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Weekly reports for week Feb.25-29

lori in tx

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Lori, LOL I actually posted the same thing when you did, so I moved mine here since others had already posted to it.


I'm actually ahead of the game after failing to report last week due to visiting parents.


I also put up my pictures of the curriculum we'll be using next year so you'll have to scroll down past that for the weekly report.


Link should be in siggy.

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Thank you all for taking a peek at my blog. I also want to thank those who prayed for my son and I as we went to the doctors on Tuesday.


It was an ordeal because I had to take mass transit into New York City. It was a hike because I live in the mountains. I was scared because I was alone with a small child, not fun, but we made it. You can see the results at http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/testimony'>http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/testimony'>http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/testimony'>http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/testimony


Thank you!




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Susie in Tx--I had the opposite experience. I had thought we'd done a lot--until I wrote it up!

But hey, the weather is finally decent and the kids were out with the dripping snow. Can't beat sunshine!


Here's ours (with definite clues the boy is reaching Logic stage with rapidity)


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