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2 minutes ago, Spryte said:

I hope you feel better soon!

Thanks. On a positive note I'm doing much better than my DH, so yay for the vaccine, I'm confident it helps. I am usually the sickest person when we come down with something. I barely feel bad. 1 child is fine, 1 feels kind of bad and 2 are getting hit hard. My 9 year old doesn't even feel like video games, so there's that.

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Just now, Elizabeth86 said:

Thanks. On a positive note I'm doing much better than my DH, so yay for the vaccine, I'm confident it helps. I am usually the sickest person when we come down with something. I barely feel bad. 1 child is fine, 1 feels kind of bad and 2 are getting hit hard. My 9 year old doesn't even feel like video games, so there's that.

I hope it quickly gets easier for those getting hit hard. Knowing you are not as sick as some, and probably taking care of everyone — I hope you can rest a lot, too! Don’t over-do!


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8 minutes ago, Spryte said:

I hope it quickly gets easier for those getting hit hard. Knowing you are not as sick as some, and probably taking care of everyone — I hope you can rest a lot, too! Don’t over-do!


Thanks. We are taking it easy. We've just had tea, ginger ale, Gatorade and ice cubes so far today. No one has an appetite.

Edited by Elizabeth86
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Ah, you poor thing!  Half our house had it two weeks ago.   We cancelled everything and retested every morning after 5 days of the first positive.  We didn't do anything until the house tested negative, every person.

One thing that dh ended up swearing by - the neti pot.  Flushing out his sinuses at night really helped, he said, and he thinks helped flush out the virus from his system.  Whether or not that is true, I don't know, but it made him feel better and in control of something.

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19 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Do any of you know how we are supposed to treat covid these days? I'm trying to figure what activities we need to go ahead and call and cancel. How long do we need to avoid people?

We canceled all activities where we live. Pediatrician told me after 10 days no matter what the tests say as they are free to do things again. We sent them off to fully masked camp with that doctor's note at 12 days (a lot of masking still in our area for kid activities). I didn't go to anything unmasked (for us that would just be restaurants) for 15 days mostly because we ran out of tests to keep checking. The 10 days recommendation is controversial though, some experts would say to continue to quarantine until the tests come back negative, but some experts also say that the tests will continue to test positive while you are just shedding dead/defective COVID. 

I would ask each activity and see what they would like you to do. 

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Hope it continues to be mild for you. Take the opportunity to rest and be lazy (do not feel like you have to take care of everyone else!)

I was the only one in our household of 4 who got it--I started feeling symptoms while out of town at a conference, so I think it helped my family that I was out of the house then (and I did wear my N95 while indoors at my conference, so I hope I didn't spread it to anyone else). Because I was trying not to get anyone else in my family sick, I isolated in the master bedroom and masked up when I went into the other part of the house until I tested negative. This was on day 12 if I count first day of symptoms when I was at the conference as day 1, day 9 if I count the day of the positive test as day 0 (didn't test until I was back home). But I think the CDC would say I was okay after 5 days after my test (what I think was my day 9 after symptoms, day 6 after my positive test).

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Vitamin C  (preferably with bioflavinoids)




D3 (if you don't have a good D3 level, take 10,000IUs daily.  If you have already been supplementing and your levels are at least >50, regular dose is fine.)

don't know why my doc suggested pepcid

cinnamon candies for anyone who develops covid/paxlovid mouth. . . . . I've been testing negative the last few days, and I STILL have it!   (So, I keep testing) at least the taste is gone, now parts of my mouth are just numb. (and cottony).

lots of fluids and rest


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