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Christmas Tree going up today...Anyone else

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Yep, my kids are begging right and left to bring up boxes from the basement and start decorating. We have to do a fake tree these days since we heat with wood. We found in the past our wood burner was hard on our poor live trees. Anyone else jumping the track from Thanksgiving to Christmas today?

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We are cutting down our own tree tonight. We will decorate everything tomorrow. I just love this time of year. I plan on spending this Sunday getting the Christmas cards ready and making my baking list. That's all I have left to do, ALL the presents have been bought and hidden, the kids call it the "Secret Room." On Christmas Eve., my dh and I have a family night, and then we get home kinda late, pop the kiddos in bed and stay up till the wee hours of the morning wrapping and talking. It's the best:D

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My husband brought up all of the Christmas decorations yesterday and wants to pick up a tree today. We usually get a real tree, but I'm hoping to talk him into a fake one. I love the scent of a real tree, but hate the hassle of it. Although Bath & Body Works has some pretty authentic smelling candles and room fresheners, so maybe I will only have to give up the millions of pine needles decorating my house.

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We decorated most of our first tree this morning. (It's now my snack break. :) ) We always have artificial trees since we travel over Christmas. This is my "everything goes" tree--lots of kids crafts, etc. The other smaller one has my grandmothers' antique bulbs. My dd has a small tree in her room as well.


Then it's time for the creches. We have far too many, because once dh's side of the family knows that you like something, they buy, buy and buy more. I haven't put them all up in years--maybe this year.


We put up our yard lights on Wednesday because the weather was so great. They don't get turned on until tonight though.


Tomorrow and Sunday will be party planning and cookie baking. Some years I'm in the mood to do a lot; other year I take it easy. I think this may be a year where I go crazy.

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Our tree doesn't go up until Dec 22nd at the earliest. We actually try to do it on the 24th. Guests to our Christmas Eve dinner get handed a glass of punch and a box of decorations to put up. Dressing the tree together while singing carols offkey, or listening to Stuart McLean's christmas stories, or the CBC reading of the The Christmas Carol - that's such a lot of fun.


Our tree stays up for the 12 days of Christmas.


Comes down Jan 7, the day after Epiphany.


All this tradition, and we're not even religious. :D


We do put the lights up on the outside of the house a bit earlier - mid Dec, after dd's birthday on the 12th.

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Most decorations are going up today, but we'll get our tree tomorrow; it's raining here--finally--and we were planning to go to a tree farm and cut our own. If it's raining tomorrow, too, I might break down and put up the artificial tree. It just looks so small in this house, lol.

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Yes, this is our traditional day to put up the tree, and then we take it down Jan 1 or 2. However, my children begged to jump the gun, so we got the boxes out last week and the tree itself is up, but I told them we couldn't decorate it until today.


I'm no Black Friday shopper--I love to stay HOME on Black Friday and decorate instead.

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The kids are listening to Christmas music in the other room and keep asking to put the tree up...but I'd rather not super-clean the living room today...so I'm in here w/all of you, stalling :D.


We'll do it sometime this weekend. My vote is for Sunday. But, it'll probably be this aft.

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our tree is up and decorated. I have some wreaths to hang, maybe today, maybe another day and then we are done.


We have our stack of Christmas only story books and videos out now too.


We started putting the tree up after Thanksgiving, when I realized how busy our weekends really are. It's sad, but this weekend has become our only nothing to do relax weekend. It's nicer to decorate and look at all the decorations when you have time. We look at stuff the kids have made in past years or special ornaments purchased because of an event the previous year. We can't reminisce when there's games and musical performance rehearsals. This year dd is performing in the Nutcracker for the first time and the rehearsals plus the seven show schedule she has is ruling my life--that's on top of the church Christmas show and church choir perfomances she has. But it will all be over the 21st and we will have a few days to savor then.

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We always decorate this weekend, and yes, today is usually the day we get the tree. But....I am so behind this year, the Halloween decorations are still up!:tongue_smilie: So, I am doing some major cleaning this weekend and cleaning out-before we do the Christmas decorations. We will probably get the tree on Monday.

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WE put the tree up yesterday (we live in Can. so our Thanksgiving was in Oct.) but couldn't decorate it as one string of lights was busted. My husband bought a new string but he bought coloured lights. So half of the tree is white lights and the lower half is coloured lights. It looks very odd but it is all decorated.

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We purchased a small one for our bedroom two days ago (the kids each have fake ones for their rooms that we put up today) and next weekend we will be buying our big family tree. I spent the day setting up lights, candles, spraying fake snow (has to be good for us!) and other decorations. I'm a Christmas freak :tongue_smilie:

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We got ours up. Since we have a puppy this year, we put up the "little" fiber optic tree on top of a stool to keep it out of reach and to give it some height... that thing went up so fast! No separate lights, since they are built right in to the tree. :D


And since we didn't want to put our special ornaments in the path of puppy destruction, we just put glittery multi-colored snowflake ornaments on, along with some "no-shatter" glittery garlands.


Even if the puppy does knock it down, nothing is likely to break- and it looks pretty nice!

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Since we are following a typical Waldorf tradition with celebrating the Advent season, I like to have my Christmas tree, as well as our holiday decoration (inside and outside) done before the Advent seasons starts. This Sunday is 1st of Advent - and we are ready. The house looks so neat, our little yard is nicely decorated and it is SNOWING!!!!! Glad to be done - now we can enjoy our surroundings. :D




Homeschooling JUSTONE - ds 9

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We cut and put up our tree today. This year we put the large, live tree in the living room and put up our fake tree in the dining room. Lots of twinkle lights, Christmas music, tinsel, swags and ornaments that we've collected and made, as well as the fun of what we can give to each other. We celebrate Advent each year, as well as go to a Candlelight Christmas Eve service. Our oldest dd's birthday is Christmas Eve so it's her birthday, too!

Lots of fun traditions to enjoy and memories to savor!

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