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Have you even had a dream one night...


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...which picked up on some random thing from a dream on a previous night? I swear, this was the weirdest thing! 

A few days ago, I had a random dream that I was working at an office and I decided to order a meal from a specific restaurant. (It’s not even one I go to.) In the dream, the woman who took my order said it won’t be ready until 2am. I told her that doesn’t make sense; I wanted it for lunch at my office. And then I woke up.

So, last night, I had a dream that a person from the restaurant met me on the street in the evening when I was leaving work. The person tried to give the bag of food to me, but said my amount due was $110.00. I argued with the person and said I wasn’t even expecting the food anymore and why in the world did it cost so much? It was chicken wings! Then, I tried to get my purse, which inexplicably was supposed to have a receipt in it to prove the chicken did not cost $110.00, but my purse was covered in ants! I woke up because ants were biting me in my dream! 

The dream itself is weird enough, but I don’t think I have ever had a dream continue from another night! 

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I only have serial dreams from the same night. When I had recurring dreams as a child, it was scary enough to make me go to a chinese Buddhist temple and/or the Catholic Church that my elementary catholic convent school is affiliated with. My parents, uncles and aunts are Buddhist but we were all sent to catholic schools for preK to 6th/12th grade. Some of us opted for secular 7th to 12th grade schools.

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That is too cool! Except for the ants. 

I am fascinated by dreams. One night I dreamed that a high school friend and his brother were upside down in their car in a cornfield. The next morning, my friend came into class saying, "Guys! M. and I flipped the car last night! We were hanging upside down by our seat belts!" In a field, of course. Freaky.

Don't quote because a few people who know me know about this dream and I want to retain some web anonymity. :) 

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No. But recently I had two consecutive severely claustrophobic dreams where I had to shimmy through some very narrow passage to get from point a to point b. In the 2nd one, the office where I was working didn't have a door, so I had to slide on my belly through 10-12 ft passage to get in. And it occurred to me that because I am pregnant at some point I wouldn't be able to get back in or out. 

I can't decide if they are better or worse than my usual pregnancy dreams where DH won't marry me despite being the mother to his gaggle of children.

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I didn’t learn how to swim until my 30s.  I used to have recurring dreams where I was in a pool swimming and it was GLORIOUS.  I would wake up and think, “Gasp!  I figured out how to swim!” And then quickly realize it was just a dream and feel so disappointed.

And then I learned to swim.  And the next time I had a swimming dream, I woke up and thought, “Gasp! I figured out how to swim!” And then I got disappointed and thought, “No wait...it’s just one of those swimming dreams,” and then I realized “GASP!  I DO know how to swim!!!”  It was pretty amazing.

But no.  I’ve never had a dream pick up the next night.  It sounds awesome, though.  I’d love a dream like that.  

I mostly have recurring dreams that I have to climb some sort of rickety scaffolding to get somewhere and there’s no other way to get there except for the scaffolding and I’m in complete terror that I’ll fall, but I must soldier on.  I don’t like those dreams.


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15 minutes ago, Garga said:

I didn’t learn how to swim until my 30s.  I used to have recurring dreams where I was in a pool swimming and it was GLORIOUS.  I would wake up and think, “Gasp!  I figured out how to swim!” And then quickly realize it was just a dream and feel so disappointed.

And then I learned to swim.  And the next time I had a swimming dream, I woke up and thought, “Gasp! I figured out how to swim!” And then I got disappointed and thought, “No wait...it’s just one of those swimming dreams,” and then I realized “GASP!  I DO know how to swim!!!”  It was pretty amazing.

But no.  I’ve never had a dream pick up the next night.  It sounds awesome, though.  I’d love a dream like that.  

I mostly have recurring dreams that I have to climb some sort of rickety scaffolding to get somewhere and there’s no other way to get there except for the scaffolding and I’m in complete terror that I’ll fall, but I must soldier on.  I don’t like those dreams.


I’m so curious how you learned to swim so much later in life than average. 

I was the latest-learning swimmer I knew of; I couldn’t swim until I was around 13, and even then, it was highly dependant on not straying far from the edges of a pool. The only reason I sort of managed that was because I was at a pool party with kids from school and there was no way I was letting anyone know I could barely swim. 

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6 hours ago, Quill said:

...which picked up on some random thing from a dream on a previous night? I swear, this was the weirdest thing! 

A few days ago, I had a random dream that I was working at an office and I decided to order a meal from a specific restaurant. (It’s not even one I go to.) In the dream, the woman who took my order said it won’t be ready until 2am. I told her that doesn’t make sense; I wanted it for lunch at my office. And then I woke up.

So, last night, I had a dream that a person from the restaurant met me on the street in the evening when I was leaving work. The person tried to give the bag of food to me, but said my amount due was $110.00. I argued with the person and said I wasn’t even expecting the food anymore and why in the world did it cost so much? It was chicken wings! Then, I tried to get my purse, which inexplicably was supposed to have a receipt in it to prove the chicken did not cost $110.00, but my purse was covered in ants! I woke up because ants were biting me in my dream! 

The dream itself is weird enough, but I don’t think I have ever had a dream continue from another night! 

Oh yes.  My dreams go on for years.  The thing is the more interested you are in your dream...the more you think about it...the more  you will dream it again.  

Mine are snakes and dead ex boyfriends.  

And I am a lucid dreamer too. 

Edited by Scarlett
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I’ve had recurring dreams, night terrors, to-be-continued dreams, dreams within dreams, water-color blurry dreams, dreams that are indistinguishable from real life, and usually multiple dreams on any given night. I even have tricks to control my dreams so I can wake myself up if it gets too uncomfortable or tedious. 

Dh might remember one dream a year. He thinks my dream life is extreme. I think he’s the weirdo. 

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1 minute ago, KungFuPanda said:

I’ve had recurring dreams, night terrors, to-be-continued dreams, dreams within dreams, water-color blurry dreams, dreams that are indistinguishable from real life, and usually multiple dreams on any given night. I even have tricks to control my dreams so I can wake myself up if it gets too uncomfortable or tedious. 

Dh might remember one dream a year. He thinks my dream life is extreme. I think he’s the weirdo. 

Yep.  Exactly.  Except my husband dreams vividly too. On our wedding night he had a nightmare where his ex wife was ‘there’ and he was trying to get away from her.  He almost fell out of the bed.  

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12 hours ago, Quill said:

...which picked up on some random thing from a dream on a previous night? I swear, this was the weirdest thing! 

A few days ago, I had a random dream that I was working at an office and I decided to order a meal from a specific restaurant. (It’s not even one I go to.) In the dream, the woman who took my order said it won’t be ready until 2am. I told her that doesn’t make sense; I wanted it for lunch at my office. And then I woke up.

So, last night, I had a dream that a person from the restaurant met me on the street in the evening when I was leaving work. The person tried to give the bag of food to me, but said my amount due was $110.00. I argued with the person and said I wasn’t even expecting the food anymore and why in the world did it cost so much? It was chicken wings! Then, I tried to get my purse, which inexplicably was supposed to have a receipt in it to prove the chicken did not cost $110.00, but my purse was covered in ants! I woke up because ants were biting me in my dream! 

The dream itself is weird enough, but I don’t think I have ever had a dream continue from another night! 

At least if you are going to dream in series you could pick something more exciting than chicken wings to dream about 😆

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8 hours ago, Garga said:

I didn’t learn how to swim until my 30s.  I used to have recurring dreams where I was in a pool swimming and it was GLORIOUS.  I would wake up and think, “Gasp!  I figured out how to swim!” And then quickly realize it was just a dream and feel so disappointed.

And then I learned to swim.  And the next time I had a swimming dream, I woke up and thought, “Gasp! I figured out how to swim!” And then I got disappointed and thought, “No wait...it’s just one of those swimming dreams,” and then I realized “GASP!  I DO know how to swim!!!”  It was pretty amazing.

But no.  I’ve never had a dream pick up the next night.  It sounds awesome, though.  I’d love a dream like that.  

I mostly have recurring dreams that I have to climb some sort of rickety scaffolding to get somewhere and there’s no other way to get there except for the scaffolding and I’m in complete terror that I’ll fall, but I must soldier on.  I don’t like those dreams.


This gives me anxiety just thinking about this dream

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8 hours ago, Scarlett said:

Oh yes.  My dreams go on for years.  The thing is the more interested you are in your dream...the more you think about it...the more  you will dream it again.  

Mine are snakes and dead ex boyfriends.  

And I am a lucid dreamer too. 

I used to have a recurring dream as a kid about a snake that had to bite three times before it would kill you.  It happened in a few different contexts but I’d always find myself sitting there after the 3rd bite just waiting to die!

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13 hours ago, Quill said:

I’m so curious how you learned to swim so much later in life than average. 

I was the latest-learning swimmer I knew of; I couldn’t swim until I was around 13, and even then, it was highly dependant on not straying far from the edges of a pool. The only reason I sort of managed that was because I was at a pool party with kids from school and there was no way I was letting anyone know I could barely swim. 

I just never had much of a chance to go swimming.  For one summer, we lived next door to people with a pool and I went in the pool from time to time, but only with other kids, so no one to teach me.  I was about 7.  And then I went into pools about 2 other times ever in my life as a child for a few hours visiting a cousin.

My parents were both in the navy (when I was very tiny), so you’d think they’d know it’s important to swim.  My mother grew up with pools in her backyard....but once they had me, they just never went to a pool ever again.  

It wasn’t until I had kids of my own and my dh wanted us to all go swimming together that I learned.  And I’m hesitant to admit, but my oldest hasn’t learned.  He is highly resistant to learning.  Now that he’s adult size, I am thinking of finding him an adult class to attend to learn.  Before now, he was too irrational as a younger person about learning.  But now, I think he is mature enough to see the need for it and perhaps be able to do it.  He doesn’t have a fear of the water, just a resistance to learning.  

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I have had "to be continued" type dreams, where the dream picks ups on what happened the night before.  I am a lucid dreamer, too, but I don't usually meddle too much in my dreams.  I like to see what my subconscious will come up with.  

I have had a weird dream for many years that is so hard to describe.  Basically, while I am in the dream, Itell myself 'You have dreamed this before and have for many years". Then I wake up and wonder, have I REALLY dreamed this before? Or am I only dreaming that I have dreamed this before?  It is weird and unsettling and makes me doubt which way is up. I finally journalled about the dream and dated it, that way if I have it again, I can refer back to the journal and know I have definitely dreamed it before.  Of course, since I journalled it, I have not had the dream again. So maybe I have only ever had it once after all, lol. 

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5 hours ago, caedmyn said:

I have a few recurring dreams, but not ones that add on to each other.  One is that there's a few extra hidden rooms in the house.  I wake up and think, "Hm, now where are those rooms?  I could do this with them." Then I remember it's just a dream!

I do that with rooms and with clothes (i.e., going to the closet to wear an outfit and then realizing it isn't there because it was a dream). So disappointing!

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I have had recurring dreams (always the scary ones) and also dreams that seem to continue another episode after an interruption during the same night (get up and go to the bathroom and boom I'm right back where I left off) and also some repeated incidents and themes that crop up here and there sometimes even years later. For instance, I still have dreams every once in a while where I continue an argument with a variety of old boyfriends about why it is perfectly acceptable for me to have a bunch of kids with my husband and I wasn't really cheating on them 🤣

I also have lucid dreams. Basically my brain never turns off. DH on the other hand insists he almost never dreams,  which I cannot fathom, but I guess that means his brain isn't as active as mine lol

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2 minutes ago, Momto5inIN said:

I have had recurring dreams (always the scary ones) and also dreams that seem to continue another episode after an interruption during the same night (get up and go to the bathroom and boom I'm right back where I left off) and also some repeated incidents and themes that crop up here and there sometimes even years later. For instance, I still have dreams every once in a while where I continue an argument with a variety of old boyfriends about why it is perfectly acceptable for me to have a bunch of kids with my husband and I wasn't really cheating on them 🤣

I also have lucid dreams. Basically my brain never turns off. DH on the other hand insists he almost never dreams,  which I cannot fathom, but I guess that means his brain isn't as active as mine lol

That made me laugh.  🙂

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1 hour ago, Scarlett said:

One time I lost a favorite skirt.  It had been gone for months and one night I dreamed where it was.  I had left it at my friends house when I changed clothes there one day.   

Was it really there IRL? 

I do think one can give the brain a puzzle to work out and either dream the solution or wake up knowing it. 

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I am sure this thread prompted my dreams last night.  I had a close friend my senior year, but she moved far away after graduation and I've only said a few words to her via FB since.  But in my dream last night there she was....coming to visit me.  I remember thinking, wow, I wonder if she will even recognize me since it has been so long.

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3 minutes ago, Quill said:

Was it really there IRL? 

I do think one can give the brain a puzzle to work out and either dream the solution or wake up knowing it. 

Yep it was there IRL.  And yes I did know it was there because I left it there....but it took my dream to bring the  memory back to me.

Edited by Scarlett
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1 hour ago, Scarlett said:

Yep it was there IRL.  And yes I did know it was there because I left it there....but it took my dream to bring the  memory back to me.

I had a dream like this recently.

In the dream, someone asked me about an earthquake we had here a few years ago.  She wanted to know what date it happened.  I knew that it had occurred in late August, but I didn't know the date.  So in the dream we looked on google and found the date.

When I woke up, I raced over to the computer before I forgot the details of the dream.  When I looked at google IRL it was the same date as in my dream.  Really, really weird.

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