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Well-trained bodies - turn of the year, goals, January, etc

Laura Corin

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33 minutes ago, Soror said:

I hate the guessing game with aches and pains. Is this a random thing or something bad? Hope it is random for you.

I noticed my knee start hurting after about 30 min of cycling in the summer, but this is the first time it's happened so quickly. I used toe clips this time, so I'm wondering if the pulling up motion of the peddles sparked the pain. 

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Yesterday I got two short walks in--one during a meeting break and one with dd--in addition to the morning yoga. Today I'm going to go do an indoor walking video now and will probably have my first skip day of yoga (unless I'm suddenly inspired tonight and have lots of time--ha ha). 

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4 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

So I have a pickle. My five out of seven days a week goal is based on Mark working at his moms, non-profit (he is I.T. remote) because I am very self conscious exercising in front of him. I actually hate gyms for this reason. Today his mom has a couple of friends who came to visit her which is good, so he didn't go up and has set up his work station in the family room where my exercise stuff is including the resistance bands mounted to the wall. I don't want to miss today. But. I really have anxiety about exercising when he is in the room. Now I am trying to think of a valid reason to send him to town on his lunch which would give me just enough time to do the minimum reps of kayaking exercises. Then I could just take a walk with the dog after he gets back. I don't have lofty goals other than to just be a bit more active, a healthier version of me, and to be able to do the 4 mile kayak trip on our anniversary in June without being sore and stove up the next day.

I'd never play tennis if I constantly worried that someone was watching me. In fact, someone (my opponent) is always watching me - and usually hoping that I'll miss the shot (unless they are my partner). 🤣 The self talk I use is, "the other person is noticining me for a moment, and then they are going back to focusing on themself for 99% of the time. They really care mostly about their own actions, and what I'm doing is no big deal at all." 

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33 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

So I have a pickle. My five out of seven days a week goal is based on Mark working at his moms, non-profit (he is I.T. remote) because I am very self conscious exercising in front of him. I actually hate gyms for this reason. Today his mom has a couple of friends who came to visit her which is good, so he didn't go up and has set up his work station in the family room where my exercise stuff is including the resistance bands mounted to the wall. I don't want to miss today. But. I really have anxiety about exercising when he is in the room. Now I am trying to think of a valid reason to send him to town on his lunch which would give me just enough time to do the minimum reps of kayaking exercises. Then I could just take a walk with the dog after he gets back. I don't have lofty goals other than to just be a bit more active, a healthier version of me, and to be able to do the 4 mile kayak trip on our anniversary in June without being sore and stove up the next day.

I totally get this! I hate when my DH comes downstairs when I’m exercising. I tell him to leave all the time. He would not be surprised if I threw him out for his lunch hour in this circumstance. 
That said, he’s totally supportive and doesn’t understand this issue at all. It’s just exercise to him. He sees me all day in all sorts of ways. He doesn’t judge this and I’m sure your husband doesn’t either. I’m sure he’s very proud of you.  But I get where you’re coming from totally! 

yesterday I got all the steps in and had a mini breakthrough in jump rope form I’m pretty excited about. Lots of stretching and practiced the Pilates roll up as part of my getting off the floor routine. 

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9 minutes ago, Toocrazy!! said:

I totally get this! I hate when my DH comes downstairs when I’m exercising. I tell him to leave all the time. He would not be surprised if I threw him out for his lunch hour in this circumstance. 
That said, he’s totally supportive and doesn’t understand this issue at all. It’s just exercise to him. He sees me all day in all sorts of ways. He doesn’t judge this and I’m sure your husband doesn’t either. I’m sure he’s very proud of you.  But I get where you’re coming from totally! 

yesterday I got all the steps in and had a mini breakthrough in jump rope form I’m pretty excited about. Lots of stretching and practiced the Pilates roll up as part of my getting off the floor routine. 

Thanks! ❤

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I think I did morning stretches yesterday? I’m having a rough week, and skipped yesterday’s regular workout. Today is still pretty sucky, but I’m hoping to persevere.

I am very glad I had asked for yoga recommendations. My bends are getting bendier, my twists are getting twistier, my stretches are getting stretchier. I was in it for that, but all the breathing, connecting to body, letting go stuff came in handy this afternoon as I took a few minutes to try to relieve the strain of the crummy stuff. It helped.

Hip pain seems to be mostly resolved. Now I need to keep strengthening these knees if my butt is ever going to touch my heels on the mat. 😉 

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On 1/9/2023 at 4:35 PM, Elfknitter.# said:

For those who use weights, is there a program or videos you prefer for starting out? I have some 5lb weights at home and I know there's videos on Fitness blender. It just feels overwhelming to find something. I'd love for videos in the vein of Joelle but I'm not sure what's out there. Also, I need ones that are 30 minutes or less to fit into my schedule. I don't mind doing them 2-3 times per week and I love variety, so it different ones would be perfect.

I like these videos.

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It's been a week so far.

Between starting the new semester, being miserable about stuff at work, being in all-day on-site meetings from Monday through lunch today and just generally feeling gross (emotionally, mostly, although my newly tattooed leg continues to be sore), I'm honestly barely keeping up with life, let alone exercise.

Yesterday, I did not make my step count. And I did not make it to my yoga class, because I had to drive to the university campus to collect one of my textbooks. 

Nor have I done the last day (or two?) or Joelle's videos, because mornings have been squeezed trying to remember how to get myself dressed and gathered up and packed for a day in the office and out the door in order to be on site by 9:00.

I did walk the usual 4K+ this morning and spent about 25 minutes doing strength and stretching on the mat outside. My calendar is pretty booked through the rest of the afternoon (preliminary phone interview for potential new job, boring meeting I don't want to attend for my current job, orientation session for one of my grad school classes), but I plan/hope to get out for another good walk once all of that is over.

I'm choosing to tell myself that I will get back in the groove soon.


Winter Warmup 2022 Challenge: 73.7 of 500K
Walking Streak: 15

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1 hour ago, Jenny in Florida said:


I'm choosing to tell myself that I will get back in the groove soon.




Transitions are hard--trying to manage a huge change in day to day working conditions (on site versus remote) is huge, and finding a new job is huge. 

So yes, keep telling yourself you'll get back in the groove. Be gentle with yourself in the transition. Congratulate yourself for every little inch you're able to do. You're going to be just fine.

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Today's exercise was minimal   - I slept late, which was good, but then missed my sun salutations and weights. So the sum total today was some brisk errands on foot at lunchtime and Kegels.

Tomorrow might be hard to manage too - I will try to do my morning routine,  but it's harder on days I have to go to the office. At lunchtime I have to go and see a former colleague who is in a bit of a state. I suspect I need to aim for a walk after supper. 

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To weigh or not to weigh.

Can you all weigh in?  🙂 

I feel pretty dialed in with my new morning routine and have added 8 minutes of HIIT running in place.  So now I do stretching/planks/legs while my first cup of coffee water is coming to the boil, then a bit later the arms/strengthening routines that Laura shared plus 8 minutes cruising fast to nowhere while second cup water is coming to the boil.  My food routine feels solid and I've lost the holiday weight that I wanted to lose. 

Now my goal is to lose 15 more pounds over the course of the year. My family all dies of heart disease and I want to optimize my chances. I am in the place where usually I can lose three pounds, then I feel happy and slack off, regain it and start again.  My usual process is to weigh myself about once a week.  Does it help or not help you  to weigh every day?  I struggle with an internal judgment that says people who weigh themselves every day are vain.  When I slide my ratty and inaccurate old scale out from under the bathtub I do it very quietly because I don't want my family to know that I'm weighing myself since that means I'm vain and I judge that in others.  This realization is making me laugh a bit, since it's so absurd, but I am naming it out loud to start banishing it.

Maybe, just maybe, I will buy a sleek new fancy scale and pop it right down on the floor and step on it every day to see if my goal is being achieved.  Maybe I will also stop judging others who weigh themselves every day for health OR beauty reasons.  

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5 minutes ago, Eos said:

To weigh or not to weigh.

Can you all weigh in?  🙂 

I feel pretty dialed in with my new morning routine and have added 8 minutes of HIIT running in place.  So now I do stretching/planks/legs while my first cup of coffee water is coming to the boil, then a bit later the arms/strengthening routines that Laura shared plus 8 minutes cruising fast to nowhere while second cup water is coming to the boil.  My food routine feels solid and I've lost the holiday weight that I wanted to lose. 

Now my goal is to lose 15 more pounds over the course of the year. My family all dies of heart disease and I want to optimize my chances. I am in the place where usually I can lose three pounds, then I feel happy and slack off, regain it and start again.  My usual process is to weigh myself about once a week.  Does it help or not help you  to weigh every day?  I struggle with an internal judgment that says people who weigh themselves every day are vain.  When I slide my ratty and inaccurate old scale out from under the bathtub I do it very quietly because I don't want my family to know that I'm weighing myself since that means I'm vain and I judge that in others.  This realization is making me laugh a bit, since it's so absurd, but I am naming it out loud to start banishing it.

Maybe, just maybe, I will buy a sleek new fancy scale and pop it right down on the floor and step on it every day to see if my goal is being achieved.  Maybe I will also stop judging others who weigh themselves every day for health OR beauty reasons.  

I weigh every day.  I have a Renpho scale that seems pretty accurate.  For me, not weighing leads to some kind of magical thinking where the food I am eating will not cause me to put on weight.  I wish my brain didn't do that, but there you are. 

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@Eos hmm, well if what you've been doing isn't working maybe trying something new will.  Very astute thoughts re: judgement as women weight is very loaded topic. I've weighed myself often and not. 

Again I did not do strength training. I'm not really enjoying it much now and yesterday was a bit of a bumpy day emotionally. I did do my yoga, walk, and got my car cleaned inside and out.

Today: walk, pickleball, strength, and yoga

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I’ve weighed most every day on this weight loss journey. I then track it in an app called happy scale. For me, weight loss is slow and bumpy. Happy scale shows my trends and allows me to see the progress over the long haul. At the beginning I was losing close to a pound a week. Lately I’m down to 1/2 a pound a week or a little less.  That looks a lot like a plateau when you’re not looking at long overall trends. I can be up and down a pound or more every morning just because Of salt or water. If I weren’t looking at the big picture, I don’t know that I’d know what was working for me.

But- weight shouldn’t be all, I know! For me though, I do still want to weigh less. I know people say - but if you’re clothes are getting bigger. No one else knows how much you weigh. Yes, true. But I still want to see a smaller number in the scale. That part I haven’t quite moved on from yet.

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There are some funny tiktok videos about those scales- many of them Bluetooth directly to their weight loss app. One woman had a man over who unknowingly stepped on the scale and she got a notification that she met her goal weight. That would be me and my DH. That might have something to do with my weight vs size goal. My scale is not Bluetooth 😀

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I do weigh daily (sometimes skip Sundays) because it helps motivate me to make good food choices all day. When I had more time in my life, I used to graph it the old-fashioned way on paper and I have enough understanding of statistics to know about variation. There is natural variation to daily weight, so the long-term trend is what matters, not the daily up and down. "Wow I lost .8 pounds on Tuesday, oh no I gained back .2 pounds today." Nope--I don't go there. I focus on the Monday morning weight as my "trend" weight and understand that there will be daily fluctuation and zig-zaggy lines on a graph.

I used an old analog scale way too long and I do like the digital scale I picked up at Costco a few years back.

Off to do my dumbbell workout. As I suspected, no yoga yesterday, probably none today. So swamped at work already after just 3 days--being gone Tuesday didn't help.

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57 minutes ago, Toocrazy!! said:

There are some funny tiktok videos about those scales- many of them Bluetooth directly to their weight loss app. One woman had a man over who unknowingly stepped on the scale and she got a notification that she met her goal weight. That would be me and my DH. That might have something to do with my weight vs size goal. My scale is not Bluetooth 😀

My husband and I both have Renpho scales - his are upstairs and mine downstairs.  I didn't realise that I was attached to his through the floorboards, and suddenly my weight jumped up by kilos!

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@Eos I weigh every day. For me, it's the opposite of Laura Corin's issue, in that if I don't know where I really am, I catastrophize and assume that I am ballooning up. Whatever the scale shows (good news, not good news, neutral news), I at least head into the day knowing instead of worrying.

Probably not terrifically healthy, but it's how I cope.

That said, I only "count" my weight on Saturday morning as my official weight for the week. That's the one I track in my Fitbit app.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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What with all of the work-related drama and the string of meetings yesterday afternoon/evening, I came up for air a little after 7:00 realizing that I had logged fewer than half of my steps for the day. Fortunately, I had the last just-over-an-hour of my audiobook to go, so I walked just over 5K (with and without dog) and got to my goal.

Walked about 4.25K this morning, then did one of my regular 20-minute upper body weights videos followed by the last of Joelle's new year jump start videos. This one was back stretches, and I really liked it.

So, more walking at some point this evening as usual. I have some homework to do, but I'll work it out.


Winter Warmup 2022 Challenge: 83.2 of 500K
Walking Streak: 16

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I did absolutely nothing yesterday. The weather here is awful and it’s raining again today. Today is resistance training day so hopefully I’ll add in some trampoline to get my steps in. 
Yesterday was the first time I had my glucose monitor on while getting my evening steps around the living room. That was not enough movement to decrease my levels, so I’m deciding if that’s a waste or not. I guess it’s better than sitting. 
Also, I guess because DH and I share an apple account, his steps are still adding to mine in my health account. I deleted it once and it appeared to re-set everything. But yesterday when I looked my apple health steps were hugely exaggerated over my watch numbers. So, I’ll try to figure that out again. I only use my watch to track my steps daily. But my historical trends are all off. 

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Sigh. I exercised this morning, was feeling great, and then about 5 my notes ago realized I forgot to do the crunches. I am currently fly dressed in NOT comfy clothes for exercising. My choice is to do them later or go change. I have a headache, so I think I will wait until bedtime, put on my pjs and do them then.

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Another day without strength work. This old-fashioned having to go to the office gets in the way!

Kegels, sun salutations at the office,  brisk 3-mile walk after supper.

Here's a nice gothic sunrise photo to go with sunset a few days ago. This was 8.30am, so 9 minutes before official dawn.


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Now that the holidays are over, and things are starting up again, I have to pay closer attention to when things happen. My walk needs to happen by 3, so I can come in and cook dinner before everyone goes to TKD. Yesterday, I chose relationships over exercise. My walk didn't happen in the afternoon, so I made dinner and everyone went to TKD, except ds because he was getting over being sick. Instead of getting on the treadmill, I called a lady I haven't seen in church for a long time and played Crazy 8's with ds.

Today, I got outside before it started pouring, and did 1.8mi in 30min.

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

Another day without strength work. This old-fashioned having to go to the office gets in the way!

Kegels, sun salutations at the office,  brisk 3-mile walk after supper.

Here's a nice gothic sunrise photo to go with sunset a few days ago. This was 8.30am, so 9 minutes before official dawn.


Just gorgeous! 

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I got to play some really fun ladies doubles tennis this evening for 2 hrs. I also took the dogs for a quick walk in the woods and one around the block. 

I used to weigh myself daily and get a little crazed about the fluctuation. Now I only weigh once every few weeks. I think I'm eating more, and I've gained a little weight, but I'm also way happier. It was too much stress to be constantly focusing on the weight. 

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I tripled up my weight work this morning to compensate for doing nothing for the past two days. So hamstrings, quads, calves, butt, and inner and outer thighs. That just leaves some upper body work to do one day this weekend.  I'm hoping to do a longer walk on Saturday or Sunday plus some yoga.

I'll walk at lunchtime and I hope to do my Kegels when I'm reading later.

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13 hours ago, knitgrl said:

Now that the holidays are over, and things are starting up again, I have to pay closer attention to when things happen. My walk needs to happen by 3, so I can come in and cook dinner before everyone goes to TKD. Yesterday, I chose relationships over exercise. My walk didn't happen in the afternoon, so I made dinner and everyone went to TKD, except ds because he was getting over being sick. Instead of getting on the treadmill, I called a lady I haven't seen in church for a long time and played Crazy 8's with ds.

Today, I got outside before it started pouring, and did 1.8mi in 30min.

ITA - it is good to recognize when works best for exercise but also realize sometimes the best option is to skip it in favor of other things.

14 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

Nothing yesterday. I was sore from the extra long workout the day before. 

Gyrotonics this morning for the first time in a couple weeks (holidays and trainer was sick). Such a relief. It helps my back so much. We also did some core work, which is so challenging but so good to do.

I'm so glad you were able to get back to your class.

1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

I tripled up my weight work this morning to compensate for doing nothing for the past two days. So hamstrings, quads, calves, butt, and inner and outer thighs. That just leaves some upper body work to do one day this weekend.  I'm hoping to do a longer walk on Saturday or Sunday plus some yoga.

I'll walk at lunchtime and I hope to do my Kegels when I'm reading later.

Woot! You're working hard.

8 hours ago, wintermom said:

I used to weigh myself daily and get a little crazed about the fluctuation. Now I only weigh once every few weeks. I think I'm eating more, and I've gained a little weight, but I'm also way happier. It was too much stress to be constantly focusing on the weight. 

Similar here. I decided to maintain at a higher weight. I don't weigh as regularly now. There was too much tied between the number and how I thought I looked. So, I'd feel fine about my size but I'd weigh and then feel 'bad' about it because I wasn't as small as I thought I should be. Now, I wouldn't mind to be leaner (nevermind the weight but bodyfat levels) but I don't care to be strict enough to obtain that. 


As we all expected (lol) I didn't get my strength yesterday. I also skipped the outdoor walk. (1) it was breezy and cold and (2) I had limited time as we had school then left early for errands and pickleball and got home well after dark.

Oh, well, I've decided I need to keep it to 2 exercise things a day. Today I finish my 30 day yoga program and will cut back to a shorter am wake-up/warm up session before strength sessions. Now, if I can decide what I want to do for strength..... bodyweight or weights.

Today: DAY 30--- Empower Yoga Series (free on YouTube) + walking with a friend- it's going to be cold this morning so I'm bringing my snow bibs.

I have loved this. It has been absolutely perfect for me. He has a 45 day series/45 minutes but I don't think I want to jump into that yet. I think I'll explore some other videos he has on youtube for the rest of the month.

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I had a not bad/not great week.   Worked out with dd at PF Monday and Wednesday.  Did yoga everyday except yesterday, will probably get some in between classes today.

Yesterday was a bust due to early classes and late meetings.  Today should be better but I do think I'm coming down with a cold.  I was supposed to meet dd this morning but my (previous injury) ankle is throbbing, probably due to the cold rain, and I slept horribly.  

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1 minute ago, Wheres Toto said:

I had a not bad/not great week.   Worked out with dd at PF Monday and Wednesday.  Did yoga everyday except yesterday, will probably get some in between classes today.

Yesterday was a bust due to early classes and late meetings.  Today should be better but I do think I'm coming down with a cold.  I was supposed to meet dd this morning but my (previous injury) ankle is throbbing, probably due to the cold rain, and I slept horribly.  

So sorry for the looming virus and aches and poor sleep ! Hopefully you will feel better quickly. 

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Got out for a 4K walk last night, which almost met my step goal. I still had to pace around the living room for a bit after I chatted with my kiddo for a while and did my schoolwork. I clicked over 15,000 steps just about 11:30pm, but it counts.

I didn't sleep well or enough last night and wouldn't have been interested in getting out of bed even if it hadn't been raining (which it was). I hung out and petted the cat for a bit before finally forcing myself up and taking the dog out just long enough for her to relieve herself. I just wasn't into the usual Leslie Sansome indoor walking videos, so I strung together a few different, shorter things: 10 minutes of walking with one leader, 20 minutes with someone else, 20 minutes of seated "dancing" to a classic rock soundtrack, 4 minutes of more seated cardio to a different song . . . All told, it was the equivalent in number of steps to about 3.5K. I skipped weights/upper body stuff, because I was already running late for work and I figured the dance/cardio aspect of the videos already got me more involvement than I would with normal outdoor walking.

The weather has cleared up for now. Assuming it holds, I'll get out for a walk or two at some point in the remainder of the day. If it storms again, I'll use the stationary bike, instead. I have kind of run out of fun stuff to watch on the tablet while biking, so it's less appealing. I'll figure out something, though.


Winter Warmup 2022 Challenge: 90.4 of 500K
Walking Streak: 17

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Re: daily or weighing at other times

I'm opting for weekly. I get a bit obsessive when I weigh daily. Logistically, I know weight fluctuates (through the day and from day to day) but if one morning I weigh say 170 and then next day I go up to 173 or 175, I feel deflated. I'm also aware that my weigh goes up just before my period and won't drop back down until a week after. Once I get into a regular routine/ rhythm, I'll probably opt for monthly again. For now, what's more important to me are any body changes. I find measurements are more useful and positive thoughts inducing. It's really satisfying to me to know "wow! I've lost a 1/2" or 1" vs "I am now X lbs."

That said, thanks for the scale discussion! I didn't know about that particular brand. I have an old analog scale and would love to upgrade to that one. 🙂

Edited by Elfknitter.#
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We got hit with a ton of snow. I've shovelled and cleaned off the van several times already today, and took the dogs for their off-leash run in the woods. Walking in the deep snow was also a work-out. I'm playing mixed doubles tennis for 2 hrs tonight, so I'll have that work-out, as well as more snow removal. Oh, the joys of winter!! 😅

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I did all my resistance training yesterday and and lots of getting off the floor. I’ve been working on the Pilates roll up as part of that, and I can see some tiny improvement there. 
Still working on the jump rope. Once I think I’m finally in a rhythm, I screw myself up! But it still wears me out. 
This morning I made myself go on a short morning walk. It is so ugly here, hard to get motivated to do that. But I felt a lot better when I got back. 

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I did an enhanced morning routine yesterday then literally stayed indoors all day as it was blowing a gale and raining like crazy.  I re-covered my husband's chair which has been a goal for quite a while, but feel yucky this morning.  Granted, the cats woke me at 3 am and it's 5:30 as I type this, but I will definitely get outside today no matter the weather and expect that will settle my crabby mood.

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20 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Got out for a 4K walk last night, which almost met my step goal. I still had to pace around the living room for a bit after I chatted with my kiddo for a while and did my schoolwork. I clicked over 15,000 steps just about 11:30pm, but it counts.

I didn't sleep well or enough last night and wouldn't have been interested in getting out of bed even if it hadn't been raining (which it was). I hung out and petted the cat for a bit before finally forcing myself up and taking the dog out just long enough for her to relieve herself. I just wasn't into the usual Leslie Sansome indoor walking videos, so I strung together a few different, shorter things: 10 minutes of walking with one leader, 20 minutes with someone else, 20 minutes of seated "dancing" to a classic rock soundtrack, 4 minutes of more seated cardio to a different song . . . All told, it was the equivalent in number of steps to about 3.5K. I skipped weights/upper body stuff, because I was already running late for work and I figured the dance/cardio aspect of the videos already got me more involvement than I would with normal outdoor walking.

The weather has cleared up for now. Assuming it holds, I'll get out for a walk or two at some point in the remainder of the day. If it storms again, I'll use the stationary bike, instead. I have kind of run out of fun stuff to watch on the tablet while biking, so it's less appealing. I'll figure out something, though.


Winter Warmup 2022 Challenge: 90.4 of 500K
Walking Streak: 17

Some days are so hard to get going. The bad weather really doesn't help at all. Good for you on getting some movement inside instead.

1 hour ago, Eos said:

I did an enhanced morning routine yesterday then literally stayed indoors all day as it was blowing a gale and raining like crazy.  I re-covered my husband's chair which has been a goal for quite a while, but feel yucky this morning.  Granted, the cats woke me at 3 am and it's 5:30 as I type this, but I will definitely get outside today no matter the weather and expect that will settle my crabby mood.

Awesome on recovering the chair. I hope you get a nap today.

14 hours ago, Toocrazy!! said:

I did all my resistance training yesterday and and lots of getting off the floor. I’ve been working on the Pilates roll up as part of that, and I can see some tiny improvement there. 
Still working on the jump rope. Once I think I’m finally in a rhythm, I screw myself up! But it still wears me out. 
This morning I made myself go on a short morning walk. It is so ugly here, hard to get motivated to do that. But I felt a lot better when I got back. 

Woot! Jump roping is hard for me too. I've never done it enough to get very good at it. Good for you to keep at it.

14 hours ago, wintermom said:

We got hit with a ton of snow. I've shovelled and cleaned off the van several times already today, and took the dogs for their off-leash run in the woods. Walking in the deep snow was also a work-out. I'm playing mixed doubles tennis for 2 hrs tonight, so I'll have that work-out, as well as more snow removal. Oh, the joys of winter!! 😅

LOL, better you than me. That snow shoveling is hard work.

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I'm actually sleeping again. Thank the heavens. I'm waking early, which I love and not waking in the night. I won't bore you with my theories as to why but I'm thrilled. My mood is still on the icky side but I don't hate quite the whole world so that is better than last week.

I went ahead and did a short full body strength training workout yesterday- so I got in my outdoor walk, strength, and yoga.

That's 6 yoga days, 5 walking, and 2 strength for the week not counting today (I start the day on Sunday).

I plan to get in a walk and yoga. Since I finished my 30 day yoga program yesterday I'm just going to pick one of Travis' videos that look good. 

Now, I need to be thinking hard to my schedule moving forward. I think I'd like to keep my daily yoga streak- even if it is just 10 minutes some days. I need more strength training- ideally I think 3 days a week. I'm going to be taking dd to school some since ds graduated. I'd love to walk with friends some of those mornings since there is a nice park to walk on my way home. I got to walk with a friend yesterday morning and it was so nice to chat. 

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All my winter break dreams of achieving a better work-life balance were out the window by mid-week. I was asleep on the sofa at 8:00 last night. My body pretty much wakes up at my weekday time--really hard to adjust that for a Saturday, so I got up and did my yoga. I did both Day 10 (18 min) and today's, Day 13 (21 min) and thought that they paired well together.

Catching up on house stuff today. We're still rain every day through next Wednesday but to my brain that's what January is supposed to be. I find it more stressful to not have rain and worry about drought. At least in winter. Wouldn't mind a drier (not completely dry) spring this year.

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6 hours ago, Soror said:

I'm actually sleeping again. Thank the heavens. I'm waking early, which I love and not waking in the night. 

I'm glad you are sleeping better. I'm mostly waking at 3 but managing to get back to sleep without having to get up.

Today - Kegels, 3.5-mile walk, weight work (triceps and biceps) then some yoga. I'm hoping to fit in a longer walk tomorrow. 

Edited by Laura Corin
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