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Singulair and Children

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I was just wondering if any of your children take Singulair. A new allergist wants my daughters (age 12 and age 5) to take it.


But, I read the side effects and now am very alarmed at giving it to them.


Has anyone given it to their children and if so, any side effects?



Deb in NJ

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My oldest dd was on it before they had their new side effect findings. And I took her off of it because of the very side effects they discussed. She went from a happy go lucky kid to one that would cry at a drop of hat and worried about everything. We took her off of it except for the winter season when her asthma/allergies were at their worst. After they released the new findings I took her off for good. She was entering puberty, and already having side effects and it just wasn't worth the risk.


That said, my 10 year old neice has been on it for years without a single issue. :confused:

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A dr. gave us singular for my ds, who at the time was less than a year old, when he was sick. I did give it to him a few times, since there is so little you can give an infant and I wanted him to feel better. I stopped it after about 3 days b/c of the warnings. I also did not see that it was making him better, although there were no problems from side-effects.


That having been said, I take it with zyrtec when my allergies get really bad and it helps a lot.

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And it truly helps him more than anything else we've tried. I only use it during the early spring and fall ragweed periods, otherwise he takes Claritin. I've seen no side effects at all.


He's also a BIG 11 y.o., so I'm less worried about the issues they've identified. My younger one has not taken it. She does fine with Claritin here and there.

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My DD was on Singulair for 2 years. The side effects were nothing compared to her possible death by asthma. She had two (or was it three?) lung collapses, the last one being very very serious, with internal organs being displaced by the collapse. She was definitely on track to becoming a statistic. :-(


After 2 years on Singulair, and her growth being pretty much stopped, and her asthma completely controlled, we decided to take her of Singulair. Well, it wasn't really a decision. We ran out and kept forgetting about it. After a month of forgetfulness, and her being still healthy even though it was allergy season, I talked to her doctor. The doc agreed to try it.


She's been off Singulair now since last September, and had needed Ventolin twice, although nothing major. People keep telling me that "my she's grown!" and yes, we had to buy her new pants. She will always be petite, due to genetics, but at least she's growing now.

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Hmmm....I was unaware that there was a change in Singulair side effects. Both my boys have been on singulair for years. They are both asthmatics and are well controlled (and growing like weeds) with the meds they are on. It was so bad with them for awhile that I'm reluctant to take them off what is working. I think I have research to do!

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Hmm, mine have both been on it for several years. The older, just fine. But now I wonder about the younger since you said something. His moods and such. Hmm, I will check this out. Thanks.


I went and read more about it. OMG! I had no idea about some of that stuff. I am reeling right now. My younger is coming off asap. No more. I need to see if all the stuff he has been exhibiting really is related. I thought some of it was just how he is wired! I feel terrible right now. Did I subject him to this by giving him the meds?

Edited by Mom2legomaniacs
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Thanks everyone.


Meslissa, don't feel bad about giving it to your son. When my daughter's allergist gave me the script for it, he didn't tell me ANY of the side effects. AND he did make it seem like such a nice mild medication. I talked with his office today several times, the nurse that I spoke to today has her daughter on it.


Right now Singulair only has the warning that tells you they are looking into a connection between it and these symptoms -- they haven't made final conclusions yet.


Please let us know if you take your son off and his moods improve.




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My 7 year old son has been on Singulair for 5 years, and I haven't noticed any ill effects at all. While on it, his asthma has been quite well-controlled. When we ran out (during a move), he had a very severe attack. He doesn't take it year-around, though, only during the spring and fall, when his seasonal allergies are the worst, and his asthma tends to act up. He is definitely not moody or anything--a very happy, and happy-go-lucky, little boy!

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I had not heard of this before. My 5yo began experience asthma-like symptoms last winter and was hospitalized for five days. Our ped. has his on both Singulair and Zyrtec. Both my dh and I have commented on his personality during this last year. My dh jokes that this child is going to be our "Emo" kid. He has pretty severe mood swings, has become quite shy and weepy. I never connected it to his medication. I don't know what to do now.

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Our allergist/asthma specialist recommended this as a possible med. for my littlest who's 20mths but did mention that there is some evidence of troubling side effects. I was torn and spoke to our family doc whom we're close to and attend church with. He told me that he would never put one of his own young children on this med. His tone was unusually strong. So, that decided it for me.

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We took dd2 off of Singulair (she was on it for 6mths off and on) permanently once I figured out the correlation to making her moods so erratic. She is already a difficult child and it made her act soo much worse.


I work in pharmacy and have had some parents report the same findings with thier kids.


It is a wonderful med for some kids....just not all. You have to try it first to see. If you decide to try it, just be extra dillegent to stop and look at your child, thier personality and how it is, or isn't affecting them.

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whether these mood changes are permanent, or will they go away once the meds are discontinued?


We took ds11 off it, mainly because our new Rx insurance didn't cover much of the cost and the oak pollen that bothers him most is less severe here. But knowing about these side affects makes me wonder... he is sort of prone to moodiness...

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My 5 year old was on SIngulair about a year ago for 2 months. She had turned into a completely different child. Her behavior bordered on manc and she had trouble sleeping which compounded the problems. We took her off of it and she returned to normal. She is already a very active child but while on the Singulair, I was at my wits end because I could not control her. Fortunately, her asthma is mild and is well controlled by her rescue inhaler when necessary.

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I have taken all of us off Singulair now. (as of last night, no more) We are taking it for allergy-type things. I was kind of freaked out after reading all that stuff last night. I had no idea. My ds has so many of the things listed as negatives and I did in no way attribute it to the Singulair. No more for him. I hope things settle out asap!


Scary stuff!

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My daughter has been taking Singulair for the last year and a half and I had heard about the suicidal ideation warnings, but have not been concerned because she's actually happier while on the Singulair because it helps control her allergies.


I was very interested to see the comments about growth though and will be looking more into that because she has always been in the 85th percentile for height and she fell to the 60th this last year.



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Update. I have taken all of us off Singulair since this was brought to m attention with this thread. I read a lot of that site that had testimonies from people about Singulair. Even ones that gave the medicine a high rating for effectiveness still made comments about their bad side effects.


Thank you for posting this. We have had serious issues here with behavior, moods, depression, anxiety, etc. with ds and myself. Since taking him off as of Tues, he has been so much more calm! The only thing resembling a tantrum was today when he and his brother really had a clash. But it ended quickly and with relative ease. That is huge! Only time will tell if things are related. But initial reactions are that they were totally related. And I never would have suspected had you all not shared.


I will have to see how I fare in the long run as well. I have been struggling with so many of the side effects that were talked about on that site. And I have been on Singulair that whole time with my issues getting worse, not better. Same with ds. His issues worse as well.


Thank you so very much for enlightening me. I am terrified to think what could have happened had we not discovered this and continued on this path not realizing the dangers of this medicine for us. It doesn't effect everyone that way. But wow, I am horrified that we never ever made the connection.


Thank you thank you thank you! :grouphug:

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My son and I both take Singulair, and have been for years. He has had a collapsed lung, multiple asthma attacks, and chronic bronchitis. After the last bout, we decided that he would stay on Singulair year round. He and I have not noticed any of the side affects that have been mentioned. He is a twin and is taller and weighs more than his twin brother.


What kind of manic behavior has everyone noticed as a side affect?




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She went from a happy go lucky kid to one that would cry at a drop of hat and worried about everything.


She had trouble sleeping and had extreme anxiety. She still has some anxiety issues 2-3 years later. ER took it for a time too, as a young teen (13yo? 14yo?). He had some anxiety issues about that time as well, but I don't know if it was the medication that caused the problem or if it was merely coincidence, since he was dealing with some issues with a couple of "fair-weather friends" at the time. I don't think he has had any lasting problems, though. I'm wondering if it affects girls more than boys???

Edited by ereks mom
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