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This is Nervous Wreck Week


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Really wish I still had some Zoloft hanging around here because my anxiety is at about 9.8 out of possible 10. Two precious grown babies heading off for college this week; dd for her final year and ds for his first. I am more fraught over ds than I was over dd, who was “born ready.” I didnt worry she could manage in all aspects - emotionally, socially, academically.

But ds! My dear son, who struggled with a bundle of poorly-defined LDs. He has come so far. He has blossomed in a way that is just spectacular to me. Doesn’t keep me from being a jangle of nerves - will he make friends quickly? Will his roommate be reasonably nice? Can he manage his classes and use his head and wake up on time and not leave his calculator in the cafeteria? Can he read his notes? Will he take notes at all? Will he get distracted by beer pong? That stunning young lady with the long blonde hair sitting just over there? Will he be okay? 

I probably should be drinking decaf right now...

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You are not alone. He probably will do some of the things you’re worried about, and you will help him navigate dealing with them and the consequences. Then one day, he will let you know after the fact that something happened and how he handled it and all is well. You will be so proud you cry. 

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Ah, Quill, I'm going to be in a similar place next falls, when my two transfer from CC to finish their degrees. Like yours, my daughter was born ready. My son also has LDs and ADHD. He's had the advantage of 2 years at CC while living at home so we can continue to support and train him.  (Well, it'll be 2.5 years when he's done.)  I anticipate a lot of sleepless nights and a lot of struggling not to text reminders to him constantly... 

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I am right with you Quill. Ds1 moved out a week ago (living with the girlfriend in a faraway state...), Dd2 went back last Thursday, and my nerdy, goofy 18 yo with diagnosed LDs is headed off to college on Wednesday. I am just praying that he will be okay. 

The other kids started high school and I am no longer homeschooling.

It has been a tough week all around....

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It's a weird transition time in life!  It's hard to believe we will all adjust, but I have hope that we will because other people have done it.  One of my older relatives told that there is life after kids at home, but there is an adjustment period.   

Our oldest moved in last week.  It is so quiet around here!  I'm the only female in the house now.  

Some of the things you mentioned are already happening.  DD called wondering if we remembered where we parked her car! LOL  I told her about the time when I was in college and forgot to take my keys with me and when I cam back to my apartment I could not get in and had to sit outside for 2 hours waiting on my room mate to come back.  I never forgot my key again.  


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Mine were similar... one that was ready & able to launch, the other with some mild special needs that just needed more help (and worried me more). Just remember that you're a phone call away if he needs you. 

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I’m just glad we have cell phones. Being able to text when I feel like it relaxes me a great deal. I try not to be obnoxious, but having that option gives ME peace of mind. I dropped DD off yesterday. 

For me it’s much harder seeing all of the kids DS’s age (18) heading out into the world and knowing he doesn’t get that option. 

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4 hours ago, Quill said:

Really wish I still had some Zoloft hanging around here because my anxiety is at about 9.8 out of possible 10. Two precious grown babies heading off for college this week; dd for her final year and ds for his first. I am more fraught over ds than I was over dd, who was “born ready.” I didnt worry she could manage in all aspects - emotionally, socially, academically.

But ds! My dear son, who struggled with a bundle of poorly-defined LDs. He has come so far. He has blossomed in a way that is just spectacular to me. Doesn’t keep me from being a jangle of nerves - will he make friends quickly? Will his roommate be reasonably nice? Can he manage his classes and use his head and wake up on time and not leave his calculator in the cafeteria? Can he read his notes? Will he take notes at all? Will he get distracted by beer pong? That stunning young lady with the long blonde hair sitting just over there? Will he be okay? 

I probably should be drinking decaf right now...

Mine is only commuting not moved away and I am feeling very out of sorts myself.  I could not sleep last night.  That never helps.  So hugs to you.

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Right there with you. My oldest is starting junior year today. My second ds is starting freshman year...513 miles away!!!

I'm all geared up and jittery. I keep telling myself that his school has a 90% freshman retention rate so most students are happy and successful. And I keep reminding myself that people make all kinds of dumb decisions and most live to tell about it. I also keep reminding myself that he hasn't gone to war...he's just gone to college! And kids go away to college all the time.

I cannot wait until he is settled in and has a few tests and papers behind him. 

He has early morning classes and it will take everything in me not to call him and make sure he is awake. He hasn't had trouble getting up before, but hey, it's something to worry about!

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1 hour ago, QueenCat said:

Mine were similar... one that was ready & able to launch, the other with some mild special needs that just needed more help (and worried me more). Just remember that you're a phone call away if he needs you. 


We had the same situation.  It's hard to let go.  

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2 hours ago, QueenCat said:

Mine were similar... one that was ready & able to launch, the other with some mild special needs that just needed more help (and worried me more). Just remember that you're a phone call away if he needs you. 

Yes, and he is in-state and within an hour’s drive (well, other than beltway traffic, which...you never know!) Still. Very happy he is not far away. 

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My third and last kid (DD2) left Saturday for her Sr. Year.  Yes, she is dyslexic, Adhd (but inattentive), and a depressive plus having had multiple ER visits and a hospitalization her JR year due to asthma, severe allergies, and a very bad virus.  In the last six months, even though she has had ER visits, things are looking up so much.  She had her best semester Jr Year, she just broke up amiably with her boyfriend and no horrible depression going on, she is not anywhere as moody anymore, she is getting more and more responsible though I still have to do some things.  But overall- I am really proud of her and especially that it looks like she will graduate with no breaks.


Hugs to you and some commiserate with us on College board if problems occur.

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