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kitchen tip of the day


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Don't cover your broiler pan with foil.  I don't know what in heck I was thinking!  I got the brilliant idea to cover it with foil because I wanted to make cleaning it easier.  BAD IDEA.  I broiled a steak and it caught fire.  Like out of control scary fire.  I shut the broiler off and hoped that it would subside.  NOPE.  I started to see black smoke.  So I grabbed a box of baking soda and dumped it quickly on the pan/steak and it stopped immediately.  Of course then the steak was covered with baking soda.  So I rinsed it off and ate it anyway.  It was fine thankfully, and I didn't burn my kitchen down!


But duh, the grease had nowhere to go. 


So..don't do that!



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I'd have never known that!  I wish there was an instruction book for clueless people like me about stuff like that.  Maybe with a bright red cover and hanging on a chain from the ceiling in the middle of the kitchen so I couldn't miss it.  


Maybe stoves come with instructions not to cover the boiler with foil, but I've never read a stove instruction manual.



SOOOO glad you are ok.  What a jolt of adrenaline you must have had!



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I cover the pan that goes under the slotted broiler pan with foil.  Sometimes I cover the upper pan that has slots with foil but I use a knife to cut the slots in it again so that the grease can drip down.  I still have to clean the pans some but it's a lot less than if I leave off the foil altogether. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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How scary! I'm so glad you're ok. Once when I was younger I took a glass Pyrex dish out of the oven and sat it on the stovetop burner I had just used. I didn't think anything of it...hot dish, hot burner--no big deal. I went to pick it up minutes later and it EXPLODED in my hands!!! I'm so thankful it didn't send glass into my eyes. Glass went everywhere though! I now know that you can't put Pyrex on a burner, even if the burner is off, but still hot. :/

Edited by mmasc
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How scary! I'm so glad you're ok. Once when I was younger I took a glass Pyrex dish out of the oven and sat it on the stovetop burner I had just used. I didn't think anything of it...hot dish, hot burner--no big deal. I went to pick it up minutes later and it EXPLODED in my hands!!! I'm so thankful it didn't send glass into my eyes. Glass went everywhere though! I now know that you can't put Pyrex on a burner, even if the burner is off, but still hot. :/

Also, don't set the hot pyrex dish on anything wet.  The temperature change will also cause explosions.  Especially messy when it is a broccoli/rice casserole  :glare:


Also, don't leave a plastic cake carrier on the stove top and then turn on the wrong burner.  You may not realize it is on fire until the lid blows off.



Edited by The Girls' Mom
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How scary! I'm so glad you're ok. Once when I was younger I took a glass Pyrex dish out of the oven and sat it on the stovetop burner I had just used. I didn't think anything of it...hot dish, hot burner--no big deal. I went to pick it up minutes later and it EXPLODED in my hands!!! I'm so thankful it didn't send glass into my eyes. Glass went everywhere though! I now know that you can't put Pyrex on a burner, even if the burner is off, but still hot. :/

And.... don't put it on a cold burner and turn it on mistake. Also a Pyrex explosion.
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I line the catch pan with foil all the time and that works fine.  And I broil... constantly.  Fish and steak and a quick minute or two to melt cheese.


My stovetop mishaps tend to be plastic spatulas on hot burners.  I've done that... um.... more than twice.

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I've thought about using foil on my broiler pan too but never tried it. Whew!


My broiler is also inside my oven


It's a pan with a piece like a grate that fits over it. I add water to the pan and then fit the grate over the top. The idea is as the meat cooks, it drips through the grate and into the pan.


I use Brillo pads to keep my grate clean.

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