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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. All homemade: Vegetable fried rice with the onions sauteed to a golden brown. Creamy baked macaroni and cheese. Potato skins with sharp cheddar, bacon, green onions, and sour cream. Emeril's corn dip. Mexican beef and bean stew.
  2. I think it is a lovely traditional Irish name. It was among our choices for a pregnancy which did not work out.
  3. I find nothing wrong with the coach's admonition to the boy.
  4. I won't go into mindnumbingly boring details of our litigation, but we did do an asset search of debtor. Search revealed he owned land in another state. Because of certain factors, we were able to persuade him to quit claim the land to us in lieu of cash payment of judgment. Land value was not close to what we were owed, but it was better than nothing.
  5. I paid for several telephone counseling sessions for a close family member who was going through a difficult situation. First we tried local counselors, but they lacked experience in this particular situation. After much research, I paid for several telephone counseling sessions with a nationally recognized expert who had counseled thousands of women in same or similar situations. She was worth every cent I paid because she wasted no time and had personal experience with the issue. However, my first response to online counseling is wariness.
  6. Applauding the courage and bravery of all those who have faced the arrows to live life honestly.
  7. This is not one of those feel good you're-as-young-as-you-feel posts. Why is turning 40 a good thing? I posit that it is neither fundamentally good or bad. It is merely an objective measurement of the amount of time that has lapsed since birth. Nothing more. Nothing less. Everyone born on same day you were is now 40. On the positive side, the longer a person exists, the more likely he is to accumulate wisdom and maturity but it is not an automatic given by a certain age.
  8. We had some experiences that were similar to those above; these negative experiences led us to eventually stop fostering. Definitely it takes much more than love, patience and perserverance. It can be stressful so don't jump into the water unless everything else in your life (your marriage, your finances, your family routine, your children's emotional wellbeing, etc) is stable.
  9. If I witnessed it, I would intervene to stop the toddler from defacing another's papers. Then I would show tot where his/her drawing paper and markers are stored and allow him/her to use those for awhile.
  10. I was relieved to get to end of thread to learn the pipes were not lost. A quality set of pipes is a true treasure. Although my family still cannot bear to listen to a capella Scots-Irish tragic ballads, they do enjoy some of my bagpipe CDs. Thank you for training your son on the pipes.
  11. Why not use the name they had chosen anyway? Seth was my first choice if our last had been a male. Who is to say that the other Seth's family will be in same area five or ten years from now? There are two Ashleys in one daughter's close circle of friends. The girls merely add the middle names to distinguish between the two Ashleys.
  12. In the mid 80s when limit on expressway was 55mph, I was ticketed for going 70mph in a rural area around midnight. About 7 years ago, I was ticketed for going 45mph in a 40mph zone. Foolishly I assumed the lights were flashing because the police wanted me to pull over to clear the road for him. Imagine my surprise when he pulled in behind me.
  13. chicken enchilada casserole chicken salad chicken tetrazini chicken curry with rice chicken vegetable soup
  14. We do not have employees, so we do not have to deal with payroll taxes, but we do have independent contractors. If the independent contractor is a sole proprietor, you must obtain their social security number. At end of year by January 31st, you issue them a 1099Misc for nonemployee compensation. The 1096 is the "transmittal" form all your 1099Misc, which you send to IRS. As for the estimated taxes, we set aside a certain percentage (somewhere around our tax bracket %) of our profit and pay it in quarterly with a 1040ES voucher to IRS (and state if applicable) for the estimated income and self employment taxes. I am assuming you are a single member or husband/wife LLC. We recently were surprised to learn that our little suburb had its own business personalty tax in addition to that imposed by our county. I second the idea of a consultation with the accountant and having one prepare the tax returns using your bookkeeping.
  15. "Oh my god" is a common expression for surprise, regardless of one's religious bent. By your definition, a large part of the U.S. population is blasphemous.
  16. One of the reasons for the doorless stalls in schools is that kids swing on the doors and break them off their hinges.
  17. We were all at home without tv, radio, or internet on, and we ignored phone during school hours. Around 1:30 p.m. eastern, we learned of the day's events when a work associate stopped by our homeoffice. I was on basketball court during recess when our elementary school learned of Kennedy's assasination.
  18. Yes, it is within the realm of normal. Living in an isolated region without television, I experienced those feelings you describe as early as around 5, and I was anything but dramatic. I distinctly recall that it was before we moved to a more populated area so I could attend first grade. The goods news is that they eventually subsided and did not resurface until late adolescence.
  19. My husband's wallet - washed it and dried it. He did not find my "money laundering" comment funny at the time.
  20. My belly did not bounce back with resiliency after the 10 1/2 pound kidlet. After that, the backyard was only place I would wear bikini. Now years later I can not bear to subject my family to that sight!
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