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this sums up my attitude towards going to the gym...


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One of my grown kids is here visiting and I had to explain to him that I have to go when the old, fat, out-of-shape people are there because those are my 'people'.  And thus there are only 2 'windows' of time that I can go. He understood (he goes with me).  lol




I dunno.  I've been going to the same gym for nearly a year now and except for maybe 3 people, I never see the same people more than once.  I don't know what to make of that.

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LOVE it.  :smilielol5: I don't cuss, but I do whine a lot.


I walked in to class today (weight lifting) and told the teacher my quads were sore already.  I hope if I whine, she'll go easy on me, but she never does.  I left and now my butt is more sore than my quads.  That will make her happy.  I hate weight lifting class, but the teacher (who I suspect is somewhere around my age - 56) is so upbeat that she makes it almost pleasant.  The teacher in the other weight lifting class I go to (goal 2x per week), always has us doing stuff with our arms while we are doing our squats and lunges.  I hate squats and lunges.  But, somehow, making the arms move at the same time distracts me from how much my legs are complaining.  She does that on purpose.

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I'm the only woman in class who ROARS. I really don't know why.  :lol:  Well I know why I roar. I just don't know why know one ELSE does, lol. It's hard work and sometimes you just gotta let it out!


And I'm disappointed to find out you're going to the gym. Here I thought you were doing that weight loss with only bacon!  :drool5:

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I really, really admire your commitment to going to the gym despite not getting any pleasure out of it. That's pretty darn heroic in my eyes.  


I'm completely spoiled, as there are a lot of sports and physical activities I enjoy doing and think are fun. It's play to me, not work. I try to avoid not-fun stuff, like house work and cleaning the bathrooms. ;)

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Hey, if you go on the reg and can keep going on and on into the future, then isn't that what matters?


I genuinely love running 95% of the time. The other 5% I fake it til I make it. Then I have to do it in stages like:


1st step - ok, I'm just going to eat breakfast because my food has to settle and I gotta fuel.

2nd step - Now, I'm just going to get my running clothes on.

3rd step - Well, my running clothes are on so lets get out the other stuff (belt for the phone, ear buds, sunscreen and/or cold weather gear).

4th step - I'm dressed, so it wouldn't hurt to put my running shoes on.

5th step - Since I've got my shoes on, I'll just go outside and run to the end of the block. If I really hate it, I'll turn around.

6th step - I'll just go up to the street there.


And on, until you are several miles from home and the only way home is to run back so you best get a move on. Usually at some point around step 9 or 10 it's fine and I can stop negotiating with myself over baby steps. On the other hand, sometimes during a tough run, I wish I could just stop. But again, I'm several miles from home and the only way home is to run...so...


It's also why treadmills, ellipticals, and indoor bikes do not work for me. It's just too easy to shut the machine off, get in my car, and go home. :p

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See, I lovelovelove the actual gym.  Getting up, getting dressed, getting in the car, and getting there?  I'd rather do 100 burpees!  Except I don't actually do them, and that's plain stupid, because then I could probably stop complaining. But I won't.


I am the kind of person who needs a home gym.  First, I need a home that can accommodate a gym!

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I love going to the gym as well. I mean its not my favorite thing in the world, and there is plenty of under the breath cussing ;) but its very ingrained in my daily routined. Over the years I have made some friends so its fun to get out and see them. As a a homeschooling momma the gym is "my" time, where I get a break from my girls. Last night was cardio funk and its like being in a club, disco lights and all. Love it! Also do strength, barre and some yoga. With my health woes I find it even more important to stay active.


I've been going 4-5 days a week for over 3 years. Now its strange when I have to miss for any reason.

Edited by tdbates78
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I'm the only woman in class who ROARS. I really don't know why.  :lol:  Well I know why I roar. I just don't know why know one ELSE does, lol. It's hard work and sometimes you just gotta let it out!


And I'm disappointed to find out you're going to the gym. Here I thought you were doing that weight loss with only bacon!  :drool5:


I started going to the gym 6 months before trying to lose weight and you know how much I lost in 6 months with exercise alone?  Nothing. 


So it IS the bacon.  :laugh:

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I dunno.  I've been going to the same gym for nearly a year now and except for maybe 3 people, I never see the same people more than once.  I don't know what to make of that.


We go at about the same time every day and we see the same people all the time. I don't drink, but I think it's like how people feel when they frequent a favorite bar. We walk in and 'know' everyone.  Except we really don't know them...we call one guy grunty (obvious reasons). One girl is 'the secretary' because she carries a notebook and writes down everything she does.  Everyone has a made up name because we don't know anyone there except our dentist who is ALWAYS there when we are. 


I might prefer to not see the same people all the time!

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Yes, I'm whiner too.


My middle-aged body has so many aches and pains that it's tough. I'm still recovering from an ankle injury I had at the gym in February, and my knee is tricky to the point that I'll likely have knee replacement down the road. But yes, I go. I enjoy yoga and Les Mills Body Flow more than I do weights and the exercise bike, but I aim for balance for the health of it.


I saw my internist yesterday, and he commented that I'm healthier in my mid-50's than I was in my 40's. He's still watching my blood sugar because I've been a prediabetic for 16 years, and I have familial high cholesterol that requires medication. But I'm basically very healthy. The gym has a role in that.


DS works out there too and also works there on the evening and weekend cleaning/maintenance crew, so that's a motivator. We sometimes work out together, and the trainers and other employees know us well.

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Yes, I'm whiner too.


My middle-aged body has so many aches and pains that it's tough. I'm still recovering from an ankle injury I had at the gym in February, and my knee is tricky to the point that I'll likely have knee replacement down the road. But yes, I go. I enjoy yoga and Les Mills Body Flow more than I do weights and the exercise bike, but I aim for balance for the health of it.


I saw my internist yesterday, and he commented that I'm healthier in my mid-50's than I was in my 40's. He's still watching my blood sugar because I've been a prediabetic for 16 years, and I have familial high cholesterol that requires medication. But I'm basically very healthy. The gym has a role in that.


DS works out there too and also works there on the evening and weekend cleaning/maintenance crew, so that's a motivator. We sometimes work out together, and the trainers and other employees know us well.


I'm happy with my results.  So there is that.  But I really hate going there.  I absolutely hate it.  LOL 


I know the whole...find some activity you love thing, but that's just it.  I don't love any physical activities.  I'm pretty content to sit on my arse and read and stuff.  So I'm glad I've managed to force myself to do it because it's been worth it despite being difficult. 

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I'm happy with my results.  So there is that.  But I really hate going there.  I absolutely hate it.  LOL 


I know the whole...find some activity you love thing, but that's just it.  I don't love any physical activities.  I'm pretty content to sit on my arse and read and stuff.  So I'm glad I've managed to force myself to do it because it's been worth it despite being difficult. 


Yes, I'd rather putter around home, quilt, or read. But I move so much better and even my PT is optimistic that I can put off knee replacement until my 60's. It's also helped with weight loss -- I've lost 40 in the last year with only 10 pounds to go.


So I keep at it. 

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My ds goes to the gym regularly and though he loves the workout, he pretty much hates all the other people there. Ok, not really all, just the ones who try to show off and act like they're special. Which according to him is quite a lot of people. I'm sure he's not cussing out loud, but he's probably cussing inside. :p

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I really, really admire your commitment to going to the gym despite not getting any pleasure out of it. That's pretty darn heroic in my eyes.


I'm completely spoiled, as there are a lot of sports and physical activities I enjoy doing and think are fun. It's play to me, not work. I try to avoid not-fun stuff, like house work and cleaning the bathrooms. ;)

I also intensely dislike house work and cleaning bathrooms so exercising is my motivation to get it done. Tracking physical activity on my Fitbit has made this possible. My house looks better these days thanks to my fitness tracker! I also have to have my headphones on while listening to interesting podcasts or it doesn't get done, lol! The other piece of the motivation puzzle is that I am saving gym money and cleaning lady costs at the same time! It works for me.

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Hey, if you go on the reg and can keep going on and on into the future, then isn't that what matters?


I genuinely love running 95% of the time. The other 5% I fake it til I make it. Then I have to do it in stages like:


1st step - ok, I'm just going to eat breakfast because my food has to settle and I gotta fuel.

2nd step - Now, I'm just going to get my running clothes on.

3rd step - Well, my running clothes are on so lets get out the other stuff (belt for the phone, ear buds, sunscreen and/or cold weather gear).

4th step - I'm dressed, so it wouldn't hurt to put my running shoes on.

5th step - Since I've got my shoes on, I'll just go outside and run to the end of the block. If I really hate it, I'll turn around.

6th step - I'll just go up to the street there.


And on, until you are several miles from home and the only way home is to run back so you best get a move on. Usually at some point around step 9 or 10 it's fine and I can stop negotiating with myself over baby steps. On the other hand, sometimes during a tough run, I wish I could just stop. But again, I'm several miles from home and the only way home is to run...so...


It's also why treadmills, ellipticals, and indoor bikes do not work for me. It's just too easy to shut the machine off, get in my car, and go home. :p



Ha! I do the same thing. I used to actually drive to the gym on my lunch hour, and I'd lie and tell myself I was going to skip it and drive home...then I'd just veer into the parking lot and then before I knew it I was working out. I'd tell myself the same thing..just 5 minutes and if you hate it you can stop. Never did. 


Or when I was working out in the morning I'd say "You don't have to go workout, you're just getting up, that's all." Then "gym clothes are comfy, you can just sit on the couch in them if you want." etc etc until I was at the gym. 


Of course, I also bribed myself with a yummy taco bowl from their juice/snack bar afterwards on those days. Or a smoothie. I'm not above bribery. 



Edited by ktgrok
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I also intensely dislike house work and cleaning bathrooms so exercising is my motivation to get it done. Tracking physical activity on my Fitbit has made this possible. My house looks better these days thanks to my fitness tracker! I also have to have my headphones on while listening to interesting podcasts or it doesn't get done, lol! The other piece of the motivation puzzle is that I am saving gym money and cleaning lady costs at the same time! It works for me.


Getting steps and activity isn't the motivating factor for me. I get a million steps outside walking, biking, running, playing tennis. I just don't want to stay inside and do house work. It's boring and not fun.  :laugh:  


Listening to something nice could make house work more fun, though, so I could look into that. 

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Listening to something nice could make house work more fun, though, so I could look into that.

Or delegate to children. I hate cleaning the house so I assign it to my kids and then go out for a run. When I come home the house is clean enough and I don't have to listen to any of the whining or arguing that takes place.

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A friend of mine jokingly wanted to start a business that would chase people - you know, for the people who say they would never run unless chased. You would give them some times and they would pop up suddenly, faux threaten you, and chase you for a designated time. I'm thinking the liability issues (among other things) prevented it from ever getting off the ground.

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I'm happy with my results.  So there is that.  But I really hate going there.  I absolutely hate it.  LOL 


I know the whole...find some activity you love thing, but that's just it.  I don't love any physical activities.  I'm pretty content to sit on my arse and read and stuff.  So I'm glad I've managed to force myself to do it because it's been worth it despite being difficult. 

I felt this way until boxing. I love punching that bag. Where I live now there are no boxing classes... but I work so hard it doesn't matter. 

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See, I lovelovelove the actual gym.  Getting up, getting dressed, getting in the car, and getting there?  I'd rather do 100 burpees!  


:lol: Doing 100 burpees would take me almost an hour and a half! I'm kinda slow. I think I may have gotten to 100 once, but I did 10, did other exercises, came back and did another 10, repeat. That would take much longer than the 7 minutes to drive to the gym, mercy.



A friend of mine jokingly wanted to start a business that would chase people - you know, for the people who say they would never run unless chased. You would give them some times and they would pop up suddenly, faux threaten you, and chase you for a designated time. I'm thinking the liability issues (among other things) prevented it from ever getting off the ground.


Doesn't this already exist? And there are apps that harass you too. You install them on your phone and they hurl insults if you don't do what the app says. I forget the name, something angry carrot??

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A friend of mine jokingly wanted to start a business that would chase people - you know, for the people who say they would never run unless chased. You would give them some times and they would pop up suddenly, faux threaten you, and chase you for a designated time. I'm thinking the liability issues (among other things) prevented it from ever getting off the ground.


I wouldn't even run if chased. 



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I would hate going to the gym. It would be so boring.

Our ancestors managed just fine without. I think I shall, too.


I've tried to come up with something else and just can't.  I can't spend hours outdoors due to bad allergies.  I'm terrible at sports.  So what's left?  KWIM?  If I don't go, I basically won't exercise.

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I prefer to be outdoors, and we are an active family, but we live in a very seasonal area. I am sooo not interested in biking or hiking in 95 degree weather, or 25 degrees for that matter. I know people do it but nothankyou! So to the gym it is. Fortunately its 5 minutes down the road. I have a bunch of exercise DVD's but I just cant get motivated at home. Too many distractions!

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I prefer to be outdoors, and we are an active family, but we live in a very seasonal area. I am sooo not interested in biking or hiking in 95 degree weather, or 25 degrees for that matter. I know people do it but nothankyou! So to the gym it is. Fortunately its 5 minutes down the road. I have a bunch of exercise DVD's but I just cant get motivated at home. Too many distractions!


Yeah and then there is that. My allergies don't bug me as much in winter, but we don't get nice snow here.  It's slush or frozen solid.  And then we have very hot and humid summers so that's not fun.


I need climate controlled!  And if I waited for good weather I wouldn't be exercising 75% of the year because the weather is sucky 75% of the year.

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Yeah and then there is that. My allergies don't bug me as much in winter, but we don't get nice snow here.  It's slush or frozen solid.  And then we have very hot and humid summers so that's not fun.


I need climate controlled!  And if I waited for good weather I wouldn't be exercising 75% of the year because the weather is sucky 75% of the year.


Same here. Fall and early spring are really the only nice seasons, and I'm an asthmatic. Exercising indoors is a must for me. Pollen sets me off.


With my orthopedic issues, I need their equipment. I can't go on long walks or use a treadmill.


Thankfully our gym is classy and has a wide range of people. My son and I both feel very comfortable there.

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Getting steps and activity isn't the motivating factor for me. I get a million steps outside walking, biking, running, playing tennis. I just don't want to stay inside and do house work. It's boring and not fun. :laugh:


Listening to something nice could make house work more fun, though, so I could look into that.

Do try, it might just help!

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I would hate going to the gym. It would be so boring.

Our ancestors managed just fine without. I think I shall, too.


It can be boring.  I find myself watching the clock a lot.  OTOH, for me, an extrovert working a sedentary job from home alone, it's a nice way to be physically active with other people on my schedule.  My ideal would be to find a friend to walk with for an hour or more a day, but I haven't found anyone consistently.  Actually, my ideal would be to live in a walkable/bikable city with temperate year round weather.  Any suggestions?  Ds graduates in a year, and I'm open to relocating.


regentrude, I'm curious.  I think you've said you do a lot of hiking and climbing.  I also remember that you are an extrovert.  Do you do those physical activities alone?


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  Actually, my ideal would be to live in a walkable/bikable city with temperate year round weather.  Any suggestions?  Ds graduates in a year, and I'm open to relocating.


Portland or Eugene, OR

Santa Barbara, CA (if you're independently wealthy)



regentrude, I'm curious.  I think you've said you do a lot of hiking and climbing.  I also remember that you are an extrovert.  Do you do those physical activities alone?


No, mostly with DH. Unless he is traveling, then I sometimes hike by myself.

You cannot rock climb without a partner who belays.

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