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Newborn Fashion Fail JAWM


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My dad watched my other kids today while I took my newborn to his first well baby check. As I prepared to leave, my dad said that my baby looked like Uncle Fester. I bet hormones have intensified the reaction, but seriously, who says that to someone who just gave birth?

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That's rude of him. He probably right, just because newborns all look strange, but who says that?! I'd have probably said something mean back.

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My BIL once told me my newborn first child, a boy, looked like an old woman going to bridge club... because he had on a little button down sweater! I remember being so mad!!! This is the same BIL who asked if there was another baby in there the first time he saw me post partum. He's a real joker, that one... But taken as a whole, he is a wonderful BIL, just not real compétant with new mothers.


Sorry your dad was a jerk! I'm sure he thought he was being funny!

Edited by Monica_in_Switzerland
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Don't all babies look like Uncle Fester, Mr. McGoo, Jaba the Hut, Jimmy Durante and sharpei puppies? That is what makes them so absolutely adorable. I sure wish I could squeeze one right now. Congratulations on your bundle of joy!

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Your baby is gorgeous and you dad is socially awkward and/or possibly on the spectrum. Nobody would say that to their own kid about their own grandkid if they had any idea how hurtful it was.


Pot kettle black; I'm still learning how to speak my own father's language and I'm probably your dad's age.


I'm sorry this happened to you. Another reasonable explanation is that your dad is an (expletive denoting the eventual destination of the alimentary canal) and I am an idiot. :lol:

Edited by Guest
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My DH told me once that one of my babies (not going to identify which DC, in case they come looking over my shoulder while I post) looked like Winston Churchill.   Looking back at old pictures, it was kinda true but it hurt my feelings nonetheless (and I was beyond my postpartum depression by then).   That particular child has grown into a very attractive teen.  

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My bald baby grew up into a beautiful young woman too. My youngest describes Marilyn Monroe as "that actress who looks like Sister but not as pretty." A random stranger on the bus once asked me if she had cancer and tried to give me money "to help out with his chemo" even though she was wearing a pink ruffled dress at the time and I had politely assured them that she was perfectly healthy.


Her best toddler friend was a boy with a full head of curls. He wore overalls with trucks on them and was still called "she" while my bald dd in a pink frilly dress was "he" to random strangers.


Your baby is gorgeous. All newborns are. Some grownups don't see that. It's their loss.

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People just stick their foot in their mouth sometimes. Men particularly can think they're funny and not realize the 'joke' doesn't work. I'm sorry. 


My male OB remarked right after birth that I still looked like I was pregnant. Come on, the guy had been an OB for YEARS and had a wife and 5 children. Really?? He should have known better. He did know better. People do stupid stuff sometimes, even surgeons. 

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That's rude of him. He probably right, just because newborns all look strange, but who says that?! I'd have probably said something mean back.

"Hmm. He must take after you." ðŸ˜

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One of my daughters was bald, bald, bald and beautifully chubby.  When she was about nine months old I took her out grocery shopping she had both ears pierced and was wearing earrings as well as a pink smocked dress. An old man commented on my cute little boy. I told him that she was a girl.  His response was "Really, usually only boys are so fat!" 

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My own little guy looked like an alien/spider monkey hybrid.  No one ever said anything about his looks, though.  Most people have the decency to either say nothing, or give an obligatory "he's/she's so cute."  

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"Hmm. He must take after you." ðŸ˜


:iagree: "just like grandpa!"  :lol:  


If you posted a photo of your new bundle, the aunties here would be more than willing to ooo and ahhhh.  Just saying.  I think there is a rule about referring to a newborn without posting gratuitous adorable pictures!?  :001_wub:

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My daughter was in an obnoxious hot pink snowsuit (gift) and was called a boy more than once.


When she was around 18 months and wearing a bikini she was called a boy. Before I could say something, a total stranger started berating the person who made the comment.

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My daughter was in an obnoxious hot pink snowsuit (gift) and was called a boy more than once.


When she was around 18 months and wearing a bikini she was called a boy. Before I could say something, a total stranger started berating the person who made the comment.

Men would call my baby Dd (dressed in pink) a boy and their wives would jump all over them. It was fun to watch.

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OP, I thought your title was going to be about those salad plate sized bows that all my relatives' babies are wearing. No offense to anyone's child, but a bow that is as big/bigger than a head looks so humorous to me.

that's why i did it. especially because my daughter had an exceptionally small head (she had a microcephaly diagnosis, but she outgrew it). she looked like a little cartoon creature. 

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My son's face was so scrunched up that his own father called him "raisin" for the first three weeks until it "ironed" out.

It didn't bother me a bit but it's TOTALLY different coming from a parent compared to anyone else. Grandparents (or anyone else) don't get that privilege!

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