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Have you seen what they're doing to Dora the Explorer??

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I am so disappointed!! Dora is one of my favorite young kid characters. (Yes, I even own a Dora coffee mug!) And now Mattel feels like she needs to grow up to keep up with the times. They are giving her a whole new makeover. They aren't releasing her picture until fall but they have released a sillouette.


She looks like a Bratz doll!! :eek:


I cannot believe they think this is a good idea!! :banghead:


Here's the article: Dora's new look.

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UGH! Well there goes Dora from being in our house. She is Isabelle's favorite, and she goes around saying "Ora, Ora, boots" and more recently backpack though I couldn't type how she says it lol. She has Dora dishes, dora clothes and dora toys, but if Dora is being made to look like a bratz doll Dora will not be in my home anymore. I liked it for her because it was a wholesome little girl image out for an adventure kwim. Are there plans to change Deigo too? that would crush Hunter who is hooked on Deigo.

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What's with Dora in the short skirt?:glare:


My 3.5 year old little boy loves Dora (and Diego and the Backyardigans)! It will not be in our house anymore if Dora "grows up." Seriously, her demographic is pre-schoolers! Why would they change her? Do they hope to target her to an older audience?


Leave well enough alone already.

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I just told dd9 of the plans, she got the funniest look on her face and said "What are the babies supposed to do with that Dora?" Then she says "Is Deigo growing up too?" and I said I don't know, I haven't heard anything and she says "Maybe they will make him a Mohawked, motorcycle guy with a studded collar" Now there is an image to look for.

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Ugh. Is the "new" Dora going to have a totally separate show or are they doing away with the preschooler show??? I'm not a huge fan even though my 2yo does watch it sometimes. Is Diego next? Don't even get me started on what changes they could make for him... :glare:

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Ugh.... I never really the show anyway. Dora (and Diego for that matter) both have hyper voices that shout at children. I didn't like the pseudo video game interface either. Now I know the girls are definitely not watching her anymore.


I'm just happy that Sprout has finally shown up on our cable network. At least I can have them selectively watch some quality shows like Thomas (calm, slow paced, no hype, narrated), Angelina Ballerina (even though she can be kind of a brat sometimes, she learns and changes from her mistakes); occasionally Maisy and Miffy will show up too.


Noggin is pretty much a "goner" in our home (unless I know that Little Bear or Max & Ruby are on).


Don't get me wrong -- we are not huge TV watchers but there are times.... :tongue_smilie:

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What's wrong with programming for TODAY'S preschoolers! Why would my 12 year old want to watch Dora? She's moved on to other things. But, my 3yodd will be sad when HER Dora goes away.




They're trying to influence little kids grow up too quickly, imo.

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I'm reserving judgment until I see the doll. I saw an interview with someone from Mattel about her. Apparently, she is actually wearing a tunic, leggings and platform shoes. She has longer hair. Their target audience is 8 and up (I think that is the age of the new Dora). Current Dora is 5. They will continue with the younger version of the show still. They were trying to appeal to an older child, but they said they are going to keep her sweet and innocent. They wanted an alternative to Barbie and Bratz.


I don't think it's all bad - yet.

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I don't see a Bratz doll in the sillhouette, but I am dissappointed.


This world is all about idolizing teenagers. Almost all kids want to be one, and a great number of adults, unfortunately. My beloved Toon Disney with Chip and Dale and Goof Troop has dissappeared in favor of Disney XD, made for teens. Like The Disney Channel itself isn't already all about Teens enough!?


I think that the way they describe the new Dora sounds like a good character to have. I think they should leave Dora alone, and make this a new different character. Maybe Dora could visit her on an episod in order to get her introduced. Dora would not move to the city and attend school where she is fashionable.

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I think it's really. . . weird. I read the article, and it just seems so strange to take a preschool character and make her into a tween. I wonder if they are planning parallel shows- the normal Dora for preschoolers and the new Dora for tweens? I personally think it will be a flop. The tweens wouldn't be caught watching or liking or playing with Dora, no matter what her new image, and the preschoolers won't identify with her. Very bizarre, if you ask me.

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I am so disappointed!! Dora is one of my favorite young kid characters. (Yes, I even own a Dora coffee mug!) And now Mattel feels like she needs to grow up to keep up with the times. They are giving her a whole new makeover. They aren't releasing her picture until fall but they have released a sillouette.


She looks like a Bratz doll!! :eek:


I cannot believe they think this is a good idea!! :banghead:


Here's the article: Dora's new look.



Slight thread jack, but has anyone seen what they are doing with Hello Kitty? I was in Dallas last weekend at the Galleria...and they had Chippendale like men with Hello Kitty masks on...Big HUGE masks like a mascot type thing....it was so...bizarree....my sister has 3 girls...and I said, 'I, um, I thought Hello Kitty was for little girls? Children.' She said she thought so too...we even had our picture taken with it because it was so weird.



Oh Edited to add They were at Macy's doing a make up promotion....we asked one of the make up 'artists' about it and he said, 'oh this is Hello Kitty for grown-up! It's fun! It different!'

Edited by Scarlett
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I think it's really. . . weird. I read the article, and it just seems so strange to take a preschool character and make her into a tween. I wonder if they are planning parallel shows- the normal Dora for preschoolers and the new Dora for tweens? I personally think it will be a flop. The tweens wouldn't be caught watching or liking or playing with Dora, no matter what her new image, and the preschoolers won't identify with her. Very bizarre, if you ask me.

They tried that with the Rugrats. All Grown Up ran for 5 seasons (55 episodes).


I don't think the new Dora is the right way to go.

Edited by Parrothead
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I don't understand why they didn't just develop Deigo's cousin or sister or whatever she is. She's older, she's already got the shape and everything.


Arg. Luke loves Dora and Diego, this will be a big disappointment for him and his little friend (girl, same age) across the street. :(

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Slight thread jack, but has anyone seen what they are doing with Hello Kitty? I was in Dallas last weekend at the Galleria...and they had Chippendale like men with Hello Kitty masks on...Big HUGE masks like a mascot type thing....it was so...bizarree....my sister has 3 girls...and I said, 'I, um, I thought Hello Kitty was for little girls? Children.' She said she thought so too...we even had our picture taken with it because it was so weird.



Oh Edited to add They were at Macy's doing a make up promotion....we asked one of the make up 'artists' about it and he said, 'oh this is Hello Kitty for grown-up! It's fun! It different!'


Now over here, Hello Kitty really IS for adults! We have HK everything! There are kid things too of course, but there is a huge HK market for adults. The Japanese seem to really like cutesy type things like that, but HK is everywhere. On everything. I don't really get it, (actually I never got the HK thing.) but it's big here.

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Oh Edited to add They were at Macy's doing a make up promotion....we asked one of the make up 'artists' about it and he said, 'oh this is Hello Kitty for grown-up! It's fun! It different!'


It's for MAC... MAC just came out with a Hello Kitty line of makeup a few weeks ago. I actually have a couple pieces of it, the packaging (not just the box, but the lipstick case, etc) is really cute. MAC regularly comes out with collections that are "in partner" with someone else, like an artist or something. They also had a Barbie themed collection a while back. I've never been to one, but I've heard they do have special events for the launches of these collections...looks like you ran into one. They are not really trying to change anything about Hello Kitty or Barbie or promote them or whatever... it's just that there's people out there who collect MAC products, and especially the special lines like this. I think this was a highly anticipated launch. A lot of people like Hello Kitty! :)


Yes, I probably know too much about this, but I like the quality of several of MAC's products, and like to browse pictures of their new launches.

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This sounds like a terrible marketing choice to me. Am I clueless or do 'tween girls want to play with dolls? Especially those with strong toddler associations? My 10yo dd is much more into art, photography, and dog training now, not dolls.


Seems to me like they are taking a good thing and trying to be greedy with it. I predict they won't be pleased with the results.

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