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I can hardly wait for Christmas morning!

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Okay. The surprise was ruined last week. A phone conversation was had while the gift recipient was standing *right there*.


Still, we are excited to give this gift next week, and it continues to take shape as one of the best gifts EVER.


Many of you know that my son (14) has been volunteering at our local library since his 11th birthday. Long before then, he thought that he may, eventually, want to be a librarian.


A few years ago, Jeffrey decided that he wanted to visit all 42 libraries in our county system. My husband and I wanted to support his love of books and libraries, so we agreed to take him to each of the library branches to visit, check out a book or two and have his picture taken in front of each building.

During this process, the director of our library system found out what he was doing and invited him to a meeting when Jeffrey finished his tour.

On his 12th birthday, we took our son to visit the director at his office where he gave Jeffrey a certificate of achievement and a gift of books as he congratulated Jeffrey for doing something many of the system's own employees had not done.

The following month, there was a wonderful article about his experience written in the library's newsletter, which they sent to us as a keepsake.


Since then, Jeffrey has continued to volunteer at our local branch, and has applied for the position of page now that he is of the age that he may legally work in our state.


The most recent development in Jeffrey's 'Love of Libraries' story involves the nation's top librarian.

A family we count among our greatest friends recently moved to the Washington DC area. Just a month or two after they moved, one of our friends found herself at a woman's luncheon seated next to the wife of the Librarian of Congress. They surely had many great conversations, and among them was the story of Jeffrey and his passion for books and libraries.

Shortly after, Jeffrey received a package from the Library of Congress. It was a surprise to me, and I asked him if he had ordered something that I was not aware of.

"Of course not," he told me as he opened the envelope.


It turned out to be a fat brochure about the Librarian of Congress. And a Letter from the Librarian.


Two hand-written pages encouraging Jeffrey in his reading adventures and his volunteerism for our libraries.

And an invitation to Washington DC for a special tour of Thomas Jefferson's personal library with the man himself, the Librarian of Congress, Dr. James H. Billington.


Our mouths hung open. We cried. We couldn't believe it.

Later that night my husband said to me, "You do understand that we have to make this happen, don't you?"

I just nodded, but I couldn't imagine how we would do it.


Eleven years into this marriage and I am still amazed at the people my husband knows and his will to get things done.


We got a phone call this afternoon from the Assistant to the Librarian of Congress wanting to set up a meeting for our family and Dr. Billington.


We are going in January. We have a date.

My son is going to be so happy.

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Okay. The surprise was ruined last week. A phone conversation was had while the gift recipient was standing *right there*.


Still, we are excited to give this gift next week, and it continues to take shape as one of the best gifts EVER.


Many of you know that my son (14) has been volunteering at our local library since his 11th birthday. Long before then, he thought that he may, eventually, want to be a librarian.


A few years ago, Jeffrey decided that he wanted to visit all 42 libraries in our county system. My husband and I wanted to support his love of books and libraries, so we agreed to take him to each of the library branches to visit, check out a book or two and have his picture taken in front of each building.

During this process, the director of our library system found out what he was doing and invited him to a meeting when Jeffrey finished his tour.

On his 12th birthday, we took our son to visit the director at his office where he gave Jeffrey a certificate of achievement and a gift of books as he congratulated Jeffrey for doing something many of the system's own employees had not done.

The following month, there was a wonderful article about his experience written in the library's newsletter, which they sent to us as a keepsake.


Since then, Jeffrey has continued to volunteer at our local branch, and has applied for the position of page now that he is of the age that he may legally work in our state.


The most recent development in Jeffrey's 'Love of Libraries' story involves the nation's top librarian.

A family we count among our greatest friends recently moved to the Washington DC area. Just a month or two after they moved, one of our friends found herself at a woman's luncheon seated next to the wife of the Librarian of Congress. They surely had many great conversations, and among them was the story of Jeffrey and his passion for books and libraries.

Shortly after, Jeffrey received a package from the Library of Congress. It was a surprise to me, and I asked him if he had ordered something that I was not aware of.

"Of course not," he told me as he opened the envelope.


It turned out to be a fat brochure about the Librarian of Congress. And a Letter from the Librarian.


Two hand-written pages encouraging Jeffrey in his reading adventures and his volunteerism for our libraries.

And an invitation to Washington DC for a special tour of Thomas Jefferson's personal library with the man himself, the Librarian of Congress, Dr. James H. Billington.


Our mouths hung open. We cried. We couldn't believe it.

Later that night my husband said to me, "You do understand that we have to make this happen, don't you?"

I just nodded, but I couldn't imagine how we would do it.


Eleven years into this marriage and I am still amazed at the people my husband knows and his will to get things done.


We got a phone call this afternoon from the Assistant to the Librarian of Congress wanting to set up a meeting for our family and Dr. Billington.


We are going in January. We have a date.

My son is going to be so happy.


Wow! Incredible! What an amazing adventure! What a wonderful gift! What a spectacular boy!

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Thank you all for sharing our excitement.


JudoMom, we've decided to stay in a hotel near the library so we can walk everywhere and forgo a rental car. The only problem with that choice is that it will be difficult for me to see everyone.





I am going to try to work something out, though. I don't want to fly all the way over there and not meet anyone!

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Wow, Crissy! You have every right to be so proud of and excited for your son! I've mentioned to my oldest before that he might consider volunteering at the library and/or working as a page when in due time. Unfortunately, I think my boys attach a kind of stigma to the whole concept of working at the library. They love reading, and love the library, but for whatever reason I guess they feel odd about working there ~ especially on an unpaid basis. It bothers me and I'm not sure how to change their thinking.:001_huh: I'm going to share Jeffrey's story with them. Among other things, it's a good example to them of a person taking initiative, which I worry is lacking among my guys. Sigh.


Eleven years into this marriage and I am still amazed at the people my husband knows and his will to get things done.


Yes, knowing the right people sure does help in life. I think I can safely say my husband isn't in the "know" with anyone of great import. (Nor am I, for that matter.)


Btw, if your dh has the connections to get you into the inauguration during your visit, I will officially be branded, permanently, green with envy. : )

Edited by Colleen
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