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Spinoff - Omicron and haircut


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Dd is home from college and leaving again next week (OOS) and won't be home until at least August.  We love her stylist here but are hesitant to take her in because of Omicron, which is very bad here. 

Do you think it's safe enough if she wears an N95 mask and waits in the car until her appt. or is it just too risky?  Her appts. are usually quick.  She's double vaxxed and not boosted.  I feel so bad that my kids are missing out on everything while they are home (like so many other people!).  I'm really cautious but I hate to see her miss out on having this stylist do her hair.  But it's just hair...



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Can the stylist book her first thing in the morning, before other people have been in the shop? I'm trying to do all errands when stores first open so that there have been fewer bodies breathing in there (and despite the state ban on mask mandates, most stores seem to still have employees masking and many seem to be providing N95's. 

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1 minute ago, TechWife said:

Can you ask her stylist if there's any way she can cut outside if your dd comes with her hair wet?

Too cold for that here.  And wet - snow and rain most of this week predicted.


1 minute ago, Dmmetler said:

Can the stylist book her first thing in the morning, before other people have been in the shop? 

He starts at 1pm but the shop opens late morning - 10 or 11am?  Good idea, though.  I'll check later in the week to see if he ever opens.  

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I'm so worried about this stupid virus I’d normally suggest she skip the haircut, but DS is getting his cut while he’s home, too. I don’t love it, but it’s needed and he won’t bother once he’s back at university. The hipster salon we go to is usually really good about masking, but still. My pixie cut I got this spring is a shaggy mess but I’m not comfortable going back until omicron settles down. 

If we all shout it out at once—from all over the world— is there *any way* your daughter's Hive Aunties can convince her to get the darn booster? 

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1 minute ago, MEmama said:


I'm so worried about this stupid virus I’d normally suggest she skip the haircut, but DS is getting his cut while he’s home, too. I don’t love it, but it’s needed and he won’t bother once he’s back at university. The hipster salon we go to is usually really good about masking, but still. My pixie cut I got this spring is a shaggy mess but I’m not comfortable going back until omicron settles down. 

If we all shout it out at once—from all over the world— is there *any way* your daughter's Hive Aunties can convince her to get the darn booster? 

Thanks for sharing about your ds and his haircut.  I feel ridiculous even asking since obviously skipping the cut is the safest thing to do.  

Dd says she will only get the booster when it's required for school, work, whatever, and not before.  It really upsets and disappoints me that she won't do it for others.  I want her to protect herself but it seems selfish to me that she won't do it to protect her family, her boyfriend and his family, her roommates, friends, etc.  I've harassed her about it for most of her break and it's ruined much of our time together.  😞  Not just the booster but limiting exposure overall once she returns to school.  I'm very worried about her and don't understand why she refuses.  She's obsessive about her grades and I've told her that it will be very hard to keep up with schoolwork if she gets sick and her GPA could drop (she's maintained a 4.0 so far) and even that didn't do it.  I just have to give up but it's hard.

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You have different circumstances.  I hope if someone called the stylist he could come in early and cut her hair before anyone has been in the salon.

"My dad is the only caregiver for both my mom who is confined to bed and my grandmother undergoing cancer treatment.  We all need to be extremely cautious."

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Just now, happi duck said:

You have different circumstances.  I hope if someone called the stylist he could come in early and cut her hair before anyone has been in the salon.

"My dad is the only caregiver for both my mom who is confined to bed and my grandmother undergoing cancer treatment.  We all need to be extremely cautious."

that's a good point - I can ask.  But they work at stations and I don't know if one would be available for him before his shift.  It's a walk-in place but there is a specific stylist there that does a great job with her hair.

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Our son has a job interview next semester so he really needs to have a fresh haircut. What we did was get him boostered over Christmas break, and we booked a men's barbshop near campus where case loads are way way lower than near our home, and we booked well out in advance in order to get the first appointment of the day. He will wear an N95. And then we will hope for the best. It is so darn hard to balance the fact that life doesn't just simply stop spinning because there is a pandemic. He can't just pretend he doesn't need a job by the time his student loan payments begin or that appearance matters when it comes to interviews. But if he wasn't boostered, first appointment of the day, and without N95, I would be trying to just trim it up myself.

Edited by Faith-manor
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12 minutes ago, Kassia said:

Thanks for sharing about your ds and his haircut.  I feel ridiculous even asking since obviously skipping the cut is the safest thing to do.  

Dd says she will only get the booster when it's required for school, work, whatever, and not before.  It really upsets and disappoints me that she won't do it for others.  I want her to protect herself but it seems selfish to me that she won't do it to protect her family, her boyfriend and his family, her roommates, friends, etc.  I've harassed her about it for most of her break and it's ruined much of our time together.  😞  Not just the booster but limiting exposure overall once she returns to school.  I'm very worried about her and don't understand why she refuses.  She's obsessive about her grades and I've told her that it will be very hard to keep up with schoolwork if she gets sick and her GPA could drop (she's maintained a 4.0 so far) and even that didn't do it.  I just have to give up but it's hard.

It’s not ridiculous at all. We’re all trying to navigate daily necessities, and honestly, a haircut is pretty intimate in these covid times. As much I’d prefer to opt out of all the things it’s just not possible. I think it’s smart to weigh the pros and cons. I think if both she and the hair dresser are wearing very good masks, that’s about the best anyone can do.

I'm sorry she’s being well..19…about the booster. I can feel your stress about the situation; I would feel the same. You’re being a good mama trying to talk sense into her and encouraging her to think of others, even though it’s difficult and fraught in the moment.

Sending you lots of hugs and virtual chocolate this morning. ❤️

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Look for something called salon suites.

They are individual rooms booked by a single stylist.

They are a bit more expensive but there are actual walls between them. You are not allowed to wait there. They will clean thoroughly between visits.

Honestly I think wearing two masks should suffice. I went for my first mammogram last year when there were no vaccines and the mammogram lady was closer than a stylist ever will be and we both were double masked.

My stylist masks, I double mask. But I have gotten a wash, color and cut without issues. I am very paranoid about COVID to the extent we do not go out much, but this has worked. I did get my hair cut and colored last week. Mine is long so it took some time. Omicron is bad in our state (TX) but I felt safe enough there. I wore gloves. 

I  was boosted in November.

Your daughter should be in and out in no time if it is just a cut. Wash hair at home. 

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I think the obvious answer is that she should go at college and find another stylist. She's (technically) an adult. She is old enough to choose not to protect herself and the people around her with the booster so she's old enough to do this at a time when she'll assume the risk herself and not spread it to you. I think wearing an N95 to get a haircut if people in your area are masking pretty well is pretty low risk FOR HER. Not having the booster means that you are likely unprotected against getting Covid with omicron circulating now, but it doesn't mean you're not protected against severe disease - it does seem to give a good bit of protection against severe disease. She's unlikely to get it from a haircut and for me, the chances to her as an individual of getting it are greatly outweighed by having a decent haircut - not that a haircut is a massive necessity, but just the risk is pretty low overall so a lot of things outweigh it. But you can't afford to take on any real extra risks, even if they're super low. Just give her some money to do it at college.

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Speaking as someone who hasn't had a haircut since February 2020 and went from short men's cut to long hair because hair isn't important enough for *me* to spend my Covid risk budget on, I'd ask her how important that is for her, compared to other activities. There is no general answer; everyone makes their risk decisions weighing the rewards. It's not obviously ridiculously reckless to consider a haircut, but it's also not unreasonable to consider it unnecessary exposure. 

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4 minutes ago, DreamerGirl said:


Honestly I think wearing two masks should suffice.

Your daughter should be in and out in no time if it is just a cut. Wash hair at home. 

She will wash hair at home and I expect her cut to be very quick.  Just cut - no blow dry or anything.

Dumb question - how do you double mask with N95?  I can look this up.  Not sure if she'll do it though.  

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2 minutes ago, Farrar said:

 She is old enough to choose not to protect herself and the people around her with the booster so she's old enough to do this at a time when she'll assume the risk herself and not spread it to you... Just give her some money to do it at college.

I could do this but I would rather her get it here and be as protected as possible than do it at college where she won't be as careful (she'll wear cloth instead of N95, might not wait in the car, etc.  I want to do what I can to avoid her getting sick 1200 miles away.  But she is an adult and I can only do so much.  


2 minutes ago, regentrude said:

Speaking as someone who hasn't had a haircut since February 2020 and went from short men's cut to long hair because hair isn't important enough for *me* to spend my Covid risk budget on, I'd ask her how important that is for her, compared to other activities. There is no general answer; everyone makes their risk decisions weighing the rewards. It's not obviously ridiculously reckless to consider a haircut, but it's also not unreasonable to consider it unnecessary exposure. 

She wants to get it done here but understands if we would prefer not to take the risk and she would do it there.  She knows that we won't allow her to do certain things while she's here due to her decision not to get the booster.  But I know she won't be very careful once she gets back to school.  She masks regularly but only with cloth.  I had to convince her to use the N95 for the possible haircut and for the long trip back by air (very long layover in between flights).  

I've only had one haircut since 2011!  I could use a trim now but definitely not worth the risk to me.  Dd only goes once or twice a year for layers and a trim.  

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9 minutes ago, Kassia said:

She will wash hair at home and I expect her cut to be very quick.  Just cut - no blow dry or anything.

Dumb question - how do you double mask with N95?  I can look this up.  Not sure if she'll do it though.  

I could never find proper N95 and I could not breathe properly with what we have.

I always wear two surgical masks. Even when I flew I wore a surgical mask and alternated between a surgical mask and cloth mask on top. I wore it continuously for close to 20hrs around August. DH did the same recently and it was at the beginning of Omicron.

A good N95 mask is excellent protection but I am not sure if many of the ones floating out there are real. So unless you are 100% sure you have a really good N95, I would wear two surgical masks.

I would also emphasize on hand sanitizing. I carried a hand sanitizer always or wore gloves if I was sketchy about the situation. 

ETA: I also protect eyes by wearing sunglasses inside. I do not wear glasses so sunglasses it is ! 

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5 minutes ago, Kassia said:

I could do this but I would rather her get it here and be as protected as possible than do it at college where she won't be as careful (she'll wear cloth instead of N95, might not wait in the car, etc.  I want to do what I can to avoid her getting sick 1200 miles away.  But she is an adult and I can only do so much.  

But if she's going to be less careful for the haircut, she's going to be less careful for a whole host of stuff. It's not going to change her overall risk much. If she had the booster, it would be one more bit of protection and I'd say, she did all she could and just go get it done. But she made her choice. You can't dictate how she's going to approach her Covid precautions when she's not living there. I agree that she's making a mistake, but it's her mistake. You don't have to assume extra risk just because she's making not great choices.

ETA: Just adding, that I do think if you take some of the precautions suggested here... you can minimize her risk. Have her do it toward the end of the visit as well and she's really unlikely to bring anything home. It's pretty low risk for you as well so if you choose to let her go do it, I don't think it's a terrible choice. I'm just saying... since she hasn't done everything she can, it seems like you should just have her do it on her own and not have to think about it or add it to your plate, which is pretty full.

Edited by Farrar
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I'd have her get a haircut somewhere that will do outdoor cuts. Several places here advertise that. Omicron is SO contagious, and with hair cuts you are adjusting the mask ear loops to have them cut around the ears...just seems a bad idea. 

I get that she likes that stylist, but desperate times and all...find one that does outdoor cuts. 

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I agree with Farrar.  I'd just book it at the end of her visit.  2 vaccines are still looking good with severe disease.  My son's large public university has done an incredible job with testing and has caught MANY more cases of covid than most.  There were literally thousands of kids that went through covid isolation dorm last year and that just became known as a party dorm last fall. VERY few kids were seriously ill and this was before vaccination.  So since following all of that I do worry less about this age cohort especially with vaccine on board.  

I am dragging my own college student for a booster this week.  He is just way needlephobic.  He is driving me bananas about it.  He had a really strong reaction to #2, I hope this one is easier for him.   I want him to get a flu shot before he goes back too but he won't do them at the same time.  🙄🤪  It's not like I haven't had struggles with anxiety so I'm trying to be empathetic and not ruin our visit (he is hardly home this year and won't be home at all spring semester most likely).  But UGH.  Parenting young adults is rough.  

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9 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

I'd have her get a haircut somewhere that will do outdoor cuts. Several places here advertise that. Omicron is SO contagious, and with hair cuts you are adjusting the mask ear loops to have them cut around the ears...just seems a bad idea. 

I get that she likes that stylist, but desperate times and all...find one that does outdoor cuts. 

LOL, it is snowing and 20 degrees at home. So no options for outside haircuts at present. Maybe that is an option for Kassia, but definitely not for us.

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10 minutes ago, regentrude said:

You're in Florida 🙂

I doubt stylists cut hair outside in rain and snow


4 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

LOL, it is snowing and 20 degrees at home. So no options for outside haircuts at present. Maybe that is an option for Kassia, but definitely not for us.

No, not an option here.  It's 35 now with heavy snow predicted in a few hours.  

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I'd skip the haircut.  This is not the time.  Delay for a week and find another stylist.  You cannot afford to get sick.  She should get a haircut at a time when she doesn't risk exposing vulnerable people.

Nit-picking about PPE:

With a fit-tested N95, worn properly, and eye protection, the risk is reasonable - but that's also impossible for a haircut.

N95's all have straps that go behind/around the head.  It's part of the standard.  If it has earloops, then it's not an N95.

KN95's and KF94's have earloops, so they might work.  The KN95's that we have don't seal as well as N95's do.  I'm sure that we'd all fail a fit test in the KN95's we have (from Costco).  I hear that KF94's can be better, and probably some KN95's are great too - but I don't have experience with them.  I don't know how well ear-loops would work for a haircut.  Probably OK, I should think.

Eye protection would be tricky too.  I guess you could just close your eyes for the parts of a haircut that need to remove them.

Nobody in my family has has pandemic haircut yet, so take all this for what it's worth.

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11 minutes ago, FuzzyCatz said:


He had a really strong reaction to #2, I hope this one is easier for him.   I want him to get a flu shot before he goes back too but he won't do them at the same time.  🙄🤪  It's not like I haven't had struggles with anxiety so I'm trying to be empathetic and not ruin our visit (he is hardly home this year and won't be home at all spring semester most likely).  But UGH.  Parenting young adults is rough.  

Dd always reacts to vaccines and also had a strong reaction to #2.  I'm sure that plays a part in her decision even though I told her better to have it home during break than not have a choice and have it during the semester or her summer internship.  She also refused the flu vaccine even though I told her how sick she can get and how staying on top of schoolwork would be tough if she got sick.  She's a great kid but being so unreasonable.  I assume her boyfriend isn't getting boosted - otherwise I'm sure he would influence her to do it.  I certainly can't.

Parenting young adults is SO rough and frustrating at times!  

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1 hour ago, Kassia said:

that's a good point - I can ask.  But they work at stations and I don't know if one would be available for him before his shift.  It's a walk-in place but there is a specific stylist there that does a great job with her hair.

I'm thinking before they actually open, not just before his shift.

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Just now, happi duck said:

I'm thinking before they actually open, not just before his shift.

I sent him a message explaining the circumstances to see what he comes up with.  Thanks.

Of course, none of this might even matter since ds1 and his gf may have exposed us to Covid already thanks to their selfishness/ignorance...  I guess time will tell.

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I think I would skip the haircut for now. If she can manage till this current surge peaks and goes down a bit (if it follows that pattern), it might be better. I know you don’t want her to get sick at school, but if she can time it right, maybe it will decrease her chances of catching anything.

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4 hours ago, Kassia said:


Do you think it's safe enough if she wears an N95 mask and waits in the car until her appt. or is it just too risky? 

wathe just said what I was going to say, which is that an N95 isn't going to be possible during a haircut due to the headstraps. There is one stick on N95 mask out there (Readimask, I think?) but I'm sure you wouldn't be able to get one in time and I haven't been interested in them enough to see if they are actually NIOSH certified and any good.

4 hours ago, Hilltopmom said:

If she’s not boosted, I’m hearing that’s basically the same as not being vaccinated anymore at this point??


It seems basically the same as far as contracting covid, but still very protective as far as serious disease.

3 hours ago, Kassia said:

Dumb question - how do you double mask with N95?  I can look this up.  Not sure if she'll do it though.  

You shouldn't ever double mask with an N95. It can break the seal and it also increase resistance enough that it's more likely the seat will break in order for air to go around the mask rather than through it.

3 hours ago, Kassia said:

I could do this but I would rather her get it here and be as protected as possible than do it at college where she won't be as careful (she'll wear cloth instead of N95, might not wait in the car, etc.  I want to do what I can to avoid her getting sick 1200 miles away.  But she is an adult and I can only do so much.

I think it would be better for her to get it at college at this point if she's going to get covid. It is far too risky for you and/or your dh to get covid right now, and she is young and double vaxed, so would be unlikely to be very sick. You've already put yourself at risk against your better judgement with the ds/ds gf situation, and I'd hate to see you go through that with this situation as well.

3 hours ago, DreamerGirl said:

I could never find proper N95 and I could not breathe properly with what we have.

I always wear two surgical masks. Even when I flew I wore a surgical mask and alternated between a surgical mask and cloth mask on top. I wore it continuously for close to 20hrs around August. DH did the same recently and it was at the beginning of Omicron.

A good N95 mask is excellent protection but I am not sure if many of the ones floating out there are real. So unless you are 100% sure you have a really good N95, I would wear two surgical masks.


The problem with surgical masks is that they are very gappy and are not going to protect well enough against an airborne virus--it will just go around the masks, and probably even moreso if you double them due to the increased air resistance. I would only double mask with a surgical with a very well fitted cloth mask over the top to close the gaps on the surgical. (And there are actually a good number of proper N95s out there--though they are suddenly getting harder to find--and otherwise KF94s are a good option as they have not had any issues so far with those not being legit. a KF94 with an ear saver to pull the straps behind the head is one way to go and they are very easy to breathe in--better than any of my cloth masks were and they don't collapse against your mouth which makes them more comfortable, IMO.

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19 minutes ago, KSera said:

wathe just said what I was going to say, which is that an N95 isn't going to be possible during a haircut due to the headstraps.

You shouldn't ever double mask with an N95. It can break the seal and it also increase resistance enough that it's more likely the seat will break in order for air to go around the mask rather than through it.

I think it would be better for her to get it at college at this point if she's going to get covid. 

The problem with surgical masks is that they are very gappy and are not going to protect well enough against an airborne virus--it will just go around the masks, and probably even moreso if you double them due to the increased air resistance. I would only double mask with a surgical with a very well fitted cloth mask over the top to close the gaps on the surgical. (And there are actually a good number of proper N95s out there--though they are suddenly getting harder to find--and otherwise KF94s are a good option as they have not had any issues so far with those not being legit. a KF94 with an ear saver to pull the straps behind the head is one way to go and they are very easy to breathe in--better than any of my cloth masks were and they don't collapse against your mouth which makes them more comfortable, IMO.

Thank you!  I think I'm going to give up and tell her to do it at school.  Hopefully, she'll just put it off and things will be better by the time she gets around to it.  


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11 minutes ago, KSera said:

The problem with surgical masks is that they are very gappy and are not going to protect well enough against an airborne virus--it will just go around the masks, and probably even moreso if you double them due to the increased air resistance. I would only double mask with a surgical with a very well fitted cloth mask over the top to close the gaps on the surgical. (And there are actually a good number of proper N95s out there--though they are suddenly getting harder to find--and otherwise KF94s are a good option as they have not had any issues so far with those not being legit. a KF94 with an ear saver to pull the straps behind the head is one way to go and they are very easy to breathe in--better than any of my cloth masks were and they don't collapse against your mouth which makes them more comfortable, IMO.

These need to be disposable and around the ear as I get my hair colored so surgical masks it is.

I wear my masks in such a way that the mask are not one on top of each other but on an overlap so that the nose and mouth are double protected and the gap is closed better.

I also wear eye protection but an old one in this case that I do not care if the color gets on it.

It is not foolproof but I have *knock* on wood been doing this for both hair cut, color and also getting my eyebrows done once a month. I alternate and my color takes the longest. But close proximity is not that much for much of the time and the stylist and I are in a room by ourselves with an air purifier, masked. I also do my eyebrows (threading), it takes 5-7 minutes max and my threader has learned to do it by holding a sort of clip masked whereas threading needed to be done by holding it between the lips. I do not remove upper lip now.

Both places do temperature checks, make you wait in the car, have vaccinated employees and are diligent about sanitizing. So am I and this is one of the outings I am ok with.

I mostly wear cloth masks and double mask if necessary. I have not found any N or K type masks comfortable to wear on the long run. 

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24 minutes ago, Kassia said:

Thank you!  I think I'm going to give up and tell her to do it at school.  Hopefully, she'll just put it off and things will be better by the time she gets around to it.  


I think that's probably the best option. Also, considering the fact that your son and his gf have probably already exposed your dd to Covid, she might be more dangerous to the stylist than the stylist is to her.

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8 minutes ago, MEmama said:

Fingers crossed she'll procrastinate til summer! Lol 

I'm pretty sure it won't be anytime soon.  Hopefully, she doesn't prove me wrong...


8 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

I think that's probably the best option. Also, considering the fact that your son and his gf have probably already exposed your dd to Covid, she might be more dangerous to the stylist than the stylist is to her.

I agree!  

Ds2 has been sacrificing a lot of social plans due to covid to keep us safe.  Just found out that his gf's dad tested positive.  Ds was supposed to go on Sunday and canceled to keep us safe.  It's everywhere!  

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1 hour ago, DreamerGirl said:


I mostly wear cloth masks and double mask if necessary. I have not found any N or K type masks comfortable to wear on the long run. 

Have you tried the boat style KF ones? These are similar to surgical in weight, have ear loops, but are better filtration and the shape means they fit better usually. https://amzn.to/3EAVGyr


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47 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

Have you tried the boat style KF ones? These are similar to surgical in weight, have ear loops, but are better filtration and the shape means they fit better usually. https://amzn.to/3EAVGyr


I can't get this shape to work.  My glasses always fog up which to me means I'm breathing around the mask not through it.  I've even tried tape along the top edge.  I'm frustrated!

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1 minute ago, happi duck said:

I can't get this shape to work.  My glasses always fog up which to me means I'm breathing around the mask not through it.  I've even tried tape along the top edge.  I'm frustrated!

If it makes you feel better, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re breathing around the mask. With the shape of the KF 94, the top panel faces upward, so the breath that is passing through the top panel can go up towards your glasses. They do make some where that top panel is coated on the inside so the air doesn’t pass through that part and it protects your glasses from fogging. The 3M aura masks are the same shape and tend to be very good at preventing glasses fog for people. they have a really nice foam piece with especially strong moldable wire along that top edge, for a really good seal. If I accidentally pinch my nose with it rather than pressing towards my cheeks, it seals my nose shut so that I can’t breathe through my nose 😂

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