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Quick-What are 3 everyday problems you face

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off the top of your head. Maybe we can solve them.


1-The knob on the lid of the pan we use the most broke and we have to use a pot holder to lift it now. I haven't been able to find a replacement lid.


2-My solid/dark colored aprons look grungy, but the print ones are flimsy and I haven't seen heavy print fabric to sew up.


3-My older teen daughter is rude and she knows it. She knows how to be polite, but she tends to speak her mind too easily. She wants a book to help.

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off the top of your head. Maybe we can solve them.


1-The knob on the lid of the pan we use the most broke and we have to use a pot holder to lift it now. I haven't been able to find a replacement lid.


2-My solid/dark colored aprons look grungy, but the print ones are flimsy and I haven't seen heavy print fabric to sew up.


3-My older teen daughter is rude and she knows it. She knows how to be polite, but she tends to speak her mind too easily. She wants a book to help.

hmmm... I have many christian articles with scriptures that have helped me... some


#2 Try upholstry fabric

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My son is becoming very inflexible again and melting down more. (think spectrum disorderz)


I cannot get school started when I set it up for this year. Dc are in bed by 7:30 and still cannot get up by 7 am.


Dh has been out of work for over a year. ( I know you can't really help with that one but quite frankly it is a daily problem. :D)

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I'm depressed living in this house.


I spend two weeks of every month (after AF) exhausted.


I can't think of any more that aren't directly related to the two above.

Iron supplements it helps me a lot. I can tell when I need them. These are the ones I take. They are absorbed way better than other brands/ formulations.


The Liver plus C supplement from the same company is really good too.

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I have too many things to do, not enough time to do them all in, and I do not get enough sleep at night to get me through each day.



Think Jennifer'slost. Halve it all and I mean it all. She seems to be having success with it. That said I can't say that I have done it but I have cut out a lot of what I had kids doing. This was before dh lost his job. It wasn't about $, it was about time and my family coming first. We are a lot closer, and we aren't running around near as much. :D

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1. I can't get things done because I read too many books.


2. I can't get things done because I am playing on the computer.


3. I can't get things done because I am watching TV.


Can anyone come up with a solution to my problems! :001_rolleyes:

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Iron supplements it helps me a lot. I can tell when I need them. These are the ones I take. They are absorbed way better than other brands/ formulations.


The Liver plus C supplement from the same company is really good too.

Iron! D'oh! That would be the first thing I thought of if it had been dh. Gonna give that a try. Thanks.

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Plumber is afraid of our dog. (and rightly so).


Our BIG freezer that is currently holding two steers smells funky.


One of my chickens laid two eggs today. I'm thinking some sort of nuke problem.



Sorry, can't help you there, but I figure you can solve just about anything. Next to SWB, you're my hero. :D

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1. the toilet in the master bath won't flush unless you stand there and hold the handle down...


2. while we're on that topic, at least one of my three toilet going boys stops up their toilet every. single. day. with their no. 2. sick.


3. i am five minutes late everywhere i go. i was just starting to get that under control before baby no. 4 arrived...*sigh*

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1. I can't get things done because I read too many books.


2. I can't get things done because I am playing on the computer.


3. I can't get things done because I am watching TV.


Can anyone come up with a solution to my problems! :001_rolleyes:

Sorry! I'm no help. I have the same problems!!!:lol::lol::lol: Though I have disconnected the Wi fi which keeps 2 and 3 at bay. And my ADD keeps 1 from being a problem about half the time.

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1. I can't get things done because I read too many books.


2. I can't get things done because I am playing on the computer.


3. I can't get things done because I am watching TV.


Can anyone come up with a solution to my problems! :001_rolleyes:



Ok I have to add one more problem. I do not have access to a Betty Rubble smiley to appropriately reflect what I do when I encounter a funny post. :lol::lol:

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It's really hard to get some of my kids out of bed in the morning. I think I've tried everything.


I hate washing my hair. I do it every-other day, but I resent spending the 20 minutes or so that it takes to shower and then blow it dry. On the other hand, I *love* taking a 3 minute shower before bed every night.


The only place I can walk is on our gravelly, rocky driveway. It's a mile to my mailbox & back, and it's a nice walk, but I'm just too much of a clutz for it to be safe or enjoyable.

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1. the toilet in the master bath won't flush unless you stand there and hold the handle down...


2. while we're on that topic, at least one of my three toilet going boys stops up their toilet every. single. day. with their no. 2. sick.




We had a problem for months where it wouldn't flush without holding the handle and was always getting clogged with #2.


We hired a plumber (after replacing as much as we could on our own). About 30 seconds after he got there he fixed it.


There's the part of the toilet in the bowl where the new water comes shooting in (the hole where it comes shooting in that is usually underwater.) This hole shoots in the new water and helps to push out the old water down the pipes. It was clogged. He used some sort of snake thing and cleaned out that hole. (Remember--it's the hole underwater, not those holes under the rim that bring in the new water.)


Then, when we flushed the toilet, the water was properly shooting water down the pipes.


Hope that helps!

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I just remembered one! We want to get rid of the cats but are afraid that we won't find a home for them. My Tom cat is 10 years old and has a knot of fur on his back that he did not have before I had kids. He has never been used to being brushed, so I cut it off. I don't see anyone taking him. The other cat is a sweety, but nothing remarkable. Cats are a dime a dozen.


I think the spirit of the OP was everyday problems... as in seemingly simple to fix, but I will put this one out there anyway. My ADD, brain fog and fibromyalgia combine to make me one of the most useless human beings on the planet. I rarely accomplish anything worthwhile, or anything period for that matter.

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1. I can't get things done because I read too many books.


2. I can't get things done because I am playing on the computer.


3. I can't get things done because I am watching TV.


Similar problem and these thoughts really help me-

-This isn't a dress rehearsal, it's the real thing. The shows going on now and you're the main character (read this somewhere)

-What do you remember your mother doing as a child? Your kids brains are taping what you are doing now and it will play back to them in the future. As adults they will do what they see you do now.

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my marriage

my son's aggressive behavior

my dog and finding a new home for him


Well I think you are getting enough good advice about the first one. How old is your son? Is he acting out due to the circumstances around him? Can you strong arm him a bit. You know tell how it is and he has to stop said behavior?


As for the dog, I do believe there are many on this board who love animals, dogs particularly and maybe one of them can take him. (we are not dog people and I have 2 allergic so I can't but . . .)

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We adore Jack but he's 1 year old and he needs a family that will provide more exercise and play for him. I have too much on my plate and sadly, if I could find a good home for him- it would be one stress gone. The trouble is finding someone who will treat him well and he's full breed. I think I'll put up a notice at the vet's office. I keep grappling with the idea of selling him, that way the new owner will have a vested interest although I just want him to have a good home.


I feel horrible about the whole thing and it's not what I want to do but alas, life isn't always about what you want.

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2. while we're on that topic, at least one of my three toilet going boys stops up their toilet every. single. day. with their no. 2. sick.


A friend solved this problem by telling her kids to flush after the first plop and then when they were done. I must work because she doesn't complain about plugged toilets anymore.

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1-It's really hard to get some of my kids out of bed in the morning. ..

2- I hate washing my hair. I do it every-other day, but I resent spending..

3-The only place I can walk is on our gravelly, rocky driveway....

1-I remember one mother here a while back saying she sprayed her teen son with a water bottle when he didn't get up the first time she called him. After awhile he started getting up.

2-Go no poo--sort of. Someone described this on wtm too. Shampoo strips the scalp of oil causing your scalp to secrete more. Decrease the amount of shampoo used to just a drop rubbed on your hands and than into your scalp and you should be able to cut back to every 4 days. It works.

3-Good hiking boots.

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We adore Jack but he's 1 year old and he needs a family that will provide more exercise and play for him. I have too much on my plate and sadly, if I could find a good home for him- it would be one stress gone. The trouble is finding someone who will treat him well and he's full breed. I think I'll put up a notice at the vet's office. I keep grappling with the idea of selling him, that way the new owner will have a vested interest although I just want him to have a good home.


I feel horrible about the whole thing and it's not what I want to do but alas, life isn't always about what you want.


Have you considered a rescue organization for the specific breed? My parents gave my older son a puppy for his fifth birthday, and she turned out to be far too much dog for our space and our situation (husband's failing business, new baby, postpartum depression...) After a year I realized I was going to go out of my mind if we didn't find a new home for her.

The rescue organization only placed dogs with folks who had owned the breed before, and really wanted another one.

Two months after she was placed in her new home, we got a wonderful letter and a bunch of pictures of our pup in with her new family. It was a wonderful solution to a terrible problem.

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1.) I need a house that meets ADA standards and has enough room for all of us -- me and five kids. There are also my parents to consider -- they're getting older and will need some help eventually so I want to be either sharing property or otherwise nearby.


2.) I must get past this divorce business. It may be final next month and I'm hating every part of it so much I could vomit. I'm not sleeping well and the kids are likely to be made to attend a certain wedding (perhaps even surprised with it) when each has voiced strenuous objections to doing so.


3.) I have to be able to focus better. The details of three NT kids, plus one with major needs, plus one with attentional issues, pull me in opposite and competing directions all day long. Mostly it's okay (it is what it is), but I sure could use, I don't know, respite care? A fairy godmother??

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1. I hate my dog. The dog I asked for (in part on my son's behalf).

We want to get rid of her, but no one wants her and my son would be devistated. It has gottent to the point where every time she runs away I think "maybe she won't come back this time." But she always does.


2. My 9yo can't seem learn his math facts no matter what I try.


3. The laundry won't put itself away after I wash and fold it.

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1 - Whenever I add pasta to the pot I lose my boil. Every time for the past 6 years. I have a hard time getting my boil back. What gives?


2 - My house is dusty, dusty, dusty. I literally would have to dust most things every day in order to keep the dust level down to where you couldn't start writing in it (I think, I've never actually tried it). Why is my house so dusty? Is it lint from laundry? Is it because three human bodies are filling it with shed skin cells 24/7? Or is this really a problem everyone faces, and they just dust more often than I do?


3 - My house stinks. I'm not a neat-freak, but I'm not a slob. It's a subtle mustyish smell. The house has had it since we moved in. It's most notable after an absence of a few days. It's stronger in cold weather. I hate it. I always spray, light, or cook something before company comes in. Just that little bit of something makes the smell not noticeable for a bit. Could it be related to the sump pump in the crawl space? If so, what can I do? Is it something else?


4 - Can I have a fourth, please? I am getting brown stains on my stove. I have a regular, run-of-the-mill white gas stove, 3 years old. Nothing fancy - think of the stoves you grew up with, cuz we had to get one that fit in a small space of an old house. I clean it. Brown spots that I can't remove keep multiplying - mostly around one burner and around the area the oven vents from. They look like burn residue, but I don't know what they are. Ammonia didn't work. Krud Cutter didn't work. Baking soda didn't work. Ideas? Pretty Please?

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1. I can't get things done because I read too many books.


2. I can't get things done because I am playing on the computer.


3. I can't get things done because I am watching TV.


Can anyone come up with a solution to my problems! :001_rolleyes:


Those are my problems too!


I have found that the best solution to one and two are not going into the livingroom (where the tv and game computer lives) until I am done for the day. But some days I just don't have the will power. The reading thing I am thinking is a lost cause:glare:

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1 - Whenever I add pasta to the pot I lose my boil. Every time for the past 6 years. I have a hard time getting my boil back. What gives?


Try partially covering the pot with a lid. It will come back up to a boil quickly, but keep an eye on it because it can overboil (if the water is close to the top).


1. The Marine Corps Ball is this weekend and the jewelry I ordered two weeks ago still isn't here. And I can't afford to buy more.


2. My oldest daughter wants to move back in - with her boyfriend. Neither of them are working and we can't afford to support two more people, but I don't want to turn her away, either.


3. I can't find nice looking, inexpensive shoes to fit my EE feet.

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1. Trying to homeschool while battling depression and insomnia (ie, unmotivated, undisciplined, and inconsistent - skipping too many days of school - we're like a month behind - don't tell dh!).


2. Trying to homeschool in this crazy-small, super cluttered, disorganized house. CHAOS (Can't Have Anybody Over Syndrome - cuz it's too messy!) going on here. Related to #1. Lack of energy/will to clean. Doesn't help that I make list after list of "important things to get, remember, homeschooling ideas, etc." and then they all get lost amidst the other piles.


3. Trying to homeschool while trying to remain :chillpill: under the stress of dd12's bipolar manic rages.


I know this was more about practical things, and while my ds clogs the drain with poo every day too, the above is what came to mind 1st. Thanks for lettin' me vent.

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1. I can't get things done because I read too many books.


2. I can't get things done because I am playing on the computer.


3. I can't get things done because I am watching TV.


Can anyone come up with a solution to my problems! :001_rolleyes:


Sorry can't help you with the first 2, I am like that too, though in my defense it is usually first thing int eh am and last thing at night, not in the middle. However #3 I solved, I let the kids chose the shows, which means I have no interest in watching it. Down side is now I can't get anything done with the kids because they wanna watch too much tv. I am thinking it is time for cable to disappear again (we went 3 years without, and have only had it back for 6 months so it is a big novelty still but bugging me)

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1. the toilet in the master bath won't flush unless you stand there and hold the handle down...


2. while we're on that topic, at least one of my three toilet going boys stops up their toilet every. single. day. with their no. 2. sick.


3. i am five minutes late everywhere i go. i was just starting to get that under control before baby no. 4 arrived...*sigh*



For #1, my new flapper is like that in the main floor bathroom, I replaced the flapper and now it falls too quickly so you have to hold the handle. Did you recently replace your flapper? In my case I think I know how to fix it, the flapper had a ring at the back to slip over some kinds of tubes, my toilet used the side attachments not the ring but I was too lazy to cut it off and I think it is forcing the flapper down to fast, maybe your's is the same issue.


As for #2 with the #2, I go through this constantly. my 5 yr old has chronic constipation, which means when he goes they plug the toilet, and once i get him moving he goes like that usually 2-3 days in a row. He is not allowed to flush if he has a bm, he has to call me because often I have to cut it up before flushing (talk about sick) because I am so sick and tired of plunging toilets. Stool softeners have helped a lot to makes them soft enough to flush without plugging the toilet, you may find that helps you.

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1. My dishwasher isn't working and I don't want to deal with a plumber or the fuss of purchasing a new one.


2. The house doesn't heat evenly upstairs and downstairs.


3. I need a bigger freezer. I'm always pulling everything out and then trying to squeeze it back in. Shopping is affected.

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1. Trying to homeschool while battling depression and insomnia (ie, unmotivated, undisciplined, and inconsistent - skipping too many days of school - we're like a month behind - don't tell dh!).


2. Trying to homeschool in this crazy-small, super cluttered, disorganized house. CHAOS (Can't Have Anybody Over Syndrome - cuz it's too messy!) going on here. Related to #1. Lack of energy/will to clean. Doesn't help that I make list after list of "important things to get, remember, homeschooling ideas, etc." and then they all get lost amidst the other piles.


3. Trying to homeschool while trying to remain :chillpill: under the stress of dd12's bipolar manic rages.


I know this was more about practical things, and while my ds clogs the drain with poo every day too, the above is what came to mind 1st. Thanks for lettin' me vent.


I may have a solution for you or #1 and #2, I have recently started taking vitamin B12 because I battle depression and insomnia and like you lakc the will/motivationt o accomplish things, Chaos etc(I even joined flylady but still can't seem to do it). Anyway I have started taking vit B12 and have already starting noticing a difference in my energy level. It is not a cure-all but with my energy increased I have managed to get a fair amount done this weekend, and have been much more pleasant about it. #3 no advice, just hugs. As far as I know my son does not have bipolar but he does fly into rages, they are terrifying and I have a hard time comtorlling my own temper to calmly deal with him int he middle of one, especially when he directs his rage at me or one of the other kids, as opposed to just the stuff around him.

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For #1, my new flapper is like that in the main floor bathroom, I replaced the flapper and now it falls too quickly so you have to hold the handle. Did you recently replace your flapper? In my case I think I know how to fix it, the flapper had a ring at the back to slip over some kinds of tubes, my toilet used the side attachments not the ring but I was too lazy to cut it off and I think it is forcing the flapper down to fast, maybe your's is the same issue.


As for #2 with the #2, I go through this constantly. my 5 yr old has chronic constipation, which means when he goes they plug the toilet, and once i get him moving he goes like that usually 2-3 days in a row. He is not allowed to flush if he has a bm, he has to call me because often I have to cut it up before flushing (talk about sick) because I am so sick and tired of plunging toilets. Stool softeners have helped a lot to makes them soft enough to flush without plugging the toilet, you may find that helps you.


I have a solution to the toilet problem - go rent a closet auger from a rental store and use it to make sure that there isn't something clogging your toilet. When we had that problem, it was because there was soap in there!

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1. My dishwasher isn't working and I don't want to deal with a plumber or the fuss of purchasing a new one.


2. The house doesn't heat evenly upstairs and downstairs.


3. I need a bigger freezer. I'm always pulling everything out and then trying to squeeze it back in. Shopping is affected.


#1. Try one of those fix-it-yourself books (like TimeLife) from the library. My aunt has always done this with naughty household appliances and saved herself $ every year tinkering on her own. Oftentimes there's just one simple part to change. When it's something major, she goes the repairman/purchase route.


#2. Is it an older home? Do you have an older furnace? When was the last time your ducts were cleaned or your heater serviced? Do any of your ducts run through cold zones?


An older home may not be well insulated. Uneven heating results from uneven insulation. An older furnace may no longer be functioning well. Servicing the heater may help it to run more efficiently. If your air ducts are dirty, it affects air flow and the air from the heater will be unevenly directed to household vents. If an air duct has to travel outside of good insulation (say, into a crawlspace that is cold) it will have to heat back up everytime the heater comes on before it can adequately pump hot air through the vent it services. Insulating these ducts can help.


#3. What if you get just one more freezer - a small one? For less than $150 you can add a small chest freezer to your pantry system. The small freezer could be for a particular type of item and that would free up space in your other freezer.

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1. Trying to homeschool while battling depression and insomnia (ie, unmotivated, undisciplined, and inconsistent - skipping too many days of school - we're like a month behind - don't tell dh!).


I know you said you're just venting, but...


Have you tried B-Vitamins, EPA & GLA, or Iron? Speaking from experience, these help.


Have you tried Zoloft, or Wellbutrin, or Prozac? Zoloft worked like magic for me when my depression got really bad.


What about telling dh how far behind you are and asking for help?

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4 - Can I have a fourth, please? I am getting brown stains on my stove. I have a regular, run-of-the-mill white gas stove, 3 years old. Nothing fancy - think of the stoves you grew up with, cuz we had to get one that fit in a small space of an old house. I clean it. Brown spots that I can't remove keep multiplying - mostly around one burner and around the area the oven vents from. They look like burn residue, but I don't know what they are. Ammonia didn't work. Krud Cutter didn't work. Baking soda didn't work. Ideas? Pretty Please?



Try Lysol [i think?] kitchen cleaner *with bleach* in it. Spray on it and let it soak for a few mintues and then scrub off with Mr Clean Magic Eraser. It works like magic I swear. I had the same stains from oven vent on brand new white stove and we had to clear quarters and a friend told me that and *it works*.

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Insomnia: melatonin (300 mcg) works well for me. Also www.tapping.com works great.


When my depression was at its worst... Holographic repatterning helped immensely. I cannot emphasize it enough. It really opened up my heart. I was angry all the time and unable to love before having HRT. My ongoing depression and inconsistency is also helped by tapping and by prayer and Bible study. really (But it is hard for me to stick to doing all of it.) I am better today than I was when I posted my earlier complaint. :)

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