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Things you irrationally hate


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FWIW I never grew up with roundabouts (they're called circles here in PA), but I absolutely love them.  They allow traffic to move much more quickly rather than backing up as with stop signs or lights.  The one intersection very near me that was changed from stop signs to a circle has had far fewer accidents than before, so don't dismiss them before trying them if they come to your area.  I'm pretty sure there's a reason more areas are getting them.  Two reasons to be more specific - quicker traffic and fewer accidents.  Just because something is different than what one is used to doesn't mean it's worse.




I didn't grow up with them either and only have limited experience with them - in England many years ago and the few (very few) local ones. I love them. I even love the local one that everyone else around here hates and calls The Circle of Death. That's an exaggeration because stats have shown injuries in accidents at that roundabout are less severe than at some nearby intersections. I wish we had more traffic circles, as they're called here. 



Friggin Jersey. I HATE jug handles. Also, people who learned to drive there can never seem to let go of that level of aggression when they leave the state. I get how it's useful, almost necessary to navigate the roads in NJ, but it's over-the-top MOST other places.


I had to look up jug handles. I don't think I've ever driven at an interchange that has one (we moved from Jersey before I was driving age so if they were there where we lived I don't remember).


The newest thing here is a DDI (Diverging Diamond Interchange). It's been recommended for a local I-95 overpass and interchange, and people are already screaming about it without even being willing to look at the possibility that it might be a good idea. Here's a video explaining it. I would link to the video about the local one but it's over 6 minutes and you don't really need 6+ minutes to learn what a DDI is. This one looks to be in North Carolina.



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The newest thing here is a DDI (Diverging Diamond Interchange). It's been recommended for a local I-95 overpass and interchange, and people are already screaming about it without even being willing to look at the possibility that it might be a good idea. Here's a video explaining it. I would link to the video about the local one but it's over 6 minutes and you don't really need 6+ minutes to learn what a DDI is. This one looks to be in North Carolina.



I can't watch a video right now, but this looks like something they've put in in VA where 15 and 66(?) cross.  I'm not at all fond of it if that's what it is.  There are needless stoplights for the crossover.  I don't know if that's just due to still being under construction or if the lights are permanent.


One thing I love about roundabouts/circles is that there's no need to stop.

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True, but, as an aside, teaching teen drivers to navigate a traffic circle is one of those Have-to-Do jobs that I dread. I feel like a sports commentator as we approach: "Okay, so here we have a traffic circle. As you enter, you must yield to anyone already in the circle and coming on your left, but you don't stop if the circle is clear; you just go in...no, see, that car is coming so you have to STOOOOOOOOPPPP! NO, NOT NOW!!! NOW, YOU HAVE TO GOOOO!"


Interesting, my kids had no problem learning to drive in circles.  Of course, that could be because they've more or less grown up with them, so they're quite normal in their eyes.  They've probably learned as we, parents, drove them all the time the same way they didn't need special instruction for stop signs or merge lanes on highways.


They love them more than normal intersections too - far more efficient.

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Oh how time flies...I was just teaching my dd17 how to navigate a traffic circle last summer. Pretty much everyone has to go through the circle to get to our house. She hated it. It's really narrow (I don't remember if they're all that way). Now she complains like an old-timer about the people who don't know how to navigate the circle.  :lol: It's called a roundabout here but I can't get used to that.


I lived in NJ for most of my life and only had to go through a circle a few times when I headed north.


I've never been an aggressive driver but I did need to become more assertive when I lived in So. Cal. and I was driving on 5-6 lane highways.

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My childless SIL's exaggerated baby talk, including referring to herself in the third person, when she talks to the little kids in the family. And she only gets louder as the day goes on as she drinks more.


I'm not positive this one is irrational TBH.  I hate any exaggerated baby talk - to babies, kids, pets, adults, etc.  It seems really off to me.  If yours is irrational, I guess mine is too, but when I've mentioned being irritated by stuff I've heard, all others around me have agreed to date, so...

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wind turbines



They are mean and terrifying and I hate them!

I am all for green energy but those turbines freak me out!


When we drive through a turbine hellscape I feel sick to my stomach and I shake and cry. I think I react that way when surrounded by pure evil.

I have this same irrational hate. They make me think of the war cemeteries with all the white crosses.


I totally get Don Quixote ;)


I dislike when only 2 people are in a booth and are sitting side by side, not across from each other.


PT Cruisers


Gulping - My dh and dd12 gulp when drinking.


Uneven seating arrangements. If there are an odd number of people at a table then one person needs to be at the head of the table.


People saying something was a "God thing"


People with too much confidence bordering on arrogance.


And so much more :) Didn't know I hated so much.



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Adding a "seriously, seriously irrational dislike", because I don't make a habit of hating people:


David Ross.


Baseball fans know who I'm talking about. I literally clench my teeth every time I see the dude's name pop up. And for some inexplicable reason, it pops up a LOT.

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Adding a "seriously, seriously irrational dislike", because I don't make a habit of hating people:


David Ross.


Baseball fans know who I'm talking about. I literally clench my teeth every time I see the dude's name pop up. And for some inexplicable reason, it pops up a LOT.

I assume you aren't a Cub's fan?

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I can't walk barefoot ANYWHERE.  Not even my own house.  As soon as I get out of the shower I put my flip flops on.  My husband can't either.



And I hate having shoes on!  Really hate it.  If I could go barefoot and just wear flip flops all the time, even to work and church, I would.


I hate socks and shoes.  Really hate.

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The slang word "Fam." I assume it's the new "Bro," which was also annoying. But Fam makes me want to shriek.



I hate wifey and hubby.  It makes my skin crawl.


I don't particularly care for "the littles" and "the bigs" when referring to your children either, but it bothers me a bit less.


A lot of slang drives me nuts.  It is overused and silly.  

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And I hate having shoes on!  Really hate it.  If I could go barefoot and just wear flip flops all the time, even to work and church, I would.


I hate socks and shoes.  Really hate.



DH and I both hate being barefoot, but my youngest child can't stand wearing shoes and socks.  She doesn't even own socks.   

Edited by Erica H
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And I hate having shoes on!  Really hate it.  If I could go barefoot and just wear flip flops all the time, even to work and church, I would.


I hate socks and shoes.  Really hate.


I don't hate wearing shoes but I do hate to wear closed shoes. Fortunately I live in a climate where year-round open toe shoes are the norm. Even when getting dressed up there are dressy sandals one wears. I just bought a pair of sandals to wear to a formal wedding at the end of this month.


Ds hated shoes when he was younger. No matter what shoes I put on him, he took them off as soon as he could. He always took his shoes off in the car, and often tried to go barefoot wherever we went. At our homeschool park days he'd kick them off as soon as he got there, usually wherever he decided he'd worn them long enough. It got to the point that if another hs mom came across a pair of boys shoes somewhere on the playground, she knew just whose kid they belonged to and would bring them to me. :) I gave up trying to keep shoes on him and just called him my barefoot Florida boy.


Things can change though. Now he mostly wears socks and sneakers/tennis shoes/whatever you call them (trainers for our British hive members). I otoh, have never outgrown my hatred for closed shoes.

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DH and I both hate being barefoot, but my youngest child can't stand wearing shoes and socks.  She doesn't even own socks.   


I hate going barefoot too.  I don't even like sandals of any sort, but use them when I have to for water things or when going out sometimes.


My youngest son would be perfectly fine if shoes/socks didn't exist.  He inherited a lot of my genetic trends, but not that one.

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I hate going barefoot too.  I don't even like sandals of any sort, but use them when I have to for water things or when going out sometimes.


My youngest son would be perfectly fine if shoes/socks didn't exist.  He inherited a lot of my genetic trends, but not that one.


Oh yeah, I hate sandals, too.  I need socks or shoe liners.  

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Add me to the hate being barefoot crew. Always wearing my house shoes when home. And don't wear socks to bed. I am also a never nude. Horrifying that the children take after dh on regards to being barefoot.


I will admit to saying totes adorbs and chillax to drive my children batty. I don't understand today's slang at all. My daughter goes around being shook all the time.

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It is sad when people post things when they are having a really down moment, in need of a friendly word of encouragement, or some really good advice because the situation is hurtful to them and others......and some of the ones responding turn out to be less than supportive, with a tone that seems to "tear down" rather than to lift up. I'm not specifically referring to this board, just generally speaking. I am new here, and people do seem mostly friendly and positive. But I hurt for the person whose post is sad and they end up feeling worse. Sometimes really good points are made, but that "tone" is still there. It just serves no purpose. I'm not referring to petty things, only ones where people seem to really need a kind word. Good points (constructive criticism, seeing things from another angle) can still be made in a positive way when someone is hurting. Maybe it's just my personality type and what someone says that would make me cringe would roll off another's back like water. IDK. And I should probably call this a legitimate dislike rather than an irrational hate, so maybe it's in the wrong thread, lol.


Editing to add: Just realized I made this thread do an abrupt 180. Sorry. This just came to mind and I wanted to mention it. :)

Thread killer. 😉

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People who videotape parades or fireworks.


The sound of toe nail clipping or shoe shuffling.


People who misuse apostrophes to pluralize, especially on their Christmas cards.


People who stand in a long line, and then don't know what they are ordering when it is finally their turn.



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