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Solve this

Night Elf

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Is that the one with the French fries? Because in the next to the last row, that picture has 2 boxes of fries for each c. Look closely, one is in front of the other one. Then, in the last equation, there's only one box of fries in each place. So, you have to use half the value for the fries from the previous equation. I don't know if it's the same picture, just warning you to double check.

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My local Chick Fil A is having a contest. They have a puzzle to solve and I can't do it. They used pictures of food but I subbed for letters.


A + A + A = 30

A + B + B = 20
B + C + C = 9
B + C x A = ?
Notice in the last line the last 2 letters is a multiplication whereas everything else in the puzzle is adding.




A = 10

B = 5

C = 2


When no parentheses are present multiplication and division are done before addition and subtraction, so

C * A = 2 * 10 = 20 

then add B, which is 5, for 20 + 5 = 25

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I didn't see double fries!!! ARGH!


Ok ladies. The answer 25 was right before I realized they were being tricky. The fries were 'C' but in the second line it was actually two boxes of fries side by side and in the last line it was only one box. So that means the answer is 15 according to my DH. I'm not very observant.

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