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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. You can't learn NFP by someone just giving you tips. It is based on observing the presence and consistency of cervical mucous (and possibly basal body temperature) to determine fertility. Check with the nearest catholic diocese to see if they offer a class. Check Amazon or your library for books on the topic. As a longterm NFP user, it is my personal opinion that NFP is not the best method to use if you cannot handle the possibility of another pregnancy.
  2. I have an old Westbend metal crockpot that sits on a griddle base. It is more than ten years old. I cook my grassfed chuck roasts in stock and gravy mix on high for 2 or 3 hours. Then I add the vegetables and cook another 1 or 2 hours.
  3. Based upon your description of the relationship with them, there is not a parental bond with either of them, especially the stepmother, who is a peer of yours. Thus, I personally would feel no obligation to care for either of them physically or financially when they are elderly and in frail health.
  4. The playing field has never been even. Those with the funds and inclination will get whatever procedures they desire. I sometimes wonder if classic beauty will ultimately be available only to the rich or to the genetically lucky people.
  5. If that is what my guests want, yes I would. I understand how rare or even medium rare beef can be unappealing to diners. I prefer rare too, especially with free range grassfed beef.
  6. If anyone googles my husband's name, the first hit is his consulting business phone number along with a map to our home office. Even if you have whitepages.com and similar sites remove your information, it can reappear when their databases are periodically updated. Some of these sites provide a list of possible relatives. All my young adult children, siblings, and some sibling-in-laws are shown. You can visit property assessor site for our county to learn history of sales and permits pulled for an address; it also lists details like number of bedrooms and bathrooms and square feet. Many court records are online and are public records. Want to know if someone has declared bankruptcy? Call the federal court in their district for copies of records at 50 cents per page. All this and much more can be found free in online searches. A few hundred dollars to a private investigator will yield much more. People often forget that they can be traced through small things like county pet licenses. If you have a professional license issued by your state, anyone can locate your name and business address.
  7. Old cars. Bare walls. No what-nots on surfaces. Two sets of linens per bed. About three towels per person. Much less clothing than others typically have. Generally far fewer possessions than other families at our income level. We have an abundance of electronics. Still need to streamline books and kitchenware.
  8. Those were on clearance shelf at my Kroger's right around Christmas. Have you taken them before? They also had Sam-E marked down to half price.
  9. In my family, religious training was available to those who were interested. Fortunately neither parent pushed or pressured us into any sort of religious observations or rituals, but certain overbearing people in our lives did repeatedly attempt conversion.
  10. Was the woman too frail to bathe without assistance? Not everyone is fortunate enough to have access to home health assistance. I find it difficult to believe that the lethal catheter-related infection had anything to do with not bathing. Perhaps the bacterial infection itself was the cause of her foul odor. I am convinced that people of average intelligence and above know how to access information about healthy living if they so desire. If I want information on whole foods cooking or on vegan meals, I know which friends to ask. Thankfully they do not offer unsolicited advice. Part of the problem with persuading people to eat health and exercise is that the health related problems do not creep up on them usually until a few decades later. However, if you drive recklessly or climb mountains in unstable weather or swin around chum, the risk is immediate. If I choose life extending treatments when I am chronically or terminally ill or terribly injured from doing something stupid, I truly hope my caregivers do not scrutinize my habits or actions only to fully blame me for my condition and deem me a drain on taxpayers. I do understand your frustration about our society's social activities being centered around food. As homeschoolers we never really had a problem with junk food overload at events. Even when kids were in public or private schools, we could take fresh cut up vegetables or fruits to school parties. If you keep the company of people whose values more closely resemble your own, you may be less frustrated.
  11. Prior to Russell Stover, I turned up my nose at sugar free chocolate. Of course, it tastes sweeter if you eat only sugar free.
  12. Walgreen's usually carries Terry's chocolate orange around Christmas.
  13. While intriguing and sometimes inspiring stories of religious conversions and de-conversions abound, seldom do we hear of cradle naturalists who either were never given to magical thinking or abandoned it by their own personal age of reason. Are there people here who, regardless of genuine efforts at religious training, were unable to absorb spiritual beliefs that were based upon supernatural paradigms because of their own lucid rejection of the supernatural? People who do not grapple with the troubling issues discussed in de-conversion stories because they do not find the basic premises of religions credible? People who were born unable to believe something without a perceived sound basis for doing so even if millions or billions believed it and even if the individual wished it were true?
  14. Terry's chocolate orange. Nice quality European dark not-very-sweet chocolate bar. Russell Stover sugar free chocolate truffles. In the master bathroom in drawer where I keep electric razor, hairbrushes, and combs.
  15. Do you ever want to yell "You have a choice"? No. For the most part, I assume that mentally and emotionally stable people are making the choices that are right for their families. Because of the high rate of wife and child beating, substance abuse, and poverty in my community, I made a promise to my pre-adolescent self that I would strive for financial self-sufficiency and healthy relationships as an adult. I vowed to not depend financially on a man. For years, I truly did have to work to provide basic necessities for household. However, when times were better so that we COULD have lived on one income, I continued working, even if only a few weeks a year on occasional projects, just to remain current in my profession. I needed the security of knowing I could return to work full time if circumstances required. I'm sure over the years I probably said what your friend did without fully explaining my reasons behind the statement.
  16. On our last anniversary, my husband asked me what day it was, and I responded with the day of the week. When he replied that he meant what was the date, I told him the date without realizing it was our anniversary.
  17. We are definitely not formal. Our home often looks like a youth hostel or group home. Whether or not they fridge dive depends upon the circumstances and whether they're considered guests or part of the communal clan. Long term friends and acquaintances and extended family know that the protocol here is to get your own beverage, usually from fridge #2. If they are regular or semi-regular overnighters or weekenders here, they fridge dive for meals when I do not cook, or they may prepare the family meal themselves. We serve guests meals. If they seem uncomfortable with idea of selecting their beverage of choice from fridge #2, we are happy to accomodate them by getting their drink.
  18. People should apologize when they have wronged another regardless of their status as parent. Ideally the wife in this situation can rehome the husband and keep the children and cat.
  19. I was delighted with my lovely painted-white kitchen cabinets in our older house. They were extremely easy to clean since smudges were visible. I just quickly wiped them down with a damp rag.
  20. I am uninterested beyond a couple generations back. As a retirement gift, my uncle, a university dean, received a geneaological research report all way back to late 1500s. The research was carried out by a LDS dean and his family. Not suprisingly, the report basically revealed what I already suspected: hardscrabble horsethieving Ulster Scots who probably traveled here as boat ballast.
  21. Three years old. Begging to attend my uncle's murderer's trial with my mom, aunts, and grandma because I did not like the relative who was supposed to babysit me. They relented, and my youngest aunt sat with me while I played on courthouse lawn. All of us walked across river bridge to drugstore soda fountain for lunch.
  22. I do not wish to belong to an organization or adhere to a philosophy that does not deem my gender fit, worthy, suitable, or appropriate for a leadership role regardless of that entity's rationalization for such.
  23. For the wives who are disappointed that husbands will not attend church regularly, what were your (general your) expectations about religious training and church attendance and were these expectations discussed prior to marriage? Did the wives become religious after marriage and want husbands to hold similar spiritual philosophies?
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