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I love milk.  Love it.  Always have.  But I am trying to cut down on sugar intake (hypoglycemic) while also increasing my protein and am wondering if I should find another source for a milk like drink.  Any suggestions?  Or since the milk in cow's milk is naturally occurring I should just watch my intake, not cut it out altogether?  I just can't imagine life without milk.

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Have you tried almond milk? That's what I drink and I actually prefer it to cow's milk. Make sure to get unsweetened almond milk. The sweetened varieties have tons of added sugar, but unsweetened has very little sugar. It doesn't have much protein, though.

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There's a brand called Fairlife that touts itself as "ultrafiltered" with 50% less sugar and more protein from the filtering process.


I cut milk completely when my youngest was dairy intolerant as a newborn. Then I never added it back after that and going low carb for a while. I had a sip and it was SO SWEET. I loved it too, but now it tastes weird. I still use half and half in coffee and dairy products in food, but I can't drink a glass of milk.


Have you tried doing something like Whole 30? It's worked for me as a good reset and way to see if a particular food type bothers the digestive system. And it's a limited time, which somehow makes it easier. Or do a severely modified plan--give drinking milk up for 30 days, track how your blood sugar is doing and how you're feeling, then see how much you want to add back to your diet.


The substitutes will taste better after having a gap in comparison too. I like the taste of almond milk. There are some blended milks that are really tasty that are widely available--almond with cashew and coconut was really good. It was very nice in iced coffee. I can't do substitutes in hot coffee. Coconut tastes sour and weird.

Edited by zoobie
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Thanks for the responses!  


1.  I have never tried whole 30 although I have seen it referenced on these boards.  Not sure exactly what it is so will do some research on that.


2.  I will try Fairlife.  


I have been a milk fanatic since I was a toddler.  My mom and brother never liked milk but my dad and I...we could drink a gallon in a day.  :)  I have a hard time imagining my life without milk.  

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As a stalwart milk lover, well aware of her own confirmation bias, I perk up at the newer studies that whole milk reduces the risk of diabetes: http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2016/04/18/474403311/the-full-fat-paradox-dairy-fat-linked-to-lower-diabetes-risk


Milk lovers unite.   :hurray:


Hmmm, I haven't drunk whole milk in years and years.  I do vacillate between 2%, 1%, and skim.  Lots of conflicting data on which is healthier...  But that is interesting about whole milk.  Thanks for the link!




I quit drinking it.  I still use heavy cream in things and eat a lot of cheese.  I love milk and I just can't drink a little. 


There used to be low carb milks in the store.  Some areas still seem to carry them, but I haven't seen any in my stores.


 You are a stronger person than me.  :)  


I really, really, really cannot imagine life without milk.  But I guess that is the statement of an addict.   :lol:  As a vice, milk seems pretty tame to me, but I AM willing to entertain other options and DO want to improve my health. 

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Milk lovers unite.   :hurray:


Hmmm, I haven't drunk whole milk in years and years.  I do vacillate between 2%, 1%, and skim.  Lots of conflicting data on which is healthier...  But that is interesting about whole milk.  Thanks for the link!





 You are a stronger person than me.   :)


I really, really, really cannot imagine life without milk.  But I guess that is the statement of an addict.   :lol:  As a vice, milk seems pretty tame to me, but I AM willing to entertain other options and DO want to improve my health. 


I will say, I only drank whole.  I can't stand the taste of the others. 

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I, too, am an avid milk lover and drink lots and lots and I, too, want to cut down on carbs.  You know what's lower in carbs than milk?  Half 'n half!  Cream!  After the Lenten fast is over, I'm going to start drinking a mix of half 'n half and whole milk.  I'll be in heaven.  The fat from the milk and cream is GOOD for you from the perspective of HFLC (high fat, low carb) food intake. I've been making my hot chocolate with milk and half 'n half for some time, so now I'm just going to do it for a regular drink, too.  I know you say you don't drink whole milk, but you should give it a go.  And if you can, get RAW whole milk from a health food store.  Milk as it was meant to taste. 

Edited by milovany
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I, too, am an avid milk lover and drink lots and lots and I, too, want to cut down on carbs.  You know what's lower in carbs than milk?  Half 'n half!  Cream!  After the Lenten fast is over, I'm going to start drinking a mix of half 'n half and whole milk.  I'll be in heaven.  The fat from the milk and cream is GOOD for you from the perspective of HFLC (high fat, low carb) food intake, That's how I've been making my hot chocolate for some time, so now I'm just going to do it for a regular drink, too.  I know you say you don't drink whole milk, but you should give it a go.  And if you can, get RAW whole milk from a health food store.  Milk as it was meant to taste. 


This is how I assume they make these low carb milks.  They mix water into heavy cream or half and half. 


Could try that One.  Maybe mix in a blender really well and chill it. 

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I love milk. Love it. Always have. But I am trying to cut down on sugar intake (hypoglycemic) while also increasing my protein and am wondering if I should find another source for a milk like drink. Any suggestions? Or since the milk in cow's milk is naturally occurring I should just watch my intake, not cut it out altogether? I just can't imagine life without milk.

Can you eat plain Greek Yogurt? Very high in protein and calcium for the calories and lower sugar.


ETA: I love milk too. I haven't cut it completely out, but I limit myself to about 12oz a day from all sources, including in my coffee and in cereal or oatmeal.

Edited by Barb_
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IF you switch to whole milk or cream or whatever, start by reducing your cup size. That stuff is filling and you can slug back a bunch of it all at once, not realizing that you're too full.


(says the lady who mliks a cow and drinks whatever comes out. Sometimes 1/4 cream!)

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I can't have milk due to a dairy intolerance. I typically use almond milk, but cashew milk is creamer so you may want to try that first.


Also, I make my own nut milks. Easy peasy and it tastes sooo much better! It's literally just almonds (about a cup) soaked overnight in filtered water, drained and add to a blender with more filtered water. I add a date (or honey) and a bit of vanilla for added flavor. Blend, strain, done. Cashews don't even really need to be strained.

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I'd just drink less.  And yes, whole milk - it is associated with less obesity.


I would not drink almond milk unless you ave access to almonds from a sustainable source.  80% of the worlds almonds come from California and are part of a major environmental disaster there.

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I use to be hypoglycemic (from 12-24 yrs old). I gave up all refined sugars, white flour, white rice, even honey. But I never gave up fruit or milk. It worked for me. The key for me was to always balance the carbs with protein. I still stay away from most of those sugars because my body doesn't handle them well in other ways now. However, I will never give up fruit or milk. You might just want to lessen your intake of milk, not too much at one time.

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I use to be hypoglycemic (from 12-24 yrs old). I gave up all refined sugars, white flour, white rice, even honey. But I never gave up fruit or milk. It worked for me. The key for me was to always balance the carbs with protein. I still stay away from most of those sugars because my body doesn't handle them well in other ways now. However, I will never give up fruit or milk. You might just want to lessen your intake of milk, not too much at one time.

You are no longer hypoglycemic? Have you had any glucose tolerance tests since then? This ideas intrigues me. I didn't know someone could stop being hypoglycemic. Are you saying the radical permanent change in diet actually changed your body so you literally are no longer hypoglycemic? Or do you mean you have been able to successfully control your hypoglycemia with a radical change in diet that you are careful to stick to?

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You are no longer hypoglycemic? Have you had any glucose tolerance tests since then? This ideas intrigues me. I didn't know someone could stop being hypoglycemic. Are you saying the radical permanent change in diet actually changed your body so you literally are no longer hypoglycemic? Or do you mean you have been able to successfully control your hypoglycemia with a radical change in diet that you are careful to stick to?


No, I believe the change was a hormonal thing. It started when I went through puberty at 12, and got worse around my period each month. After the birth of my second child it went away. After the birth of my third I had other hormonal issues with yeast & UTIs, in which sugar levels played a part. After the birth of my fourth things have seemed to level out. I still stay away from sugar though. My body just doesn't seem to like it, so I would rather be safe than sorry. The same thing has happened to one of my daughters right around starting her period, she had a few pretty bad hypoglycemic episodes. She now stay off of sugar too. Sorry, if that is TMI.


ETA: Yes, I have had glucose tests.

Edited by coralloyd
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No, I believe the change was a hormonal thing. It started when I went through puberty at 12, and got worse around my period each month. After the birth of my second child it went away. After the birth of my third I had other hormonal issues with yeast & UTIs, in which sugar levels played a part. After the birth of my fourth things have seemed to level out. I still stay away from sugar though. My body just doesn't seem to like it, so I would rather be safe than sorry. The same thing has happened to one of my daughters right around starting her period, she had a few pretty bad hypoglycemic episodes. She now stay off of sugar too. Sorry, if that is TMI.


ETA: Yes, I have had glucose tests.

Thanks so much for sharing.  I appreciate it!  

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