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Year-end Review/Looking Forward - Day 18


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We're switching things up and it's no longer about 2017. A new year is on the horizon and we're starting to think about how we want to approach 2018.


What is your theme or word for 2018?



Night Elf - You'll be rockin' these! 


I don't know about that! :)


I think my word for 2018 is Courage. I am determined to get a hold of my anxiety and do the things I want to do.

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I can't find a single word as we are going into 2018 with some dread.  We know we will loose 2 family members by years end.    We are going to a specialist for some medical issues that have come up that we want more answers on. 


On the looking forward I have 1 son getting married and another graduating and plans to join the military early summer.


I have set some new goals for myself this year and look forward to accomplishing them.


Its just a one day at a time kind of year as we have a 12 year old in 6th grade and she ended this half in good spirits and seems to have put a nasty situation behind her for now.


Lots of ups and downs will be 2018 for us.   Once we get the health issue answers we can move on with the year.


Edited by lynn
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I think mine will be Land. Next year, many years of work will come to fruition and it feels like life will begin again. We are landing on our feet, we are connected to our land. Also with the connotation of being grounded and able to overcome adversity with grace.

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The other day I was watching a hawk soaring and even though I've watched hawks my whole life I thought about something new.  I suppose my usual feeling is something like those motivational "Soar!" type posters always evoke - a feeling of the excitement of succeeding and the power of being able to fly.  This time as I was watching I was paying close attention to the tiny adjustments that the hawk needed to stay up and to control his movement.  Soaring is hard work!  Well,  I've had a tough decade with personal and family illnesses and I've just felt like we've caught an updraft the last year so in 2018 my word will be 'soar' because I think it will be hard work to stay steady on the wind that we've caught, but I'm ready! 

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Mine is going to be Act.  We need to get the house ready to sell, get budget nailed down so dh can retire in early 2019, find a house so we can relocate back to our home state, help dh's dad adjust to being  widower and moving out of their family home and into a new place,  and jump in and help with my dad, who is anticipating a dementia diagnosis next week.  


I've been a little overwhelmed when I think of everything that has to be done (and there are more biggies than I have listed above) so it's time to get control of feeling overwhelmed and start doing what needs to be done. Dh runs a test lab that has a branch in India and those guys have a phrase- do the needful. That's exactly what I strive for. 



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The very first word that came to mind was Connect. I spent the last couple of years pushing myself again and again outside my comfort zone, I'm ready to pull back and focus on the interior. I realize that what I need right now is more connection with people and stronger relationships. I am a talkative introvert and tend to keep just a few close to me but I need more and I need to be more for others.


One word isn't going to cut it though...


I'm also thinking Voice. I've got to find a way to be true to me. With politics as they are and having differing views from most everyone I know I've bit my tongue time and again. Sometimes that is the prudent thing to do but sometimes I need to speak up, I'm losing me. I need to respect my own views and beliefs as much as I do others and my loud self has got to find to do so while staying calm (I tend to get very passionate). I'm phrasing this horribly but anyway, I've got to be true to myself.

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I haven't been able to find the right word yet. This year was Mindful but I'm already introspective and sensitive. Through my reading about mindfulness, I discovered that people with depression or who tend to ruminate should approach mindfulness with caution and with a strong support system.


Maybe Change or some word that means something similar. I would like a word that means "I'm weary of the year-in-year-out sameness and would like to see dramatic changes in some areas."

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I haven't chosen a word for the last few years. I have been frustrated and directionless.


My word is Home. We have been busy, on-the-go, work, work, work. I'm chronically exhausted and burnt out. My children are untrained savages. I have already decided that we need to stay home more. I am cutting our most of our activities. Our house is reasonably well out together. I am purchasing furnishings and establishing routines.


We will spend the next year feathering our nest, and getting cozy together â¤.

Edited by desertstrawberry5
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Joy, I want to feel and capture the good in everything possible. For the last year and a half I have mourned; my mother, a close friend, and a large portion of my social life all died in that time. I will always miss my mom and my friend but I really need to put the rest of it behind me and enjoy the good things in life again.

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This has been on my mind and I think I'm taking it way too seriously as I feel pressure to have my 'word' selected by Jan. 1. Funny thing is that the word I chose for 2017 (Kind) changed to another word (Mindful)  through natural, unforced circumstances.


For 2018, I have narrowed it down a bit and am considering exist, endure, endeavor, and persist.


Persist ~to continue steadfastly or firmly in some state, purpose, course of action, or the like, especially in spite of opposition, remonstrance, etc.


It has the degree of intent (continue steadfastly) and overcoming (in spite of) that I am looking for. So PERSIST it is.


I love the word endeavor, though, and that will probably be the name for my next dog or camper.


(funny how I just selected a word in 3 mins once I actually typed it)

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I've never done this, but it sounds like a great way to set the tone for the new year moving forward.  Therefore, I think my word will be "Motivation".


Two years ago, at 52, I had to go on BP meds.  I'm the last in my family to have to do this.  I grew up in an overweight family.  My father died at 59 from his fourth heart attack. He was a diabetic, hypertensive, and cardiac patient.  Mom is hypertensive and borderline diabetic.  My eldest brother is hypertensive and currently battling childhood leukemia which has metastasized to his spine and brain.  Younger brother is hypertensive at 46. Added to all this is the fact that neither brother wants anything to do with me (as my mother has told me) because I'm a Christian and homeschool my DD, thereby ruining her chances for a successful life. Heavy and hurtful.


I'm also having issues with menopause causing allergies for the first time ever in my life.  It started with harsh wracking coughing non-stop.  I had to sit completely still for 9 weeks to get relief.  Drs. finally put me on tesla pearls. I gained about 20 lbs of added weight during that time. These allergies then manifested into a really nasty sustained left earache which runs down my neck around my left jaw line through my teeth.  I have to stay on allergy pills throughout the year until late November when I can stand the pain enough to do without the pills (I hate putting anything synthetic in my body).


So, with the added weight and constant pain, I had no motivation to do anything.  Poor DH was trying to keep up with all our gardens (3 @ 40'x60') and work around the land/farm.  Once late fall hit, the ear, jaw and teeth pain lessened, and I was able to do more, but felt sluggish, had pressure in my chest and got out of breath easily (my heart was fine though). 


This November I had a physical.  While I was fine, I noticed my cholesterol had gone from 177 to 213 and my blood sugar had climbed to 92. While I'm not too concerned with the cholesterol due to new research about it, I was concerned about the climbing blood sugar, although the Dr. never mentioned she was concerned. I decided I had to do something about it and immediately eliminated sugar from my diet and restricted bread, pasta, and potatoes.  Within 4 weeks, I felt dramatically better. No more pressure on my chest, no more sluggishness, more energy, and my mood has dramatically improved. I've even lost quite a bit of weight and swelling.


Christmas day was the one day I allowed myself to eat sweets, but no too much. (DH made an absolutely heavenly homemade cheesecake.)  Today I'm back to the "no sweats" mindset.  So I need to be constantly "motivated" to keep up with this lifestyle change in order to get healthier and feel better. I'm hoping I can eventually get off the BP meds.  I still have ear pain that wakes me up early in the AM after lying down all night, but it disappears quickly when I get up.  I'm just praying it doesn't get as bad as last year. 


Motivation is what I need to stay the course and do what I need to do to feel good and be healthy.





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