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Twilight Movie

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Complete honesty? Keep those lovely images from your imagination. The movie just can't compete with the combination of book plus imagination. Cedric Diggory is just SO not Edward.


(Cedric Diggory is a Harry Potter movie character....and that is all I pictured when I saw him in Twilight. Yuck!)

Edited by Katia
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I enjoyed the movie, but it did leave out a lot. I like things like scenery, costuming, and stuff. Seeing all of that was fun for me. What bothered me was when things didn't match what I had in my mind-- like the biology classroom. I had pictured them sitting on the other side of the room and each other, etc. That was kind of hard to get used to. But that kind of stuff happens whenever a book is made into a movie!

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I liked the movie. At first I wasn't really digging the guy who plays Edward, but as the movie progressed, I really started liking him. He is hot!



BTW, I never watched the Harry Potter movies, so I had never seen Robert Patterson (I think that's his name) in anything else.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Some of the scenes were great, and some were atrociously bad. I laughed much more often than I should have, especially at the special effects. It was quite campy overall, but I liked it anyway. And Robert Pattinson looks a lot like the Edward in my head, so that helped a lot. ;)

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It wasn't a great movie but it wasn't as badly adapted as some I have seen (the Harry Potter movies spring to mind here:glare:). For me it was a pleasant way to spend an evening but not a movie I would watch again and again and again. But then I haven't really read the books again after I found out what happened if that makes sense.

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here's a funny. Dd, age 14, has seen the movie twice. Yesterday, we went to borders with a lot of gift cards so bought all the books. Dd does not like to read fiction so she wants ME to read the books and tell her how they differ from the movie. Only problem is that I have not seen the movie! So then dd said well then I can tell her what will be happening in the next movies before they come out.

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I enjoyed the movie, but it did leave out a lot. I like things like scenery, costuming, and stuff. Seeing all of that was fun for me. What bothered me was when things didn't match what I had in my mind-- like the biology classroom. I had pictured them sitting on the other side of the room and each other, etc. That was kind of hard to get used to. But that kind of stuff happens whenever a book is made into a movie!




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Read all the books first. Then see the movie. I think the movie is worth seeing, but while you are reading the books, just enjoy the images in your mind. I made the mistake of reading the first two books and then seeing the movie. Rob Pattinson was not at all what I had pictured when I made my own Edward in my mind. Unfortunately, he was blurred with my own images through the last two books.


But I do suggest you see the movie. I really liked it. And...yes, Rob is pretty hot...and the kiss scene. Yummy.


I have already pre-ordered the DVD from Amazon. :)

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Does the movie just go with the first book? I'm reading the first one, and was thinking of watching the movie after I'm done with it. I am enjoying the book, but I don't know that I really want to read to next 3 (although I might get sucked in and read them anyway)

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I saw it last night and I read the books last fall? I couldn't remember all the details from the books but Twilight made a seamless run of the story in the movie, as far as the actors- I'm more disappointed with Carlisle, Jasper and Alice. Jacob was a bit of a disappointment too. Rosalie was perfect.


Edward was very close to what I had pictured but Belle doesn't look as homely as I pictured her, the vamps are supposed to be beautiful but in the film they just posture themselves differently, they don't stand out too much as being more beautiful than anyone else. The one thing they got right was the chemistry and maturity between Belle and Edward-- that was refreshing to see.


The worst part of the movie for me was when Edward was trying to convince Bella to be afraid of him, that was a little laughable- it wasn't convincing to me. There was an element missing...or maybe it was the effects.


The chemistry scene was perfect for me, it was exactly how I pictured it- the sneers, clinching and mood. They were sitting beside each other in the book too. Emmett Cullen faded into the background, in the book, he had more presence. He was the brawn of the Cullen clan and that wasn't portrayed in the movie, neither was Jasper's hunger...it wasn't done very well.

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The movie was fun, but I *much* prefer the books. Yes, there were some unintentionally humorous moments, but it wasn't a completely cringe-worthy movie.


i was most disappointed with Bella. Her stammering and awkwardness were appropriate in the beginning, but she never moved on. By the end of the movie I was thinking, Just spit it out already!" She rarely smiled. Honestly, I wondered what the movie Edward saw in her.


But if you watch it *knowing* it's not as good as the books, and *knowing* there are some cheesy, overly dramatic moments you can just enjoy it for what it is. :)

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My opinion is that the movie was a cliffs notes version of the book. They do not do enough character development and show that the couple has spent any time together creating a relationship for you to understand the trust and devotion to Edward on Bella's part. Edward was the least attractive of the vampires, Alice's back story was missing in the ballet studio scene, it was pretty campy, the scenery was beautiful. My favorite scenes were the lion and lamb scene in the forest, and the gazebo scene.. just because they were the only two to really clue you in on why he wanted her to stay human.... because without the needful dialogue, your average moviegoer would not get why he wouldn't just want to turn her into a vampire.


I wanted to see it, but I am surprised Stephenie Meyer didn't encourage the director to make it a better movie.

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I just finished reading the first two books in the series and am having to wait for the next two to arrive. Anyway, I'm wondering what those of you, who have read the books, think of the movie? Should I watch it when it come out on DVD or should I just live with what my imagination did while reading.



I personally thought the movie was terrible.


I think the director was terrible, the script was good (the can't put everything in the book in the movie), and I thought the actors did a decent job - after all, the only follow the director's direction. The special effects were TERRIBLE.


I hope that the next movie is much better. I don't know who that director will be, but I know that it won't be the same one.


Of course, this is only my opinion. ;) If you asked my DD, she would say it was GREAT.

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I liked the movie okay in the theatre. However, I re-watched it last night on DVD and Bella's stammering drove me MAD! Oh my...she was not such a stammering "wh wh wh whatever" kind of person in the books. Of course, I loved the romantic scenes because the chemistry between the actors that portrayed Bella and Edward was great. But But But But the st st st stammering was just just not cool. And she mumbled all the time too. I guess I just do not care for the actress that played Bella too much.


I WOULD HAVE BEEN A MUCH BETTER BELLA (let meeeeee kiss Rob Pattinson...LOL)

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I saw the movie in the theater with my niece (at a midnight showing no less!) and I enjoyed it - however - there was some seriously bad acting in it! Jasper was simply terribly - I swear someone told that kid that all he had to do was bug his eyes out and stare.....wowsa, he was bad. Even the guy playing Edward had some moments like that. Overall it was enjoyable and I'll probably watch it again soon - just don't expect high quality acting.

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I saw it last night and I read the books last fall? I couldn't remember all the details from the books but Twilight made a seamless run of the story in the movie, as far as the actors- I'm more disappointed with Carlisle, Jasper and Alice. Jacob was a bit of a disappointment too. Rosalie was perfect.


Edward was very close to what I had pictured but Belle doesn't look as homely as I pictured her, the vamps are supposed to be beautiful but in the film they just posture themselves differently, they don't stand out too much as being more beautiful than anyone else. The one thing they got right was the chemistry and maturity between Belle and Edward-- that was refreshing to see.


The worst part of the movie for me was when Edward was trying to convince Bella to be afraid of him, that was a little laughable- it wasn't convincing to me. There was an element missing...or maybe it was the effects.


The chemistry scene was perfect for me, it was exactly how I pictured it- the sneers, clinching and mood. They were sitting beside each other in the book too. Emmett Cullen faded into the background, in the book, he had more presence. He was the brawn of the Cullen clan and that wasn't portrayed in the movie, neither was Jasper's hunger...it wasn't done very well.


Agreed. The part where Edward steps out into the sunlight... *holy cow* that was goofy. My husband was like, "What?" I think he feels sorry for me that I liked the books because the movie is really, really dumb. But.... I like Cedric Diggory. He's hot.



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I preordered the movie and have watched it 3 times since Saturday but they skipped so many parts that I think are vital to the overall story and changed other parts that it was disappointing. On it's own it is a good movie, but after reading the books it was a let down.

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Does the movie just go with the first book? I'm reading the first one, and was thinking of watching the movie after I'm done with it. I am enjoying the book, but I don't know that I really want to read to next 3 (although I might get sucked in and read them anyway)

Yes it does, and they left a scene at the end of the movie to segway into the next one, so I am sure they have plans to make the rest.

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Agreed. The part where Edward steps out into the sunlight... *holy cow* that was goofy. My husband was like, "What?"




Oh! That's right! I'd forgotten about that! He was supposed to look all sparkly and diamond-ish, but instead he just looked sweaty. :glare:


That was disappointing.

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The worst part of the movie for me was when Edward was trying to convince Bella to be afraid of him, that was a little laughable- it wasn't convincing to me. There was an element missing...or maybe it was the effects.


I've seen the movie several times now and this part gets me giggling every.single.time. It's so bad!! That scene, and then the sparkle effect, are laughably awful IMO. And the parts of the book that those scenes are taken from are some of the best!! I love the movie, but in some places it almost feels like satire, or some campy Twilight knock-off. I laugh way more than I'm supposed to when I watch it.


I agree that the chemistry between Bella and Edward is great. If you have a chance, you should watch the DVD with the commentary with Catherine Hardwicke, Robert Pattinson (Edward), and Kristin Stewart (Bella). It is *very* entertaining. Pattinson is very funny, and always making silly comments about how he looks or his acting.

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I don't know who that director will be, but I know that it won't be the same one.


The director of the next movie is Chris Weitz. He directed The Golden Compass and About a Boy (one of my favorite movies!). I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I've already found some paparazzi shots of the actors in costume and they look WAY better. The vampires look just gorgeous - hair, makeup, and costuming. So, so far, so good!

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I havent read all the replies. I too have finished the books and have not yet seen the movie, and I am in no rush to see the movie, because to me Edward is Leonardo de Caprio.

However, I won't avoid seeing the movie when it becomes convenient to do so, and I am sure I will enjoy it (I am not highly critical of movies and it has to be really bad for me not to enjoy it). I am just not going out of my way to see it.

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I guess I'm in the minority. I've read all of the books, and I thought the movie was a huge improvement. (The books were a disappointment to me.) The actress that played Bella was very good, and she actually made me like Bella. In the books, Bella is very needy and constantly mooning over Edward...in the movie she seems stronger. I guess it's because we're not constantly inside her head. Also, in the books, Edward is very condescending toward Bella, which drove me crazy. He was constantly laughing at all of her little quirks (clumsiness, stubborness, etc.)...that doesn't happen in the movie. They also cut out most of the parts that bored me to tears (pages and pages of how beautiful/dazzling Edward is, etc, etc.) In fact the word "dazzling" isn't used in the movie at all. I give it an extra star just because of that! :tongue_smilie:

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I guess I'm in the minority. I've read all of the books, and I thought the movie was a huge improvement. (The books were a disappointment to me.) The actress that played Bella was very good, and she actually made me like Bella. In the books, Bella is very needy and constantly mooning over Edward...in the movie she seems stronger. I guess it's because we're not constantly inside her head. Also, in the books, Edward is very condescending toward Bella, which drove me crazy. He was constantly laughing at all of her little quirks (clumsiness, stubborness, etc.)...that doesn't happen in the movie. They also cut out most of the parts that bored me to tears (pages and pages of how beautiful/dazzling Edward is, etc, etc.) In fact the word "dazzling" isn't used in the movie at all. I give it an extra star just because of that! :tongue_smilie:




My daughters and I laughed through a good deal of it (Bella and Edward are pretty ridiculous!) but it was easier to stomach than the book. My husband kind of liked it!

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Honestly....I found it to be one of the lamest movies I have seen. Dh and I sat there and felt like we lost brain cells just watching it...the acting was horrible, the development was horrible, and we couldnt finish it.

Mind you...we take great pleasure in watching movies like Night at the Roxbury, Office Space, and Empire Records. :glare:

Lost Boys...now THERE is a good teen vampire movie.

Im so getting old..

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Lost Boys...now THERE is a good teen vampire movie.

Im so getting old..


I loved this movie growing up! A few weeks ago it came on TV and um....yeah. It was so campy :D It was fun to watch for old times sake, but geesh. It was bad. :)


I loved the Twilight books (especially Eclipse), and thought the movie was okay.

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I've read all the books and seen the movie a couple of times. I loved the movie, but I'm a bit biased b/c most of it was filmed in my little corner of the world ;)


In watching some of the commentary, Stephanie Meyer talks about how she saw everything in her head before she wrote it down and much of the movie is how she imagined it.


Other than Edward, I think all the vampires were perfectly cast. I didn't care much for Jacob, but I read somewhere someone else might be cast to play him in the next movie.

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I didn't care much for Jacob, but I read somewhere someone else might be cast to play him in the next movie.

It doesn't appear to have happened. There are / were pictures that someone took during the filming of New Moon. It appears to be the same Jacob but he has really bulked up! Must be lifting lots of weights to fit his developing character.

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It doesn't appear to have happened. There are / were pictures that someone took during the filming of New Moon. It appears to be the same Jacob but he has really bulked up! Must be lifting lots of weights to fit his developing character.


I heard that the original actor will play Jacob for the first part, but as he goes through the massive changes becoming a werewolf a different actor would be taking over that role, but since it is just rumor it is possible that it will be the original actor through out all the movies.

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I heard that the original actor will play Jacob for the first part, but as he goes through the massive changes becoming a werewolf a different actor would be taking over that role, but since it is just rumor it is possible that it will be the original actor through out all the movies.


That makes sense and it would also placate the fans who didn't want Jacob to be changed. The Twilight Jacob wasn't / isn't developed or tall enough to fit the Jacob of my imagination.
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I'm not even tempted by the movie. I loved the books so much that I know any attempt at squeezing such a great story into a movie would fail me. My brother keeps trying to get me to watch the movie though. I didn't like who they cast as Bella; she didn't look at all what I had pictured in my head.

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I don't get too wrapped up in a movie being required to stick to a book precisely. I'm happy remembering them as two different things. Twilight the movie definitely had differences from the book and left much out (they have to in order to fit it into movie time) but I thought as a movie it was good. As usual the book is better but I enjoyed seeing the characters on the screen and their interpretation of what the characters look like. I don't have to adopt it as mine but it's fun to watch.


My opinion. :)

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I don't get too wrapped up in a movie being required to stick to a book precisely. I'm happy remembering them as two different things. Twilight the movie definitely had differences from the book and left much out (they have to in order to fit it into movie time) but I thought as a movie it was good. As usual the book is better but I enjoyed seeing the characters on the screen and their interpretation of what the characters look like. I don't have to adopt it as mine but it's fun to watch.


My opinion. :)


^^My sentiments exactly! Also, I had seen the movie promo pictures before I read the book so, even though I read the book before I watched the movie, Edward and Bella were Pattinson and Stewart in my head. :D

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