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2021 Year in Review - Day 6


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This year, I used a new journal to track everything from food intake (calories, amount), temp/O2 sats/BP, activity, to daily events and tasks. I was diligent and used it approximately 96% of the time. I have used a Bujo (loose term) for the past few years and enjoy creating fun spreads for reading, tracking, and journaling. I began creating journals and giving them away this year; it's a great creative outlet for me and gives me an opportunity to use the Stampin' Up supplies (paper, ink, some stamps) I kept. I discovered journal and planner stickers this year and like adding those to the spreads.

I like my journal (check out Commit30 journals if you're interested in a nice little journal created to help achieve goals) and gifted a couple this year. I will continue to journal and track a variety of things in 2022 and am currently setting up my journal for the new year. I am creating a couple of journals for Christmas gifts and trying to figure out how to use some smaller (stitch) journals.

I watch a lot of Youtube videos about creating Bujo spreads and really enjoy watching the creativity and talent of some Youtubers.

This new hobby has helped keep me grounded and inspired during my recovery from the bike accident, loneliness from an empty nest, feelings of worthlessness after losing my job, and from general anxiety. The endless possibilities of a set of markers and a fresh journal makes me happy.

Edited by Granny_Weatherwax
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This year I really appreciated my close friends and family.  I'm not sure if she is the first to say it, but I love what Esther Perel says that "the quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life".  I made a point of nurturing some fledgling friendships.

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This year I rekindled my love of walking/hiking, bought some trekking poles and have ventured out a lot more than I had in the past, both by myself and with family members. I'm not talking about big hikes - the most so far has been 5 miles - but I'm building up to longer ones.

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This year I appreciated the little things more: the time we got with oldest ds, the smaller memories, the bits of family time we carved out purposefully. 

But this year I also lost trust in our inner circle, grew tired of fighting for the most basic of community needs, and feel that life has lost its sparkle because sharing it with selfish idiots isn't fun to do long term.

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This year I learned that nothing bad happens when you have to call people on the telephone, even if you have very little information and have to say, “I don’t know” a lot. In fact, you can even call several places in a row, even if you don’t know what you’re doing or the exactly correct thing to ask for and, for the most part, the answering party will happily problem-solve with you, even if you are totally new at it. 🙂 

I am not phone-phobic anymore; that was old Quill. 

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This year I completed my graduate diploma, finished homeschooling after 16 years and went back to full-time work. Graduate school is definitely worse than working, but it was necessary to get the great job I have now. I don't have a lot of time to miss homeschooling the dc. Thankfully the dc are still living at home attending high school or university, because I know I'd miss really them. 🙂

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This year, I have let a lot of stuff go. 

Stuff that used to put me in a tizzy just barely makes a ripple.  I just don't have the mental and emotional energy to get as worked up about small stuff because I'm too busy being in a tizzy about really big life stuff.  

Kids' stuff.  I cleaned out my older kids room earlier this year, which meant letting a lot of stuff go.  It was a very painful process, reliving so many memories of a family that will never be the same.  I miss that "us."  

My house ... I have too many corners that have too much stuff and I don't have the energy to deal with them.  We need to do some big stuff in our kitchen and I just can't get a move on that.  I reached out to several contractors, but only 1 got back to me and he doesn't do design, the part that I need help with.

My body.  I feel like I'm always in triage mode.  Need to keep up with the PT for my hip and shoulder to prevent work-related musculo-skeletal injuries common in my field.  Little energy for doing much cardio.  Knees are crap.  Not much time and energy for hiking, plus the dog is now afraid to get in the car because he either thinks he's going to the vet or is afraid of the jump to get in.  Due to menopause, stress, and my more sedentary lifestyle, my cholesterol and A1C levels are up (despite a healthy diet.)  Oh, and now I have a stress fracture in my foot with no obvious cause, so it's likely that I have osteoporosis.  It's a slog!

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