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I don't understand why so many good tv shows have been cancelled in the past 2 years.

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Men in Trees

Pushing Daisies

October Road

What About Brian

The Nine...not great/not bad, but short sighted

Lipstick Jungle

Eli Stone

and so many others



Link to cancelled shows 2007-8 http://tviv.org/Cancelled_2007-2008_Season_%28USA%29


2008-9 http://tviv.org/Cancelled_2008-2009_Season_%28USA%29



Seriously, how many Law and Order and CSI type shows do we need?

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Maybe it's because no one ever saw them? Honestly, I have never even heard of any of those shows. What channels were they on?


Major networks prime time


Men in Trees--ABC

Pushing Daisies--ABC

October Road--ABC

What About Brian-ABC

The Nine...not great/not bad, but short sighted

Lipstick Jungle--NBC

Eli Stone--ABC



Surprising to me that they are mostly ABC.

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I did watch Pushing Daisies....it didn't think it would hold my interest long term, but it does bother me that the final 3 episodes were NEVER aired and they left the viewers totally hanging and now we never will know the outcome.


The others I haven't ever seen.



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Honestly, I'm finding it frustrating to even watch TV anymore. I rarely like any show enough to bother keeping track of it. And, when I do, it doesn't survive.


I counted up the other day and realized I watch exactly five shows on a regular basis:


Chuck (which may not come back next year)

Reaper (which I'm kind of bored with and may not come back next year)

Numb3rs (which I'm very bored with and watch out of habit)

Dollhouse (which probably won't come back next year)

CBS Sunday Morning


We also DVR Ace of Cakes and Good Eats, because we watch those with our son.


Other than that, all I watch is stuff on DVD and an occasional something on PBS.


Just one more way in which I feel isolated, I guess.

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Men in Trees

Pushing Daisies

October Road

What About Brian

The Nine...not great/not bad, but short sighted

Lipstick Jungle

Eli Stone

and so many others



Link to cancelled shows 2007-8 http://tviv.org/Cancelled_2007-2008_Season_%28USA%29


2008-9 http://tviv.org/Cancelled_2008-2009_Season_%28USA%29



Seriously, how many Law and Order and CSI type shows do we need?


We've cut our TV viewing down to the food channel and hockey, so I'm not up on current schedules for many of these shows. I did watch What About Brian and felt that the writing was great in the beginning, and then seemed to lose its way. The story lines imploded and maybe they didn't know where to go with it.


As to the rest, well, it would seem that Average Joe TV viewer is dedicated wholeheartedly to crime shows. I find them disturbing, to say the least. What better way for a potentially warped mind to come up with something bizarre to do than to see it done on a TV show? Ugh. Everything goes in cycles, though, and I'm hoping the reality show/crime show trend will run its course soon!

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Oh, I loved Men in Trees! I was so sad to see it go. We really only watch The Food Network and The Science Channel anymore. I have to be careful with the Science Channel as there are lots of commercials that I have no intention of explaining!! I love the DVR!!

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1. There are too many channels to get a big enough viewing audience to keep a show.


2. Shows that the whole family use to watch together, like Growing Pains or Full House, that had both interesting adult and children content, has been replaced with Disney and Nick TV shows like Hanna Montana, The Suite Life and Wizards of Waverly Place. There is nothing in those show to keep an adult interest for very long like the older shows.


3. Adult TV shows have become inappropriate to have on when your dc are in the room. I'm not real crazy about watching a show where everybody lives together, sleeps together, homosexual content and curses all the time. I can handle some of this, but it can't be the main thrust of the show. The boundaries have been pushed too far. I don't want my teen watching shows like that with me. It's rather embarrassing. You really don't need all this kind of garbage to make a good show, but then you would have to have good writers!


4. The reality TV show were good at first until they became so extreme you would get nauseated by watching them.


5. They push...push....push the limits and boundaries, separated and individualize everything until there is not a big enough audience so nobody watches anything anymore!

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Chuck is on the chopping block? NOOOO. We also liked My Own Worst Enemy.


It always boggles my mind as to what shows get "kept" and which get "canned." I wish they'd give some of these shows a little more time to develop. Of course there are others on that I never understood how they made it through the first season!


Pushing Daisies, while funny, did get boring.

Eli Stone just had too much competition with shows I WAS watching...

I enjoyed October Road, but it always seemed to show sporadically, making it difficult to "get into"


What about Brian was a good show, but wasn't on long enough to develop a following. I really enjoy Samantha Who? much, much more -- and he couldn't have been in both :D


I'm enjoying Thursdays on ABC, we watch Chuck faithfully (I really like that show). NCIS is our Tuesday Night hook, Wednesday is LOST (but will soon be void), Friday, we used to watch Battlestar and Stargate, but all that we have left is the Dollhouse, which I "like" -- but I wouldn't put it in the same "must watch" as Battlestar.


Then, during the "off" season, we have Psych and Burn Notice....


Of course... I'm interested in the Showtime series, "The Tudors." I'm just afraid of what Showtime might do to my romanticised ideas of that time period, do I dare watch it?:confused:

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Lisa asked:

Of course... I'm interested in the Showtime series, "The Tudors." I'm just afraid of what Showtime might do to my romanticised ideas of that time period, do I dare watch it?:confused:


"The Tudors" is a very good show, but there is alot of s*x, nudity and violence. It seems to be pretty historically accurate though :blushing:

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Maybe it's because no one ever saw them? Honestly, I have never even heard of any of those shows. What channels were they on?

Nor I. Were they ABC? Because for many years, I have not cared for most ABC shows. If the're getting stomped by CBS and NBC, well, somebody oughtta be paying attention, KWIM?

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I'm not all that broken up about it. I actually never liked any of the shows on your list. I guess I'm one of those Law and Order, CSI loving folks. Those dramas just hold my attention more and a lot of the other shows just seemed cheesy to me.

I was sad to see Las Vegas go, I liked that one too.

Although like someone said "If they'll cancel Firefly, they'll cancel anything" Now that was an excellent show.

Edited by nukeswife
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I've heard of several of those, but we've never watched them.


When people discuss what's on TV these days, I am surprised at how few current shows we watch.

I think the only show my husband and I watch regularly is Seinfeld in late-night re-runs.


If they ever cancel Cash Cab or Dirty Jobs, my boys probably won't watch TV either. :D

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It's all about the money. The ratings needed to sustain scripted shows is great than that of "reality" shows or "news magazines" because they cost more to produce. A show can be well-liked , but if it is not getting a big enough share of the ratings pie, the networks put it on the chopping block. This is the logical consequence of the ever fragmenting market of television. Too many choices cutting up the advertising revenue.

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Honestly, I'm finding it frustrating to even watch TV anymore. I rarely like any show enough to bother keeping track of it. And, when I do, it doesn't survive.


I counted up the other day and realized I watch exactly five shows on a regular basis:


Chuck (which may not come back next year)

Reaper (which I'm kind of bored with and may not come back next year)

Numb3rs (which I'm very bored with and watch out of habit)

Dollhouse (which probably won't come back next year)

CBS Sunday Morning


We also DVR Ace of Cakes and Good Eats, because we watch those with our son.


Other than that, all I watch is stuff on DVD and an occasional something on PBS.


Just one more way in which I feel isolated, I guess.


Why, why wouldn't Dollhouse come back next year? Oh, please don't tell me that they would do this to us again!

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Chuck is on the chopping block? NOOOO. We also liked My Own Worst Enemy.


It always boggles my mind as to what shows get "kept" and which get "canned." I wish they'd give some of these shows a little more time to develop. Of course there are others on that I never understood how they made it through the first season!


Pushing Daisies, while funny, did get boring.

Eli Stone just had too much competition with shows I WAS watching...

I enjoyed October Road, but it always seemed to show sporadically, making it difficult to "get into"


What about Brian was a good show, but wasn't on long enough to develop a following. I really enjoy Samantha Who? much, much more -- and he couldn't have been in both :D


I'm enjoying Thursdays on ABC, we watch Chuck faithfully (I really like that show). NCIS is our Tuesday Night hook, Wednesday is LOST (but will soon be void), Friday, we used to watch Battlestar and Stargate, but all that we have left is the Dollhouse, which I "like" -- but I wouldn't put it in the same "must watch" as Battlestar.


Then, during the "off" season, we have Psych and Burn Notice....


Of course... I'm interested in the Showtime series, "The Tudors." I'm just afraid of what Showtime might do to my romanticised ideas of that time period, do I dare watch it?:confused:


We like the Tudor here. I find that I am doing repeated and ongoing research on the Tudors now and I was pretty well versed in them before the show. Each season seems to have more sex and nudity than the season before but nothing explicit. And while they have taken some poetic license it does seem to be pretty acurate.

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We are currently liking:


Lost on ABC - Wed. nights

Grey's Anatomy on ABC - Thurs. nights

Dollhouse on Fox - Friday nights

Tudors on Showtime - Sunday nights


This is way more TV than we normally watch but I don;t think that it will last. Grey's seems to be disinegrating, Lost only one or two more seasons, now someone is saying Dollhouse may not make it that means that all I will have left is the Tudors. I am really hoping that they take this all the way through Elizabeth's reign.

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Seriously, how many Law and Order and CSI type shows do we need?


Seriously the only shows I watch regularly:



Criminal Minds



Shows I watch occasionally


CSI Miami

Numbers (used to watch it regularly and fell out of habit)

Without a Trace



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I think it is indicative of the fact that people are


1. watching less TV in general (and that time is being filled with the internet...facebook, myspace, chat boards, RPGs, etc. I know this is true at our house)


2. when they do watch they tend to watch reality shows more than sitcoms or dramas. Shows like American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Biggest Loser, etc. tend be very popular and suck viewers away from the other shows.


I only recognize two of the shows on your list (Men in Trees and October Road) and one of those two I didn't care for (October Road). But I never miss American Idol so I may be one of the reasons those other shows get canceled. :D

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I find that I've lost interest in most primetime shows. The only one that I watch on purpose is House. Even then, I keep forgetting that it's on. I like Psych which has a different schedule. I tend to like shows like America's Next Top Model, Top Chef and Kitchen Nightmares. I also have been borrowing Dvd sets from the library. I've been watching Agatha Christie episodes alot lately. I already know who the villians are on the videos since I've read most of her books. I like watching the episodes anyway. I can't remember the last time I watched ABC at all.

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