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No A/C and it's 87 F and feels 91


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And the repairman won't be here until tomorrow afternoon which means I can't go to the beach as planned and there is a lot more sweating in my future. We already suffered through it all day yesterday. By the evening, we were a sad bunch of hot and grumpy folks. Having that many grumpy people in one place is not good, not good at all. So today we are all suffering in different rooms. It just seems safer that way. :cool: 

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You can take a cool shower. Our a/c went out too. I think outside it's mid-90s. We need to replace our unit. I can't wait to see the repairman.


We spent the day at the movies, library, and eating out. We do have a split a/c unit so we can sleep in the working part of the house.

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I assume OP's beach plans interfere with repairman.


Yup, that's the problem. He's supposed to show between 12 and 4 so we'd have to go really early or really late and neither is attractive since it would involve dealing with rush hour. There's a whole lot of highway between us and those cool waves.


I feel so bad for our pets, the dog and Maine Coon in particular. The dog hasn't stoppped panting in two days and we are really having to keep an eye on the water bowls; the poor thing is doing her best to stay hydrated. The Maine Coon has planted himself belly up in the middle of the ceramic tile. If he wouldn't kill me, I'd soak him down so his long wet hair would keep him cool for a while. Unfortunately, I'm a big chicken who is really attached to her skin.

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That happened to us the night before we hosted ~50 people for my dd's high school graduation party. DH and I were prepping food and I kept saying how HOT I was. What timing. 


I hope it's a quick and easy fix and that it doesn't break the bank! I vote for popsicles in the interim. 

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Yup, that's the problem. He's supposed to show between 12 and 4 so we'd have to go really early or really late and neither is attractive since it would involve dealing with rush hour. There's a whole lot of highway between us and those cool waves.


I feel so bad for our pets, the dog and Maine Coon in particular. The dog hasn't stoppped panting in two days and we are really having to keep an eye on the water bowls; the poor thing is doing her best to stay hydrated. The Maine Coon has planted himself belly up in the middle of the ceramic tile. If he wouldn't kill me, I'd soak him down so his long wet hair would keep him cool for a while. Unfortunately, I'm a big chicken who is really attached to her skin.

Oh, oops.  I assumed you meant today and the beach was close by.  I'm ten minutes from the beach so I assume everyone else is.  Sorry.  ((hugs))  ((cold wet thoughts for you))

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You have my sympathy. Our ac went out in May a couple years ago due to a lightening strike. It took us until July to realize insurance would cover the cost of replacement. It was a long and miserable couple of months! We fortunately have separate units for upstairs and downstairs so the kids slept ok and it helped keep the humidity somewhat under control.

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We live in a Tropical Valley and our Mean temperature is 76 or 79 F. Our house is wide open (oceans of fresh air). We do not have air conditioning or central heating and that would be impossible and costly.  We are OK in the temperature in your thread title (our normal high temperature is about 86 F), but an increase of just a few degrees is something we really notice. I hope you get your A/C fixed today and then you can go to the Beach.

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Awwww..... That's awful. The only thing to keep in mind is that the most awful times make stories that last.


Suffer through, but you will then be able to reminisce on the future about the awfulness​.

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A little OT - I've noticed a lot more emphasis where I live in recent years on building homes that don't require as much heating.  So, good insulation, but also in better quality building passive heating features.


Is this a discussion in places where it is hot?  It seems to me with the power requirements of AC, building for keeping things cool would be a big bonus.

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