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6th grade planning for 2022-23


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Math- AoPS

 Latin-first form

 spanish-HSA+ Spanish for children

 LA-Grammar finish R&S 6 and start 7

 lit-mom made using TtC, IEW critiques and maybe 2 lit guides: likely WWS1 literary weeks.

Writing-CC Chreia & Maxim and LAoW alternating as well as science and history writing

 spelling-spelling power; dictation Day by Day

typing- just keep typing and work on increasing speed to 35 WPM

 history- finish hakim american  history and start HO ancients

 science- finish last few weeks of guest hollow chemistry and physics then maybe bookshark H? Or do a microscope unit study and some dissections? Or maybe just a couple of the Tiner books?


 I forgot about logic-  Art of Argument


art, piano, martial arts


 Encouraging more independent work and organizational/being neat and tidy skills.



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Saxon Algebra- complete 1 and move into 2

Rod and Staff English 7

IEW US History-based writing

CLE American History 8- at his request. He is uninterested in world history now. Plenty of extra reading to work this in with IEW writing. I think the list is 18 books long. 

MB God Design science- the water/weather/earth/space one. Bulking this up with extra reading resources, Crash Course videos, and experiments. 

Travel Dreams: Israel for geography 

Fallacy Detective

Chesskids. Typing. CTC logic games. 

Progeny Press Guides for Number the Stars and The Cay

Eric Liddell missionary biography and project

TGTB Safety unit as a family

Bible study and apologetics as a family

Additional assigned reading and personal reading 


He decided against band in the PS. We are considering 4H options. Sports registration begins soon.

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8 minutes ago, Brittany1116 said:

Is this the GH chem for kitchen?

No, he might have enjoyed that one more. It was called Actions and Reactions, I think. He has more interest than the apologia spine covered so he read through Ellen McHenry’s The Elements and Carbon Chemistry as well. We are reading the Tiner History of Physics as a read aloud to go along with the physics portion. 

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Next year's 6th grader...

Math:  R&S 6, with Khan Academy for fun

Grammar/Spelling: R&S

Lit (wth a geography/ world cultures focus): my crazy quilt version of Sonlight's Eastern Hemisphere core, adding in Hungry Planet, Material World, and Halliburton's Book of Marvels because I can.

History:  Abraham Lincoln's World, then the first half of SOTW 4

Latin: either Latina Christiana, Latin for Children, Getting Started with Latin, or Latin Book One (Scott and Horn).  Or maybe Latin Prep.  Because I have them all.  (insert maniacal laughter here). đŸ˜‰

Science: finishing up an older version of Sonlight's science E (our older version has a few more books, he is doing about 1/2 the books this year)...

Fine Arts: drawing/painting from life (pencils, watercolors) -- some for nature study, some just for fun. 

music/composer study from the AO site -- I almost never stick to AO's schedule, but I like the convenience of having it all right there with links and everything...

Cross country/track at local middle school





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Eep! My youngest is here for my sixth pass through 6th grade. He's a bit asynchronous and dysgraphic. 

When I asked him if there was something he'd really like to dig into next year he got excited and yelled, "Star Wars!" đŸ˜‚Â 

Math: leaning toward AoPS pre-alg, with the books and Alcumus (he's finishing Beast 5 soon)

English: Grammar for the Well Trained Mind, Megawords for spelling (slowly plugging through a page a day), .... no idea where we're going for writing. He'll have Treasured Conversations done by then. 

Science: physics and astronomy, books tbd but definitely The Science of Star Wars

History/literature: We might just scratch formal history this year. He's already finished the Story of the World series and he's done a thick US history this year. If I can find good materials for history of sci fi aimed lower than highschool we'll probably go that way. Otherwise we'll grab the prehistory and/or evolution unit studies from Build Your Library because he's really interested in them, and fill the year with other lit units like Hobbit, Narnia, Harry Potter, etc. Maybe movie special effects?

Language: Latin for Children, at his speed

Extracurricular: dance 3-4 times a week, garment sewing at home

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I've been waiting for this thread! I considered starting it myself, but decided to keep my head in the sand about having a middle schooler next year. I got nothing. Almost.

Bible: Explorer's Bible Study or Christian Studies (Memoria Press)

Math: Saxon, with Prodigy for fun

English: IEW something or other with family friends, AAS whatever # she's on in the fall

Science: Astronomy and earth science (maybe in Spanish, but at least supplemented with Spanish materials)

History/lit: Medieval to early Renaissance (supplemental Spanish readings)

Spanish: R & S spelling, writing prompts

Chinese: Lingobus, conversation class, Skritter (character practice)

Extracurricular: orchestra (violin), mariachi (trumpet), basketball (maybe, fall), soccer

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5 hours ago, Renai said:

I've been waiting for this thread! I considered starting it myself, but decided to keep my head in the sand about having a middle schooler next year

Me too. I thought I would let people who know what they're doing start it up đŸ˜‰ My plan thus far:

Bible: I think we figured it out. I'm going to be reading a children's Bible with the younger kids and dh is going to be doing a Bible study with the older ones by just reading a section and discussing (yay!)

Reading: various books suggested from wtm and various lists I have. I'll probably be purchasing a lot of them since our library is sadly lacking.

Grammar: Analytical Grammar and The Grammar of Poetry (we started that book this year and I think he's enjoying it)

Spelling: continue Dictation Day by Day. That seems to be working really well for him.

Writing: Writing Strands- we'll be about half way through book 5. I'm also planning on scheduling a quarterly science and quarterly history paper. I meant to do that this year, but we didn't really get to it. I'll have him type some papers so he can continue typing practice. Writing is my personal weak point, so I'm always nervous about this one.

Math: R&S 6

Science: continue Berean Builders. 

History: I'll read aloud SOTW 2 and The Discovery of New Worlds (Synge) and have him outline Kingfisher. We also have a history book of that time period from Christian Liberty Press-I may have him read that too. He's a history buff and would probably do it on his own time.

Fallacy Detective

Greek: we went through a few levels of Hey Andrew and now we're just reviewing the words once a week. I may go back to a little book work, but it had gotten too intense for him. I may just continue word review until high school.

Latin: we're going through Latin's Not so Tough (I think he's in level 4?) and will continue that. I also started GSWL with him and ds8 together once a week. That's a good change of pace and we'll do that just to change it up a little.

Geography: seterra.com -he's got the countries down so we'll focus on capitals and physical geography. We've also been doing GeographyNow on YouTube and he's requested we do that 3x a week. Sure!


Art: daily drawing based on New Augsburg and a weekly art class that I'm hoping to put together for middle school.

Fun Friday stuff: learning a little ASL, maybe some nature study (learning the names of trees, flowers, birds in the area). We don't do a lot of our regular stuff on Fridays so we can add in these type of things.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bible: The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study, Training Hearts; Teaching Minds
History: Our 50 States
Science: Apologia Earth Science and Botany Science In The Beginning
Arts: Artistic Pursuits ES-B2

Math: Saxon 7/6
LA: WWS 1, TTC, VFCR A Cover Story, Our Mother Tongue
FL: Hey Andrew 6, KGWL, ULAT Spanish, Minna no Nihongo
Bible: One Year Bible
History: Uncle Sam & You
Science: Tiner Biographies Apologia Earth Science and Botany
Arts: Piano, Violin

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We're pretty streamlined here, but it's working....

Bible - finish R&S 5 then start 6

English - R&S 6

Spelling - R&S 6

Math - R&S 6

Science - R&S 7 and coordinating interest led books and experiments

History/Geography - second half/text Notgrass From Adam to Us

Reading - R&S 6 plus Notgrass literature books plus interest led books because he loves to read.

Penmanship- Character D'Nealian Cursive Handwriting

Art- How Great Art Beginning Painting DVD series

There are sports and other extra curriculars, but these change depending on the season.

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7 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:

Math - R&S 6

What's your plan with math going forward? Will you go all the way through level 8 before your switch to a different curriculum? And then what curriculum? It's so rare for me to find other R&S math users!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is for the oldest! Most things are not new for us so I expect it will work;)



Memoria Press and just read it and also connections to history with philosophy and world view discussions

We're doing SCM  Joshua through Malachi and Ancient Greece as a family instead

Math- RightStart G and continue Calculadders

General LA- Language lessons for Today 5

Grammar- Analytical Grammar wait till 6th for this

Writing- Writing Strands with Grandma in the winter and continue written narrations maybe join little sister in with Write with The Best not. Instead we will do MP Classical Comp. I Fable

Reading- Try a MP lit guide for Lion Witch, Wardrobe in the Fall  then not 

      He will read the books I hand him

Spelling- AAS finish 3 do 4

History- [ s ]Truthquest Ancient Greece [ / s ]

             SImply Charlotte Mason Joshua through Malachi and Ancient Greece

Science- Simply Charlotte Mason Jack's Insects

Greek- MP elementary Greek if we continue

Piano-with aunt

Art- drawing textbook, and hopefully begin brush drawing AND NEW trying Feed my Sheep by Berry Stebbing

Edited by countrymum
I changed a few things...mostly back to old original plans...now how do you do that strike through?
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My second eldest daughter will turn 11 in July and be a sixth grader in August.  It goes too fast!

Arithmetic: Horizons, finish 5 and start 6

Spelling: Spelling Wisdom

Elocution: Treadwell Reader, then reading aloud from one of two of our all together books (either Shakespeare retellings or American History stories)

Literature (read independently, with me and her 4th grade sister, or all together): Plutarch with Anne White guides, Shakespeare study of my own making, In the Time of Alfred the Great, Famous Men of Rome, Oliver Twist, Undine, The Wind in the Willows, and one more independent read TBD

Composition & Grammar: Intermediate Language Lessons, Using Language Well, Writing and Rhetoric 1, oral and written narrations

Geography: The Book of Marvels, Eat Your Way Around the World, The Book of Discovery, mapdrill TBD, concepts, Minn of the Mississippi, Tree in the Trail, possibly a workbook

US & World History: The Matchlock Gun, Johnny Tremain, Story of the World (vlm 2, begin 3), picture books, The Story of Civilization vlm 2, Famous Men of Rome, Famous Men of the Middle Ages, MP Timeline Program

Science: Rain, Sleet, Hail, and Snow (sabbathmoodhomeschool), The Story of Salt, podcasts, Nature Journal, Home Science Kits

And, being CM fans, there will be picture study and composer study and handicrafts.  Not sure about fitting in art and music lessons.  Weekly Poetry Tea Time.

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I’m still working out our plan but here’s what I have so far. 

Heart of Dakota Revival to Revolution (she’ll do this with her sister - 8th grade). This should cover history, science, literature, Bible, and writing  

Abeka math 5 and continuing on to 6 (we’re a little behind) Maybe adding in some Right Start lessons or games  

Abeka Grammar Level C, maybe some Evan Moor Daily Paragraph editing 

Maybe some Funschooling journals and some added things from Under the Home (artist, music, and Shakespeare study) 

We'll have a morning basket but I haven’t figured that out yet…

piano, theater, awana, gymnastics 

This will be our first year using HOD and I’m excited to have something completely planned for us. I’m so tired!! I need something more open and go especially with all the books. 

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Finally decided!

Math:  Saxon 87  

English:  Soaring with Spelling 7, Winning with Writing, and Growing with Grammar- she likes this program.  Mosdos for weekly literature, and a few added novels. 

History:  K12 Human Odyssey: Prehistory to the Middle Ages, adding map work and a few read alouds. 

Science:  Science Explorers Biology books as a spine, folded in with high schoolers bio labs and videos.  

Art- watercolors for home and a co-op class. 

We will do a co-op with fun classes, too.

This kid prefers short and sweet for school stuff, so not a lot of fluff!  


Edited by BusyMom5
Editing yet again.... finally ordered!
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On 2/20/2022 at 1:57 PM, SilverMoon said:

Eep! My youngest is here for my sixth pass through 6th grade. He's a bit asynchronous and dysgraphic. 

When I asked him if there was something he'd really like to dig into next year he got excited and yelled, "Star Wars!" đŸ˜‚Â 

Math: leaning toward AoPS pre-alg, with the books and Alcumus (he's finishing Beast 5 soon)

English: Grammar for the Well Trained Mind, Megawords for spelling (slowly plugging through a page a day), .... no idea where we're going for writing. He'll have Treasured Conversations done by then. 

Science: physics and astronomy, books tbd but definitely The Science of Star Wars

History/literature: We might just scratch formal history this year. He's already finished the Story of the World series and he's done a thick US history this year. If I can find good materials for history of sci fi aimed lower than highschool we'll probably go that way. Otherwise we'll grab the prehistory and/or evolution unit studies from Build Your Library because he's really interested in them, and fill the year with other lit units like Hobbit, Narnia, Harry Potter, etc. Maybe movie special effects?

Language: Latin for Children, at his speed

Extracurricular: dance 3-4 times a week, garment sewing at home


Im assuming you know about these? Not that I’ve read them or anything.

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My youngest will be grade 6 in 2023 but not for another six months after you guys. We are just starting Singapore G5 so I think maths is sorted. Beyond that I have no idea. I’m not sure if I can bring myself to push through Writing With Skill a second time đŸ˜¬

I really want to do a level of MCT - I could even combine the 11-14 year old one but our curriculum budget is sadly limited. I am pretty much out of writing options for oldest DD, (G8) so I need to buy something or get really creative.

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2 hours ago, nwahomeschoolmom said:

Hi, do the Funschooling geography books contain the facts, or just the journal to write the facts?  Thanks!

They are guided spreads. So there are a few movie and book report pages, pages for flora and fauna, a map to label landmarks and cities, draw a comic strip, write an itenerary for travel, a few pages on food including a spread to copy a recipe/prepare the dish/draw the meal and rate it. It prompts you to find all that information. 

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My eldest two will be 6th graders this year (boy/girl twins, 11 years old July 1) and I'm in denial.

Here's the (best laid) plan:


Figuratively Speaking with readings from here!

At least two Lantern English classes (tbd)


Center for Lit Elementary Literature w/ writing


Phonetic Zoo (for spelling)



Singapore Math 6A/6B

finish up Beast Academy 5 books

Hands on Equations? Keys to... fractions/decimals/percentages?


Daily Mental Math 6



Second Form Latin from Memoria Press



Ancients for the 2nd time 

Story Of Civilization Volume 1

Beautiful Feet Books Intermediate Ancient History



Going to try Chemistry with Science Mom in the fall

Probably Outschool classes in the spring 

(for 5th we did classes with Ms. Cribbs on outschool and really liked them, if anyone needs a recommendation!)



Advanced Scratch Programming at John Hopkins CTY

Computer Science Discoveries on Code.org (with mom)

EE.ME Electrical Engineering

Typetastic for typing practice

Continue practicing cursive handwriting


Possibly joining a co-op for some fun extras as well. Likely an art class or two at a local art school. Plenty of time spent at the zoo / science museum and some fun extra field trips as they come up.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel like we barely got anything accomplished this year. We'll be switching to family-style unit studies with lots of added hands-on.

Math: Switching to TGTB this year. The placement test puts her in level 4. She struggles and could use practice so hopefully this'll do the trick.


  • Blossom & Root Level 4 Anatomy
  • For the Love of Homeschooling Nature Study Club

Social Studies:

  • Canadian History
  • Early Modern - History Odyssey Level 
  • UK & US history as it pertains to our Canadian history
  • Canadian Geography - The Great Canadian Adventure smash books
  • World Geography - Layers of Learning

Language Arts:

  • TGTB LA 5. Bumping her down to 5 for extra practice.
  • Blossom & Root Level 4 / Brave Writer Arrows / Growing Brave Writers
  • Or maybe Spelling Wisdom 2 & Using Language Well 2
  • Canadian Handwriting
  • Vocabulary from Classical Roots 6


  • French
  • Piano
  • Masterpiece Society - Art School: Drawing 101 ?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Im not decided either but this is my start.  I have 2 6th graders next year at two drastically different levels. 


Bible - OT overview with memory verses.  Still trying to work this out thinking about Most important thing you will ever study, or MP christian studies.  I really want something mostly just for discussion, structure, and review . I want more than just reading, I want to increase their bible literacy. I want incorporate some videos from bible project or what;s in the bible with buck denver.  long way to go to figure this out.

History - Human Odyssey vol 1. , Ds 1 will do many of the student guide activities

Read aloud - selections from SL G

Science - Earth science with Science Fusion independent for Ds1, I was hoping to do the online portion for Ds2 but looks like they discontinued. so I may piece together a series of youtube videos for him and then together discuss and do labs

DS1 -

Math -BJU foundations. 1 day of Singapore word problem review

LA -R&S grammar 5, Megawords 3 & 4, Wordly Wise 6 and Word roots (CTC) (Roots to fill in after finishing WW)

Writing - possibilities : HO student book writing assignments, Paragraphs for elementary school  or IEW ancients

Reading - Selections from SL G and Reading and Reasoning 1  (second half)


DS2 -somewhat recently internationally adopted and dyslexic

Reading AAR finish 2 continue on...

Spelling. Apples and Pears  Finish A, move on...

Math BJU  finish 4 move on..

It feels like his list is too short, but we spend enough time on math and reading that there isn't alot of focus left for more, and hard to believe he will grasp anything else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A lot could change but here's what I have planned so far:

Math: DS has been working in TT but it's far too easy so going back to Beast

English: Abeka God's Gift of Language C, plus reading, audiobooks, etc

Spelling: Spelling You See Ancient Achievements

Handwriting: Exploring Handwriting through Scripture

Foreign Language: Rosetta Stone French

Geography: MP Geography II

Science/History/Art/etc: possibly MFW Creation to Greeks

Music: continue saxophone

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On 2/19/2022 at 8:27 PM, SilverMoon said:

Eep! My youngest is here for my sixth pass through 6th grade. He's a bit asynchronous and dysgraphic. 

When I asked him if there was something he'd really like to dig into next year he got excited and yelled, "Star Wars!" đŸ˜‚Â 

Math: leaning toward AoPS pre-alg, with the books and Alcumus (he's finishing Beast 5 soon)

English: Grammar for the Well Trained Mind, Megawords for spelling (slowly plugging through a page a day), .... no idea where we're going for writing. He'll have Treasured Conversations done by then. 

Science: physics and astronomy, books tbd but definitely The Science of Star Wars

History/literature: We might just scratch formal history this year. He's already finished the Story of the World series and he's done a thick US history this year. If I can find good materials for history of sci fi aimed lower than highschool we'll probably go that way. Otherwise we'll grab the prehistory and/or evolution unit studies from Build Your Library because he's really interested in them, and fill the year with other lit units like Hobbit, Narnia, Harry Potter, etc. Maybe movie special effects?

Language: Latin for Children, at his speed

Extracurricular: dance 3-4 times a week, garment sewing at home

Now that we're buying books and refining ideas...

He's helping me plan a diy, Star Wars themed year. I probably wouldn't have been secure enough to let his oldest siblings so this, but it's definitely strong enough and we're both looking forward to it. đŸ™‚ It's a great time for a rabbit trail year. He's already completed a chronological pass through world history and a solid US history year. 

English: Grammar for the Well Trained Mind, Megawords, something tbd for writing, and diy lit that will include Hobbit, a couple BYL Harry Potter units, Narnia, Hunger Games, a poetry unit, some history of sci-fi, a Shakespearean Star Wars, and more

Math: AoPS prealg, with the free videos and Alcumus

Science/history: diy prehistory/evolution for half the year, then astronomy

Star Wars: junior chapter books and a few YA books in chronological order, starting before the older movies, with encyclopedias on ships, characters, and locations blended in (with loads of help from my graduated son while building lesson plans! đŸ˜‚) 

Language: French

Extracurricular: He's now on a company team at his dance studio, so he'll be in even more classes. And sewing may be more organic rather than planned. He leans toward designing more advanced garments for me to sew, but he's determined to be an advanced sewist himself before he graduates high school. 

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9 minutes ago, SilverMoon said:

Now that we're buying books and refining ideas...

He's helping me plan a diy, Star Wars themed year. I probably wouldn't have been secure enough to let his oldest siblings so this, but it's definitely strong enough and we're both looking forward to it. đŸ™‚ It's a great time for a rabbit trail year. He's already completed a chronological pass through world history and a solid US history year. 

English: Grammar for the Well Trained Mind, Megawords, something tbd for writing, and diy lit that will include Hobbit, a couple BYL Harry Potter units, Narnia, Hunger Games, a poetry unit, some history of sci-fi, a Shakespearean Star Wars, and more

Math: AoPS prealg, with the free videos and Alcumus

Science/history: diy prehistory/evolution for half the year, then astronomy

Star Wars: junior chapter books and a few YA books in chronological order, starting before the older movies, with encyclopedias on ships, characters, and locations blended in (with loads of help from my graduated son while building lesson plans! đŸ˜‚) 

Language: French

Extracurricular: He's now on a company team at his dance studio, so he'll be in even more classes. And sewing may be more organic rather than planned. He leans toward designing more advanced garments for me to sew, but he's determined to be an advanced sewist himself before he graduates high school. 


Star Wars + sewing!

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On 5/11/2022 at 10:21 PM, Green Bean said:

BusyMom & Dudley- do you use k12’s platform for Human Odyssey or make your own? I would very much be interested in anything you have made.

Guess I should reply to this and say I’m making my own, just dividing up the reading into manageable chucks and picking the pages/activities I want him to do from the student guide. I pm’ed you. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Language Arts:

Literature: Legends and Tall Tales unit from Moving Beyond the Page; various novel studies using various Study Guides; Interactive Literature Notebook from LovinLit on TpT

Spelling: Megawords 3 & 4

Vocabulary: Finish Sadlier Level A and start Level B; Vocabulary from Classical Roots Level A

Handwriting: Zaner Bloser Cursive

Composition: IEW SSS Level B Year 1; Creative Writing— maybe a class or two online with Lantern English

Grammar: CTC Sentence Diagramming; Easy Grammar Grade 7; Beowulf's Grammar from GuestHollow


Singapore Dimensions Math Level 6A & 6B (Pre-algebra/algebra)

Beast Academy Levels 4 & 5


Pre-Biology (1 semester) and Human Anatomy & Physiology (1 semester) online with www.myfunscience.com


United States history from exploration to 1780s using the Joy Hakim books, accompanying study guides, and various eclectic resources


United States Geography online class with Open Tent Academy

Fine Arts:

Music—continue weekly piano lessons & practice

Dance—continue weekly ballet, jazz, tap, and contemporary classes

At the local Homeschool Co-op:


Art History and Studio




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  • Math- Rod and Staff 6
  • Writing & Grammar- Jump In! Middle School Composition, Fix-it Grammar 3, We are going to try Getty Dubay Italics (his cursive is not impressive).
  • Spelling- Dictation & McGuffey Eclectic Speller
  • History, Literature, Geography, Bible, Memory Work - Using Biblioplan Medieval as a spine, with a lot of my own substitutions thrown in.We will also be using the writing prompts and notebooking pages, but not cool history. 
  • Science- Exploring Nature with Children as a Family . Chemistry Unit ( The Mystery of the Periodic Table, Elements: A Visual Encyclopedia, Exploring the World of Chemistry) and Gallileo & The Magic Numbers w/ Exploring the World of Astronomy.
  • Music- Hoffman Academy
  • Latin- Visual Latin 1
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On 5/11/2022 at 10:21 PM, Green Bean said:

BusyMom & Dudley- do you use k12’s platform for Human Odyssey or make your own? I would very much be interested in anything you have made.

Just now seeing this- I will read the text aloud as a family and I have mapwork from History Odyssey that I will add.  I don't do a lot of output for history,  I like it being a fun family time, conversational learning.  I will probably add in some extra on World Religions from Usborne and a college text I have.  This is my 3rd time teaching it đŸ™‚ As for pacing- the first time I taught I spent way too long on the beginning stuff, so didn't get as far as I'd like and we had to speed through the later stuff.  The next time I still spent too long on foundational religions and rabbit trails.  This time I plan to speed through the beginning and slow down around the Middle Ages.  I want to focus on Robin Hood, King Arthur- that time period.  I want to spend more time on Vikings, too.  My kids all enjoy history, its probably everyone's favorite subject and I think its the way I teach it. You cannot teach all of World History in one year- too much content.  My high schoolers just get one more year of World History,  so I'm focusing on the parts I think they would enjoy most.  My 6th grader is kind of along for the ride đŸ˜‰ I'd you have time for 2 years of World History, slow down and enjoy it!  

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Writing was our missing subject upthread. I *think we're going to go with Winning With Writing. I'll order one for a closer look if I can decide on placement. đŸ™ƒ He'll need to go back a grade or two. (dysgraphia)

When he needs a break from his main writing book, which he will, we'll use the Killgallon books. 

The plan is to have him do grammar and writing concurrently this year, instead of staggering them as we have been. It'll increase his pencil to paper volume. If I'm wrong and he's just not ready we'll go back to staggering another year. 

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Math- Primary Mathematics 6

Science- My Pals Science 6 

Social Studies- SOTW, Geo unit studies

LA- LLATL Tan, Evan Moor Vocabulary Fundamentals 6, Evan Moor Daily 6-trait Writing, TT&S 

Still working on the enrichment part but that's what I got so far.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/11/2022 at 1:38 PM, Slache said:

Bible: The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study, Training Hearts; Teaching Minds
History: Our 50 States
Science: Apologia Earth Science and Botany Science In The Beginning
Arts: Artistic Pursuits ES-B2

Math: Saxon 7/6
LA: WWS 1, TTC, VFCR A Cover Story, Our Mother Tongue
FL: Hey Andrew 6, KGWL, ULAT Spanish, Minna no Nihongo
Bible: One Year Bible
History: Uncle Sam & You
Science: Tiner Biographies Apologia Earth Science and Botany
Arts: Piano, Violin

What happened to Tiner bios? Saw the strikeout as I scrolled after editing.

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25 minutes ago, Brittany1116 said:

@Slache gotta say, I have acquired a few this year via Thriftbooks. Mine hasn't found them yet. But I gathered from other threads we had some similar styles/likes, so I was in a slight panic there was something wrong with them that I needed to be aware of or preread for. đŸ¤£

Lol! No. My kid's just obnoxious.

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