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*I* think I'm a troll now...

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You won't believe what happened last night. I don't believe it.


You know we bought a van (finally) a few weeks ago. After about 5 days, the transmission went out. The mechanic was a friend of a friend, so it was a good-priced fix, but slow. Two weeks. He called last Sat to say it was ready, but it wasn't *actually* ready until Mon of this past week. :auto:


Guess what happened last night? The new transmission blew. :lol:


The mechanic happens to live next door to ils, who we were visiting, so he towed it home & has already started work on it, but...wow. What a week. In between, dh lost his job. You know, thought I'd throw that in there in case you were thinking sympathetic thoughts still. I have to make it wild enough that *nobody* will believe me. :001_huh:

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Wow, Aubrey. I undrestand what you mean. I had one of those weeks a few weeks ago. I didn't even believe all that happened in one week. It felt like I was one a bad sitcom. :grouphug: Just remember, after all that stuff it can only get better. I will keep you in my prayers.

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Big bummer!!


Is the van possibly a caravan/voyager? My mom had one that went through 8 transmissions.


No, it's a Kia that was in a front-end collision before we got it. The new transmission came from the junk yard, from another Kia that was in a front-end collision.


Mil suggested to repair guy that perhaps the next transmission should come from one that was in a rear-end collision. Personally, I'm leaning toward a no-end collision.


But, you know. Whatever. It's just money, right? :001_smile:

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Oh Aubrey hon, I know exactly what you mean. I felt the same way after the terrible year I had last year. I remember thinking that if it wasn't for the fact that I had been on here for years no one would have believed everything that went wrong in my life last year.


I am so terribly sorry for all of your troubles. I hope life starts to look up for you really soon. I can tell you to keep coming here as the ladies here were a wonderful support group for me and really helped during some of the rough times. And just keep swimming. :grouphug:

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