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This heat!!!!


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It is technically cooler than earlier in the summer, even with the heat index. And yet it feels SO much hotter. It's miserable. I nearly gave myself heat stroke at 5pm the other day doing yard work, and today I tried twice to go out and do stuff and had to come right back in. Even the 2 yr old was crying that it was too hot!

I don't know why it feels so bad, but it does. And my kids and DH are mini golfing for a birthday party and I'm worried about them. I can't imagine what the parents were thinking planning an outdoor event at 1pm in August in Florida. 

Edited to add: checked, okay, the heat index is 102 and UV index is 9, so no wonder I feel awful out there! Still, it was more like 106 a few weeks ago and didn't feel this bad. 

Edited by Ktgrok
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The humidity is probably higher than it was earlier in the summer. I think on average on the east coast the third week in July tends to be the hottest time, but August is the most humid. We're having an absolutely glorious cool, rainy day here. It's currently only 64 degrees!!! Our normal is about 25+ degrees warmer than that. Definitely a gift day. I hope it gets better for you soon, Katie.

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so, i figured out why it FEELS so much hotter than my little weather app says! Florida has microclimates. What is happening in one place can be totally different just a few blocks away. it often rains on one side of the street and not the other. 

So I found the closest weather station, and it seems more accurate. ! Heat index of 106 F (which is what it feels like), UV index of 11, not 9. 

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I'm glad you figured it out.  I'm not convinced the heat index and/or wind chills are exactly accurate. 

I remember going home (to Florida) over Winter break from New England in college, about 6 weeks.  Another girl who lived on my floor was from Miami and Florida was having record cold for about 3 weeks.  On paper the wind chill wasn't that terrible, it was in the 20's, but the week before break we'd gone to Montreal for the weekend and they were having a record cold snap where wind chills were well below 0 (Fahrenheit).  Florida felt colder.  Humidity in the wind chills you to the bone in a way dry wind doesn't.  When we went back, the other Florida girl and I were both walking to dinner (in the 20's) in t-shirts and we felt fine.  Everyone who was from New England felt it was frigid.  It may have been, but there was no wind and no humidity so it didn't feel that cold to us.

And humidity in the heat completely blocks the ability for sweat to cool you.

It's also possible feeling the differences have something to do with the individual.  I think humidity levels bother me more than DH, for example.  I once got very cold, hypothermic cold, at a wedding DH was in.  I think it was probably only 60, but there was a light cold rain and I couldn't get warm enough.  I made DH take me to the hotel so I could take a hot shower and warm up.  Of course his tux may have been wool and my cotton dress wasn't, but it still seems like it bothers me more.

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6 minutes ago, unsinkable said:

I think it is 68 here.

Tomorrow, it is supposed to be high 70s. Im worried-ish bc I need to do stuff outside tomorrow and I don't want to get all sweaty. 

My house won't get below 79 or 80 this afternoon, even with air conditioning, in this heat/humidity. 

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I honestly don’t know how people can stand to live in climates like you do. The humidity in the Midwest growing up was bad enough, I can’t even imagine it in a place like Florida. I’ve always hated heat and humidity.

I hope cooler temps come your way soon.

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5 minutes ago, Frances said:

I honestly don’t know how people can stand to live in climates like you do. The humidity in the Midwest growing up was bad enough, I can’t even imagine it in a place like Florida. I’ve always hated heat and humidity.

I hope cooler temps come your way soon.

It didn't use to be quite so bad. I actually didn't have air conditioning in my house until 6th grade!

Climate change is a real thing. 

Also, i'm not on medication that raises body temperature, and that is a factor. 

But yeah, it is gross. We stay inside until evening. My poor lawn though...it caught a fungus from this humidity and is really struggling. I feel so badly for it!

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I know!  It's terrible.  My house won't cool down the level I like, even with the A/C.  It's about 76 on the side of the house we sleep in.  It's supposed to cool down for a few days next week though.  I think we are getting cabin fever.  I know my 2nd grader needs more exercise and outdoor time, but it is just too hot and all the pools close during the day now that public schools are back in session, so that's not even an option.

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We finally got over the hump. 80's all week. Last week was impossible. I don't feel like I could live where you do. Of course, give it a decade... it's getting worse most places. They showed on a map in WaPo not long ago that the mid-Atlantic and Alaska and some other spots are warming faster and that most of the south, including Florida, are warming slower.

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I feel you. We're having a cool spell today, the "feels like" temp is only 88 right now and it's pretty cloudy. The kids and I are catching up on some yard work and I'm just dripping. I hate humidity. I practically hibernate in the summer, and I may or may not have threatened divorce this year, over someone coming in at lunch and turning the thermostat up. It MUST stay where it is, or I'm dripping inside at 3:00. October can't come soon enough. 

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55 minutes ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

My mom is so worried about her AC bill, it’s been hovering near 100 for weeks. She doesn’t believe me when I tell her how cool it’s been. This morning it was 51 and I put a coat on to take the dog out. I’m huddled under a blanket on the couch now. 

So how long before Florida becomes enjoyable again? October?


I have it set to "budget billing" which means I pay about the same all year round, based on the average of the last 11 months. My bill is $350.

As for enjoyable.....might get a day here or there in October...maybe, but not more than that. December isn't bad, although I've been to pool parties in December. Our cold month is Feb.

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We were at Disney Monday through Friday and I can confirm that the heat in Orlando is BAD, lol. Actually we're back home now and it's exactly the same here (I think the heat index was 106 when I checked it this afternoon), but I'm not walking around in it nonstop. I am so thankful for air conditioning!


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We had one of our hottest summers on record here--crested 90 something like 22 times and the record is 23. Hot enough to swim, not hot enough to be miserable. We're now starting into our cooler fall temps, pleasant in the daytime and cool and night. So move north, leave the land of lizards, come to utopia. :biggrin:

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10 hours ago, purpleowl said:

We were at Disney Monday through Friday and I can confirm that the heat in Orlando is BAD, lol. Actually we're back home now and it's exactly the same here (I think the heat index was 106 when I checked it this afternoon), but I'm not walking around in it nonstop. I am so thankful for air conditioning!



We will be there in 2 weeks, and I’m dreading the heat. We’re used to it (south Louisiana isn’t much better), but don’t typically have to be out in it unless we want to.

We’ve been to Disney multiple times in September, and I think we just always block out how miserably hot it is because we like the lack of crowds, but they had to go and plan to open the dang Star Wars Land a week and a half before our trip, which has affected the crowd predictions greatly. We couldn’t cancel completely because it’s one of my granddaughters’ birthdays, and she was SO excited about breakfast with Mary Poppins on her birthday, but we basically cut the trip in half, and dropped HS and Epcot from our plans.

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11 minutes ago, StaceyinLA said:

but we basically cut the trip in half, and dropped HS and Epcot from our plans.

I haven't looked to see what TouringPlans is saying, but it doesn't seem like the crowds are materializing. Is Rise of the Resistance opening? I think people are holding out. I definitely am.

But yeah, January is the best time to be in Orlando, lol. 

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I was finally able to turn off AC a couple days ago. The house got up to 82 last night before cooling off, but it has been really nice today. 

My DD could have picked college in Orlando and the thought of warm winters was a pull, but she ended up a bit further north. I think the heat/humidity there now is about our level in July, so she's fine. She'll likely be hurting when she comes home to real cold in December. 

This mid-to-high 70s with a bit of wind is my favorite fall weather. Mid-to-high 60s is my favorite spring weather. I'm hoping it sticks around for a month or two, but we'll likely be back up in the 80s in a week. And, like a PP said, no pool since the public schools are back in session.

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