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If you don't drink coffee or hot tea...what do you drink?

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As soon as I finish my flavored creamers I am going to stop drinking coffee for a while..hopefully for good.


I don't like hot tea, so that isn't going to work for a substitute.


I have heard of people drinking hot water with lemon..I am willing to try it, even though I know it is not going to be the same as my coffee.


Any other suggestion?

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Neither of these are particularly healthy, but I like:


1. Instant, sweetened raspberry iced tea, but in hot water instead of cold

2. Russian Tea


If I'm really feeling adventurous, I have a strong berry tea that I find tolerable with a lot of honey.


Edited to add:

I also like hot chocolate and hot Swanson's chicken broth.

Edited by WTMCassandra
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Well in the mornings, I drink orange juice, it gives me a little jolt. When it's cold outside, I drink hot chocolate.


I don't drink coffee or tea either, but I never have, so I guess I'm not sure what to recommend so you don't miss it.


I have a friend who likes those chocolate covered coffee beans, but if you're wanting to avoid caffeine, I hardly doubt that would be an acceptable substitute.

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In winter, I like hot chicken broth. If you can find College Inn's version with lemon, it's yummy!


Lots of herbal teas are very good. Tea in general is much better for you than coffee, containing various elements that help the body in a multitude of ways.


Tang is good hot - and it can be turned into Friendship Tea, as well. It's backed with Vitamin C and is so acidic it can peel the thickest phlegm from the throat in case you get a winter cold, LOL....


Hot water with herbs, lemon, etc. would be like an herbal tea.


Warmed milk, perhaps with honey, etc. might work for you.


If you like hot chocolate, Land 'o Lakes has the best in the world!


Mulled cider (or wine) is good, too!

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Before my husband and I quit coffee, we were quite the connoisseurs of coffee and it was a big step to quit. So we went through many substitutes. We first switched to Decaf to get off the addiction.....Takes two to three weeks of midday naps...headaches etc...Postum- not worth it. We like Caffix which we get from a health food store. No caffeine, the name is misleading but it is the best coffee sub we have found. Plus there is good ol' hot chocolate..... there is no caffeine in chocolate. You will hear that there is, but the food chemistry and food science university sites that list Caffeine contents in foods and show that it is misinformation on the contents of caffeine in cocoa. (Something like a lb of chocolate contains the same amount of caffeine that is in a cup of decaf...hardly worth noting)


You can make a satisfying drink of the caffix and cocoa which is very mocha-like. We add a touch of the cinnamon syrup as well.


Then again, we drink decaf on occasions as well.....lots of different herbal teas also. Oh, and its hard to beat Miso soup when you want something cozy!

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I don't like coffee or tea either. Weeeelll, I will occasionally drink tea if offered, to be polite, but I can't stomach coffee at all.


I drink: Water.


I have a 16oz. glass of water first thing in the morning. It gets my brain working and re-hydrates my body.


I don't do sodas (pop or soft-drinks, whatever you want to call them).


I like a hot cocoa in the evenings, but only occasionally.


Plain ol' water is my favorite drink.

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Hot water with a bit of mint extract, no sugar.


Hot water with lemon juice, a bit of honey or sugar.


Oat milk with carob powder, hot, with some maple syrup.


(I have food allergies, so end up eating and drinking some weird stuff!)


I'd prefer coffee or tea, but am allergic to coffee and both regular and herbal tea.

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Plain ol' water is my favorite drink.


This is me, too. I have a few cups of coffee in the morning, but after that I drink either hot water or room temperature water.


My grandparents, who are extremely health conscious, began drinking hot water years ago. I thought I'd try it, and I've been hooked ever since. I find it quite refreshing. When I go to someone's house, and they offer me a drink, this is what I always request. It seems to make them feel uncomfortable, as though they're not being a good hostess or something.:001_huh: For a while I felt really strange ordering it at a restaurant, because I didn't want the servers to think I was cheap, and about to pull out my hidden tea bag. Now I'm used to it, and will often order it with lemon, just because it seems more normal.:D



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at different points in my life, and still on occasion, i drink a TBS of Blackstrap Molasses in a cup of hot water or 1 TBS of Apple Cider Vinegar + 1 TBS of honey in a cup of hot water. my first take on the molasses was 'oh, yuck' but after the first cup i actually began to crave it. great source of iron and potassium. the vinegar/honey combo is supposed to be a good internal cleanser.

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Dried chicory is a very pleasant substitute for coffee and very popular in France. You can buy it in dried powder form in health food stores. Treat it exactly as you would instant coffee. You can add milk.

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Krakus Inka is a chicorey & barley based coffee substitute - much nicer than postum IMO.



You mix with hot water, & pref add a dollop of milk.


Horlicks is nice too.


Peppermint tea, made from peppermint leaves & hot water is very refreshing hot or cold.


I was caffeine free for several years but not any longer. I even started drinking coffee 'medicinally'. Wow, was that a shot in the arm in the mornings! Still don't really like coffee but it's the only way to get me moving and get things done these days.

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We also drink water. Straight out of the tap. We just finished our annual dental cleaning and check ups today (reason we're in town). In case no one has mentioned this (no time to read all the posts), I'll post it.


Our dentist pointed out that hot and cold things actually cause slight expansion (for the hot) and the other thing for the cold (brain currently fried from too much town/dental). This can cause the cracked fillings like my dh has had so much of. He just had another one today. He's a coffee guzzler. Makes a giant pot or two every day and drinks the whole thing as hot as he can stand it. Then, proceeds to work and drinks more all day long. He also loads his cold drinks with ice (crushed, whole, whatever he can get his hands on) and crunches on it with his teeth. Yeesh! Gives me the shivers just to think about it. Anyway, he's had broken teeth, root canals, cracked fillings, you name it. None of the rest of us drink this kind of stuff though. And, so far, no such problems for the rest of us.


Another note. Dh is also plagued by acid reflux. I know some of this is due to the lousy foods he finds to eat at work. But I notice it completely disappeared when he stopped drinking coffee several years ago (that lasted less than a year, btw).


Such wonderful things to help motivate you, huh. ;) Anyway, good luck. Seems quitting coffee and tea must be like quitting smoking, from the looks of it.

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Postum, a grain beverage, especially in the winter or hot chocolate occasionally. Once in a while I drink juice, but not a lot of that. I rarely drink pop and never alcohol.


My husband teases me that I am a purist. I just have always, even when i was a kid, preferred the taste of plain water to anything else.



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Why give it up? Coffee has health benefits aplenty.




ETA: The fake creamers are much worse for you than the coffee. Try real half and half with raw sugar or honey and a touch of vanilla or cinnamon instead.



My bOOks have been/are hurting really BAD lately.

I go to the GYN on Wednesday for my yearly, so I will talk to her.

I was told about 6yrs ago(from old GYN) that caffeine will cause cyst in the breast to hurt..so I switched to decaf, now they are hurting again. I try very hard not to drink anything caffeinated--I can tell when I have had a little caffeine. So I figured I needed to quit all decaf and caffeinated drinks.

I have been drinking a lot of coffee lately..due to the cold weather.. about 5 cups a day.

I don't drink alot of tea..for some reason it makes me sick to my stomach.


As of today, no coffee.

I did get some apple cider, it's ok I think I could drink a cup of that in the morning and be ok, not happy about the cost though.

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If I'm not drinking coffee I'm drinking water. If I'm not drinking water, I'm drinking rum. Hey, it's required in the Caribbean! :)


Cuban rum for sipping and Nicaraguan for mixing.


I am still drinking coffee, though only one cup in the morning. The rest of the day, when I need something hot and creamy ;), I drink Rooibos tea. This is a type of red tea, herbal so it won't keep you awake or make you jittery...and I found out it tastes wonderful with a little whipped cream on top. What else does a girl need?

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I drink cranberry juice in the morning; can't live without my cranberry juice!


I don't really like hot drinks, but sometimes I'll have herbal tea or hot chocolate (my hot chocolate is really milk with a little bit of Ghiradelli powdered chocolate mixed in). Oh! And I discovered Xocolatl, which has a little chili kick. It's great.

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Cold I drink mostly water, but my family also goes through a lot of milk (sometimes "pink" (dd) or chocolate (ds)). We also drink various fruit juices, sometimes kool-aid (mixed w. about 1/3 less sugar than it says), and very occasionally soda. When I'm feeling a little more ambitious we may also have (for treats) smoothies, shakes, and floats (some of the more unusual cheapo-brand flavors make fun floats). And sometimes we have fun making "punches" by mixing together a couple of flavors of juice and some soda of a coordinating flavor, occasionally adding some sherbet for a good foam on top.


For warm, we drink hot cocoa, hot apple cider (but always from actual juice, never that nasty instant stuff, and we usually add a little cinnamon, clove, and/or nutmeg while it's heating), bullion or broth, a "wassail" mix they sell around here that's kind of like a spiced hot tang, mint tea (with just mint leaves and water, no tea), or warm milk with a dollop of honey.


A fun concoction I discovered the other day but have tried only once and I don't know a name for it. You heat milk, add in sugar or honey to taste and a splash of vanilla and a sprinkle of nutmeg. When the milk is just to the scalding point, you put an egg in a little bowl or cup and beat it well, then add in some of the hot milk gradually (this keeps it from just cooking into egg threads when you put it in the milk), then pour it all into the hot milk and cook it for a couple more minutes. It's a little like a thin pudding or custard and tasted delicious the one time I made it.


Being Mormon, I've never gotten into the coffee and tea thing, so it's not something I find myself longing for and I can only sympathize, not empathize. But maybe this will be an opportunity to explore a whole new world of variety, eh? An adventure! Happy taste-testing!

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As soon as I finish my flavored creamers I am going to stop drinking coffee for a while..hopefully for good.


I don't like hot tea, so that isn't going to work for a substitute.


I have heard of people drinking hot water with lemon..I am willing to try it, even though I know it is not going to be the same as my coffee.


Any other suggestion?


That's what I drank when I was pregnant and couldn't handle the smell or taste of coffee but wanted something hot and was tired of tea. I also heated up apple juice or cider and drank a lot of hot chocolate.

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