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Can someone say "hello" to me? Confirm that I exist...

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My husband is at sea and I haven't had a personal phone call or email in days. I'm having one of those days when spam in the inbox is exciting.:001_huh: I'm beginning to wonder if I exist. Can I get a shout out from someone? Please.



Edited by battlemaiden
Forgot to add- I know I'm pathetic. But I'm willing to admit in order to have pretend friends. ;-)
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HELLO!!!!! :grouphug:


I don't get many phone calls either...Makes me wonder some days...Unless it's the crazy telemarketers...I'm gonna just hand my 17month old the phone one of these days...Let him giggle in their ears...


How long will he be at sea?


Not long. I was just getting used to those mid-day check-in calls, ya' know?


What I wouldn't give for a real live telemarketer to cut off....;)

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Hi, Jo!!!!


Wanna have an imaginary play date? Mine are cleaning up their room so they can watch a quick movie before bed. No dh here, either.


Do you like to scrapbook? How about some tea? Dh makes a great brew in the French press, but since it's just you & me, all I know how to do is open a bag & stick it in some hot water.


So I'll show you the layouts I'm working on & share my scissors, if you want. Maybe you could look at the pics I like so much I'm afraid to make the page?

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Hi, Jo!!!!


Wanna have an imaginary play date? Mine are cleaning up their room so they can watch a quick movie before bed. No dh here, either.


Do you like to scrapbook? How about some tea? Dh makes a great brew in the French press, but since it's just you & me, all I know how to do is open a bag & stick it in some hot water.


So I'll show you the layouts I'm working on & share my scissors, if you want. Maybe you could look at the pics I like so much I'm afraid to make the page?


Aubrey, I love you dearly, but I would rather be lonely than scrapbook. I'm just not a scrapbooker. I like photo albums where all the photos are at right angles. I don't do cute. I'm a weirdo.:D


To sit and sip tea with you, though, would be lovely. Off to boil water.



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Hey There!!!!!


I'm home with 2 sick dc and 1 sick dh. I'm thinking about everyone going to bed early.


So, how about that playdate?? I made chocolate chip cookies (from scratch!!!) this afternoon (after the doc visit).


Aubrey - got any chamomile? That would be nice with the cookies. What movie shall we watch?? I'm knitting a hat and crocheting dishtowels - shall we craft while we watch the movie???

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My husband is at sea and I haven't had a personal phone call or email in days. I'm having one of those days when spam in the inbox is exciting.:001_huh: I'm beginning to wonder if I exist. Can I get a shout out from someone? Please.





When I get bored I peruse craigslist in other countries......

check out the apartments and such in Italy and Japan.......

Or I'll google map these places.

Was very disappionted the other day - we couldn't get the pyramids to show up.

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Aubrey, I love you dearly, but I would rather be lonely than scrapbook. I'm just not a scrapbooker. I like photo albums where all the photos are at right angles. I don't do cute. I'm a weirdo.:D


To sit and sip tea with you, though, would be lovely. Off to boil water.




Ok, tea. No scrapbooking. Just talk? Oh, come on. How about Chinese Checkers?

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Hey There!!!!!


I'm home with 2 sick dc and 1 sick dh. I'm thinking about everyone going to bed early.


So, how about that playdate?? I made chocolate chip cookies (from scratch!!!) this afternoon (after the doc visit).


Aubrey - got any chamomile? That would be nice with the cookies. What movie shall we watch?? I'm knitting a hat and crocheting dishtowels - shall we craft while we watch the movie???


Yum, cookies! Sorry, no chamomile. It helped w/ AM sickness w/ #1, but I haven't been able to drink it ever since--reminds me too much of AM sickness, lol.


Dd5 asked for "101 Dog Nations" (Dalmations), but I want them in bed by 8, so they're watching Winnie the Pooh instead.

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Aubrey, I love you dearly, but I would rather be lonely than scrapbook. I'm just not a scrapbooker. I like photo albums where all the photos are at right angles. I don't do cute. I'm a weirdo.:D




I'm so glad I'm not the only one!! Just thinking about scrapbooking makes my head hurt. I just can't handle that much creativity. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm so glad I'm not the only one!! Just thinking about scrapbooking makes my head hurt. I just can't handle that much creativity. :tongue_smilie:


LOL--then I'm glad I kept my mouth shut. My next suggestion was that we all get out our charcoal sticks or pastels & draw ea others' portraits. :lol:

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Hello Jo! I don't scrapbook either. I am a coffee person - no tea for me.


I just made a cake. It's warm out of the oven. Come on over! There are nine of us here at home right now, so your quiet sounds good to me.


Oh dear. I have given you the wrong impression. I am neither bored nor experiencing silence. I haven't been bored in years, and I can only wish for quiet. :D I just haven't been in contact with the outside world.... well that isn't exactly true....I haven't been acknowledged by someone who knows me in a couple of days and I was beginning to feel invisible. I told you I'm pathetic. :lol: You guys qualify as someone who knows me. If I call a friend in town they will come over, or want to get together and I'm not ready for that kind of commitment. :D



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here is a funny one for you. It is happening now. We have an ice cream man who wanders our neighborhoods playing Christmas music....yes, now! in March. The kids kept telling me they were hearing Jingle Bells off at a distance and we have finally figured out that he is not from our country and obviously doesn't know it is Christmas music. :001_smile:

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Not only do you exist but you are valued for who you are!!


I know your gone right now Battlemaiden, but I'm boiling water and sending good thoughts your way.


I've had far too many of those days myself. :grouphug:

Edited by Once
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Wait a minute...he just came back in from deployment. Is he going to be gone for long?





Just a little one, less than two weeks. But I had really gotten used to him ;).


I got some ridiculous chick movies to watch while he's gone, but it has been too busy to watch them. Oy.


Good to see you Ria. :)



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I'm slow chiming in, but hey!! Now that I've said hey, I probably won't be back for, like, weeks, and then will begin to wonder if I'm sane or real or just a momma-machine, running my fool legs off, and moving too fast to be visible... :D


I'll just continue to think good thoughts in your direction. Toodles!

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I generally call out of state friends and family when feeling that way, I call my Mom and MIL more often when my husband is deployed. (When I'm feeling that way, not only am I generally not up for company, my house is generally not up for company, either!)


Now that my 6 year old can make intelligent conversation, I don't call people quite as often when he's gone.

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Oh dear. I have given you the wrong impression. I am neither bored nor experiencing silence. I haven't been bored in years, and I can only wish for quiet. :D I just haven't been in contact with the outside world.... well that isn't exactly true....I haven't been acknowledged by someone who knows me in a couple of days and I was beginning to feel invisible. I told you I'm pathetic. :lol: You guys qualify as someone who knows me. If I call a friend in town they will come over, or want to get together and I'm not ready for that kind of commitment. :D




I know exactly how you feel! On my particularly pitiful days I scroll through the caller ID to see exactly how long it's been since I spoke with a real person (besides my mom). That's a sure way to make yourself miserable. Then I sit on here and read for an hour to see that the rest of the world is out there - I just am too lazy to go find it most days.

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I generally call out of state friends and family when feeling that way, I call my Mom and MIL more often when my husband is deployed. (When I'm feeling that way, not only am I generally not up for company, my house is generally not up for company, either!)


Now that my 6 year old can make intelligent conversation, I don't call people quite as often when he's gone.


:iagree:about the house. A dear friend I haven't seen in months called and wanted to come over a few weeks ago - I almost had a heart attack! The good thing was the house was clean(ish) at the end of the day. Talk about a motivator!

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Hi Jo!


My husband is a Marine and I know the feeling. :grouphug:


I don't get many calls and most of the people I know are online. I don't talk to many non-family members on a regular basis and I can't remember the last time someone came by. But the one good thing about online friendships? I don't have to clean my house for anyone to *visit*. :D

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My husband is at sea and I haven't had a personal phone call or email in days. I'm having one of those days when spam in the inbox is exciting.:001_huh: I'm beginning to wonder if I exist. Can I get a shout out from someone? Please.



Today I've been bribing my little man dude.


All Pee & Poo in the toilet and Daddy will take you to DQ for a Blizzard.


What's his fav. flavor of choice? BIG.



It's working. :D

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Oh, Jo,


You are a joy!


Is your husband not able to email you when he's away? I don't know quite how all that works. I have a cousin who used to have a husband stationed on a sub. I know that he was gone for months at a time, but I always assumed that in these hi-tech days folks could communicate via email.... But maybe that's not allowed for security reasons? I don't know....


Since we've not been participating in a coop the last couple of years, I find that when I do get together with other moms and have the chance to actually talk to them (sans children) I simply can't shut my mouth, LOL! I'm pretty introverted, too, so I can imagine how anyone more extroverted than me must feel without some adult contact on a regular basis....


Hang in there!

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