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Buying candy now?

Night Elf

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Is it too early to buy candy for Christmas? I bought a bag of Lindt truffles because I finally found my dd's favorite flavor. I was thinking of going to get the chocolate coins today just in case they are hard to find closer to Christmas. How long does it take for candy to get old?

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Well, not exactly what you asked, but yes, it’s way too early for *me* to buy candy for stockings. I’ve already ate the chocolate I bought for ds and ds’ gf’s gifts. Funny enough, when I bought it, dh looked at me and said, “how long do you think that will last?†It lasted two days. Sigh. I’ll wait until Christmas Eve to get more.


LOL I wasn't think of that danger!  Yeah, candy doesn't last well around here...

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Most stores have all the Christmas candy they are going to get now.  Candy you buy closer to Christmas won't be any fresher than candy you buy now.  By waiting you run the risk that the store will run out.   Mass produced candy should be good until mid-summer or later if stored properly.


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Thanks ladies. I'll buy the packaged candy now but I'll leave the open candy until a few days before Christmas. I have candy to get at the candy shop and those are just in bins and you help yourself. I know they won't run out of what I want.


And I get around the 'eating the kids' candy' by buying my own! I keep a bag of kisses or snickers around for when I want a quick chocolate fix. In fact, I put the snickers in the freezer and they are so good!

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Well rats. I bought the candy but found a bag of Doves milk chocolate with a peanut butter center. I already have candy in the house but I couldn't pass that up. And DH is going to put even more candy in my stocking. I eat maybe 2 pieces a day. I'll have enough to last me quite a while!


But I found my chocolate coins! It's the only stocking must-have I buy. I've given them to the kids so long they'd probably feel something important was missing if I didn't have them in the toe of the stocking. And they never eat them the rest of the year. Isn't that funny?

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I have already bought the chocolate coins - to hide in my sock drawer until St. Patrick's Day (when they become impossible to find in the stores).


I have noticed at three stores now that all the dollar boxes of Swedish Fish are gone - guess my "kids"* aren't the only ones who expect the candy fish in the stocking.


* they are 26, 24, 21 now....but last year the girls started a new tradition- they , er, Santa fills stockings for mom and dad too now! :-)

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Decades ago dh interviewed at the Brach candy factory in Chicago. It was July and they were making the last of their Christmas candy the week we were there.  I'm guessing factories are making Easter candy now. 


 Like JFS, I buy chocolate coins this time of year to send to the grands at St. Patrick's Day.   Ds always likes Swedish fish in his stocking too!  

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Decades ago dh interviewed at the Brach candy factory in Chicago. It was July and they were making the last of their Christmas candy the week we were there.  I'm guessing factories are making Easter candy now. 


 Like JFS, I buy chocolate coins this time of year to send to the grands at St. Patrick's Day.   Ds always likes Swedish fish in his stocking too!  


DS works in a lab that tests the nutritional value of foods.  They were running the test on Christmas candy in May and June.  He said he hasn't seen any for a month or so but the last stuff he saw was Easter candy.  So yeah the stuff on the shelf was produced months ago.  It really isn't going to change between now and Christmas.

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it's fine to buy candy now.


I started with lindt and dilettante mint truffle cremes  (aka: the *real* frango recipe) back in october when costco had them on sale.  I brought some out for thanksgiving, others were supposed to come out sunday when I had guests . . . my kids and dh found them . . . . . then I forgot.  there was ONE left yesterday morning when I checked on them.  I have more bags stashed away.  I sent two bags to my dd in texas - as her costco doesn't have them.  she wants more.  they're sold out here.  (she has a lindt store near her.  I got dh some mozart kugels when I was there in august.)


I also bought my panettonne when they had it in.  when it's sold out - it's gone.

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We buy from Cost Plus World Market because I like the European chocolates like Mozartkugel and Riegelein St. Nicholas Foil Milk Chocolate. Their expiry dates are months away.


I have already bought the chocolate coins - to hide in my sock drawer until St. Patrick's Day (when they become impossible to find in the stores).I have noticed at three stores now that all the dollar boxes of Swedish Fish are gone - guess my "kids"* aren't the only ones who expect the candy fish in the stocking.

I get the chocolate coins at Cost Plus World Market year round and at the grocers in November/December.


The Swedish Fish packs we get from Cost Plus World Market or IKEA. I think I saw them at Trader Joe’s recently near the cashier counters.

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In my area, if you don't buy it now, it'll be gone later. The last two years I've had limited options when buying some candy for stocking stuffers. First year I was shopping on Christmas Eve, so that was somewhat understandable, the next year I made to sure to buy almost an entire week earlier and even then it was all gone and replaced with Valentine's Day candy. So annoying.  

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I started with lindt and dilettante mint truffle cremes  (aka: the *real* frango recipe) back in october when costco had them on sale. 



These are like the old style Frango mints?  I hope I can find some. Frango mints were my oldest sister's favorite and I sent them to her every year. But for several years they have NOT been the same. I knew they changed the recipe but had no idea anyone else made something like the originals. Thanks for posting!


ETA: Now I see these ARE the originals and Frango was the copycat. Ordered a tub of them for my dear sister. Thanks so much!!

Edited by Annie G
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These are like the old style Frango mints?  I hope I can find some. Frango mints were my oldest sister's favorite and I sent them to her every year. But for several years they have NOT been the same. I knew they changed the recipe but had no idea anyone else made something like the originals. Thanks for posting!


ETA: Now I see these ARE the originals and Frango was the copycat. Ordered a tub of them for my dear sister. Thanks so much!!



Frederick and Nelson developed the original Frango recipe in the 1920's.   In the 70's - they sold the recipe - but the name was trademarked.   The Bon Marche (tweaked the recipe and) starting making and selling them under the name of "seattles' chocolates".   when F & N went out of business (late 80's) - The Bon bought the trademarked name Frango's - they again *changed* the recipe to make them cheaper to make.  


Then The Bon was bought out by Macy's - who obtained the trademarked name (the recipe was NOT trademarked) and *changed* the recipe *again* to make them even cheaper to make.  they taste horrid now days.  I once purchased some as a gift for a friend - I was embarrassed to give them when I learned how horrid they were.  like Russell stover - only cost four times as much.


Dilettante (got their start in seattle - the grandfather?/great-grandfather? was the chocolatier to the Emperor Franz Joseph.) - got a hold of the *original F & N frango recipe* - and started making them.  they've had to play with the name they sell under  (the first year they were called Frederick and Nelson's mint truffles), but they are the Original F & N FRANGO recipe. - the *original* original recipe.  they taste like I remember from my young childhood when I first recall having some.  any saving up to buy a frango bar for all of $.35  when a normal candy bar was a dime.


one year - we did a blind taste test. of those who remembered Frangos from Freddies - everyone preferred the Dillettante.  of those who only had had The Bon or Macy's frangos - every one preferred the dilettante.


there is a dilettante store in the seattle area  (or online) - or amazon sells them.  (in multiple flavors).  Costco gets the mint ones in at Christmas time at a discount.


I was chatting with an acquaintance who gave some to a friend from the middle east.  she was horrified by mixing chocolate and mint.  then she ate one.  she didn't share them with her husband, she ate them all by herself.   in one sitting.

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Gardenmom5, thanks for the history lesson! I'm going to a lecture next week given by a woman who is touted as a Marshall Field's expert when it comes to history. The lecture is about Christmas at MF. I can't wait to hear what she has to say about Frango mints.  Interesting!



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Gardenmom5, thanks for the history lesson! I'm going to a lecture next week given by a woman who is touted as a Marshall Field's expert when it comes to history. The lecture is about Christmas at MF. I can't wait to hear what she has to say about Frango mints.  Interesting!


MF is out of chicago.  They bought (in the 40's?) - then eventually sold off - F&N.   but if they sell frango's - that's how they got them.

hopefully - she'll cover uncle mistletoe and aunt holly . . . .sigh.  (they came to F&N after they were bought by MF.)

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MF is out of chicago.  They bought (in the 40's?) - then eventually sold off - F&N.   but if they sell frango's - that's how they got them.

hopefully - she'll cover uncle mistletoe and aunt holly . . . .sigh.  (they came to F&N after they were bought by MF.)


Yeah, I live a little west of Chicago so we've tasted the difference through the years. The giant MF used to have a HUGE section dedicated to Frango. You could smell them being dipped.  They had ladies in fancy aprons wearing gloves walking around passing out samples.   Now that same section has men's clothing. Blech. 

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We buy from Cost Plus World Market because I like the European chocolates like Mozartkugel and Riegelein St. Nicholas Foil Milk Chocolate. Their expiry dates are months away.



I get the chocolate coins at Cost Plus World Market year round and at the grocers in November/December.


The Swedish Fish packs we get from Cost Plus World Market or IKEA. I think I saw them at Trader Joe’s recently near the cashier counters.

I went into World Market and actually showed them your post :) so I could find the chocolate you were talking about! I was a bit unsure of which one, and unfamiliar with marzipan, so I just got some that looked good. I got the Mozartkugeln pistachio-type pralines and the riegelien foil wrapped presents. I haven’t tried the foil ones yet, but the mozartkrugeln are yummy!

Do you have specific ones you love? There were so many choices! I’d be willing to go back and buy more. ;)

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Ok, what about open candy? I need to go to the candy store to buy some favorites. They're in bins and you scoop out how much you want into bags. They seal the bag with a twist tie. It's only 2 weeks left before Christmas. Will open candy be okay for that long? I don't know how long it stays in the candy store, but that's a consideration. I guess it would be okay.

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I wonder how far in advance candy is made? I’m sure it takes quite a bit of time to make, package and ship the candy and Christmas candy and it appears in stores at Halloween. My guess is that the candy currently on the shelves is 6 months old.

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I wonder how far in advance candy is made? I’m sure it takes quite a bit of time to make, package and ship the candy and Christmas candy and it appears in stores at Halloween. My guess is that the candy currently on the shelves is 6 months old.

We were watching a Christmas candy special on Food Network, and one of the leading candy cane factories was interviewed. They said they start on NEXT year's candy canes during the current Christmas season. (So they operate a year ahead.)

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Just my luck to have the fussy kid with expensive tastes, lol. The candy he wants every Christmas (Norman Love) is fresh for 3 weeks according to the website. He rarely eats candy, so we indulge him for Christmas and his birthday. It counts as one of his big presents, though, not a stocking stuffer. 

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Ok, what about open candy? I need to go to the candy store to buy some favorites. They're in bins and you scoop out how much you want into bags. They seal the bag with a twist tie. It's only 2 weeks left before Christmas. Will open candy be okay for that long? I don't know how long it stays in the candy store, but that's a consideration. I guess it would be okay.


I think it'd be fine as long as it's hard candy or chocolate and not something soft. It's not like packaged candy is sterile and vacuum-sealed.


I'm getting annoyed because if I want to buy candy canes online, I need to order this week, and the store where I'd rather buy them doesn't have an acceptable kind (i.e., with neither food coloring nor palm oil). I think I'll call another store.

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