about a partner I worked closely with. He was a highly accomplished man whose mind I respected but could not comprehend being attracted to him in a romantic manner. Since the dream was so odd to me, I did some reading on dream interpretation and analysis. Most important concept I recall is that when you’ve worked closely with someone and produced service or product you can take pride in, this may appear in dream to be a romantic interlude of “reproduction.” Not sure if I buy that, but it was reassuring to know that others had experienced same thing.
  8. We saw it yesterday with my sis and her family. My 13 year old nephew attended; in fact, due to his strong interest in military history, he organized the outing.
  9. My son got call from blood donation bank that he tested positive for HIV , so no longer eligible to donate blood. On the bright side, his viral load is undetectable, but doc started him on antiviral meds after *two* tests couple weeks apart. Apparently he is somewhat of a medical anomaly.
  10. I too HATE paperless billing and have requested that bills not be sent by text or email. Today at orthopedist, we received bill by TEXT before we got out of parking lot onto street! Don’t get me started on lack of detail in invoice.
  11. Hard to believe isn’t it? I’ve known someone to whom that happened. He died at home two days later from his hernia.
  12. Lighting a candle for you and your son. Please keep us posted. Hopefully the liver may eventually heal itself.
  13. Fasting is not necessary for A1C test.
  14. Texas Proud, I’m sorry you are dealing with this frustrating issue. Many rescues transport cats from South to Northeast for ultimate adoption. For various reasons the South tends to have more homeless cats and dogs than North. Finding a home for the stray is not hopeless. Placing either cat as a barn cat in Texas probably is next to impossible; here the barns are overflowing with cats. If I read correctly, original cat is declawed. Please do not put kitty outdoors where it would vulnerable to predators and traffic. Fifty acres will not stop a cat from wandering into traffic; all it takes is one driver failing to notice kitty or not being able to stop in time. Could you build a catio for the urinator to live in safely outdoors? i had a cat with same issue that worsened with age. We took her in when mother in law died in 1980s. My husband had just purchased an expensive piece of equipment for his business. She peed on the control thingy. Also she had recently developed a heart murmur. I made the tough decision to euthanize her at age 16 to lessen stress on family. Your cat is leading a very stressful life to point that euthanasia may be a kindness.
  15. To be fair, the utility company should have prioritized those already without power from earlier storm before working on recent outages.
  16. When I lived inside our high crime rate city, a homeowner called cops on me one night. I was parked in a church parking lot at outer edge of lot underneath a lamp pole, so I could read book while waiting for my kid to finish a meeting that usually ran one to two hours. I had been there about an hour when cop knocked on window. Homeowner across street stated I was behaving suspiciously. I guess he wasn’t a reader. I also have a navigational disability so get lost often even with gps. After reading through this thread, I will work on not causing others unnecessary anxiety.
  17. You We just lost power again at 8:45pm central during a mild storm. Update: came back on about 10 hours later
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