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Just wondering,POLL: what writing program do you use


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Does SWB now recommend Classical Writing or Writing Tales? I cannot find any of her newer reviews. I see a review that she recommends Writing Strands, Wordsmith, and IEW.


But I see nothing new in relation to CW or Writing Tales.


I know she still resommends R+S for grammar.

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We tried Writing Strands one year and it didn't work for us. I watched some of the IEW videos and they were instructive. But a few things were off-putting, such as the quality of their writing samples, the specific number of "dress-ups" required for each piece and the use of the phrase "dress-ups". Plus it seemed very expensive and unwieldy. We've used Classical Writing (CW) the last two years. I've been very happy with it and plan to continue, but I'm going to stick IEW's US History Themed Writing in there too. Has anyone else has done this? I found that we were spending a lot of time on the subject of writing, but we weren't always getting around to "writing across the curriculum". I haven't decided yet whether we'll use it after Homer A, use them alternate weeks, use them simutaneously or just do the history writing as it meshes with our history readings. That will probably be decided once I can look through the actual text.



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Michael Clay Thompson/ Royal Fireworks Press and then transition or include CW depending on what my learners are like at that time. I rarely see it mentioned here. I schooled my sisters 3 for 6 years as both parents were in the military and stationed in separate places. I used the upper levels and 1 or 2 of the speech analysis books( Lincoln, Jefferson, MLK ?). I just received the one on race by Barak Obama. I am now starting with Aesop I-IV (comprehension dictation/narration, integrated grammar and writing in small small chunks) Grammar Island, Sentence Island, Practice Island, Song of the Hemispheres (poetics), and Building Language. I loved what it did for my nieces and nephew. I love the way parts of sentences, the whole sentence, and how and why it works is handled in this program. I am glad it is now available for younger students. The 4 step analysis really made language meaningful in and of itself. It was a great tool for the learning of both Latin and Spanish for them as middle school students. It's a leap for me to give up Voyages in English and First Language Lessons. I bought them and then returned before moving last summer. I am doing McGruffy 3rd grade so there is some traditional language arts. Its the last year of it so we will see if I can make a full leap.


MelissaB: What have you used?


Alicia in New Zealand

dd7.5, ds7.5, dd4.5

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Currently close to finishing an online writing course from time4writing.com. That's been okay, but DS hasn't really absorbed much.


I'm planning on using Wordsmith Apprentice, along with ideas from Four Square Writing.


I've tried, or at least looked at, so many writing programs!

Michelle T

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  • 7 months later...

Brave Writer. And yes we plan to stay on it.

It does take a little more thought than some of the open and go options, but the writing the kids produce when we do a period of intensive writing is quite something.


eta: oops, sorry. Didn't realise it was an old thread. That will teach me for writing in posts when I've been searching.

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Classical Writing currently.


I used in the past Writing Tales both 1 & 2. So, I went through the duration with Writing Tales. I will only do up to Diogenes to get my son an idea of doing basic essay writing.


Here's my plan:


After my older son is done with Diogenes, I plan on having him from my writing group. I am apart of an amateur writing group. The woman who runs the group has now gotten two books published. She is very critical of people's work. I have explained this to my son. I think it would be a good lesson in how to fine tune his writing.





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Writing Tales 2 with my B & T. (We did WWE 2 last year, after trying out CW Aesop and Writing Strands.) The plan is to move into CW Homer next year, and to stay with CW for the long haul. I may do this with only T, though, and have B use K12's Language Arts next year. (B is my most difficult-to-hs student, and I think he may benefit from this arragement. He's doing well with WT, though, so we'll see. :))

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Rod and Staff. According to SWB, Rod and Staff isn't just for grammar. Of course, writing the WTM way means copywork, narration and dictation in the subject areas, too. We plan on staying with R&S and continuing cnd with history at least.

I will probably investigate IEW or CW sometime in the future.

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