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Oh, for cryin' our loud. Mass email forwards/assumptions are so annoying.

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Why oh why oh why do some people insist on forwarding emails to everyone on their contact list? That in and of itself is annoying. Emails that are "hot button topics" add insult to injury. I mean, at least when my cousin forwards stuff, it's just cutesy "Make today the best day ever" in nature. (I think. I don't read them, but judging by the subject lines, there's nothing in her forwards that would raise the blood pressure.) On the other hand, forwards from business associates and/or fellow church members that assume/imply shared political leanings are totally inappropriate. GRRR!!!


If I have your email addy and you ever receive a mass forward from me, you can assume I'm highly medicated and/or suffering from some sort of delusional disorder.

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Why oh why oh why do some people insist on forwarding emails to everyone on their contact list? That in and of itself is annoying. Emails that are "hot button topics" add insult to injury. I mean, at least when my cousin forwards stuff, it's just cutesy "Make today the best day ever" in nature. (I think. I don't read them, but judging by the subject lines, there's nothing in her forwards that would raise the blood pressure.) On the other hand, forwards from business associates and/or fellow church members that assume/imply shared political leanings are totally inappropriate. GRRR!!!


If I have your email addy and you ever receive a mass forward from me, you can assume I'm highly medicated and/or suffering from some sort of delusional disorder.


I feel your pain. I have a ĂƒÂ¼ber-fundy, ĂƒÂ¼ber-Republican SIL who sends me ĂƒÂ¼ber-crapola on a weekly basis. :ack2:

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Or how about the ones that say, "if you love jesus, forward this to 10 friends" "if you want good luck, forward this to 10 friends" "if you want to avoid disaster in your life, forward this to 10 friends"


"if you want 10 fewer friends, forward this to 10 friends"


Oh mercy, please.


Laughing my @$$ off.


Yes, I could have said "donkey", but I didn't. This kills me.

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I feel your pain. I have a ĂƒÂ¼ber-fundy, ĂƒÂ¼ber-Republican SIL who sends me ĂƒÂ¼ber-crapola on a weekly basis. :ack2:


I know. I get stuff from my liberal, atheist sister-in-law. I just roll my eyes, click delete, and am thankful she doesn't write me off just because we disagree on some things. :)

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I get those, and they don't bother me, really. All I have to do it click "Delete." No big deal.


I have other things I'd rather spend my time and energy on. I don't want to waste that emotion/energy on something as simple as unwanted e-mails. :)

But then you are spending time deleting them. And what if there is an occassional fwd that is important? I hate it that my mom and her best friend have my inbox filled with 3 pages of forwards if I don't check it in a few days.
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I get those, and they don't bother me, really. All I have to do it click "Delete." No big deal.


I have other things I'd rather spend my time and energy on. I don't want to waste that emotion/energy on something as simple as unwanted e-mails. :)



I do too, really, but when I get something goofy from, say, my mom.... I have a hard time not lecturing her................

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But then you are spending time deleting them. And what if there is an occassional fwd that is important? I hate it that my mom and her best friend have my inbox filled with 3 pages of forwards if I don't check it in a few days.


It just takes me a second to glance at it and see if it's anything important. I check my e-mail daily so, unless we've gone on vacation, it just doesn't pile up.


The time I spend deleting them isn't much. I think I'm spending more time on this post than it takes to open-scan-delete a FWD message. :)

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My mother insists on forwarding message after message, which is annoying because a) we've asked her not to and b) she used to be vehemently against chain letters. After getting a snooty reply from her after another request not to send them, she sent another half dozen with a disclaimer email not to get cross with her because she only sent them because she thought they were nice! ARGH!

I don't think she realises my brother has actually blocked her emails altogether...


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I get those, and they don't bother me, really. All I have to do it click "Delete." No big deal.


I have other things I'd rather spend my time and energy on. I don't want to waste that emotion/energy on something as simple as unwanted e-mails. :)


Well I, for one, am spending VOLUMES of time and energy on this issue alone. Simply volumes. Take my original post, for example. As evidenced by the typo in my subject line, I invested a great deal of time thinking about it, wording it, and typing it up. I darn near forgot to feed my family thanks to my preoccupied state of mind!






You betcha.


Any-hoo. Glad this thread caught your attention. And that you took the time to post to it....twice.:tongue_smilie:

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Well I, for one, am spending VOLUMES of time and energy on this issue alone. Simply volumes. Take my original post, for example. As evidenced by the typo in my subject line, I invested a great deal of time thinking about it, wording it, and typing it up. I darn near forgot to feed my family thanks to my preoccupied state of mind!






You betcha.


Any-hoo. Glad this thread caught your attention. And that you took the time to post to it....twice.:tongue_smilie:


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Well I, for one, am spending VOLUMES of time and energy on this issue alone. Simply volumes. Take my original post, for example. As evidenced by the typo in my subject line, I invested a great deal of time thinking about it, wording it, and typing it up. I darn near forgot to feed my family thanks to my preoccupied state of mind!






You betcha.


Any-hoo. Glad this thread caught your attention. And that you took the time to post to it....twice.:tongue_smilie:


Oh, I'm sorry. I must have misunderstood. I didn't realize you'd expect everyone who posted to agree with you. Or that a differing opinion would elicit a sarcastic response. I'm a little surprised.


Oh well! I'll be sure to post again when I do agree with you. Have a nice evening! :)

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My mother insists on forwarding message after message, which is annoying because a) we've asked her not to and b) she used to be vehemently against chain letters. After getting a snooty reply from her after another request not to send them, she sent another half dozen with a disclaimer email not to get cross with her because she only sent them because she thought they were nice! ARGH!

I don't think she realises my brother has actually blocked her emails altogether...



:lol: Too funny! My mom doesn't go crazy with the forwards anymore but back when she did, she would actually ask me if I read such and such. She might say, "Didn't you read that email I sent about all the things you can do with bananas? Or dryer sheets?" as if my life depended on it. When she realized I wasn't reading them, she'd be mad at me and drop me from her forward list until she forgave me at which time the forwards would resume. UUGGHHH! I'm glad I don't have that email drama in my life anymore. :tongue_smilie:

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My mother insists on forwarding message after message, which is annoying because a) we've asked her not to


I wonder why that is? I mean, if someone asks outright, "Please stop doing 'X'", isn't it pretty darn uncomfortable to just keep right on doing it? One would think so, eh? Of course, it takes all of a couple of seconds to delete the message, so it isn't as if it's consuming your time. It's just interesting to me, the psychology behind the behavior.:tongue_smilie:

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Oh, I'm sorry. I must have misunderstood. I didn't realize you'd expect everyone who posted to agree with you. Or that a differing opinion would elicit a sarcastic response. I'm a little surprised.


I didn't expect everyone or anyone to agree or disagree. Doesn't really matter to me one way or another, actually.:) I was being tongue-in-cheek (okay, call it sarcastic if you will) because it's pretty much a given that this isn't an emotionally-consuming subject. One would hope forwarded emails don't keep us awake at night, kwim?


Having said that, this phenomenon of forwarding emails willy-nilly sorta fascinates me. Why, really, do people do it? Are there people who routinely read forwarded messages? Are there messages that play equally well to everyone whose address happens to be on one's contact list? I dunno. But I've taken to replying to most people and asking them not to include me in mass email forwards when the subject matter is potentially divisive in nature.


Have a nice evening!



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I wonder why that is? I mean, if someone asks outright, "Please stop doing 'X'", isn't it pretty darn uncomfortable to just keep right on doing it? One would think so, eh? Of course, it takes all of a couple of seconds to delete the message, so it isn't as if it's consuming your time. It's just interesting to me, the psychology behind the behavior.:tongue_smilie:



Some people have an agenda. That's why they keep doing it after you've suggested they stop.


The thing that really irks me most about annoying forwards is that they almost NEVER include a personal note from the sender.


How meaningful is the f****** thing if you can't even be bothered to say, "Hi Pal 'o mine, I thought this would interest you" or something to that effect? :cursing:

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I know. I get stuff from my liberal, atheist sister-in-law. I just roll my eyes, click delete, and am thankful she doesn't write me off just because we disagree on some things. :)



Oh, yes. Of course you do. What a convenient coincidence. :rolleyes:

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Are there people who routinely read forwarded messages?


Yes, I know some people who think email forwards are a great way to keep up on current events. :glare: What really irks me is when people forward messages without bothering to figure out if they are true or not. One quick search on the internet is all it takes!! I can't tell you how many times I have asked my mom to check on snopes.com before she sends out anything that is supposedly factual. Ugh.


So, I guess this is an emotionally-consuming subject.....for me. :lol:

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I wonder why that is? I mean, if someone asks outright, "Please stop doing 'X'", isn't it pretty darn uncomfortable to just keep right on doing it? One would think so, eh? Of course, it takes all of a couple of seconds to delete the message, so it isn't as if it's consuming your time. It's just interesting to me, the psychology behind the behavior.:tongue_smilie:


Of course it doesn't take long to delete them, but when you're at home alone, cold, pregnant and moderately depressed, your spirits lift when you see there is 6 messages in your inbox. They drops right down again when you open your inbox and find 4 of those messages are forward messages from your mother. Your mother, who suffers from depression herself so should understand, and no actual email written to cheer you up!

I don't get the psychology of a person who sends a racist forward message then tells you to "get a smile on your dial" when you politely express surprise and confusion. Nor do I understand how someone can send a chain message saying your boyfriend will die in a car accident if you don't pass it on, and when you point out how unmannerly that was, you get a reply saying "Sorry, I thought it was uplifting!" As far as I know, she does actually like my boyfriend and doesn't wish him to be killed in a car accident!! She likes hers too and doesn't want him killed in a car accident either! The psychology behind her continuing to send the messages is she wants to. She's been on that many different drugs for depression they've scrambled her brains so she has trouble remembering much at all. In this case, she doesn't actually want to remember not to spam us, so she doesn't remember. The lovely thing is because she's our mother, it's us being rude when we object, not her being rude by spamming. :)


Rosie- who can think of so many better ways to waste her time than sending fwd messages of cute kittens to people who don't like cats ;)

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I detest them. They take up my time and my download limits.

I had one particular "friend" who sent multiple of them a day. I used this website to ask her to desist


I wouldn't say it's worked entirely but I'm getting about 1/10th of the emails I used to get from her so that has to be a good thing!

I think they are rude and impersonal. For goodness sake if you are going to send me an email make it meaningful!

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Oh, yes. Of course you do. What a convenient coincidence. :rolleyes:
:smilielol5: :lol:


I have all mail with [ Fwd: or Fw: ] automatically sent to the junk mail folder. Yes, maybe I'm missing an important, legitimate FW: but I can't imagine who would forward something so important! If it's that important (unlikely) they will call, snail mail, or send me an email directly.


So, :w00t: I don't have deal with these annoying emails. I know some people have no problem ignoring and deleting but it does bother me so I took care of it. :)

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A lot of people seem to forward emails when they first get an account. (Remember "join the crew!"?)


A week before the election, I received an email, of at least 10 pages in length (no joke) from a homeschooling mom with whom I'd had a verylimited, internet-only association earlier in the year. I scanned it all just to see what on earth could take that many pages to articulate. I found it odd that she assumed that I shared her opinions.

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I don't mind them, for the most part. I don't send on very many - like those "forward to ten friends for ten years of luck" silliness, or the "forward and such and such will donate such and such" junk.... sometimes I'll send on something with adorable kitten pictures or something, but only to people that I know will appreciate them.;)

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My mother sends me several per day, even those she's already sent. Only once, has she asked me if the assertions were true (they weren't). Most, I delete without reading. I absolutely hate the "hot topics" ones. The art ones are usually really cool. If she sent me ONLY those, I would be happy enough. Thing is, she also sends most of them to my children <sigh>


There is one lady of my faith that sends out a couple occasionally. Because it's not constant or against my beliefs, it helps, but I'd rather her not send them either.


I think I've forwarded 2 things (other than a couple more to only hubby) EVER.

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I get those, and they don't bother me, really. All I have to do it click "Delete." No big deal.


I have other things I'd rather spend my time and energy on. I don't want to waste that emotion/energy on something as simple as unwanted e-mails. :)


Ditto, Hillary. I just delete them and move on. As you say, no big deal.

Edited by Jackie in AR
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I'm known among my circle as the catty friend who will reply to your forward with a link to the Snopes article denouncing the "truth" you were so kind to pass along.


I have been especially annoyed by FWDs from people I hardly know (i.e. other moms from our HS group). It is SO annoying to 1) assume I am of the same political persuasion that you are (even if I *am*) and 2) assume I'm ignorant enough to FWD on some crazy email about Obama being a Muslim, boycotting McDonalds or Disney because they "love gays" or not buying any gas on a specific day to really stick it to the man. Ugh.

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I seriously think there are only about 15 different messages with those type of e-mails. They just change the "doom" message (if you don't send this...), change the graphics, insert or delete the Jesus message and pull some story that has been circulating the internet since there was internet. :lol:

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I never fwd the fwds, nor do I read or respond to them.


I do smile to myself and thing, "Awww, so-and-so is thinking about me today!" It's especially gratifying since most of my friends send them so infrequently. (And after considering reports of 1500 in a year, and whatever volume is distressing enough to cause Colleen to even come here and initiate this thread, I am even more thankful for my reasonable friends.:D)

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I'm known among my circle as the catty friend who will reply to your forward with a link to the Snopes article denouncing the "truth" you were so kind to pass along.

:lol: I'm so glad I'm not the only one.

The best thing about this approach is that those type of forwards drop considerably in number after a few replies with the Snopes reference.

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I once received this mean-spirited forward degrading my religion, apparently sent by some very right-wing *whatevers*, at least racists. Somehow by mistake they had gotten my name (I think they were semi-local homeschoolers).


Anyways, I proceeded to respond to the group-reply with a clarification of the accusations and false statements, got a mean response, replied again, and then they finally took me off the list. What a joke. Only hear and see what you want to.


Apart from that, then yes, I abhor forwards, but don't tell people to take me off their lists. Figure I'd rather just ignore them and move on!

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I never fwd the fwds, nor do I read or respond to them.


I do smile to myself and thing, "Awww, so-and-so is thinking about me today!" It's especially gratifying since most of my friends send them so infrequently. (And after considering reports of 1500 in a year, and whatever volume is distressing enough to cause Colleen to even come here and initiate this thread, I am even more thankful for my reasonable friends.:D)


You have a good attitude about this. I, however, do not take mass forwarded e-mails as someone personally thinking about me. I think they're probably choosing a list to forward something to and don't even remember my name is in there.


Prior to the election, I sent an e-mail that was interpreted as snarky (I didn't think it was) asking everyone to please at least put a few personal words in any e-mails sent to me, if they were indeed thinking of me. I had not checked my e-mail for 4 days and received 300 messages in my inbox. None were personal. Now that does not make me feel all warm and fuzzy like people are thinking of me. I get far fewer since my "snarkey" e-mail, and those who do continue to forward to me at least put my name and a small "thought you should see this" or (in the case of political views that don't match up to mine) "This is for your dh"

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is that I don't believe that it's appropriate to use a church list for political activity. I've deleted many many political emails, and it's easy. But when I start getting things from people I worship with and pray with that basically say, "vote my way or you aren't a real christian" it gets under the skin a little.


I think when we repeatedly just delete these things without communicating to the person that it's an inappropriate use of a church list, we degrade the church and allow a community where people are insulting and diminishing each other. It seems better to me to say, "Please don't forward this type of thing to the church membership, it's inappropriate" than to allow relationships to be damaged over polical differences or differences about things that Christians can, in good faith, disagree over. Yes, it's great when people in a church can discuss issues. I don't have a problem with that. But most the emails I think Colleen is talking about are not really soliciting other opinions and bringing up topics for prayerful consideration.


I just think it's damaging, and while I always want to be polite and non-confrontational, I have seen over time that my desire to be liked can't really trump my desire to see my church community prosper. So this year I sent a few pointed reminders that having access to a church email list is a privilege and forwarding politcal emails through that channel is an abuse of the privilegte. No regrets. And I think I would feel the same way, though perhaps not quite as strongly, about a bookclub email list or a school email list or a suzuki violin email list. Any time people are giving their email to a list, I think the understanding should be that other will use it with discretion and sensitivity, and sending ugly, angry emails doesn't work for me.

Edited by Danestress
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I never read forward, I don't respond to forwards, and I don't send on forwards. They are too annoying!!!!!


I agree with a lot of the responses here that it is very upsetting to receive the numerous forwards during the political season. But, what really irritates me is when people send on forwards without even checking first to see if the truth is being told in them. I can't tell you how many times urban legends get into my inbox! I just don't read them anymore! It makes me want to scream, "Think for yourselves people!!!! Start finding out the truth before you send stuff on!!!!"

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I just think it's damaging, and while I always want to be polite and non-confrontational . . .


I don't delete them and move on in order to be polite and non-confrontational. I don't even read them to begin with. The minute I see that an e-mail is a forward, off my screen it goes. I'm not interested in spending my time reading something that is of no interest to me.

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What really irks me is when people forward messages without bothering to figure out if they are true or not. One quick search on the internet is all it takes!!


I always "reply all" with a snopes link when people forward false e-mails. That's a sure-fire way to get people to stop sending me that crap. I had one woman have her husband send me an e-mail reprimanding me for doing a reply all because it embarassed her. Well, stop sending me that crap, lady! Haven't heard from her since. :D

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It is annoying to get something via email that was neither requested nor appreciated. I get that. The only times it has really bothered me, however, have been when the poster uses it to replace relationship. Instead of a "how are you doing, lately?" or a "here's what I'm up to" you get some political or funny email. If that is all the correspondence I get from someone, it bothers me.


It is equally annoying to watch people become really sarcastic when someone points out an alternative viewpoint. That has happened twice in this thread, that I have noticed. So what if something that bothers you (I am not speaking to any particular you) doesn't bother someone else? It's okay. So what if someone finds revolting the things you find acceptable? You can either learn from what they are saying, opening your mind to an alternative way of thinking or responding, or you can write it off as a disagreement and move on as before.

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It is equally annoying to watch people become really sarcastic when someone points out an alternative viewpoint. That has happened twice in this thread, that I have noticed. So what if something that bothers you (I am not speaking to any particular you) doesn't bother someone else? It's okay. So what if someone finds revolting the things you find acceptable? You can either learn from what they are saying, opening your mind to an alternative way of thinking or responding, or you can write it off as a disagreement and move on as before.


Nicely stated.

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Or how about the ones that say, "if you love jesus, forward this to 10 friends" "if you want good luck, forward this to 10 friends" "if you want to avoid disaster in your life, forward this to 10 friends"


"if you want 10 fewer friends, forward this to 10 friends"


These types bugs me more than anything..."Forward this garbage to 10 of your friends and make them hate you", is what it should read.


Who makes up this garbage anyway? I have one friend who forwards these non-stop, then throws my email address out there for everyone to see! I gave her my freebie address on yahoo, so I can dump it later when it's spammed to all heck.

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