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Well-trained bodies - turn of the year, goals, January, etc

Laura Corin

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Yesterday was rough. I was really tired after the late night of schoolwork. (It doesn't seem like that long ago that I could pull an all-nighter and still function the next day. Sigh.) I was also just emotionally blah dealing with the work stuff and family stuff. 

By mid-afternoon, I literally couldn't hold up my head, so I took a nap, which then meant I had to work late to make up the time . . .

Anyway, icky day. However, I did get out for a decent walk (4.2K) to finish off the day's steps. I also read one of the three textbook chapters I need to tackle for one of my classes before my brain got too mushy.

Started this morning with about 4.2K walking, followed by a 20-minute upper body workout video and a 5-minute chair-based dance/exercise video.

I had a first-round job interview this morning, which I think went well. The HR person did tell me they are looking at an internal candidate, though, which doesn't bode well for me. I would actually be excited about this one, but I am not holding my breath. Nonetheless, it felt good to feel like I presented myself well and to know that there is a job out there for which I am qualified and that I might be more enthusiastic about doing.

So, now I once again need to make up the time I took off for the interview, but I will get some more walking and/or stationary biking in at some point before bedtime.


Winter Warmup 2022 Challenge: 149.2 of 500K
Walking Streak: 23

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Good luck on the job search @Jenny in Florida. I'm trying not to compulsively check my email to see if I get a reply about the application I submitted.

I did 1 hr of yoga yesterday/ no walk it was heavy rain, icky and I had so much paperwork to do

Today- idk nothing so far and I'm feeling rather blah- I feel like I'm fighting a cold. Plus I don't want to aggravate my stupid hip or whatever is going on. 

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I had to take a couple days off from the REI training exercises due to having an issue that meant I needed to just take it easy. But, I am back at it today. It is probably one of the few exercise programs I have done, except swimming, that I enjoy. I think it is because it is simple to execute, and I am doing it with the goal of improving my endurance at something I enjoy, kayaking. I do not feel stressed. Every time I have adopted an exercise program for weight loss, I have been stressed and tense about it, down on myself it if wasn't producing the desired results.

My jeans are looser. One pair is quite loose. I am not stepping on the scale though because weight loss would be a side bonus. I don't want to start changing focus or getting stressed, and it is entirely possible that muscles are beginning to tighten up changing the way my jeans fit without losing weight.

Mark and I do love to swim, and it is Michigan winter so no going to the lake. We live an hour from any indoor pool (except one high school in the county and there are no open swim hours during the season while the swim team is training) so it isn't possible for us to do it unless we drive to the aquatic center or to a hotel with a pool which is very expensive. It isn't something we can do regularly. But, we are talking about going once per month for fun. It is so good for my bad ankle. I am also a pro at treading water. I often tread for an hour, and when I get out of the pool, all the edema in my permanently injured ankle will be gone for a couple of days. We plan on putting in a lap swim pool at the Alabama retirement house when we move there full time.

At any rate, back in the swing of things and enjoying it which is surprising.

Edited by Faith-manor
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I did my morning routine plus extra arms from Laura's pdf, then went for a 2 hour bushwhack following various tracks and people trails.  We have a winter storm warning for tomorrow so I'm excited to play in some deeper snow!

Oof, I just read about a friend of mine who rescued another person who'd gone through  thin ice.  His wearable ice picks wouldn't even work because the ice was so thin but my friend had a rope and dug in her skates to help pull and guide him up onto thicker ice.  They then had to skate 10 minutes back to the car.  I'm terrified of going through ice but I dearly love skating.  No skating for me yet this year, it's way too warm.

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Zumba and my dance class 2 nights back to back is rough. But so much fun! After walking the indoor track tonight, I talked to 2 ladies older than me who were just coming out of spin class- I think I’m going to try it. I bike all summer and it takes me awhile each spring to get back into biking shape. 
I push myself a lot harder in a group class than on my own. But I’ve only ever done group dance, aerobics, step, water direness classes. Kind of scared of spin!
I’m loving yoga with Joelle on my non cardio days. 
I can’t believe how easy it is to get out of shape when you stop doing harder workouts due to an injury (my knee last summer then my toe this fall). 😞

Hoping to strengthen my hips and back too so they aren’t always sore.

ETA- there are a bunch of other Joelle challenges too- not just the New Years one.

Edited by Hilltopmom
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My weeks of of 3 hour round trips to take care of my aunt are done. My cousin came home late Tuesday night.

I did two YouTube yoga routines today. One was Yoga with Joelle practice for piriformis and sciatic pain, about 17 minutes. The other was  a 22 minute practice for pelvic imbalance and uneven hips. 


24 minutes ago, Eos said:

 Laura's pdf, 

"Our"  Laura? Was it shared in this thread? I went back and looked but didn't see anything unless I scrolled too quickly. 






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4 minutes ago, Lady Florida. said:

My weeks of of 3 hour round trips to take care of my aunt are done. My cousin came home late Tuesday night.

I did two YouTube yoga routines today. One was Yoga with Joelle practice for piriformis and sciatic pain, about 17 minutes. The other was  a 22 minute practice for pelvic imbalance and uneven hips. 


"Our"  Laura? Was it shared in this thread? I went back and looked but didn't see anything unless I scrolled too quickly. 






Yes, let me see if I can find it.

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Paging @Laura Corin Could you please repost the exercise pdf you posted quite recently? It's the one with 2 exercises per day, lots of arms. I had been using it but accidentally cleared all my history and can't find it, and can't seem to find it in the thread - thank you!

Edited by Eos
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5 hours ago, Eos said:

Paging @Laura Corin Could you please repost the exercise pdf you posted quite recently? It's the one with 2 exercises per day, lots of arms. I had been using it but accidentally cleared all my history and can't find it, and can't seem to find it in the thread - thank you!

Here you go. It was Jorge Cruise by way of Oprah. I don't have any other Oprah in my history,  so easy for me to find.


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I worked late last night to make up for the time I took off for the interview and then also some time I spent chatting with my kiddo about their last day at their job. So, it wasn't until after 8:00 that I got out for a walk (4.5K to finish my steps). I then sat down to try and speed through some schoolwork, but my brain was mushy, meaning I will need to work in the rest of the reading and drafting my discussion post in between work and a meeting with my teammate for an assignment for my other class this evening. 

I'm trying to remember that I have this scramble at the beginning of every semester, feeling like I can't keep up and wondering why I chose to go to school at all, let alone to take more than one class at a time. And this semester is more "fun" than usual with the addition of having my kiddo staying here and throwing myself into serious job hunting. However, the drop date is past and the tuition is paid, so I will do my best to forge ahead.

Anyway  . . .  walked 4.4K this morning and then did about 20 minutes of strength and stretching before I had to sit down to work.

More walking later, wherever I can fit it into the above-mentioned evening schedule.


Winter Warmup 2022 Challenge: 158.2 of 500K
Walking Streak: 24

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Went to the gym today and had a good, hard workout. Weights and core and even time on the elliptical. My back is achy and twingy, but I think I did the right kinds of things to help it be less so. Gyrotonics yesterday helped a ton, and the elliptical seems to have a good loosen-up-the-system effect as well. 

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4 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

I worked late last night to make up for the time I took off for the interview and then also some time I spent chatting with my kiddo about their last day at their job. So, it wasn't until after 8:00 that I got out for a walk (4.5K to finish my steps). I then sat down to try and speed through some schoolwork, but my brain was mushy, meaning I will need to work in the rest of the reading and drafting my discussion post in between work and a meeting with my teammate for an assignment for my other class this evening. 

I'm trying to remember that I have this scramble at the beginning of every semester, feeling like I can't keep up and wondering why I chose to go to school at all, let alone to take more than one class at a time. And this semester is more "fun" than usual with the addition of having my kiddo staying here and throwing myself into serious job hunting. However, the drop date is past and the tuition is paid, so I will do my best to forge ahead.

Anyway  . . .  walked 4.4K this morning and then did about 20 minutes of strength and stretching before I had to sit down to work.

More walking later, wherever I can fit it into the above-mentioned evening schedule.


Winter Warmup 2022 Challenge: 158.2 of 500K
Walking Streak: 24

wow you are busy, nice work making time for exercise!

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15 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Here you go. It was Jorge Cruise by way of Oprah. I don't have any other Oprah in my history,  so easy for me to find.


Thanks. These are all easily doable especially in the morning when I have to force myself to move. 

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Today was a good day. I did the Friday workout from Laura's link above, a 19 minute yoga video for my uneven hips/pelvic imbalance, and meditated for 8 minutes from my book 8 Minute Meditation.

There's a walking trail that I've been want to try and put it on my 23 things to do in 2023 list. It's about 6 miles straight to the end and back (it's called Linear Trail for good reason). Today dh and I just wanted to take a look and see what we think so we went halfway out and back for a total of 3 miles. We'll definitely go back and walk the whole trail, preferably in the morning when we'll see more wildlife than we saw there today. 

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Cheering you ladies along!

Still feeling tired and icky. Mostly just laying around here interspersed with gentle movements and slow walking inside. My hip is doing better again so that's progress. I still can't hardly sit but it doesn't hurt as bad. 

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32 minutes ago, Soror said:

Cheering you ladies along!

Still feeling tired and icky. Mostly just laying around here interspersed with gentle movements and slow walking inside. My hip is doing better again so that's progress. I still can't hardly sit but it doesn't hurt as bad. 

Laying around is the right call to make here. Give this season of rest its full due. 

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I did 25 min on the treadmill yesterday. Today I did two of the 30 days of yoga, day 11 and today's day 20. Hitting that busy end-of-semester time plus another meeting Monday for training on a curriculum we're going to pilot--lots of extra work to plan for a sub. I'll go into school today to write tests for both Alg 1 and Alg 2 for Thursday/Friday. Have to write the tests before I can write reviews for Tues/Wed.

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I'm sorry you are in a bad way @Soror.


Husband and I took advantage of a special lunch deal at a good fish restaurant.  After we got back, I took a gentle five-mile walk. That will be it for the day. Tomorrow I hope to do some yoga - I'm still too full to do any today. 

Oh - a successful day too - an antique mirror was advertised in my work newsletter and we went over to a colleague's house to buy that and attractive cocktail chairs. Sometimes it's easier to have less choice and just say 'yes' to what is available and affordable.

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I'm traveling every other weekend at the moment to see dd. This is really throwing off my routine! I did manage a walk today but got caught in the rain twice (it had been raining off/on so I just went outside and put a hoodie on). But I was going absolutely stir crazy for exercise and needed some movement. The only other movement I've had lately has steps from misc walking/running errands. My diet has been horrible part of the trip too (like succumbing to the drive thru for convenience). 

At the house I do cook, but without my exercise bike/HIIT, I don't seem to make a calorie deficit and I probably put on weight this visit. I'll try to get back on track when I get home. 

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I meant to take 2 rest days (minus some very light stretching), but I think I accidentally took 3!  Dh being sick and me being swamped with week 1 of condensed college courses must have mixed me all up.

I was in the basement for somewhere between and hour and a half to two hours yesterday morning, and it was awesome. I was surprised not to feel it by the end of the day, but it caught up to me this morning, lol.

ive definitely decided I prefer an every other or even every third day long weights session to daily quicker ones.

I still don’t have a good workout tracker. I’m using my Notes app, but that’s a pain. Suggestions?

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I think I missed posting yesterday, but it wasn't anything interesting. I got most of my remaining steps for Friday by doing a fruitless shopping quest in search of a basic pair of black pants for a potential job interview this week. Seven stores, trying on an average of five or six pairs of pants in each store and coming home with nothing . . . except a decent step count.

I did the usual short walk with the dog, followed by yoga at the lake and the walk to and from yesterday morning, then a longish (4.4K) solo walk in the evening.

Since I had no where specific to be and no pressing schedule to follow this morning, I let the dog take the lead. She led us on a 5.25K wander. Sundays are my day off from other exercise. So, it'll just be another walk later for steps/distance tracking.


Winter Warmup 2022 Challenge: 172.7 of 500K
Walking Streak: 26

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The rain is off/on again. Walked an hour in the “mizzling” rain. 

I managed to find a sports bra in the store the other day so now I have another which is good. 

I don’t have my pedometer but I had my phone on my walk so I know I got around 6k steps. 

My dad dismisses my plantar fasciitis as strictly a stress-induced thing known as TMS (Tension Myoneural Syndrome). Even if there’s some truth to that, I found it infuriating. Ugh can’t talk about anything. 

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4 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

The rain is off/on again. Walked an hour in the “mizzling” rain. 

I managed to find a sports bra in the store the other day so now I have another which is good. 

I don’t have my pedometer but I had my phone on my walk so I know I got around 6k steps. 

My dad dismisses my plantar fasciitis as strictly an stress-induced thing known as TMS (Tension Myoneural Syndrome). Even if there’s some truth to that, I found it infuriating. Ugh can’t talk about anything. 

Do you stretch the instant you wake up? It really helps. I find a beach towel or a twin flat sheet rolled up does the trick.

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Just now, Harriet Vane said:

Do you stretch the instant you wake up? It really helps. I find a beach towel or a twin flat sheet rolled up does the trick.

I haven’t had a true flare up but it came up because I said I needed a job where I’m able to sit.

my feet hurt if I walk too long or barefoot around the house. 

I should stretch but I always wonder if you need to warm up the muscles first. So then I end up doing nothing. 

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6 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I haven’t had a true flare up but it came up because I said I needed a job where I’m able to sit.

my feet hurt if I walk too long or barefoot around the house. 

I should stretch but I always wonder if you need to warm up the muscles first. So then I end up doing nothing. 

Stretch as I described before you get out of bed. Keep the towel or sheet handy to grab first thing. You want to bend your ankle and pull your toes up towards your torso.

Also keep a frozen water bottle in the freezer. A couple times per day, pull it out and roll your arches on it.

For strengthening, go up and down on your toes a few times per day. Also try to grab small or light things with your toes (pencils, marbles, hand towels).

Keep these quick and simple. Nip it in the bud.


Edited by Harriet Vane
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Just now, Harriet Vane said:

Stretch as I described before you get out of bed. Keep the towel or sheet handy to grab first thing. You want to bend your ankle and pull your toes up towards your torso.

Also keep a frozen water bottle in the fridge. A couple times per day, pull it out and roll your arches on it.

For strengthening, go up and down on your toes a few times per day. Also try to grab small or light things with your toes (pencils, marbles, hand towels).

Keep these quick and simple. Nip it in the bud.


I have a whole list of stretches and even some devices (slant board, calf stretcher I put my foot in, night splints). It just didn’t seem to make much difference. I have a frozen water bottle I seldom use, a spiky ball to roll my foot over, and a flat flexible ice pack to rest me feet on. I rarely get to the point I need any. They seem like after the fact items. 

I went to PT for weeks and did the exercises but I can’t tell how much difference they make. I guess I should stretch more as a proactive measure but either way I’m fine for like an hour walk. 

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33 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I have a whole list of stretches and even some devices (slant board, calf stretcher I put my foot in, night splints). It just didn’t seem to make much difference. I have a frozen water bottle I seldom use, a spiky ball to roll my foot over, and a flat flexible ice pack to rest me feet on. I rarely get to the point I need any. They seem like after the fact items. 

I went to PT for weeks and did the exercises but I can’t tell how much difference they make. I guess I should stretch more as a proactive measure but either way I’m fine for like an hour walk. 

If you're fine for an hour walk, that's pretty good. Keep doing your stretches and ices and strength training. 

The next step is to wear orthotics in your shoes. I haven't found much difference between the fancy ones I paid a fortune for and the $20 ones I got at Target. 

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3 minutes ago, Harriet Vane said:

If you're fine for an hour walk, that's pretty good. Keep doing your stretches and ices and strength training. 

The next step is to wear orthotics in your shoes. I haven't found much difference between the fancy ones I paid a fortune for and the $20 ones I got at Target. 

I’ve already addressed that, too. All my shoes, except some dress shoes I rarely wear, have insoles. I bought one set directly from the podiatrist but wear them so frequently I think I need to replace them. The brand is sold on Amazon but that model is only sold at dr offices. The cheap ones do not work for me. I’ve had the best luck with the specialty PowerStep ones she sold me ($60 I think). I must wear the ones with the firm, raised arch. I also wear stability shoes as my normal shoe — had me feet analyzed years ago at a running shoe store. 

Around my house I wear Chacos sandals with arch support but those might need replaced, too. 

My main point to my dad was that I need a desk job. I can’t just work FT or supplement my income with a retail job like some people think. That’s how I ended up at PT 😆 I was working short shifts at a dollar store and even those shifts were too much. I have lost a ton of weight since then but my body still can’t handle standing long periods. 

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13 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I’ve already addressed that, too. All my shoes, except some dress shoes I rarely wear, have insoles. I bought one set directly from the podiatrist but wear them so frequently I think I need to replace them. The brand is sold on Amazon but that model is only sold at dr offices. The cheap ones do not work for me. I’ve had the best luck with the specialty PowerStep ones she sold me ($60 I think). I must wear the ones with the firm, raised arch. I also wear stability shoes as my normal shoe — had me feet analyzed years ago at a running shoe store. 

Around my house I wear Chacos sandals with arch support but those might need replaced, too. 

My main point to my dad was that I need a desk job. I can’t just work FT or supplement my income with a retail job like some people think. That’s how I ended up at PT 😆 I was working short shifts at a dollar store and even those shifts were too much. I have lost a ton of weight since then but my body still can’t handle standing long periods. 

That makes sense. And I think it's fine to aim for a desk job.

I am the same way, though I am quite a bit older.

I loooooove my Chaco sandals. Wonderfully supportive.

If you do end up doing retail work, you might have to consider wearing Brooks or shoes with super-thick soles. Even then, people struggle. 

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4 minutes ago, Harriet Vane said:

That makes sense. And I think it's fine to aim for a desk job.

I am the same way, though I am quite a bit older.

I loooooove my Chaco sandals. Wonderfully supportive.

If you do end up doing retail work, you might have to consider wearing Brooks or shoes with super-thick soles. Even then, people struggle. 

My current everyday shoes are Brooks lol I’ve been addressing this for a while. Before that Mizuno but none of their newer models worked for me. They change too much between models. 

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Morning routine, a hike, and a 2 mile walk.

My sisters and I are planning a mountain climb together this summer, very exciting.  One sent a fitness routine we will all work with.  I feel happy that I've already started doing planks!

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Not many steps yesterday but I was productive. The girls and I caught up on cleaning that had been neglected Thursday and Friday. Finished a bit of school with dd2 that was missed. Did some cooking and lots of homeschool planning. Not all productivity counts as steps if I'm just doing little movements back and forth my watch doesn't catch it and of course lots of standing which aren't steps at all. I made it the whole day without feeling I needed a nap.

I also did 40-45 min of exercise indoors- a mix of core and upper body strength, gentle yoga, and lower body pilates focused moves to help my hip issues (all very slow and controlled). I got in a 20ish min walk.

I can sit a bit more now but still not much. Mostly I'm trying not to sit as it seems to really aggravate it. So, doing what I can kneeling at the coffee table or standing at the kitchen counter or just laying on the couch or bed.

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I'll get on the treadmill here in a few minutes and I should have time for the full half hour since I'm just going to an off-site meeting today and don't need to be there until 8:00 (usually get into school by 7:45). I'm now down 3 lbs since max post-xmas weight--another half pound or so and I'll be at what has been my lowest sustainable weight. Maybe I'll see if I can go lower (and sustain lower).

We figured out how to eat another super-healthy food yesterday. I have trouble with many veggies like broccoli as they have a bitter acidy taste to me that makes me gag. Can't do cooked greens, but I do fine with spinach in salads. So wanting to try kale, I made a Caesar salad that was about half Romaine and half kale cut up pretty small. And we had no trouble with it at all. In fact when dh was making his lunch for today he chopped up more kale for his salad. We are by no means pure nutritarians, but our pantry, fridge, and diets are slowly turning into mostly foods that have what our bodies need. But there are still a few brownies in the freezer from December, etc.

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