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Lost Ball Python

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:blink: We'll see this on the news, either after he slithers out a drain from under an innocent's person's tuckus as they're about to take a piddle, or as some poor schmuck is sudsing up in the shower and it drops down onto their Head and Shoulders in a slithery caress that keeps more people from stepping into a shower without a thrill of fear than Psycho did.


Or, he'll be found, mid-munch on neighbour lady's precious 'Fluffy' or 'Princess'

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This happened to my cousin. He looked for it for MONTHS! Finally just gave up and called it quits. Later, he was moving out of his apartment and roughly threw his junky couch off a balcony on it's way to the dumpster. The thing busted open and in the framework for the armrest, Ta-da, live, happy (or was it), snake!


He lived in Michigan at the time and it was in winter. He turned off all his heat and plugged in the heat lamp in the corner in hopes of luring it out. Obviously it didn't work.

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I agree with the other posts so far -- he's probably hiding someplace warm and dark inside the house, and he is probably just fine.


The problem with snakes is that even the large ones can seem to squeeze into the tiniest spaces.


I really hope you find him soon!




PS. If you close all of the interior doors in the house and put the snake's favorite food into a big box (one in each room,) you can watch to see if the food magically disappears from one of the rooms. At least that might help you narrow down the location. Needless to say, if it's "live" food, make sure the box has high sides, or else you'll have even more creatures to search for...

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Wow. :001_huh:


That's an endorsement for a Select Comfort bed if I ever heard one! (No box springs here!) :001_smile:


And just imagine, the child had been sleeping on it for weeks. Since it was his pet, I guess that wouldn't creep him out.


But when he asked my sister if he could bring the thing to school, she told him "No way." Another teacher let him bring it to her class. YECK!

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Oh, sweet heavens!! The thought of having a snake in the house (never mind if the blamed thing is loose) absolutely gives me the willies. Snakes are the one thing I'm absolutely terrified of -- and I've had several calls involving them. (***Full Body Shudders at the mere hint of Memory***)


And, Bill, I may not be able to sleep tonight thanks to that post of yours. . . even though I have a Select Comfort Bed. :001_huh: :glare: :lol:


[in a minor thread-jack, does anyone else with this bed have a wide difference in settings between your spouse and yourself? There's literally a cliff between my setting (70) and dh's (bum hitting the floor).]

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[in a minor thread-jack, does anyone else with this bed have a wide difference in settings between your spouse and yourself? There's literally a cliff between my setting (70) and dh's (bum hitting the floor).]


Yes. I'm at a 60 and dh is a 30. Sometimes I wake myself up in the middle of the night "rolling downhill" because I've rolled over to his side of the bed.


They don't tell you about that in the commercials. :glare:

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If it is cold, he may not have much of a chance anyway. Look for him in places that are warm as he will likely be trying to heat himself.


My friend had a ball python and his heat rock wasn't working properly. As soon as the snake got cold, he died. (I still remember holding that stupid thing on my belly to keep it warm as we drove home. Ahhh, the memories. :001_huh::lol:

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Yes. I'm at a 60 and dh is a 30. Sometimes I wake myself up in the middle of the night "rolling downhill" because I've rolled over to his side of the bed.


They don't tell you about that in the commercials. :glare:


I so feel your pain. . .literally. I once crash landed against dh and woke us both up.


My friend had a ball python and his heat rock wasn't working properly. As soon as the snake got cold, he died. (I still remember holding that stupid thing on my belly to keep it warm as we drove home. Ahhh, the memories. :001_huh::lol:


:eek:<***SWOONS at bolded part***>:svengo: Ye gods, woman, you're a better man, erm, woman, uh, person than I. There's a lot I'll do for friends -- holding a slithering...being...against my body is NOT one of them.

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Some friends of mine lost their snake for two months. They found him in the bathroom in a drawer. Apparently, it was a little used drawer and he was getting really thirsty. When they put him back in the tank, he went straight to the water dish and camped out.


Check the bathroom.......I hope it doesn't find the shower while you're in it.



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We have 2 ball pythons, and one has escaped three times.


Look up. Our escapee twice crawled up to our music shelf right above his cage, and settled himself in my harp case; I don't know how he managed to wrap himself around the strings! :001_huh: The other time he moved to an upper bookcase on the other side of the room and was on the violin case. (Maybe the snake likes music?! :lol:)

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I so feel your pain. . .literally. I once crash landed against dh and woke us both up.


Around here, we call that teA time! :lol:


My friend had a ball python and his heat rock wasn't working properly. As soon as the snake got cold, he died. (I still remember holding that stupid thing on my belly to keep it warm as we drove home. Ahhh, the memories. :001_huh::lol:


Sweet pete! That IS dedication! Snakes don't freak me out, but I'm not sure that I could quite that far...


This thread reminds me of the story my mother told me of growing up in poverty in rural Florida. One night, when she was a little girl, she was awakened by a snake falling on her bed from the exposed rafters above. They didn't have a pet snake.


:scared::willy_nilly::svengo: There's no "sleepless for a week" smiley, so I can't complete the string here, unfortunately. Funny, I was dreaming about snakes last night too!

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OK, am I the only one who, after reading this thread, has been keeping a lookout for an escaped snake?? Uhh... no snake here, why am I carefully walking around my house looking for any sign of a loose python?


Well, there was a thread the other day about a snake in the laundry room.....

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Now I'm curious if the snake has been found yet? I love a good snake... at least, the good-natured ones. TARANTULAS are the one I won't allow in my house. Arachnids in general freak me out.


My uncle lost a tarantula in my grandmother's house (where we both lived) when I was small. I recently asked my dad about that and he said I was two years old. I remember it vividly. They never found it, and I was always afraid it would breed.

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