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I can't believe someone is this big of a...


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(Insert a NSFW word here). We have curbside recycling, complete with a nice, large, wheeled container for holding all our single-stream recyclables. We have a long driveway through the woods; one cannot see the end of the driveway from the house. I took my recycling bin, filled up, to the curb last week, but was surprised and dismayed to find they did not collect my bin. Guess why? Because some horrible human being placed a maggot-filled bag of refuse IN my recycle bin! WHO WOULD DO THIS?!


It is bad enough already that, by living alongside a busy state road, we constantly have Other People's Trash in our driveway and border: fast food bags, Gatorade bottles, coffee cups, chips bags. It is bad enough that people are this careless with their trash. But someone, I guess, decided my recycle bin was a handy public dumpster. 😡😡😡


I'm going to have to go watch some feel-good KarmaTube or something because right now, I am not a fan of people.

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Ugh. We have a similar long driveway situation and I frequently find booze bottles in the trash bin when I add something to my trash. The bins are left at the end of the driveway and we take the garbage out. I suppose it's nice that at least they put the glass bottles into a bin instead of shattering them on the road.

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Oh gross! We have that trouble here in the country...people come here to dump old TVs, mattresses, and old appliances. The local farmer down the road spends a few days every summer collecting other people's trash from his ditches. It is SO sad that people are that thoughtless. "Oh I'll drive out of town and ditch my junk on some field side."

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Too bad there's no way to trace it.  At best I hope they were idiotic enough to think it was a garbage can and just needed to get rid of whatever.  At worst... 


Yes, it's a confirmation that idiots exist.  I'm sorry you're stuck with it - and the other garbage.   :grouphug:

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Too bad there's no way to trace it. At best I hope they were idiotic enough to think it was a garbage can and just needed to get rid of whatever. At worst...


Yes, it's a confirmation that idiots exist. I'm sorry you're stuck with it - and the other garbage. :grouphug:

We have a wildlife camera. Maybe we should mount it out there...

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I guess someone could have thought it was a common trash can. Here there were trash bins problems so many would put their thrash bins out as late as possible before the pick up time. Trash bins would get overturned by school kids (on their way to school) who were caught after doing that a few times by city police and then trash bins went missing as well.


What kind of weirdo carries a bag of maggot infested garbage around until he finds a trash can to put it in? That's the weirdest part to me! Like, did he pat himself on the back for not throwing his trash along the side of the road?

We found forgotten food in our family car once and threw the moldy food into the trash can outside shopping mall entrances when we found it because we were at the mall's parking garage. My husband often take public transit to work and I don't drive so our family car could be unused for more than 7 days.

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I guess someone could have thought it was a common trash can. Here there were trash bins problems so many would put their thrash bins out as late as possible before the pick up time. Trash bins would get overturned by school kids (on their way to school) who were caught after doing that a few times by city police and then trash bins went missing as well.



We found forgotten food in our family car once and threw the moldy food into the trash can outside shopping mall entrances when we found it because we were at the mall's parking garage. My husband often take public transit to work and I don't drive so our family car could be unused for more than 7 days.

Beside a mailbox, though? It's so obviously private property. And, actually, the landfill for our region is literally a mile from my house. I mean, if someone is really desparate to throw away their maggoty bag of trash, they didn't have much farther to go.

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I guess someone could have thought it was a common trash can. Here there were trash bins problems so many would put their thrash bins out as late as possible before the pick up time. Trash bins would get overturned by school kids (on their way to school) who were caught after doing that a few times by city police and then trash bins went missing as well.



We found forgotten food in our family car once and threw the moldy food into the trash can outside shopping mall entrances when we found it because we were at the mall's parking garage. My husband often take public transit to work and I don't drive so our family car could be unused for more than 7 days.



A mall is a public place so throwing trash from a car seems normal. If you'd brought the bag from home, that would be weird. But a trash can at the end of someones driveway isn't a dumpster at a mall.  

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And, actually, the landfill for our region is literally a mile from my house. I mean, if someone is really desparate to throw away their maggoty bag of trash, they didn't have much farther to go.

I've noticed that LOTS of stuff gets dumped within about a mile of our landfill.  I figure that people load up to go to the landfill and then find out that it is closed.  At that point, they do the wrong thing and just dump their stuff anyway.  :glare:

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Beside a mailbox, though? It's so obviously private property.

But a trash can at the end of someones driveway isn't a dumpster at a mall.

Our mailboxes are in a communal area instead of at the end of a driveway for the convenience of USPS. Trash bins besides a mailbox would be very obvious.


There is a residential street terminating at a state beach that people would parallel park at the sides of the road to save on the state beach parking fee. I could see the possibility of people being lazy and dumping trash into someone else's trash bin instead of the state beach's trash bins.

Edited by Arcadia
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Par for the course. Lots of people don't want to budget for garbage pickup. They dump it wherever. At least I can return the beer cans for the deposit. The fast food trash I pick up and add to ours.

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Par for the course. Lots of people don't want to budget for garbage pickup. They dump it wherever.

You paint with a broad brush!  We don't want to budget for garbage pickup, but we certainly don't "dump it wherever".  We take it to the dump.  On top of that, we pick up the litter on both sides of a 2.2-mile stretch of road that we live on because 1) SOME people throw things out of their cars and 2) SOME people who have trash pickup don't bother to pick up around their driveway after dogs have gotten into their trash bags that they left out overnight.


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People also leave trash at the library on top of the book return. Just like, I need to return my books, oh and I think I'll clean out my car while I'm here. At least I never found trash inside the book return.

That is bizarre. Do they think the trash fairy is going to swing by?

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You paint with a broad brush! We don't want to budget for garbage pickup, but we certainly don't "dump it wherever". We take it to the dump. On top of that, we pick up the litter on both sides of a 2.2-mile stretch of road that we live on because 1) SOME people throw things out of their cars and 2) SOME people who have trash pickup don't bother to pick up around their driveway after dogs have gotten into their trash bags that they left out overnight.


I don't think she meant ALL people who don't like budgeting for trash puckup just dump it wherever. Clearly, some people do dump it wherever. I mean, hey, it's not like I delight in paying $82 every 3 months for the trash and recycle pickup; the county I lived in previously included trash and recylce pickup in their county budget. So now we moved to this county and we shaved $2,000/yr off our property taxes, but we have to pay for refuse pickup. 😉

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Dogs getting in to trash bags and spreading trash is archaic here. The garbage bins provided by the trash companies here are big and heavy enough enough that only a determined deer could knock them over. Or maybe a bear. Its been nice that they don't blow in the wind or attract raccoons.

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I'm sorry that happened. Yuck.  We live in a rural area where people dump stuff too, though so far not exactly like that.


Out of curiosity, was the trash can out so it could have been used and they chose to put trash in recycle rather than trash in trash can?  

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I'm sorry that happened. Yuck. We live in a rural area where people dump stuff too, though so far not exactly like that.


Out of curiosity, was the trash can out so it could have been used and they chose to put trash in recycle rather than trash in trash can?

No. Only my recycle bin was out at that time. My recycle pick up comes early, usually around 6:00-6:30, so I take the recycling out the day before so it is there in the morning. The trash pickup is later; DH takes the trash can out when he leaves for work at 7:00. So, no, I guess they did not see a trash bin and a recycle bin and pick the recycle bin like total a$$hats, but that gives them clearly no pass whatsoever: it is private property, it is a clearly denoted recycling bin in the first place, having crawling maggots on it can be grounds for the trash attendants to not take it even if it is in a trash can. Our contract with the trash removal company does state that they are within their rights to refuse trash that has live maggots on it. IME, they take it anyway, but for my home trash, I make an effort not to have my trash get maggot-covered.

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Ugh.  My guess?  It was a teenager who was told to take it clear to a dumpster or landfill after creating the mess with negligence, saw your recycle bin, and decided to leave the mess there & go hang out with a friend for an hour instead of dealing with it properly the way their parents told them to.

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Quill, I am amazed that your trash company has something about maggots in the contract.  We are now in a city that provides trash and recycling services though we do have to pay for it as part of our utility bill (they provide water, electric and gas too).   Ours has a warning about things like building materials and hazardous waste (they have a drop off site for hazardous waste one Saturday a month) but none of the contracts I ever had with anyone ever talked about maggots.  I have mostly lived in cities that have trash services but my previous residence in the DC metro area also had you choose a trash collector.  SInce we were actually in a city like environment or at least heavily residential suburban one, everyone did actually pay for trash removal in our neighborhood-- It was well worth it since the amount of time you would lose to travel to the ends of my county to go to a dump (or maybe now it is even in another county) would not make sense. 


I am never surprised by idiots or bad people.  Sorry you went through that.  It is truly gross.

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No. Only my recycle bin was out at that time. My recycle pick up comes early, usually around 6:00-6:30, so I take the recycling out the day before so it is there in the morning. The trash pickup is later; DH takes the trash can out when he leaves for work at 7:00. So, no, I guess they did not see a trash bin and a recycle bin and pick the recycle bin like total a$$hats, but that gives them clearly no pass whatsoever: it is private property, it is a clearly denoted recycling bin in the first place, having crawling maggots on it can be grounds for the trash attendants to not take it even if it is in a trash can. Our contract with the trash removal company does state that they are within their rights to refuse trash that has live maggots on it. IME, they take it anyway, but for my home trash, I make an effort not to have my trash get maggot-covered.



I wasn't meaning it gives them a pass. Just wondering how total jerk they were.


We've had our recycle bins themselves stolen.


But most often the problem is people dumping things along roadside, from cigarette butts and beer cans  to poached animals and broken appliances and even a stolen car at one point.


Here both trash and recycle are supposed to be out by 7AM, unless only one or the other will go out at all that day.  Usually recycle comes first and will sometimes shift something over to trash if it is not recyclable and leave and angry note about it.  

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My townhouse complex recently went from individual to communal recycle bins. So everyone's supposed to throw it all in a dumpster. Every time I go, I see things in there that shouldn't be. Foam. Yard waste. It's maddening.


In your shoes, if it's legal in the jurisdiction, I'd be tempted to set up a motion-activated hidden camera. Then share the malfeasor's image widely when they dump stuff in your recycle bin that shouldn't be there.

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