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Electric bill

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Could it be possible to have an electric bill of around $800? I'm thinking something is wrong and DH is thinking, "We can't stay in this house!" The house is about 4000 square feet and has no gas so everything runs on electricity. We only have a water bill and an electric bill. I honestly don't think it is possible to have a bill that high. We live in Brentwood TN btw and that's part of williamson county. I'm gonna start askin g the neighbors. Its either that somethin g is wrong and needs to be fixed or we live Amish style but with running water and lights lol.

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Unfortunately, that wouldn't surprise me. I have a friend who just had a $600 bill and she has a house of 2400 sq ft. She was shocked.


How well insulated is your house? Were the readings actual or estimates? How warm are you keeping it? There's so much that goes in to an electric bill!


Also, wasn't there just a sludge spill or something in TN? My BIL works for the TVA and I think I remember my sister saying something about the rates going up because of it.

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It's hard to say, that is a huge house and if everything is electric, then IDK, maybe. Once the house I was renting (approx 1500 Sq ft) had a $900.00 elec. bill. I started to cry when my landlord told me! He knew it couldn't be right b/c he told his wife I kept the place as cold as a freezer. :lol: Anyway, we went to the meter it read significantly lower than what the bill said it read. Thus, the meter-reader made a mistake. You could check to see if that is the case for you. Hope things work out for you.

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I think the insulation is ok. We just need to take care of the doors and I can't seem to get the striping to stick to it. DH says I have to wait until the weather gets warm to do it because it just won't stick in the winter. I think that there is somnething wrong with the heater or the vents because it is not effeciently heating the house. Not the downstairs heater anyways. The kids rooms and the family room which is connected to the upstairs heater is very tolerable but our bedroom, living room, dining room, and kitchen is unbearably cold unless I set the thermostate to 80 and that is when the temperature goes upto 70 and we can tolerate being in those parts of the house better. If I didn't have to cook it would all be ok because we have a fireplace in the familyroom that distributes heat nicely. I mean it gets nice and toasty in there. All I need is firewood and we have that from all the trees around here. We may just all camp out in the family room until this problem is resolved.

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I live pretty close to you in S. Nashville but your house is double the size of my 2000 sq.ft. If I add my gas and electric bill together, they'd total about $250. so imo, that's outrageous. I keep the heat down to about 64 during the day right now and down to about 62 at night. In the morning I crank it to 66 or so to warm up the house then back down to the mid to low 60's for the day. We have a tri-level house and it's not easy to keep a decent comfortable temp. throughout the house.

Is this a new house? Could you call the electric co.for an estimated average? I hope it's wrong.

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I just watched a video where an energy expert visted 2 homes with $700 electric bills. His major tip was to install a programable thermostat and lower the temp while you sleep. He said lowering your temp by 5 degrees saves $100 per month.


He also emphasized the cost of hot water, (since you are paying for the water and to heat it) and suggested shower timers for teens and washing clothes in cold water. I kind of bulked at the cold water wash, but he sited studies that showed cold water is just as effective in getting clothes clean as warm water.


If you have a second fridge or freezer he suggested filling the empty space with water jugs since it makes the fridge run more efficiently.


Sorry about your high utility bill.

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I just watched a video where an energy expert visted 2 homes with $700 electric bills. His major tip was to install a programable thermostat and lower the temp while you sleep. He said lowering your temp by 5 degrees saves $100 per month.


He also emphasized the cost of hot water, (since you are paying for the water and to heat it) and suggested shower timers for teens and washing clothes in cold water. I kind of bulked at the cold water wash, but he sited studies that showed cold water is just as effective in getting clothes clean as warm water.


If you have a second fridge or freezer he suggested filling the empty space with water jugs since it makes the fridge run more efficiently.


Sorry about your high utility bill.



We just had a programable thermistat put in last summer and I love it. I also wash in cold water, yell "get out now!" to the kids, ha..that's my timer. Good suggestions :)

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I just watched a video where an energy expert visted 2 homes with $700 electric bills. His major tip was to install a programable thermostat and lower the temp while you sleep. He said lowering your temp by 5 degrees saves $100 per month.


He also emphasized the cost of hot water, (since you are paying for the water and to heat it) and suggested shower timers for teens and washing clothes in cold water. I kind of bulked at the cold water wash, but he sited studies that showed cold water is just as effective in getting clothes clean as warm water.


If you have a second fridge or freezer he suggested filling the empty space with water jugs since it makes the fridge run more efficiently.


Sorry about your high utility bill.


I don't mind having the house cooler but the little ones just don't like keeping their slippers and sweaters on. Its more them that I'm worried about. I give my boys a bath at the same time and when its very cold I keep the baths down to twice a week and just o a quick sponge down everyday. The windows close up pretty tightly and I don't feel a draft from them but the doors seriously need to be sealed better. I definately could change over to cold water washing.

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Could it be possible to have an electric bill of around $800? I'm thinking something is wrong and DH is thinking, "We can't stay in this house!" The house is about 4000 square feet and has no gas so everything runs on electricity. We only have a water bill and an electric bill. I honestly don't think it is possible to have a bill that high. We live in Brentwood TN btw and that's part of williamson county. I'm gonna start askin g the neighbors. Its either that somethin g is wrong and needs to be fixed or we live Amish style but with running water and lights lol.


My highest electric bill was over $600 and we have a 3000sqft home. BUT this was during a Phoenix summer with record heat. BUT we have a gas dryer, range, and water heater. So if you are running A/C or electric heat, unfortuately I believe that could be possible.


You might want to see if your company offers alternative plans. After our $600 bill, I switched to a plan that charges more for electricity between the hours of noon and 7pm, but considerably less for the off hours. Doesn't do a whole lot for the AC problem, but we try to run the washer and other appliances in the mornings and evenings and keep lights off during the day. It helps some.



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I think it could be possible depending on how much you were using heat. Our house in Florida has a very expensive electric bill. I managed to keep the bill around $400 a month running heat or ac and it was only about 1400 sq ft. We had renters last year and they told me their bill was running around $600 a month. They kept the house much warmer/cooler than I did depending on the season. So, it could be possible.

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I also see that bill as possible for your house size and the fact that everything is electric.


Our house is only 1250 square feet. During our highest month, our electric is is $165 and our gas is $240...or $405 total. Our garbage and sewer are included in the electric.

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another vote for definitely possible, esp w/o gas.


...but the little ones just don't like keeping their slippers and sweaters on


I remember reading a thread about what temp everyone keeps their thermostats at, and the best response was "I keep turning it down until the toddlers KEEP their clothes on" lol. Unless they are prone to being sick [i don't tend to count sniffles and sneezes as "sick"], they are probably ok at the cooler temps; higher metabolisms and all that.


How many appliance/ devices do you have using energy? Many devices draw a current even when off, so you might try unplugging items when they aren't being used, esp items w/ a clock [dvd players, microwave, coffepots, etc]. Just put electrical tape over the blinking 12:00 ;)


Our last bill [all electric] was just under $300, but that's for a 2000+ sf house, and line drying as much as possible. There's a thread about drying clothes indoors that has some tips too.


but yeah --it could be wrong. Have them double check it.

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Could it be possible to have an electric bill of around $800? I'm thinking something is wrong and DH is thinking, "We can't stay in this house!" The house is about 4000 square feet and has no gas so everything runs on electricity. We only have a water bill and an electric bill. I honestly don't think it is possible to have a bill that high. We live in Brentwood TN btw and that's part of williamson county. I'm gonna start askin g the neighbors. Its either that somethin g is wrong and needs to be fixed or we live Amish style but with running water and lights lol.


Electric heat? 4000sqft? Absolutely.


It's the heat. :-( You can get a wood or pellet stove or get heat powered by oil (cheaper) or propane.

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Ouch! Sorry about the big bill, but I have to agree that with the size of the house, and the fact that it's electric heat, I'd definitely say that it's possible.


Do you have neighbors nearby? I find that every time I think our bill was a bit on the high side, so were the bills of my neighbors. It doesn't make the bill any easier to pay, but at least I know that there isn't a problem I need to start looking for.


You mentioned vents, so I'm guessing forced air? If so, have you changed the filters lately? Even a slightly dirty filter can make a big difference in the efficiency of your furnace. Also, I have to chime in about programmable thermostats as well. We installed them here about 4 years ago, and we could immediately tell a difference. And since the cost on them has come down so much they are really an affordable option for anyone now.


Good luck!

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Yep, that's possible. Our home is 2000 square feet, everything electric, and our winter bills are ~$550 per month when the temps are in the 20's and 30's. It is still cheaper than using oil. ;) But we could probably do better if we replaced our refrigerator and our very old windows on the first floor.


What have your outdoor temps been lately? And how high do you keep your thermostat?

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Ok, I lived in a 3500 sq. ft. house in Brentwood just two years ago. We were in a two story house with no gas and we kept the basement door cracked because the cats liter boxes were in the basement. Our bill was never above $350 and that was the summer than we had 90 degrees for almost 90 days. We still use the same electric company in the same county and live in a slightly smaller house and still pay less than $300 a month usually around $250. There is definitely comething wrong with your bill. Either they read it incorrectly, something is draining your electricity or someone is tapping into your line. All of my neighbors lived in big houses as well and none of theirs were that high either.

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Oh yeah... it's possible. ;)


We had a colder than usual winter a few years ago here in CA, and our bill got up to $600. (We have both gas and electric, though.)


Our energy provider has a balanced payment plan, and we were able to keep paying our bills that way. Now it's been 2 or 3 years, and our energy costs are half of what they were.


The changes we made:


Insulated curtains on the windows

New, energy efficient appliances

Energy Star lightbulbs (We were using these already)

Cold water laundry

Line drying OR dryer balls in the dryer

New Energy Star thermostats (We keep the house at 65-68 during the day, lower at night)


The changes we will make as soon as we can afford them:


New insulation and siding on the house

New Energy Star windows and sliding doors

Solar panels

Tankless water heater(s) OR passive solar water heater

Passive solar pool heater (right now we just don't heat the pool or use the hot tub)


I am considering radiant floor heating when we re-do our floors. That requires more research.


Sigh. It requires a lot of money to save a lot of money.

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We had our largest bill ever in January, right before we moved out of that house. It was $500 for 2000sq ft, all electric house. We didn't even have central heat in that house. We used space heaters at night (as little as possible) and a wood stove the rest of the time. I was always cold in that place. It was shocking to me because the highest bill we ever had in Florida was $350, with a/c on 24/7 and a pool pump running daily. Anyhow, you said that you are trying to heat the house to 70? That's pretty high. We shoot for 65 in the day and I drop our thermostat to 55 at night, now that we have moved to a place with central (gas) heating. Our first bill in this place was $125 and I was jumping for joy. Is this your first bill in that house?

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Check with your electric company's website...they often offer free energy audits (or have online tools) to help those who heat with electricity use it more efficient. I've never needed to use this service (because we've always had some other source that keeps us warm), but have lived in a couple states and know that they offered this service.

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Have you had your system and duct work checked? My parents got a $600 bill for their 1000 sq ft house and knew something was wrong, but the meter reading was correct. They called an air conditioner repair man, and they discovered that the duct work had not been connected properly to the system. The next month their bill was $190. Just a thought if the reading is right and your neighbors have lower bills.


I second the unplugging of everything that is not in use. It makes a big difference in our bills. After really thinking about it it does make sense. There are 30 days or so in a billing cycle, 10-15 things that don't need to be plugged in but once a day or less and wow that adds up.

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My friend accross the street has a bill that is twice what our bill is because we have gas heat, water heater, and dryer, while hers is all electric. So the all-electric thing is probably your first problem. You could have all your doors and windows checked to see if they are properly sealed when closed. You may have air escaping/coming in. But I'd certainly talk to my neighbors and see if my bill was comparable to theirs before I talked to the power company.

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The kids rooms and the family room which is connected to the upstairs heater is very tolerable but our bedroom, living room, dining room, and kitchen is unbearably cold unless I set the thermostate to 80 and that is when the temperature goes upto 70 and we can tolerate being in those parts of the house better.


Do I understand this correctly that you are putting the thermostat up to 80? And in another place you said that you don't want your little ones to have to put on slippers and a sweater?


If you are putting your heat up that high, then yes, your bill will be that high - even if the house heats inefficiently. And your little ones might have to put on slippers and a sweater in order for you to stay within your budget.

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Ok, I lived in a 3500 sq. ft. house in Brentwood just two years ago. We were in a two story house with no gas and we kept the basement door cracked because the cats liter boxes were in the basement. Our bill was never above $350 and that was the summer than we had 90 degrees for almost 90 days. We still use the same electric company in the same county and live in a slightly smaller house and still pay less than $300 a month usually around $250. There is definitely comething wrong with your bill. Either they read it incorrectly, something is draining your electricity or someone is tapping into your line. All of my neighbors lived in big houses as well and none of theirs were that high either.


As it turns out, it is the heater. It wasn't effeciently heating the house like I kept telling DH. The heater ran out of gas so it was working no stop to heat the house because the temp wouldn't come down. And the heater ran out of gas because it has a lot of leaks in it. So I am gonna get on DH to fix that. Its so funny that I kept telling DH "something's gotta be wrong" and his response to me was "it's just too expensive here. We have to move ASAP!". He had a professional come in today to take a look at the heating system and it was just as I had suspected.


I knew it couldn't be right. Our previous house wasn't a whole lot smaller ... maybe only 200 sf smaller. This house only has a problem with the insulation around the doors. In our old house there were air drafts everywhere from the windows and doors. Plus we don't have high ceilings anymore.

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Do I understand this correctly that you are putting the thermostat up to 80? And in another place you said that you don't want your little ones to have to put on slippers and a sweater?


If you are putting your heat up that high, then yes, your bill will be that high - even if the house heats inefficiently. And your little ones might have to put on slippers and a sweater in order for you to stay within your budget.


Our upstairs system I set the thermos to 70 and the house is very comfortable in the areas that are connected to the upstairs system ... the kids bedrooms and the family room. But the downstairs system just didn't seem to be working at all. I even tried setting it at a higher temp ... 80 ... to see if it did heat and no such luck. We had someone come and take a look at it and it did turn out to be the source of the problem.


I also did not say that i don't want to put slippers and sweaters on the kids. What i said was that i can't seem to get them to keep it on no matter how cold I keep the house. Heater was broken in our previous house and it was in the coldest season in winter. Our home felt like a refrigerator. DH just kept taking off his slippers and sweater. he would not keep it on. I had two pairs of socks on, slippers, warm clothes and a big warm robe on. I had to go put on gloves because my fingers were hurting from the cold. I wish they would keep them on but they just don't.

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Sounds possible to me. We used to live in a >1,000sq' apartment (no washer or dryer), and we once had a $500 electric bill. I could imagine a much higher bill in 4,000sq' with washer and dryer.


Everyone gave great suggestions for lowering the bill. We used a few of those tips and brought ours back down to the $200 range.

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