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I had my baby!

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I was induced yesterday (due to blood pressure issues) and delivered a 7 pound 12 ounce boy last night. It took 12 hours to get to 6cm and then 1 hour to go from 6cm to baby!


We still haven't decided on a name, so I am on the hospital's Wi-Fi searching tonight - we need to name him something!:tongue_smilie:

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Congratulations. Yes, I suppose naming him might make things a bit easier. :001_smile:


Oh, I know! You could number him... I kind of like 237. Or maybe 62? That would drive the IRS batty. Anyway, congratulations and kiss his little toes for me!




My father's suggestion is that we name him Seven.;)

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So happy for you!!


I was just reflecting this week on how our younger son's name passes both the Back Door test (Theeeeeeeeeooooooooo) and the You're In Trouble test (Theophilus!).


So, I can highly recommend the name Theophilus. Isaac passes the first test, but you have to go to the middle name for the second test, so it is *slightly* less perfect.

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VERY happy for you and your family, have fun finding a name. We've been studying Abraham Lincoln this week, maybe his name could give some inspiration? Even Lincoln as a first name sounds kind of cool, doesn't it? :confused:


My son's good friend is named Lincoln. The other day he was looking at our calendar, and he exclaimed, "Hey! Lincoln's birthday is pre-printed on our calendar! Did you order this custom-made, Mom?"




And in my defense, he did know to whom I was referring when I corrected his mistake. (Whew!)



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Isaac passes the first test, but you have to go to the middle name for the second test, so it is *slightly* less perfect.


I think Isaac passes the "You're in trouble" test just fine. You have to go really low on the "I", and really draw it out. Then spit out that "k" sound at the end. It's the "k" sound at the end that makes it work nicely, IMO.


Can you tell I'm procrastinating on a project?


I had a terrible time naming my son. I had lots of girl names picked out, but no boy names. I still like the name John, but I got overruled because of its "commonness." But nowadays, there probably aren't many Johns at all! I know a lot of Max's, Aidans, and even more than one Elias (there is Mt. Elias in Alaska, maybe that's why), but not one single John under the age of 40.


Julie (intentionally not mentioning my son's name because it is rare and thus identifiable)

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