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easisest way to transfer audio CDs onto my phone


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My son cleaned out the car and found a ton of old CDs that I had in the van. Stuff like Story of the Bible, some Jim Weiss stuff, old VBS songs, etc. I do not have a CD player in the van. (I used to, which is why they were in the van, but DH switched out the stereo years ago so now I have satellite radio and can connect my phone and there is a big display for maps, etc). 

I was just going to donate them but, honestly, I would LIKE to have some of this stuff on my phone for us to listen to when we are running around. I am going to ask my husband, but knowing him he will know the BEST way, not the EASIEST way. And...for anyone remembering my bathroom remodel saga....that means by the time it ends up done phone technology may be obsolete, lol. 

I don't have a cd drive on my computer, but I'm pretty sure that there is an external disc drive someone in this house. I have a macbook air, ipad, and iphone. 

Or, should I just donate the dang things and rebuy what I want in MP3 format like a civilized person? (I do get a scholarship from the state to purchase homeschool resources, and never use it all, so this is actually a feasible option without much pain, although I guess I'd feel a bit irresponsible doing it?)


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rebuying in mp3 might be long term easiest. (since then you can download anywhere and don't have to keep it backed up, etc.)

I have certainly rebought books on Audible I used to have on CDs due to this.


But Ripping a CD to your computer and then transferring to the phone is legit too.


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4 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

I'm still bitter that I took the time to transfer SO MANY cds to my original ipod.  At some point iTunes decided it was all pirated and disappeared it.  It took hours and I'm mad at them this many years later.

*open mouth shock* I had no idea iTunes did that. Maybe ripping CDs to the computer is not such a great idea 😞


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4 minutes ago, knitgrl said:

I wonder if it would work for lesser known things. I have a CD from a local funk band I bought in the 90's and they are not on Spotify, and I doubt it is on anyone's radar. It would be nice to listen to it again, but we don't have a CD player.

Yes, There are some cassette tapes we bought as kids from local groups that we can't access the music from anymore.


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I have VLC Media Player on my phone and have downloaded old CDs.  TBH I don't know much about it except that it was easy to do from my desktop.  My husband the geek installed it all and uses it on his phone so I assume it passed his security requirements.

This post actually reminded me to see about transferring some old Great Courses discs so I can listen to them again! 

ETA: I just saw you don't have a CD drive on your computer. I'll leave this in case anyone else is looking for something like it. 

ETA2: I don't think it's particularly civilized to rebuy stuff I've already bought because technology changed LOL. It rather irks me actually!  🤣



Edited by marbel
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42 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

I'm still bitter that I took the time to transfer SO MANY cds to my original ipod.  At some point iTunes decided it was all pirated and disappeared it.  It took hours and I'm mad at them this many years later.

Same! I’m still mad about it! And still haven’t figured out a good way to get all my tunes in one easy spot to listen to them. My kids keep trying to get me using Spotify and/or Apple Music, but I don’t want to pay fees for ad free and the ads are a nuisance. But mostly I’m just holding a grudge. 

I do have a CD player and my favorite CDs in my studio, but it’s not portable. 

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Track down that external hard drive. I've ripped CDs that I purchased before. One of the computers has a drive, another uses an external drive. We have the VLC Media player also (on the computer, never thought about it for my phone...) I've also never thought about loading them onto my phone for the car! My dc tell me that the car we bought this summer has a port I could plug a thumb drive into and play music straight from that. Maybe I'll go dig out my SotW discs and take another spin through the history of the world.

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3 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

I'm still bitter that I took the time to transfer SO MANY cds to my original ipod.  At some point iTunes decided it was all pirated and disappeared it.  It took hours and I'm mad at them this many years later.

So that is what happened!!!  I have been so frustrated that I am missing hundreds or maybe even a thousand songs that I uploaded.  And many are ones that are not in the Apple library, so you can't have them.  My cd burner doesn't work...  UGGH... I have been putting off getting our tons of CD's out to redo...  But yeah, I had them for the iPod...

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3 hours ago, Miss Tick said:

Track down that external hard drive. I've ripped CDs that I purchased before. One of the computers has a drive, another uses an external drive. We have the VLC Media player also (on the computer, never thought about it for my phone...) I've also never thought about loading them onto my phone for the car! My dc tell me that the car we bought this summer has a port I could plug a thumb drive into and play music straight from that. Maybe I'll go dig out my SotW discs and take another spin through the history of the world.

My son did this with ours and then did it again for my parents. He put it all on ITunes. iTunes has not deleted it, but we still have all our CDs. 

We have mostly dumb cars, but there is a Bluetooth adapter you can plug in. You find an unused radio band, IIRC, and it uses that to pick up music from your phone. It’s maybe $25. 

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8 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

I'm still bitter that I took the time to transfer SO MANY cds to my original ipod.  At some point iTunes decided it was all pirated and disappeared it.  It took hours and I'm mad at them this many years later.

Amazon music did the same thing!! So I still have music on the computer, but never listen to it. ☹️

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/16/2023 at 11:21 AM, KungFuPanda said:

I'm still bitter that I took the time to transfer SO MANY cds to my original ipod.  At some point iTunes decided it was all pirated and disappeared it.  It took hours and I'm mad at them this many years later.


The stuff we transferred from CD, to computer, to iTunes, we eventually couldn't transfer anymore (I mean, it's still on that original iPod, if we still have it somewhere, but.....). Huge pain (we transferred them all when we moved to Brazil, to be able to have all our music w/o the space/weight)

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