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I can’t understand. JAWM


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Friend calls to ask for prayers bc her mother was put in a vent this morning. 

Friend is very anti-vax bc another relative got the vax and now he keeps getting nosebleeds and he never had nosebleeds before.

I’m trying y’all. I didn’t say a word about this. I’m just. I’ll add that to the ever expanding prayer list.

She’s all it happened so suddenly.

I’m uh-huh. That’s how it’s gone for everyone I know. Fine right up until they are very not fine.

She’s upset and I get that so I don’t say much.  I ask if she’s been visiting and they say she can’t. I said she can if she gets vaccinated. When my brother was there as next of kin, he ran out and got vax so he could stay with his grand baby. Another friend was allowed to have their spouse there if they got vaccinated. She is adamant she will never get vaccinated. Apparently not even to see her mother for the last time.

Okay. I don’t know what nice or comforting to say to that. So I didn’t say anything.

But geez. This attitude and thinking is exactly why we find ourselves needing mandates. 

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10 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

Friend is very anti-vax bc another relative got the vax and now he keeps getting nosebleeds and he never had nosebleeds before.

There are no words.

This makes me kind of glad/sad that I don't hear a lot about who is sick and who is not. It's less stressful, though I am sure I'll be sad when I eventually find out who's dead that I didn't know about. 

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I'm so sorry.

My mom is going through a similar thing, except she made a comment in email that cranked off her friend. I thought it was a bland commisereating comment (she sent me the email with a "Where did I go wrong?") about how frustrating quarantine while feeling well can be, but unvaccinated (currently quarantined due to her DH's case) friend took it as a personal slight. *sigh*

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