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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. I adore the way my otherwise short stocky legs look in high heels; they are strictly a vanity item for me. Crocs and others makes 3+ inch heels that are almost comfortable enough to wear all day. However, I keep a pair of comfortable sensible black maryjanes nearby in my work desk drawer, my van, or my closet. My choice to wear high heels and to paint my toenails vixen red or fuschia has nothing to do with inspiring lust in men. The clackety-clack of my red patent sandals on a hard floor is music to my ears just as my freshly painted red toenails are candy to my eyes.
  2. Your information will never be permanently removed from sites like spokeo, intellius, radaris, and so on. Why? Because they periodically update their public records searches and because you would have to individually request that the multitude of people search sites remove your information. If one truly desired no trace of themselves on the internet, they would have to use an alias to conduct all business involving public records: purchase real estate, get married/divorced, get professional license, litigate, and these are just a few examples. A glance at the headers on your emails will roughly reveal your location. If you serve on a board of directors for a not for profit, a trade group, or other association, you will get hits when searching your name.
  3. I voted "not alive and little to no impact on my life." Of course I still miss her from time to time, but it has been about 30 years since she died at a relatively young age. I was a young adult. We always had a good relationship, and I had a tremendous amount of respect for her.
  4. Usually within 7-10 days, my "holy trinity" of symptoms appeared: breast tenderness, nausea, and yeast infection.
  5. Consistent use of earplugs resulted in yeast type infection in my ears. I used them only in clean dry ears and frequently changed out pairs. He does not want to see a doctor about snoring, so separate sleeping quarters are in our future.
  6. I would frankly be annoyed with someone who takes it upon themselves to chastise my children in my own home in my presence. Obviously the parents do not find their children's behavior problematic. I second the another poster's suggestion of genuinely getting to know the kids down on their level. Perhaps the two of you have parenting philosophies so divergent as to make an in-home friendship unworkable. You could try meeting sans kids but that can be difficult to fit into tight schedules.
  7. A fixture here in the USA are the gallon pickle type jars on convenience store checkout counters. The front of jar typically has a photo taped to it of a cancer ridden child or adult or an accident victim or someone in need of transplant. Customers toss dollars and coins into jar for the person whose family is unable to afford medical care.
  8. Assuming that I knew for certain the future held only those two marriage options posed, I would undergo tubal ligation and live happily as a single woman. Naturally I would enjoy the company of appropriate lovers from time to time. If someone were holding a sword to me forcing me to choose one of the two marriages, I would choose the 2nd marriage with passion.
  9. Young people engage in sex for the same reasons that adults do. It is physically exciting and climactic if done properly. It is romantic and tender.
  10. You hit the nail on the head. Racial bias can appear nonexistent or relatively minor to the dominant culture. This is a situation where the old adage about walking in person's shoes applies.
  11. I would not "do" anything; the decision belongs to the expectant mother. My teens are older. They are knowledgeable about erotic biology and birth control, and they have access to contraception if needed. Thus, a pregnancy would probably be a birth control failure here too. My guess is that one would choose an early first trimester abortion. We would pay for it. For another one, a pregnancy probably would result in an earlier marriage than she had anticipated. Absent an ongoing romantic relationship, I'd guess that she would be a single mother who would work very hard to complete her education and care for her child. I could offer emotional support and temporary financial aid, but I no longer have the physical and emotional stamina needed to be primary caretaker for an infant on a daily basis. After the birth or abortion, I would suggest using either a double barrier method or a backup barrier method in addition to hormonal method to reduce the likelihood of another unplanned pregnancy. If I had an older young adult daughter who was certain she did not want children, I would pay for a tubal ligation IF we could find a doctor willing to do it.
  12. You have received wise advice, both practically and spiritually. I truly hope you find friends and a spiritual home that do not look down upon you and your family. One of the best mothers I know had her child at 15. I read only the first page of posts so I may have missed whether anyone already has asked about this. Honestly it is none of my business but I am curious. In conservative Christian culture, I had gathered that "to court" meant that both sets of parents approved of the potential match and that both families, particularly the sweethearts themselves, shared religious and cultural values. I understand that courting is usually chaperoned and that the young couple met secretly. My question is this: how is it that the young man and his family share extremely different viewpoints about the father honoring the mother-to-be by marriage or at the very least being a true father to the baby? If I recall correctly, you stated that he already had another lover. What are the boy's parents doing to counsel him away from his destructive behavior?
  13. How can you control what you believe? You'll find a plethora of books to reassure you that gods, specifically the god of your choice, exists. On the flipside are books that argue that there is insufficient objectively verifiable evidence for the existence of deities. Doesn't it ultimately boil down to a matter of faith?
  14. Superfreakonomics Fast Food Nation (if it's on CD) Guns Germs and Steel (only an abridged version is available) Predictably Irrational: Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions People's History of the United States (abridged version)
  15. What is more likely is that the poster has not read much past the original post before responding.
  16. How debilitating is your chronic Lyme illness? What is your long term prognosis? The most critical question would be whether you reasonably foresee being able to meet the physical demands of rearing a child up through young adulthood and self-sufficiency.
  17. Celebrities have as much right to voice their sociopolitical opinions as anyone else does. I do not watch or read celebrity news so I am not well versed on where my favorite artists are on the political spectrum unless it is evidenced by their work.
  18. I find it curious that people in general are reluctant to acknowledge or openly discuss classism in the U.S.
  19. Self-identifying atheist here married to man who self-identifies as agnostic yet we both are firmly convinced that supernatural entities do not exist and share substantially same philosophy. We use secular materials in our homeschool. Children identify as atheist, agnostic, Christian (United Church of Christ), and an atheist Unitarian Universalist. One child's journey led him to study Catholicism, Reform Judaism, Mormonism, and Quaker (ism?) before finding spiritual home.
  20. As a chronic allergic rhinitis and sinusitis sufferer, I'll pick or blow with hanky in hand if the need is there. Nor would I object to a necessary spit. Constant ptyalism during first trimester of all my pregnancies forced me to carry a "spittle cup" fashioned out of large plastic cup lined with Lysol or bleach and absorbent clothes or paper towels. If I forgot the cup, my choice was to either roll down window or open door to spit or attempt to swallow copious saliva, which would most likely result in vomiting or dry heaves. So there, I have been known to unapologetically pick and spit on an as needed basis. When driving, the focus of my attention is on other vehicles, their speeds, will they stop for their red light, steering clear of angry aggressive drivers and so forth.
  21. I find his story plausible based upon what has been presented thus far. He appears to be a genuinely helpful but naive kid in a big mannish body, which does not help his situation. I hope justice prevails as much as it can from this point forward.
  22. When my children were younger (single digits), I provided them with a list and double checked their bag before leaving. Since around 10 or so, they have been packing on their own without a pre-departure inspection.
  23. Our daughters started shaving if and when they desired. I do not remember exactly what age the shaver started shaving. I respect young women who have the moxie to refuse to bend to cultural pressure to shave body hair in any region, including the nether regions.
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