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Dr. hive—bleeding gums?


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My son has bleeding gums.  He has gone to the dentist multiple times and basically was told to brush better and use a mouthwash (not prescription).  They are still bleeding.  Where should I be taking him now?  New dentist? Doctor?  I “googled” but that’s really too broad.

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There are probably many reasons, but the first that comes to mind in my experience is when someone hasn't been brushing or flossing well, then the gum tissue seems to become more tender and bleeds more easily.  Maybe there's some inflammation going on too.  My gums used to bleed easily when I went to the dentist and they flossed my teeth during routine cleaning, until I started flossing thoroughly and regularly.

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If he is unwilling to floss, a pointy brush for between the teeth and along the gums makes a big difference. And a brushing timer. The brush I use is similar to this https://www.dentaldirect.co.uk/tepe-compact-single-tuft-toothbrush.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwgqbpBRAREiwAF046JSowC4dQIroQMf7GrrEsx1sCcjkbKp5n2fsUrIGy5CS5Q7JPfhfArBoCbjEQAvD_BwE

I would supervise his brushing for several weeks and see if his gums recover.


Edited by Laura Corin
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I’d recommend  a water pick and making sure he is getting enough Vitamin C. Used correctly, a water pick will clean the gums better than brushing or flossing (although they are still important) and will massage the gums and toughen them up. I mention Vitamin C because I know someone who completely solved their issue with bleeding gums by greatly upping their intake.

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Is he using an electric toothbrush? If not I'd get him one yesterday. The main cause of my bleeding gums was that no matter how hard I tried not to I was brushing too hard. Same thing with DH--I knew he brushed too hard. Just listening to him go at it made my teeth hurt. I talked him into getting an electric toothbrush--problem solved.

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Where is the bleeding?  Mostly top teeth in the front?  If so, he may be a mouth breather.  If he is drying out the tissue in the front,it can cause bleeding when brushing.

Waterpiks are great for braces and other hardware, but can not reach more than a millimeter below gumline.  Flossing reaches up to 3. 

Electric toothbrushes are great.  I recommend them mostly because people tend to brush longer. 

Healthy gums do not bleed.  Unless some major traumatic flossing or brushing occurs. Bleeding is a sign of disease. 

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Just a quick recommendation for this Reach Flosser.  It's like a toothbrush.


It completely revolutionized my attitude toward flossing. 
I do it at the end of the day, while I'm reading in bed.

Yes, my understanding is bleeding gums need to be flossed.
We also used that blue Oral Rinse from Walmart.


Really, the motivator is that you only get one set of permanent teeth.
I resisted doing all of this, but my gums are now very healthy & I averted lots of oral surgery.

Hope this helps.

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I would get him a quality electric (like a Sonicare) and maybe some different flossers to try and have him doing each of those 2X a day for 2-3 weeks before I'd consider following up again.  Particularly if a dentist has already seen him.  Eliminating soda and sticky candy entirely would be another good step.  

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He’s 18 and is flossing like the dentist told him to.  I did get him a nice electric toothbrush.  I will try the vitamin c and if that doesn’t work, I’ll look into different floaters or waterpick.  Thanks!

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23 hours ago, Pawz4me said:

Is he using an electric toothbrush? If not I'd get him one yesterday. The main cause of my bleeding gums was that no matter how hard I tried not to I was brushing too hard. Same thing with DH--I knew he brushed too hard. Just listening to him go at it made my teeth hurt. I talked him into getting an electric toothbrush--problem solved.

I had the opposite problem - I was brushing too hard for my teeth with the electric toothbrush. Instead, I got the Colgate Floss Tipped toothbrush and that works for me. 

My dentist also told me to swish with salt water for 30 seconds or so a few times a day until the inflammation decreased when I had this problem.


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I agree with all the above advice... but also... some people just have bad gums. Dentists like to act like our teeth and gum health are entirely in our control (and most of us should be doing a better job and all that) but some people just genetically didn't hit the lottery on their gums. It's possible his are just weak.

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2 hours ago, bethben said:

He’s 18 and is flossing like the dentist told him to.  I did get him a nice electric toothbrush.  I will try the vitamin c and if that doesn’t work, I’ll look into different floaters or waterpick.  Thanks!

How often and how effectively the flossing and brushing is being done is really important. Is he flossing daily? Is he brushing frequently? 

How about sugary drinks and foods? Does he consume soda, juice, etc frequently? 

Food particles that get stuck between the teeth and gums, like bits of popcorn, can inflame the gums. 

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