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What should I do about Obama?


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Obama has hurt his paw.  On Monday he seemed to be resting it and acting sensibly, and yesterday it honestly seemed fine and he seemed to be moving normally.  Today he doesn't want to put weight on it again.  I know I need to take him to the vet, but I'm kinda reluctant because 1) getting the semi-feral cat into the carrier to the vet is an......event, and 2) giving him pills, even injured, is going to result in someone having an ER visit.  I know I need to take him in, but arrggg.  

Also, pathetically, Inky senses his weakness and is being a jerk to him.  She's like, "He's weak!  I can take him now!"  They have a pretty big rivalry for household top cat anyway.  I'm doing my best to keep them separated, but again, touching Obama without his consent is really pretty dangerous.  

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Sorry to hear that Obama has hurt his paw. If he needs antibiotics or something, my vet has a nifty injection that supposedly lasts for 2 weeks. Maybe you could get that, too. If he needs an anti-inflammatory, maybe that could be an injection, too. You might be able to cut a pill into smaller pieces and hide it in some cheese.

Edited by Kanin
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3 minutes ago, Kanin said:

Sorry to hear that Obama has hurt his paw. If he needs antibiotics or something, my vet has a nifty injection that supposedly lasts for 2 weeks. Maybe you could get that, too. If he needs an anti-inflammatory, maybe that could be an injection, too. You might be able to cut a pill into smaller pieces and hide it in some cheese.

Yeah, I'm hoping for shots.  I have had other cats that loved pill pockets, but he just eats the pocket and avoids the pill.  He is not fooled by cheese.  He is insanely clever.  And also pretty mean.  

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Wishing you and Obama the best in your vet adventures.

I currently have two kitties with the "two week" antibiotic shot onboard. One also has "long-lasting" antibiotic ear cream, but I have to give the other one additional antibiotic shots for 10 days because two months ago our/his pill taking adventure did not go well ... and here we are with the ear infection not cleared up. 😿

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My DH has a welding apron (thick leather but more supple like suede), and gloves that go up to your elbow.  I'd suggest considering investing in some yourself for when you have to put Obama in his carrier. 
I wear the apron when I need to trim DD's cat's nails or put him in the carrier. He is generally a good and peaceful cat - except for those two things.  I don't find the gloves give me enough flexibility to handle him, so I don't use those. 

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1 hour ago, Bambam said:

I don't find the gloves give me enough flexibility to handle him, so I don't use those.

I don’t know if they’d offer enough protection, but beekeeping gloves can have flexible leather hands and canvas arm gauntlets. No clue how that compares to welding gloves, but the fingers do allow fairly good manipulation. You’d probably want long thick sleeves under the gloves. The welding apron sounds perfect.

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As one who is currently reaping the not very fun at all side effects of having waited on taking a dog for a "no need to take them in until it bothers them" thing, that turned into "holy cow, we really need to take him in" -- take him in. 

If you wait and it gets better -- yay! But if you wait and it gets *worse* then the ordeal will only go even worse, b/c then he'll be in more pain/not feeling well/etc. 

I get what you mean about it sucking, and him being mad he can't go out, and all of that, and you have my sympathies, for sure.  

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Ugh. Does he tolerate a harness at all? I've found that even the cats who won't walk on a leash much prefer a harness/leash to the carrier, and it makes it easier to get them to the vet, but the one we have who is absolutely the worst at getting in a carrier (and who the vet tends to medicate with gabapentin to do anything) ALSO will fight getting a harness on with tooth and nail. Literally. 

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I feel for you! We have a cat just like that. We brought him in from the outdoors about 15 months ago during a hurricane. Because he did so well inside, we decided to keep him. He's a cat's cat, 100%. Humans? Not so much. Picking him up? Ever since we took him to get fixed, he does not allow anyone to pick him up. Doing so will result in blood loss. Giving him medicine? No way, no how. It would never happen. Even applying flea medicine requires tricking him. So I don't know what I would do if I was you. Any of our other cats would get a trip to the vet but he's a special case and I really try not to traumatize him any more than I absolutely have to. If it was our cat, I would probably give it another day and hope for the best. I'll be thinking about you and Obama!

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Is there a mobile vet service in your area? We have a few near us, and they get very good reviews. Otherwise, I saw a video a while ago on youtube where they used a towel from behind and before the cat realized what was happening she had the cat tied up in a little bundle. I think it calmed the cat, too, but I could see some cats going completely mental, lol. (Thinking of a cat we had years ago!) Good luck and I hope Obama is feeling better! 

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2 minutes ago, dsmith said:

Is there a mobile vet service in your area? We have a few near us, and they get very good reviews. Otherwise, I saw a video a while ago on youtube where they used a towel from behind and before the cat realized what was happening she had the cat tied up in a little bundle. I think it calmed the cat, too, but I could see some cats going completely mental, lol. (Thinking of a cat we had years ago!) Good luck and I hope Obama is feeling better! 

Farm vets tend to travel to their patients. I'd at least call a farm/large animal vet.

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We have a vet appointment for 3 pm. My husband is home. With two of us, we can get him in the carrier.  Vet won’t allow harness, and honestly I don’t trust he couldn’t escape in hysteria.  It just sucks and I really hope they can give him shots versus pills.  Pre vet sedation wouldn’t work because we can, with two of us and chain mail, get him in a carrier, but getting a pill in him is so not happening.

It is funny how the other cats are reacting to him. Aslan:  My friend (who almost never interacts with me and just hates me a little) is hurt!  What can I do to help him?  I will give him my ration of turkey!  

Inky:  He is weak!  Now is the time to take him and become dominant top cat!

In other news, Inky is locked in the basement.  

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Yup - the injection is called Convenia and it is AWESOME for cats! Works well for many types of infection, but not all. 

But yes, needs vet visit because cat injuries often become abcesses and get nasty pretty fast. Basically, starts with a small wound that isn't a big deal. Then the skin heals so fast that any bacterial in the wound gets trapped under the skin. Then goes crazy and makes a big swollen pocket of good and is more and more painful and cat feels more and more sick. Until it explodes. And that's not fun either, although cat feels much better. And then AGAIN you have to be careful that the skin doesn't heal over too fast or the whole thing starts again. 

I had an outdoor cat that was a lover at home and a fighter on the streets (he was a stray) and I got very good at using men's beard clippers to clean up his wounds and then using warm compresses to keep them open and draining. Because we went through that cycle several times. Sigh. 

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41 minutes ago, Terabith said:

X-ray was clear.  He had a wound in his armpit we didn't know about.  Nothing was infected or abscessed though.  But he got a shot of pain meds and a shot of antibiotics.  

Whew, I know you are glad that's over! And I'm thrilled it wasn't anything worse. Now you can rest and be free of the worry.

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