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Are you wearing masks to the store?


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5 hours ago, MEmama said:

I'v never used hand sanitizer and can’t figure out why it would be useful if we use actual soap and water.


the idea is that you can clean your hands right away, before you touch your car door , steering wheel, etc. That way if you touch your face while driving home you are not at risk, hopefully. Versus having to wait until home. 

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Re: hand sanitizer: I still haven't been able to buy any, anywhere, online or in store.  We have a couple of small (partial) bottles. Since people are supposed to be staying home now, where they don't need to use it, I can't figure out why supplies have not been replenished. I guess people are still hoarding it and grabbing it whenever they see it available? We probably only have enough for, I don't know, 3-4 more shopping trips maybe. Not sure what we will do then.  

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1 hour ago, Mainer said:

Even in regular old flu season, I wear thin gloves (just regular winter gloves, like thin mitten liner gloves) while grocery shopping. I never take my gloves off until I get home, and they go straight into the washing machine. I just can't stand touching the cart handle or basket handle when I know someone with the flu may have sneezed on it. Maybe it's a false sense of security, but I do hope that wearing gloves (then and now) does a little something. 


I wear these everywhere during the winter and encourage everyone in my family to do the same. They make great stocking stuffers and can be bought in bulk very cheaply.

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35 minutes ago, marbel said:

Re: hand sanitizer: I still haven't been able to buy any, anywhere, online or in store.  We have a couple of small (partial) bottles. Since people are supposed to be staying home now, where they don't need to use it, I can't figure out why supplies have not been replenished. I guess people are still hoarding it and grabbing it whenever they see it available? We probably only have enough for, I don't know, 3-4 more shopping trips maybe. Not sure what we will do then.  

Are any distilleries or breweries in your area making it?

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51 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

the idea is that you can clean your hands right away, before you touch your car door , steering wheel, etc. That way if you touch your face while driving home you are not at risk, hopefully. Versus having to wait until home. 

I get that. I guess if I’m wearing gloves in the store, though, my hands *are* clean when I get in the car? 
I do using a cleaning wipe on the touched interior car parts, garage door closer, door handle, and so on despite my clean hands (having been protected from gloves) as soon as I get home. And of course wash my hands, before and after putting groceries away. That’s just habit.

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Just now, MEmama said:

I get that. I guess if I’m wearing gloves in the store, though, my hands *are* clean when I get in the car? 
I do using a cleaning wipe on the touched interior car parts, garage door closer, door handle, and so on despite my clean hands (having been protected from gloves) as soon as I get home. And of course wash my hands, before and after putting groceries away. That’s just habit.

Oh< I missed that you had gloves. 

I thought I was replying to someone who was just going bare handed and then washing up when they got home. 

You know, like my DH did today. 

I have one small bottle of sanitizer, a bunch of lysol wipes courtesy of a friend, we have gloves, and we have an N95 mask that I wore to the store this weekend, and then sterilized in the oven for him. 

And he got a phone call he had to take before leaving, and walked out the door without ANY of it. Sigh. I'm trying VERY hard not to be annoyed that he put us all at risk that way. We have hundreds of cases in our county and are only testing those over 65 with a very specific set of symptoms, so I'm sure it is widespread we just are not testing enough to see it. At least he's learned to wash hands and disinfect his stuff when he comes in. I did have to ask him to please change clothes and wash his face as well. 

I think I need to find out if you can put decals on a face mask, lol. If it had cool stickers on it like his laptop maybe he'd wear it. 

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1 hour ago, marbel said:

I found it made me more casual in the way I handled things. Though I didn't realize it, my daughter caught me touching my face. I don't do that when I am out and not gloved.  From what I observed in the store yesterday, I think gloved people were also more casual in the way they were handling things in the store - as in, not thinking that they were potentially contaminating. Just like many people wearing masks were not maintaining distance from others.  

So other than touching my face, I was probably safer with gloves. (And yes, I know that is something I can/should learn to control.) But without gloves I am more aware of what I am doing.  Gloves or not, I am not picking something up and putting it back down for someone else to pick up. (I'm also not buying unfamiliar things so I don't have to study labels right now.)  I think that may (or may not) help keep other people safer, because (again) gloved or not, I could be contaminating everything I touch.

Interesting! It has the opposite effect for me. I definitely won’t touch my face with gloves (wearing a hat helps keep those annoying, errant hairs from bothering me which is half my battle). They make me much more aware of adjusting my glasses as well.
I’m not touching anything extra anyway. Shopping trips are in and out, get exactly what I need as fast as possible. No browsing items I’m not already familiar with.

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54 minutes ago, marbel said:

Re: hand sanitizer: I still haven't been able to buy any, anywhere, online or in store.  We have a couple of small (partial) bottles. Since people are supposed to be staying home now, where they don't need to use it, I can't figure out why supplies have not been replenished. I guess people are still hoarding it and grabbing it whenever they see it available? We probably only have enough for, I don't know, 3-4 more shopping trips maybe. Not sure what we will do then.  

I haven't been able to find any either. I have 1/3 of a travel sized bottle left. No rubbing alcohol available either, to make your own. I have a few alcohol wipes from the first aid kit. 

I was down to 2 lysol wipes when a friend heard and dropped a full container of them off at my doorstep 🙂

But the stores here don't have bleach, alcohol, lysol, hand sanitizer, etc. I did snag a two pack of peroxide at Sams early on, and use that with a spray top for most disinfectant needs. And I have an old bottle of lysol spray, but it makes things sticky. 

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20 minutes ago, Frances said:

Are any distilleries or breweries in your area making it?

I have not seen any, but I haven't looked terribly hard. I had been living under the assumption that people were not needing/buying so much of it, so I'd find it in the store.  Our county has been on lockdown since 3/16, I think? People are supposed to be staying in or just walking outside, which also wouldn't require hand sanitizer. 

I will do some looking though, thanks for reminding me of it!

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We aren't wearing them, because we dont have them. 

Went to Target to pick up a scrip and a couple of things today. It was busier than I would have expected ... I'd say 20-30% of people maybe had masks and/or gloves. 

I ordered some cloth masks from etsy. I can't sew. Dh will probably refuse to wear one anyway (not that he is going anywhere right now but he is considered a critical defense worker and things could change in a moment for him). And who knows when they will arrive.  

I have a handful of pairs of like dishwashing gloves that we use for labs. I suppose I could pull them out but I dont think they're warranted yet... precious resource holding out for more emergent situations.

I hadn't considered wearing my running gloves... might do. 

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Masks is probably the only thing I haven't done.

I bring separate gloves for every stop I make. I stopped carrying my purse. I leave shoes and jacket in the garage, everything else goes into washing machine and I go into shower immediately after I get home. My husband is in charge of cleaning out all the food and everything else I bring in.  If it can be left in the garage for days - we do that. I wipe cc and phone and my glasses when I get home

People are MORONS!!! Even though stores I went to yesterday had signs EVERYWHERE about people staying X number of tiles away from each other - it's like people forgot how to read. Even though BJ makes people wait in line before they get to the register - people stay 2 inches away from each other in line.  One woman was standing, eating chips at TJ check out line, then touching cc machine with those fingers she just stuffed in her mouth a second earlier!  Like I said - people are morons!

So, I keep rotating my shopping cart 360 degrees to keep people away and I turn my face away anytime someone gets too close.  And I pray a lot. A LOT!!!!!

I feel very "claustrophobic" in a mask, also I only have a few so that wouldn't help.

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On 4/1/2020 at 10:57 AM, marbel said:

Re: hand sanitizer: I still haven't been able to buy any, anywhere, online or in store.  


23 hours ago, Frances said:

Are any distilleries or breweries in your area making it?

Supplies are being diverted to healthcare. Target was reprimanded for selling. 

Distilleries are making hand sanitizers for healthcare workers. 


“The challenge, Dormishian says, will be keeping up with orders.

“We’re giving 1,000 bottles to the city of Berkeley,” he says. “I just got a message from a dialysis center; they need over 100,000 ounces per month. We’re talking to Kaiser to provide some in bulk.”


Alchemy, Bohner says, is still generating income by selling its spirits through distributors. That, plus the generosity of many of the distillery’s suppliers, is allowing her to donate her hand sanitizer at no cost to the recipient. (For now, Alchemy is donating all of its sanitizer to a local hospital.) The farm that sells Alchemy its rye, which the Bohners then ferment and distill, has donated 2,000 pounds of the grain. And its label supplier has said it will print the sanitizer’s labels for free.

Some distilleries are charging small fees for their sanitizers: Krobar in Paso Robles is selling bottles ranging from $10 to $27 to the general public. Falcon’s Dormishian had hoped to provide sanitizer for free, but has decided instead to charge recipients just for the cost of goods — a cost that still doesn’t account for the distillery’s other expenses, like rent and labor. Falcon currently has no revenue”

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I wore gloves to the grocery store today. I think I'll be adding a mask. 

This is how clueless people are: I saw an older gentleman looking at grapes with his wife. He wiped his nose using the bottom of his shirt then put his hand inside a bag of grapes, grabbed one and popped it in his mouth. He didn't buy that bag of grapes!!!!

I was so shocked. 

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