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Rapidly losing patience....JAWM


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I am going to lose it with a whiny, self-pitying 10 year old.  Everything in her life in unfair, no one appreciates her, anything that requires consideration for anyone else is unreasonable.


I know it’s hormonal (she was the sweetest child until this year), but man this is trying.



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It’s a trying time for sure, but I’ll tell you- it’s SWEET when your kid has her own kid who is EXACTLY like her.  Oldest dd was definitely a challenge for a few years. And her almost 11 year old has entered that stage...almost daily dd sends a text telling me her dd is driving her crazy. Which is usually quickly followed by a text apologizing for acting the same way when she was that age. 

Middle and youngest dds were even more challenging...and so far both have declared they aren’t having kids. Too bad. g

But for real, sometimes just acknowledging that life is hard (in a sympathetic way, even when you want to roll your eyes at how ‘awful’ they think their lot is) diffuses it.  It was really good practice for when the kids became adults. You have to go to work even though you have a cold? That sucks.   (what I really want to say is that when I was your age I worked sick and came home to take care of little kids and work on my college coursework, too. Not helpful or relevant . So I stick with ‘that sucks’.)

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59 minutes ago, Annie G said:

It’s a trying time for sure, but I’ll tell you- it’s SWEET when your kid has her own kid who is EXACTLY like her.  Oldest dd was definitely a challenge for a few years. And her almost 11 year old has entered that stage...almost daily dd sends a text telling me her dd is driving her crazy. Which is usually quickly followed by a text apologizing for acting the same way when she was that age. 

Middle and youngest dds were even more challenging...and so far both have declared they aren’t having kids. Too bad. g


I keep apologizing to my dh for a particular child's demeanor. So much like me as a teen.

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48 minutes ago, Arctic Mama said:

My mom has been crowing over this for several years now.  She is thrilled I get to suffer like she did, apparently.


Normally I wouldn’t gloat about someone else’s trying times but dd is totally cool with it- she completely understands what a difficult tween/teen she was.  I hope your mom is not mean spirited about it. That’s not nice.  But dd is exactly like I was and I am like my mom was...so it is what it is. G

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Echoing others, I will say that it does get better. There were so many days when my kids were younger that I wished someone could give me a hug and tell me that my kids are going to be ok, and that they will eventually be pleasant to be around. 

So hugs, it’s going to be ok, and she will eventually stop driving you crazy! 

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49 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

my friend's mother used to answer her children's whine of "life isn't fair" by agreeing, "life isn't fair, and you don't want it to be."   (iow; shut up kid, you have it better than you 'deserve')

“ I deserve ...”

is met with “No one gets what they deserve in this life. And most folks need to be grateful for that.”

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