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Car speeding recklessly in our neighborhood


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There is a teen or very young adult who is staying at the house across the street. He drives a truck and revs it down the residential street at very high speeds. My husband caught him twice now and confronted him and told him there are lots of kids on the street but he completely ignored him and has continued every time he comes down the street. There are lots of kids in the neighborhood including my own and this is making it unsafe. My kids usually would be able to play with friends and ride their bikes.

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LOL, I don't know what dob or hooning mean, but I love "hearing" you talk :)


LOL, I agree. I had to look hooning up.  Based on the context, you won't be surprised.    Dob I take to mean "turn in."  


Hoon activities can include speeding, burnouts, doughnuts or screeching tyres. Those commonly identified as being involved in "hooning" or street racing are young and predominantly male, although increasingly female, drivers in the age range of 17 and 35 years. (Taken from Wikipedia)

Edited by marbel
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I would call or visit the police station and talk with an officer about what you've seen and also to let them know you've tried to talk to the kid. They very well might go ahead and visit the family to talk to the kid.  Catching him on video might be difficult because it happens so fast.  



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My skinny 5'2 friend stood in her front lawn, waved her arms around, and screamed, "SLOW DOWN!" at the top of her lungs like a crazed banshee at the teen across her street who did that. She must have looked positively terrifying because he never did it again.

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Video and call police. There was a kid in our neighborhood doing this. Someone posted on NextDoor to see if anyone knew whose car it was. Other neighbors of course did. Someone talked to the parents, a police officer came to chat, and the kid posted something on Next Door promising to drive carefully.

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Video and call police. There was a kid in our neighborhood doing this. Someone posted on NextDoor to see if anyone knew whose car it was. Other neighbors of course did. Someone talked to the parents, a police officer came to chat, and the kid posted something on Next Door promising to drive carefully.

As much as I hate nextdoor, this type of situation has played out a couple of times in our neighborhood. I do think it's a great way to keep our young drivers in check.

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LOL, I agree. I had to look hooning up. Based on the context, you won't be surprised. Dob I take to mean "turn in."


Hoon activities can include speeding, burnouts, doughnuts or screeching tyres. Those commonly identified as being involved in "hooning" or street racing are young and predominantly male, although increasingly female, drivers in the age range of 17 and 35 years. (Taken from Wikipedia)


I didn't realise I had slipped into Australian.


Dob is to tell on someone.

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I am not sure what the local term is. I am not hip to what it is called here. Hooning does describe it and that would be a good term to adopt but stunting is probably the more likely term. I do want to try to get a video if he comes back. We finally caught the owner of the property and it was the on again off again boyfriend of her dd who is living there now. She asked right away what did he do and she is not impressed with this guy. He was not suppose to be staying there and she will talk to the dd.

Edited by MistyMountain
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I am not sure what the local term is. I am not hip to what it is called here. Hooning does describe it and that would be a good term to adopt but stunting is probably the more likely term. I do want to try to get a video if he comes back. We finally caught the owner of the property and it was the on again off again boyfriend of her dd who is living there now. She asked right away what did he do and she is not impressed with this guy. He was not suppose to be staying there and she will talk to the dd.

I'm glad you were able to speak with the property owner. Hopefully she will be able to do something to help. If nothing else, if you report the guy to the police, at least you will be able to say you tried to rectify the problem with the property owner.

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I didn't realise I had slipped into Australian.


Dob is to tell on someone.


Y'know, we US people don't ever wonder if we've slipped into American.  We just talk away.  


I'm glad you "slipped" into Australian.     I hope you don't have to be conscious of your speech here.  We can always find out what things mean and it's always good to increase one's vocab.


I think I have heard dob before, maybe in a novel set in Ireland, but I'm not  sure.  

Edited by marbel
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Y'know, we US people don't ever wonder if we've slipped into American. We just talk away.


I'm glad you "slipped" into Australian. I hope you don't have to be conscious of your speech here. We can always find out what things mean and it's always good to increase one's vocab.


I think I have heard dob before, maybe in a novel set in Ireland, but I'm not sure.

Agreed! I love hearing the differences on here. Nothing shameful about regional slang, we will always just ask if we don't know and expect you to do the same :D

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