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Huge favor! Can you list what your 8th or 9th grader is doing?

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Here you go:


8th grader:

Bible: 1st semester: I Samuel, 2nd semester: Shorter Catechism (plus memory work and personal devotions)


Math: Saxon Alg. I


Latin: Latin I (on-line)


History: American History using BJU


Science: Biology w/ lab using Apologia


English: Literature Tutorial, Daily Grams Jr./Sr. High, Sentence Composing for High School, finishing Shurley 7


Shakespeare: 2nd semester: Hamlet


Competitive Debate

Competitive Speech


Extracurricular: Basketball, Youth Group, Choir


And my 9th grader:


Bible: 1st semester: I Samuel, 2nd semester: Shorter Catechism, plus memory work and personal devotions


Math: Saxon Alg. II


Latin: Latin II (online)


Social Science: AP US Government and Politics


Science: Biology w/ lab using Apologia


English: Literature Tutorial, Sentence Composing for High School, Vocab for the High School Student


Shakespeare: 2nd semester: Hamlet


Competitive Debate

Competitive Speech


Extracurricular: Voice, Pure Fashion Model, debate/speech student leader, assistant to director for statewide Yes2marriage, lots of babysitting (!)




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VFCR level C/D

Analytical Grammar (yr. 2 of 2 year plan)

literature readings chosen from WTM list (most of these) plus a few extra

IEW (2nd year- also using SWI-B video lessons)- we make up alternative lessons to go with each, use Jill Pike's curriculum outline, and supplement with history and science papers from those readings

Lial's Introductory Algebra

history readings: Story of the World, History of US Books 6-10, selected Kingfisher Encyclopedia readings

Henle Latin (finishing up latin I credit, moving into latin II credit in spring)

Physical Science a la WTM- using How Science Works, Real Science for Kids Physics, and The Way Things Work


Electric Guitar 30+ min./day

game coding (this is his baby)

community theatre


I think this sums it up.


Thought you might like to see 9th grade plans, as well: (6 courses, each followed by a blank line)


Vocabulary for the College Bound Student

Literature readings from WTM list, minus some, plus some

(Teaching company- Illiad, Odyssey, arguments, and writing courses)

IEW lesson plans designed by me, suited to his needs (interspersed with the above)


Exploring Life Biology (Campbell- not the big one or the AP one- the high school one) with separate labs from Castle Heights, study workbook and writing


Spielvogel Western Civilization using Guided Reading and Study Workbooks plus online activities and quizzes and writing assignments


Henle Latin First Year, second section (for Latin II credit)


Spanish Breaking the Barrier and Rosetta Stone


How to Understand and Listen to Great Music and another music course from Teaching company- forget the title- as we can over the course of high school

Electric Guitar practice and lessons with dh



game coding (hobby)

community theatre

Edited by Mad Jenny Flint
forgot science
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8th Grade


Math: Algebra 2 & Trig


English: Voyages in English 8, Word within the Word 2


Science: Chemistry w/lab 1st sem at CC, 2nd sem organic/biochem/prepare for SAT subject test


Logic: Critical Thinking Books 1 & 2


Lumped together: US History, American Literature, Critical Thinking Through US History, assorted vidoes, prep for SAT Subtest and I think we will end up with 11 novels (ranging from Johnny Tremain and Huck Finn to The Scarlet Letter and The Jungle)


French: French 201 and 202 CC (insane teacher is trying to cover a complete 201/202 book in one semester this semester!! I don't know what she was thinking, the work is ridiculous and it is only the 2nd week of classes!)


Fun classes: Art and Archaeology in Ancient Egypt and Group Piano at the CC


Competitive gymnastics

Competitive climbing (not crazy competitive hours like gymnastics, just loves the competitions, plus there is very little preparation on our part, just normal climbing when we can)



I probably didnt help your case. It's not really much, but the workload from the French class is seriously gigantic. I don't know what she was thinking considering half the class hasn't even bought the book yet and the other half is older (60+) people. I shouldn't complain, at least I know dd will be prepared for higher level French. If she doesn't burn out:glare:

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Saxon Algebra I

Apologia Physical Science

Lightning Literature - American Literature

outside American history class

Rod & Staff Grammar - 9

Wordly Wise 3000 - book 6

Our Goal and Guide - religion

Latin 200 through Lone Pine Classical School




French (8 week course)

Drama (12 week course)



Lial's elementary algebra

Apologia Physical Science

Kolbe Literature with some other things

outside American history

Rod & Staff Grammar

Worldly Wise 3000 - book 6

Our Goal and Guide - Relgion

Latin 200 through Lone Pine Classical School

piano lesson

chamber music

French 8 week course

drama (12 week course)

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- School takes about 5 hours a day (usually between the hours of 9:30-3:30).

- PE (2 hours/week) is done outside of those hours.

- Solo reading (1 hour/week) is also done outside of those hours, usually in the evening.


Also, about 2 Fridays a month we only school for about 2 hours in order to participate in a Public Speaking class, homeschool Student Council, or other homeschool group activity. He also attends high school church Youth Group on Wednesday evenings. Video gaming/online time is limited to 1-2 hours for each day of Fri/Sat/Sun.



BIBLE (1 credit):

the Bible


ENGLISH (1 credit):

Literature: Lightning Lit 8

Writing: Wordsmith; weekly timed essay for SAT practice; monthly longer paper

Spelling: Megawords; and individualized spelling

Grammar: Winston Advanced (instruction); Chortling Bard (grammar mechanics practice)

Vocabulary: fell by the wayside this year


MATH (1 credit):

Jacobs Algebra (spine)

Math-U-See Algebra (supplement)


SCIENCE (.5 credit):

half of Apologia Biology


HEALTH (.5 credit):

Total Health


HISTORY: 20th Century World (1 credit):

- Spielvogel Human Odyssey (about 440 pages)

- selections from other books (about 200 pages)

- solo read 6-8 historical fiction works in the year

- write a "decade report" once every 6-8 weeks

- jot down 20 time line events (short sentence) per decade, once a month


PE (.5 credit):

- tennis, swim laps, Dance Revolution with TV/dance pad; etc.


ELECTIVE: The Great Books (.5 credit)

- 6 works, read aloud/discuss all together

- go over lit. guide together

- short writing response to each



COMMUNITY SERVICE: 25 hours per year

- participate in homeschool group community service projects

- house/pet sit for neighbors

- yard work for elderly family or neighbors

- Sunday School assistant at church

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I have a question about the English credit. Are you assigning one credit total for all those classes or just 1 credit per class/course?


A big thanks about the gaming time because we limit to 1 hour per day on Sat and Sun only!! So thanks for that tidbit!





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my 8th grade dd list:


LA: Classical Writing-Aesop/Homer for Older Beginners

Hist/Lit: Sonlight's core 100: American History in Depth

Science: Apologia's General Science

math: Lial's Basic College Math

logic: Debate and Speech co-op class

spelling: Apples Daily Spelling drills

foreign lang.: Rosetta Stone


soccer team in fall/spring.

rock climbing when allowed for fun


hth (I asked this same question last year!)

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Civics: Hendrick's Under God with Review questions and discussion

Logic?Rhetoric: The Argument Builder

Math: Life of Fred Beginning Algebra with Home Companion

Latin Prep 3

Greek Morphemes for SAT prep

History: Truthquest AOR 2 and 3 with Human Odyssey, living books and teaching company lectures, monthly papers

Lightning Lit 8

BJU Physical Science with DVDs

Co-op class in writing and literary analysis using IEW and Stobaugh, weekly papers required

piano lessons and daily practice

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Our school day runs from approximately 9:00 AM-2:00 PM (sometimes longer, but rarely shorter) with a break for lunch, and EK usually has about a half-hour of "homework" (usually in math, science, and/or literature).


She participates in extra-curricular activities for 1-3 hours each afternoon/evening on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. We also plan for her to resume piano lessons (teacher currently on extended maternity leave) and begin private voice lessons in the near future, which will add lesson time and practice time to her schedule.





  • BJU Algebra 1
  • Apologia Physical Science
  • R&S Grammar 7
  • Latin (Phenomenon of Language)
  • R&S Bible 7
  • Literature (eclectic -- short stories, modern classics, etc.)
  • State History

Extra-curricular: EK reviews Latin by helping me tutor a younger child in beginning Latin.




  • BJU Algebra 1
  • Apologia Physical Science
  • R&S Bible 7
  • Literature
  • Small Group Co-op (12:00-2:00 PM with a group of 5 other girls)
    Activities usually include one or more of the following:
    Literature Circle, Writing Workshop, Grammar Review, Art/Craft Project

Extra-curricular: Community Theater for Youth (drama class)




  • BJU Algebra 1
  • Apologia Physical Science
  • R&S Grammar 7
  • Latin (Phenomenon of Language)
  • R&S Bible 7
  • Literature (eclectic -- short stories, modern classics, etc.)
  • State History

Extra-curricular: Choral Music rehearsal, Youth Bible Study




  • BJU Algebra 1
  • Apologia Physical Science
  • Latin (Phenomenon of Language)
  • State History
  • Small Group Co-op (12:00-2:00 PM with a group of 5 other girls)
    Activities usually include one or more of the following:
    Literature Circle, Writing Workshop, Grammar Review, Art/Craft Project





  • "Catch-up Day" for anything not completed Monday-Thursday
  • Occasional field trips or special events with our Small Group Co-op


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I have a question about the English credit. Are you assigning one credit total for all those classes or just 1 credit per class/course?



We're assigning one credit total per subject; the things listed below the all caps subject heading are just a more specific breakdown of what we do or use to add up to equal that 1 credit. We came to that 1 credit assignment for English based on looking at what is covered in typical high school English classes (reading, writing and grammar), PLUS, taking into account about how much time we spend on those various aspects of English.


For example, *generally*, if you're "counting hours" for credits, 120-180 school hours = 1 credit. That comes out to about 4-5 hours a week (assuming a 36 week school year) for 1 credit.


We spend about 4-5 hours/week on English topics when we add them all up, so that's 1 credit:

- Lightning Lit = 30 min/day x 4 days week = 2 hours

- Writing = 30 min/day x 4 days week = 2 hours

- Grammar = 10 min/day x 3 days/week = .5 hour

- Spelling = 10 min/day x 4 days/ week ~ .5 hour



Hope that answers your question and wasn't more confusing! (lol) Warmly, Lori

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Well, my ds's 8th grade is a little light as we're focusing on certain things. And it probably won't be as heavy as many in 9th either.


DS will have (9th grade):


Biology- Apologia with co-op

History (I keep changing my mind on what)

English - grammar, writing, literature, vocabulary

Algebra II- Systematic Mathematics B, C, and D

Computer programming

Art - Mark Kistler (light)



He does P.E. daily and 1-1.5 hours of Bible study daily. Those aren't really school though.


He also will volunteer 5-12 hours per week most weeks. We won't worry about making up sick weeks and there will be times he's out full time.


As for schedule. It will be pretty full on Mon, Tues and Thurs. Wed will be SLIGHTLY lighter (he says he can't tell...lol). Friday has very little.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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BJUP Biology w/labs

Latin (Wheelock's)

Ancient History & Literature via the Great Books

English (grammar, vocabulary, and writing)

Logic (Intro to Logic/Interm. Logic)

Algebra (Dolciani)

Fine Arts Appreciation (via Teaching Company lectures)

P.E. (local gym, five days per week)

Community Service -- local retirement center volunteer

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9th grade this year:

Omnibus II with assignments

Saxon Alg 1

Trad Logi I and II

Christian Studies I, II, III

3-5 hours of memory work a week in 8 areas.



One Act Play competition, a 2nd Shakepeare play in the late spring


IEW Medieval Writing theme based book

tons of outside reading

a horse unit study

Speech class

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8th graders this year:


Worldview - Summit Ministry's Lightbearers (dh and I are teaching this class to a small group of kids and we're spreading it over two years instead of one)


Math - parts of NEM 1 and 2 (they won't finish NEM 2 this year)


Classical Writing - Diogenes: Maxim/Chreia (online class)


Lingua Latina (online class)


Tapestry of Grace - Year 3 (history - discussion each week in an online co-op; literature - discussion most weeks with me; church history - reading only; geography - each week)


Science - Interactive Science 2 (lightly!)


We're really focusing on CW and Latin this year.

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My 8th gr. dd's schedule:


School begins around 8:00 am, and goes until 4:00.


Latin: Henle/Lingua Latina

English: R&S gr. 7

Writing: Put That in Writing

History: "ala" WTM, NYS history

Science: McDougall-Littell - Integrated Course 3



Weekly practice for worship team on Saturdays

Weekly fiddle lessons & weekly practice sessions with her Irish band. Fairly regular "gigs" at various places. Participates in a least one Irish music seisun every two months. Ceili band practice begins in February and will go through May.

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ds14 9th


Geometry (already finished algebra 1&2)

English 9 (includes reading and reporting on 8 AP tested classics per year)

Social Studies 9

Computer Applications

Spanish 2


academics=30 hours per week


PE (accredited class with progress monitoring and documentation)

Swim team=25 hours a week


Youth group at church and bible reading daily.

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My self-motivated, largely self-directed, self-proclaimed "geek girl" 8th grader...


Math: Algebra 1 (using a variety of resources, including LOF, Saxon, Teaching Company lectures, etc.)


Latin: Wheelock's Latin with the workbook and Dale Grote's companion guide occasionally as reference


Literature: Teaching Company's Masterpieces of the Imaginative Mind: Literature's Most Fantastic Works. She reads the texts in preparation for the lectures, and we talk about them a lot. Right now she's on a dystopian literature kick, so we're pursuing this rabbit trail.


Composition: Jensen's Format Writing and work on an ongoing novel. She loves to write, and is an excellent writer, so no struggle here.


History: Creating America text as our spine, and lots of primary source exploration


Science: Physical Science class at our classical charter school


Art: Art History (for a 4th semester), and Painting & Drawing (3rd year) classes at our charter. She draws constantly, and spends a lot time pursuing her passion, which is digital art.


She's on the yearbook staff for our charter school, and spends several hours a week working on that: taking photos, working on layouts, writing blurbs, etc.


Each week, she volunteers at the local Mobile Mall, organizing donations and helping with Saturday morning distributions.


She spend the rest of her time on a variety of "projects," which often take over her room and occasionally threaten to take over the rest of the house. :D


I'm mainly a facilitator now, rather than program director. I plan and schedule her math, but she has ownership of the rest.

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Here's what our 8th grader is doing this year:


Progymnasmata class through Regina Coeli

Henle Latin

Teaching Textbooks Geometry

Biology ( Apologia)

Sequential Spelling ( since he still can't spell!)

R&S Grammar

History of US ( and reading biographies, historical fiction)




I think that's it. It takes him between 4-6 hours to finish each day.




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Learning Language Arts Through Literature Gold: The Short Story

Jump In (Apologia writing program)

Some books from Omnibus II and ??



Chalkdust Algebra 1


World History (Spielvogel)


Physical Science (Wile)


Latin I (Henle)


Keyboarding (Mavis Beacon)


Total Health


Traditional Logic Book 1 OR Driver's Ed


Physical education (cross country)

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Guest Livinginthelibrary

My 8th grader is doing the following:


Bible: We read the Bible aloud together every day


Math: Teaching Textbooks PreAlgebra


English: Lightning Lit 8


US & World History 1600-1850: A combination of Sonlight Cores 3,5,7 & 100


Science: Apologia Zoology & Botany


Art: Artist Biographies and videos + hands on projects


Music: PS Band & Choir


P.E.: Ist semester PS class


Industrial Ed: 2nd semester Wood Shop class

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8th grade:


Math: Geometry using Jurgenson and Brown text


Science: Apologia Chemistry with Labs, Various Science Olympiad topics


History, Literature, Theology: Omnibus II


Writing: CW Chreia


Latin I: Wheelocks Ch: 1-20 with Scholars Online


Greek II: Hansen and Quinn text with Scholars Online




Team Policy Debate - NCFCA


Piano Class - Weekly


Martial Arts - Weekly

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Dd is doing an 8/9 "Interim" year. Here's what she's doing:


Algebra 1 (second time, but more rigourous to help her with her goals), both Dolciani and Gelfand's.


Earth and Space science


Latin Grammar and Primer (she's way behind, but insists on taking it next year, so this will help)


German (but just Rosetta stone, not very time consuming)


All American History 2 (text serves as a spine/course--she does the workbook because she hates US history and so I don't assign many projects or papers in this, so it is a "get this done because she has to" history course. She does some other reading, though, for it as the TM has some good lists)


Skills for Literary Analysis


Rod and Staff English/Jensen's Vocabulary (she spends 15-20 min/day on Vocab most days)


Phys Ed--swim team 3-5x per week (usually 4-5) plus meets


Fallacy Detective (a couple of times a week)


Art (once or twice a week)


Recorder & music appreciation/learning. This week we're listening to Civil War music to augment her history. Next week we're going to listen to spirituals used in the Underground Railroad.


She has a few other things we do, but many not more than once a week, but I don't remember them all. One is Anatomy Colouring book, because she didn't finish it the year she did the human body.


Basically, I assign 9 things per day, but that's because I divide English up (but not the 2 latin books). Recorder is assigned, but not swim (so you could say 10 things.) Some are short, some are long. But if she were to focus the entire time (we're looking forward to this happening some day!) it would take her a good 6 hours to do everything except swim practice. But she loves swim practice, so that's not onerous;). As it is now, it takes her a good deal longer due to lollygagging.

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  • 4 months later...

Thanks for this post. My oldest of four ds's is a rising 9th grader, so I am new to this board. I can't believe I am here. I am still working on the plan, but this was...


8th grade

TT - Algebra 1

Academic Writing at co-op (Included reading lit and literary analysis, research paper and 5 paragraph essays)

PE at co-op (one day)

Science- Real Science 4 Kids (fall) and Life Sciences spring (once per week with a science teacher and group)

Loving Literature (co-op once per week)

Sat prep with a tutor (once per week) Had lots of vocab homework

Religion at home and once per week at church

Rod & Staff and Daily Grams (periodically)

Traditional Logic I - Memoria Press on-line (spring)


Piano lessons once per week and practice

Lacrosse team (spring) Basketball team (winter)

Boy Scouts (Senior Patrol Leader and working on Eagle Project)

Church Youth Group

Archery (Hobby and passion)


We took a six week cross country road trip in the fall and visited national parks and did all of the junior ranger programs, so they learned a lot of geology, botany, history, geography. Oh...it was so special. We all loved it and are so glad we made it happen.


You can see most of his classes he is accountable to someone else. This was my 6th year of homeschooling and he is highly distractable, but competetive and wants to do well. He just does better when he has to be accountable to a group.




9th Grade

This is still in progress


TT Geometry

Traditional Logic II - on-line Memoria Press

Henle Latin - on-line Memoria Press

Academic Writing II - co-op

Debate - co-op (fall)

P.E - co-op

Teacher's assistant - P.E. 4th-6th grade at co-op

Sat Prep with tutor - one hour per week

Rod & Staff Grammar (still on 7)

Vocab from the Roots

Physical Science (At science teacher's house with other kids and sports/games after class)


Boy Scouts (He finishes his Eagle Project this coming weekend...Yahoo!)

Archery and Riflery with local club (hoping to compete this summer..this is his passion)

Doing a week long mission trip in-state repairing homes for elderly/disabled-(next week)


I am considering a Great Books study...either at home with me or on-line with Oxford Tutorial......or an AP class from the Pennsylvania Homeschoolers group. Does anyone have feedback on either of these??


Also, I have a Spanish speaking friend (her first language) who is willing to work with all the boys on Spanish, but I think this will be more informal.


I have three other boys 13,11, and 8 that I really do homeschool myself!! They are all so different.

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My 9th grader did...


* a gazillion hours of hockey and conditioning training every week (otherwise known as PE)

* Latin I (with So You Really Want to Learn Latin)

* German 1 (with The Learnables)

* Algebra 1 (with Videotext)

* Biology (with Abeka--probably wouldn't do that again--the video teacher was kind of boring)

* World History I (with Trisms)

* Language Arts (with Trisms)

* Religion (various sources, Bible, prayer book) (a 1/4 credit)

* Music Performance (viola) (a 1/2 credit)

* Fine Arts (through Trisms-- a 1/4 credit)

* Geography (through Trisms--1/4 credit postponed per his umbrella school until Grade 10 or 11)

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8th grader:


TT math pre algebra, possibly ALEKS as a supplement

Sonlight Core 7 for history, literature, and writing assignments(several books she will do a thorough literary analysis)

Barron's vocabulary

2 Shakespeare works: Romeo and Juliet and ???

WriteGuide.com for more structured writing, especially a research report

Life Pacs grade 8 science (we're not science people!)

Starting Points (she will work through this over the next 2 yrs.)

She also dances classical ballet 4 nights a week, 3-4 hrs. a day.

Private art lessons with a lady in our home 1-2 times a week for 1.5 hrs.

BJU English 8 *modified*

It's a lot, but it works!

Edited by Emma
left out grammar!
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8th grader (next year):



Literary Analysis and Composition (K12: includes grammar, vocabulary, composition, and literature)

Extra literature to go with history

US history/world history (Spielvogel, K12's Human Odyssey, and Boorstin) also includes a 2-3 page paper each week, biographies and historical fiction

State history

Conceptual Chemistry with labs

Foreign language with Keystone (one semester spread over a whole year)

Violin lessons and practice

Art and PE with outside classes


He had a similar schedule this year.

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My 9th graders are both doing this coming school year (actually starting next week for a few courses):


-English 10.... Writer's Choice Grammar & Composition, Glencoe Grade 10 Vocab (1 credit)

-World History.... Duiker/Spielvogel World History To 1500 and Since 1500 (1 credit)

-Human Geography... Blij et al, Human Geography : People, Place, and Culture (1 credit)

-Health... Holt Lifetime Health (1/2 credit)

-Consumer Education... Glencoe Consumer Ed and Economics (1/2 credit)

-Computer Fundamentals... Norton's Introduction to Computers (1/2 credit)

-World Literature... follow World History time line... they will pick 15 books 5 non-fiction, 5 fiction, 5 biography/autobiography to analyze. (1/2 or 1 credit depending on how much we get done)


Ds is also doing

-Latin... Wheelock's (1 credit)

-Chemistry... at Jr College or Suchocki Conceptual Chemistry (1 credit)

-Physics... at Jr College or Hewitt Conceptual Physics (1 credit)

-Algebra 2... Larson's (1 credit)

-Geometry... Larson's (1 credit)

-Intro to Programming (various programming languages)...at Jr College hopefully. (1/2 credit maybe)

-Kung Fu 3x a week, Bowling league 1x a week, and a gym co-op class 1x a week. (1 credit)

-Boy Scouts

-Science Olympiad co-op class


Dd is also doing

-Sign Language... co-op class (1 credit)

-Italian... not sure program or if she will take it at Jr College (1 credit)

-Biology... hopefully at Jr College or Campbell Biology Concepts & Connections. (1 credit)

-Geometry.. Larson's (1 credit)

-Music Appreciation... at Jr College or Kamien Music Appreciation (1/2 credit)

-Music Fundamentals... at Jr College or Benward's Practical Beginning Theory (1/2 credit)

-Music lessons for Piano, Clarinet, guitar, voice. (1 credit)

-Homeschool band through co-op

-Kung Fu 5x a week, Skateboard lessons 1x a week, & a gym co-op class 1x a week (1 credit)


All of this is what is in their plans.... Ds is doing acclerated pace for math and science. Dd wants to get a lot of music in. The World History, Human Geography, and World Literature they may end up going a slower pace and take longer than the year to finish.

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Plans for 9th grade in the fall:


I. English Language and Composition : Local Class

Analytical Grammar

Omnibus III Primary Readings


II. Latin II Online


III.Algebra II/ Trig. with Foerster's


IV. Human Geography : Fellmann & Getis : Online AP class


V. US Govt. & Politics : Online AP class


VI. Speech and Debate

VII. Piano


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This year (8th)



Conceptual Chemistry (about half of it)

2 peacewalks


Ecce Romani 3 (about 1/3 of it)


Great books with his older brother (US foundation documents, and some literature)

Finished reading the WTM logic stage lit list and doing book reports

Pieces of Writing Strands 6 and Writing Strands 7

Some geography

Drove round the country camping in national parks

Some of the US history logic stage WTM list


Played with his lego robotix kit

Learned to use his laptop



Various other strategy/D+D/LARP type games


Next year (hopefully?):


Learn to use his sailboat

Peacewalk (probably)


Histoire et geographie 6e

Francaise 6e

Ecce Romani 3

MODG natural history syllabus

Finish reading Conceptual Chemistry (maybe)

Extra natural history

Great books a la TWTM/TWEM ancients

Assorted writing resources, probably starting with Format Writing's precis section then moving on to Art of Argument



Various strategy/D+D/LARP type games

And he wants to look at German

And he needs to do some sort of robotics


We'll see what we wind up actually doing...


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