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I don't get Star Wars


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Yes, 1977. I know the year of each original release for the first 3 movies (4, 5,6).


But it got replayed in theaters so maybe you saw it when they played it again? Empire Strikes Back came out in 1980 and some theaters re-ran Star Wars ahead of Empire. Might you have seen it then?

Yes I am sure I saw it in 1980. I was 15.

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I just went and supported my partner in watching the latest star wars movie.


I hated it. He loved it. 


I hated the violence, the theme (revenge is fine, even if it kills literally everyone you've ever known, if you are a 'goodie'), the token female characters, the fact it was so incredibly boring.


He loved the violence and the special effects. Cool man. 


I said our kids will not be watching it . . . he has agreed for the moment. 



I'm obviously missing something. Which one has this theme?

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I am a little confused.......you guys are saying SW started in 1977......but I would have been 12 then and I swear I saw the first one when I was 15. But anyway, I enjoyed it well enough way back when....didn't watch any of them again until this past year. All the years melted away and I was 15 again watching Princess Leia and Hans Solo...


I think there was a re-release in the studios.

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I'm obviously missing something. Which one has this theme? 



The most recent one. OK, I am exaggerating a bit, but - that's how it came across to me. 


I'm more a "Once Upon a Time" person. I'm telling my kids all day to be nice and kind, it's good to have a show that agrees with me!

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It is the same thing as Lord of the Rings, but with different weapons and monsters.

Archtypes battle in an imaginative landscape that is poignantly reminiscent of our own.

You are a fantasy person, or you aren't.... it's OK if you aren't.


I sat through the first LOTR film.  One damn battle after another.  Bored to tears.  I did see the first SW movie when it came out.  It was okay.


Edited by Laura Corin
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I loved the original three.  It was a really solid adventure with a resonable amounnt of charachter development, exciting and fun and sad in parts, visually exciting nd the music was perfect.


It wasn't extremely deep, but it was a good coming of age good vs evil story, so it had some gravitas.  It wasn't too black and white in its perspective.  I think Alec Guinness helped with that as well.


Nothing is to everyone's taste, but I think they did appeal to many non-sci-fi people.


The second trilogy was too flawed to work on many levels, and I don't like the new one either or think it was that similar to the original - but that seems to be a minority position.


I think they've stood up better than Star Trek.

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Does one NEED to get it?  I don't get that mindset.  But then again, I don't need to.  LOL


I always find this question weird because I get the feeling that the person really doesn't want to learn how to like it.  They just don't and for some reason need to know that others also don't like it.  Diversity of thought and likes and dislikes is the only actually thing to get, really.  lol   :lol:


Sorry, carry on...

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I get John Williams. Big time. Everything else "meh".


I do think Star Trek was extremely progressive for its time and broke some barriers, plotted nes course for sci fi and made it a more serious film genre. The whole concept of interplanetary peace, multiple cultures coming together for peace and exploration, Lt. Uhura, Checkov, Sulu...women in prominent leadership positions on these different planets...


And frankly, we got flip phones as a direct result of that crazy sci fi vision. The "tricorder" bed, merely lay on the thing at it displays your vital signs, is in development. There were some bold ideas there.


Star Wars was not nearly as innovative. It gets all the press because it was a movie instead of a tv show, yet it wasn't nearly as ground breaking.

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My husband and daughter like it, and I've finally watched all the movies, but I'm saying things lkie, "WAIT. YODA DIED?!! WHEN? HOW?!!" and literally today, in the grocery store, my daughter asked if I wanted a Kylo Ren pinata and I said, "No. Why?" "Because you HATE him, Mama! He killed Han Solo!" "WAIT. HAN SOLO DIED?!! WHEN? HOW?!!" And so it goes...


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I get John Williams. Big time. Everything else "meh".


I do think Star Trek was extremely progressive for its time and broke some barriers, plotted nes course for sci fi and made it a more serious film genre. The whole concept of interplanetary peace, multiple cultures coming together for peace and exploration, Lt. Uhura, Checkov, Sulu...women in prominent leadership positions on these different planets...


And frankly, we got flip phones as a direct result of that crazy sci fi vision. The "tricorder" bed, merely lay on the thing at it displays your vital signs, is in development. There were some bold ideas there.


Star Wars was not nearly as innovative. It gets all the press because it was a movie instead of a tv show, yet it wasn't nearly as ground breaking.


Star Trek is science fiction.  It is about technology and the future mostly utopian view of mankind.  It stays within the realm of Gene Roddenberry's ideas of the future reality of humans on Earth.  Star Wars is fantasy.  It is a made up story that isn't trying to be realistic in the same sense.  So Star Trek isn't in the same genre as Star Wars.


Star Wars is ground breaking in that it came up with new ways to do special effects.  It was the start of Industrial Light and Magic which is still the go to for new and amazing effects.


I personally am a fan of both for different reasons.  I like Star Wars for the fun, fantasy setting and Star Trek for its forward thinking, idealistic view of mankind.  I just don't think that the two are really comparable.

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It is the same thing as Lord of the Rings, but with different weapons and monsters.

Archtypes battle in an imaginative landscape that is poignantly reminiscent of our own.

You are a fantasy person, or you aren't.... it's OK if you aren't.


You know, that might be why I don't really love Star Wars, despite loving science fiction. Star Wars does feel more fantasy to me, than SciFi. 


Now, Star Trek? That I love. 

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You know, that might be why I don't really love Star Wars, despite loving science fiction. Star Wars does feel more fantasy to me, than SciFi. 


Now, Star Trek? That I love. 


I agree with you - Star Wars in fantasy. Creatures battle in magical worlds.  Star Trek is sci fi.  Ideas vs ideas where creatures are more metaphorical.

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