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Have you ever just lost your taste for coffee?

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Lately, none of the coffee brands I drink tastes good to me, even brands I used to love (well, frappuccinos still taste good, but that's for a whole other reason :lol:). I just can't think of the last time I drank a fresh cup of coffee and thought, "Ah, that hits the spot." We've used the same brand of coffee here for years, and I just don't like it anymore. I've also been very dissatisfied with Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts lately, but now I'm wondering if the problem is me rather than them. (And yes, I know that none of these are "good" coffee, but at one point, they still tasted good to me, so I don't think that''s the issue.)


I'm thinking of switching to tea, because I need the caffeine, but I miss coffee! :confused:

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well yes, but I was usually pregnant when that happened.:D


:lol: :001_huh: :glare:


No, I know that's not the case (fortunately, because that would be a big problem here right now, much as I'd love another one). I did think of it, though!

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I'm thinking of switching to tea, because I need the caffeine, but I miss coffee! :confused:


One Saturday I woke up and said NO to my morning coffee. I was surprized, but the next day, still no desire at all. I don't know if it tasted bad, because I didn't try it. So, I lost all desire.


The following Tuesday, without any other forewarning, I threw a gallstone and landed in the ER. About 2 weeks post-op my desire came back. I'd recently had a bladder sling (another surgery) and I craved coffee when I came out of the OR.


I've heard other people say things like "I suddenly lost all desire for cigarettes, and the next thing I knew I had pneumonia" or "George gave up the sauce, and two weeks late he was yellow with jaundice". It certainly doesn't happen every time, but when someone gives up a "habit" of 20plus years, I am all ears, as a doc.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I just can't think of the last time I drank a fresh cup of coffee and thought, "Ah, that hits the spot."


I'm thinking of switching to tea, because I need the caffeine, but I miss coffee! :confused:


I have been going through this and I'm not pregnant either. We've been drinking a good quality french roast. I just loved it when we first started on it and now it positively nauseates me to make the coffee. It's practically a chore to drink it in the morning. (And, seriously, I am positive I'm not pregnant! :lol:) Just this morning I switched us to a milder coffee and I'm still not enjoying it. I think I might just be burned out on coffee.


I would love to switch to tea but I would miss waking up to coffee already made, ready to pour and wake me up. I'm reading that other thread about how some people wake up ready to go in the morning. Ugh, so not me. I wish. I love iced tea but it's just not going to do it for me in the morning.


So, now can we brainstorm solutions? :D

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
One Saturday I woke up and said NO to my morning coffee. I was surprized, but the next day, still no desire at all. I don't know if it tasted bad, because I didn't try it. So, I lost all desire.


The following Tuesday, without any other forewarning, I threw a gallstone and landed in the ER. About 2 weeks post-op my desire came back. I'd recently had a bladder sling (another surgery) and I craved coffee when I came out of the OR.


I've heard other people say things like "I suddenly lost all desire for cigarettes, and the next thing I knew I had pneumonia" or "George gave up the sauce, and two weeks late he was yellow with jaundice". It certainly doesn't happen every time, but when someone gives up a "habit" of 20plus years, I am all ears, as a doc.


EEK! This is scary! :001_huh: I'll keep an eye on my health.

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I've lost my taste for it a few times, always before getting a cold or flu. I couldn't drink it this past weekend and now have a nasty cold with respiratory infection. It's a good warning for me to kick back and take it easy. Typically though I usually force it down because I could use the energy jolt, especially when not feeling up to par. ;)

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Lost my taste for coffee? No. Never. My dd works for a small coffee shop and brings home the best coffee, freshly ground. I do limit myself to 1-2 cups in the morning. After that, it's usually herbal tea. But I do love my coffee.



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When I was pg with DD coffee smelled like rancid tuna.


Other than that, I've never lost my taste for it, though I do vary in how much I feel a need to dilute it with milk/cream and add sugar. I've also been drinking a lot less lately. No particular reason.

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No more coffee? Perish the thought! :svengo:


I would have an IV of coffee if I could! :D


Me too!


I did lose the desire for coffee and chocolate with one of my pregnancies, but thankfully it was temporary.

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I haven't exactly lost the taste for coffee, but ever since I got out of college, it makes me sick (digestive issues, nervousness, and insomnia even if I have it in the late morning) if I drink it. I still love the taste & smell, and every so often I'll try it again, but always with the same results.


I usually just stick to tea now. I'll have it caffeinated in the morning, and decaf after that. If I drink anything with caffeine in the afternoon or later, I can't sleep.

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WHAT??? Are you trying to tell me something? If there is no coffee in Malaysia then the deal is OFF.


I have no clue, but if it's not you might want to stock up before you leave. An extra suitcase, or that might not look good going through customs. :glare:

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  • 12 years later...

Hello, I’ve also experiencing the no love for my much needed coffee in the morning and have switched to tea. Can’t explain the why. I’m wondering if it has to do with being vaccinated and body going thru changes. Even tho I had my shots back in April 

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I lost my taste for Pepsi.   I went off of caffeinated Drinks when I was pregnant and nursing, and since I had three kids fairly close together, that meant I hardly drank any Caffeine for several years.   When I went back to drinking Pepsi it tasted Nasty (it still smelled good though, and when I smelled it I would crave the taste I remembered, but it just didn't taste like I remembered it tasting).

Lately I've tried the real sugar Pepsi and I like it again.

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