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Well Trained Bodies - Weekly Fitness Thread (inaugural thread 1/28-2/4) Please read post #1.


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I didn't do well yesterday or today. I barely got my steps in yesterday. Today I did my physical therapy exercises. Though they're good for strengthening my core and helping my back, it's not really like working out. I'm only half way to my steps today too. I haven't quite fallen off the wagon but I'm leaning over the edge. I need to get myself motivated to keep at it.

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You are welcome! I should say I think it best to go slow and steady with progressing to full push-ups, shoulders are easy to injure and the older you get the more that is the case. I aim to only bring my triceps parallel to the floor, right alongside my body if that makes sense. I think it best only go to the point that you can keep good form and push yourself back up, even if that is just one inch. I also have a tendency to "wing" my shoulders so I have been using the cue to puff it up between my shoulder blades(you don't want a big depression between your shoulder blades while doing a pushup), which feels very odd at first but has been highly effective at making progress past some of my stuck points. There is of course the option to start with the wall and after that an elevated step.




Good advice, thank you!  I am able to get down to a level where my arms are bent at 90 degrees, but no lower (and I think my form is good, but I'll have my husband double check for me).  I'll keep doing bench presses as well.  Maybe that will help me get there.  

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I didn't do well yesterday or today. I barely got my steps in yesterday. Today I did my physical therapy exercises. Though they're good for strengthening my core and helping my back, it's not really like working out. I'm only half way to my steps today too. I haven't quite fallen off the wagon but I'm leaning over the edge. I need to get myself motivated to keep at it.

I challenge you to go do 1000 steps within the next 30 minutes. While you are doing that, I will vacuum and mop my dining room floor; a task I have been putting off for a week. 

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Good advice, thank you!  I am able to get down to a level where my arms are bent at 90 degrees, but no lower (and I think my form is good, but I'll have my husband double check for me).  I'll keep doing bench presses as well.  Maybe that will help me get there.  


Hi Greta,


I have also known people who had success doing pushups with their hands elevated and gradually decreasing the elevation. So, for example, you might start by doing sets (with your body straight, and good form) off your kitchen counter, then move to a workbench, then maybe a few steps up a flight of stairs and gradually move to lower and lower steps. 

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I am just now able to workout again after pushing myself to hard last Thursday.


I hurt quite badly by Friday morning, and spent the weekend soaking in the bathtub and nursing pulled muscles. Note to self. Not quite so much enthusiasm!


I did not work out today. I think I could have, but decided one more day just to be sure. I will do a light workout tomorrow, and then back at it just not QUITE so hard on Wednesday. I have appointments throughout the day Thursday so will skip and be back at the gym again Friday. Depending on how long the rocket team meeting goes Saturday, I may or may not get back for a 4th workout this week. So far I have for the most part kept my calorie count down where it needs to be while still getting enough iron and potassium. Those levels are so very difficult for me to maintain, and since I have a blood clotting issue, not good to let them drop. It makes dieting/losing weight, tricky.

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Today was a weight-lifting day for me.  Deadlifts, dips, overhead press, some core work.  I may be forgetting something, but we did enough to last an hour.



Hi Greta,


I have also known people who had success doing pushups with their hands elevated and gradually decreasing the elevation. So, for example, you might start by doing sets (with your body straight, and good form) off your kitchen counter, then move to a workbench, then maybe a few steps up a flight of stairs and gradually move to lower and lower steps. 


Great suggestion - thanks!


 I think I could have, but decided one more day just to be sure.



I think that was wise.  Whenever I work out hard enough to get sore, I give my body plenty of time to recover before I get back at it.  They say that you build muscles during recovery, not during the actual workout.  Hope you feel better!

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I had a good first day back. I had started off strong at the beginning of the month but fizzled out last week. (I made a chocolate cake on Tuesday for my MIL's birthday and it was all downhill from there. :glare: ) I was definitely feeling the lack of energy and motivation after a few days of bad food and no exercise so I jumped back in today.


For exercise I'm doing an Ellen Barrett rotation. I want to stick with this through February and then I'll change it up. I did today's video and then this afternoon we went ice skating. Tomorrow I'll do the next workout video and go to karate class. I'd like to get back to tracking steps on my fit bit and set a goal with that but I can't seem to find it. Hopefully it'll turn up and I can add that in as well.


I ate really well today. I don't really know what to call what I'm doing so I'm going with "Whole30 inspired". I've done a couple of rounds of Whole30 and am trying to implement what I learned. The most important thing is their meal template - protein, healthy fat, and vegetables at each meal. I'm also avoiding snacking unless I'm actually hungry. The other things that I learned when I did it was that I need to be careful about eating too many grains and too much dairy. I could pretty much live on those things plus a little bit (a lot) of sugar but I don't feel great when I eat too much of them. So I'm limiting the dairy and grains and pretty much avoiding all processed, added, sugars.


The one thing that did not go so well today was drinking water. I'm horrible at remembering to drink enough. I drank less than 40oz today. I'm going to try to get in a bit more before I go to bed - and hope I don't have to get up too often during the night. :tongue_smilie: 

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Boxing class got moved to tomorrow (which is actually great, because I have an appointment tomorrow during my usual zumba/bootcamp workout time), so I walked hills for an hour with my good friend.  It was so nice to be outside and have a chance to talk!  


Before I go to bed, I will do my stretching exercises.


I had a perfect food day today.  No sugar day 1 complete!


I still need to drink a little more water, I hate it when I leave the water until late in the day...

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Well, today ended up being a crappy day. One of my students took some pics of me (through the robot) in class and sent them to me (she was trying to show me the problems with resolution). I am not a happy camper with what I saw in the pics. I thought I looked decent. I straightened my hair this morning. I wore makeup. I had purchased a new outfit (pink robin hood top & blue jeggings tucked into (old)brown boots) as a treat for having lost some weight and hitting a mini goal. I felt good and was in a jovial mood.


The pics tell a different story. I look dowdy, old, and sad. I look heavy and frumpy. It's absolutely awful. All of my effort and optimism of the last few weeks has been for naught. There is a reason I hate pictures and do not allow them to be taken of me; ugly people don't need reminders of their ugliness. I knew I should have stuck to my guns and not allowed those damned robots in class. Tomorrow it's back to black outfits.


As a result of my negative (depressed) feelings, I've eaten some Nerds, a Hershey's bell left over from Christmas, and a bite sized Snickers. I didn't track my dinner and I know I blew it and overate. Could my perception of myself be that off?

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Well, today ended up being a crappy day.




Could my perception of myself be that off?

:grouphug: I'm so sorry this happened. That really just sucks. I have noticed that some people photograph really well - they look magically even prettier in photos than they do in person. I have the opposite magic: I'm so-so looking in person but I look awful in photos! It's not just my own perception either. Even my husband, who oddly seems to think I'm beautiful, admits that I don't photograph well. All of which is to say, don't put too much stock in that photo! Trust what you see in the mirror. And more than that, trust what you feel. :grouphug:

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Well, today ended up being a crappy day. One of my students took some pics of me (through the robot) in class and sent them to me (she was trying to show me the problems with resolution). I am not a happy camper with what I saw in the pics. I thought I looked decent. I straightened my hair this morning. I wore makeup. I had purchased a new outfit (pink robin hood top & blue jeggings tucked into (old)brown boots) as a treat for having lost some weight and hitting a mini goal. I felt good and was in a jovial mood.


The pics tell a different story. I look dowdy, old, and sad. I look heavy and frumpy. It's absolutely awful. All of my effort and optimism of the last few weeks has been for naught. There is a reason I hate pictures and do not allow them to be taken of me; ugly people don't need reminders of their ugliness. I knew I should have stuck to my guns and not allowed those damned robots in class. Tomorrow it's back to black outfits.


As a result of my negative (depressed) feelings, I've eaten some Nerds, a Hershey's bell left over from Christmas, and a bite sized Snickers. I didn't track my dinner and I know I blew it and overate. Could my perception of myself be that off?

I think more likely the photo was off. Very few women are actually ugly. I think I've known 2. I have known hundreds however that thought they were ugly.

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Ordered my fitbit and it should be here early-mid February. I ended up getting a flex - I like that it only has lights so I will not obsessively be checking my stats. For anyone else interested, Woot.com has fitbits on sale today, and you can stack the $10 off of $25+ codes with it. I got a flex with 2 teal bands for $27 shipped, which I felt was a good price after checking ebay used ones over the last several days. 


Today is a walking day because of errands. Tomorrow will be as well. Thursday & Friday I'm having a garage sale, so those will be off days but I'll get some workout in carrying everything in and out and setting up tables. 


I am still trying to figure out an arm / core workout that I can do that is gentle enough to not bug my spine issues but still works the muscles. 

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After getting a good night's sleep, I've decided to work on whatever I can change. I cannot change my face (not without $$$ for a plastic surgeon) but I can continue to work on changing my body. I was up at 6:30 and at the Y by 6:45. I did a cardio workout and some strength training. I did the assisted pull up machine and completed 15 pullups with 108#. Next workout I move to lower weight! Progress!!


I am playing tennis (women's doubles) this afternoon.



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I started this in November.

OK, that was not the smartest time to try for fitness milestones, being right before the holidays, but it's a longterm play.  (ETA--What I mean was I started strategizing then--studying and ordering fitbits, deciding on a food tracking strategy, figuring out how to prioritize diet and exercise, etc.  I didn't actually start implementing these things until early January.  So the 10 lbs is during about a month of watching it.)


I'm using MyFitnessPal to track food consumption, religiously.


I bought two fitbits (I hardly ever do technology upgrades, but when I do, I do it BIG), a Surge and a Flex 2.  


The Surge is fantastic for hiking in the Sierras, which is my primary 'big' exercise.  It has its own internal GPS and altimeter, and it has a watch face, and it measures and can show steps and heart rate continuously.  It also has features that enable it to track things like biking that don't generate step counts, and since it measures heart rate it knows when I'm exercising whether I take a lot of steps or not and records those minutes.  


The Flex 2 is small and in its original wristband is waterproof, so when I start boating this summer I won't have to worry about ruining it.  I am considering joining a place with water aerobics, not sure how it will work for those since it's primarily a step counter, but it is supposed to be good for lap swimming as well.   (Which I don't currently do, but hope to start sometime this year.)  Also, the Flex 2 can be put into a jewelry-appearing bangle, so that is great for work and more formal occasions, which increases how much I use it.


I also got a fitbit scale, which records weight and fat percent and automatically sends those to the fitbit app on the computer.  I hope to reduce both of those stats quite a bit this year.


All of this sounds like a big investment, and it sort of is, but it's a lot cheaper than joining a gym, and I usually have better luck sticking with plans that don't involve exercising around other people, LOL.


So far I've lost 10 pounds, and only gained back 2 in a very food intensive work-related weekend.  That's pretty good.  I'm not feeling super deprived foodwise despite staying in my goal range consistently except for that blowout weekend.  My tricks are drinking a lot of hot liquids (an ayurvedic suggestion that is surprisingly helpful), drinking ginger tea every day, eating raw veggies with water or just drinking water whenever I feel hungry, to start with, and not really eating much of anything except coffee with milk and sugar until around 1-2PM.  


My next investment is going to be a standing desk or at least a counter height table so I can gently improve on my sedentary ways.


As far as a goal, I would like to be able to wear standard XL clothes or smaller by year end.  I'd like to increase my average steps by at least 1000/day.  



Edited by Carol in Cal.
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Well, today ended up being a crappy day. 


The pics tell a different story. I look dowdy, old, and sad. I look heavy and frumpy. It's absolutely awful. All of my effort and optimism of the last few weeks has been for naught. There is a reason I hate pictures and do not allow them to be taken of me; ugly people don't need reminders of their ugliness. I knew I should have stuck to my guns and not allowed those damned robots in class. Tomorrow it's back to black outfits.


As a result of my negative (depressed) feelings, I've eaten some Nerds, a Hershey's bell left over from Christmas, and a bite sized Snickers. I didn't track my dinner and I know I blew it and overate. Could my perception of myself be that off?


I'm sorry the pics made you feel bad about yourself.  Please don't think that all of your effort and optimism of the last few weeks have been for nothing.  Every time you make a good choice, you've done something positive for your body and mind.  


And I don't believe you're ugly.  I think everyone has beautiful qualities about them and true beauty lies within.  I know some physically attractive women who are truly ugly people.  


I hope today is a better day for you.  Don't let a bad day undermine all of your hard work and try not to be so hard on yourself.  


ETA :  I just saw your update for today.  Great job!  :)

Edited by Erica H
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Okay, I will join in.


My fitness level and weight are good/normal weight, but I am recovering from three major surgeries last year, and about to have one more surgery in late february. So, I'm trying to get as fit and strong as possible to hhopefully not lose too much strength during the time off.


Yesterday was a three and 1/2 mile walk in the morning, then Beachbody's Hard Corps 22 Cardio 1. It was a good workout, but there was no music at all, so next time I will put on my own playlist to get through it.


This morning was a hot pilates 60 minute class, which is a combination of pilates, bodyweight training, and tabata cardio intervals in a 95F hot room. Very vigorous class, lots of squats, burpees, mountain climbers, and pushups; all that stuff we hate but are so effective.


This afternoon will be Hard Corps 22 Resistance 1 dvd, and I sure hope we don't do a lot of push ups and burpees. :ack2:

Edited by trulycrabby
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Okay, I will join in.


My fitness level and weight are good/normal weight, but I am recovering from three major surgeries last year, and about to have one more surgery in late february. So, I'm trying to get as fit and strong as possible to hhopefully not lose too much strength during the time off.


Yesterday was a three and 1/2 mile walk in the morning, then Beachbody's Hard Corps 22 Cardio 1. It was a good workout, but there was no music at all, so next time I will put on my own playlist to get through it.


This morning was a hot pilates 60 minute class, which is a combination of pilates, bodyweight training, and tabata cardio intervals in a 95F hot room. Very vigorous class, lots of squats, burpees, mountain climbers, and pushups; all that stuff we hate but are so effective.


This afternoon will be Hard Corps 22 Resistance 1 dvd, and I sure hope we don't do a lot of push ups and burpees. :ack2:

TrulyCrabby, I want to be like you! I had your level of fitness before I had kids, but haven't regained it yet (9 years and counting). I'm no slouch, but the ability to do two hardcore workouts a day most days is one of my long term goals (never voluntarily at 95 degrees though...I'd rather exercise in zero F than 95F :-)).


Also, I finished the 3 mile run I was avoiding all morning.

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So Monday is a big exercise day for me----lower body weights early in the am and a fun Pop Pilates class at the gym at 6pm.


I have progressed to barbell glute bridge (hip thrust) 65lb 4x12 and 4x10 single-keg squats to bench!

I know what a barbell glute bridge is but not the single keg squats, unless that's supposed to be leg. And if this the case, you are awesome. I struggle mightily with single leg squats because of both balance and strength.

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I had a good first day back. I had started off strong at the beginning of the month but fizzled out last week. (I made a chocolate cake on Tuesday for my MIL's birthday and it was all downhill from there. :glare: ) I was definitely feeling the lack of energy and motivation after a few days of bad food and no exercise so I jumped back in today.


For exercise I'm doing an Ellen Barrett rotation. I want to stick with this through February and then I'll change it up. I did today's video and then this afternoon we went ice skating. Tomorrow I'll do the next workout video and go to karate class. I'd like to get back to tracking steps on my fit bit and set a goal with that but I can't seem to find it. Hopefully it'll turn up and I can add that in as well.


I ate really well today. I don't really know what to call what I'm doing so I'm going with "Whole30 inspired". I've done a couple of rounds of Whole30 and am trying to implement what I learned. The most important thing is their meal template - protein, healthy fat, and vegetables at each meal. I'm also avoiding snacking unless I'm actually hungry. The other things that I learned when I did it was that I need to be careful about eating too many grains and too much dairy. I could pretty much live on those things plus a little bit (a lot) of sugar but I don't feel great when I eat too much of them. So I'm limiting the dairy and grains and pretty much avoiding all processed, added, sugars.


The one thing that did not go so well today was drinking water. I'm horrible at remembering to drink enough. I drank less than 40oz today. I'm going to try to get in a bit more before I go to bed - and hope I don't have to get up too often during the night. :tongue_smilie:

Way to get back on the wagon! Water consumption is a difficult thing for me too. I love water, I just don't get that thirsty throughout the day. But - I am most successful with my weight loss goals when I drink a ton of water. So I guess I need to set reminders or something.

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Way to get back on the wagon! Water consumption is a difficult thing for me too. I love water, I just don't get that thirsty throughout the day. But - I am most successful with my weight loss goals when I drink a ton of water. So I guess I need to set reminders or something.

I try to drink water every time I feel hungry.  A lot of times that's all I need.  So I know that I'm sensing some thirst as hunger.

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Well, today ended up being a crappy day. One of my students took some pics of me (through the robot) in class and sent them to me (she was trying to show me the problems with resolution). I am not a happy camper with what I saw in the pics. I thought I looked decent. I straightened my hair this morning. I wore makeup. I had purchased a new outfit (pink robin hood top & blue jeggings tucked into (old)brown boots) as a treat for having lost some weight and hitting a mini goal. I felt good and was in a jovial mood.


The pics tell a different story. I look dowdy, old, and sad. I look heavy and frumpy. It's absolutely awful. All of my effort and optimism of the last few weeks has been for naught. There is a reason I hate pictures and do not allow them to be taken of me; ugly people don't need reminders of their ugliness. I knew I should have stuck to my guns and not allowed those damned robots in class. Tomorrow it's back to black outfits.


As a result of my negative (depressed) feelings, I've eaten some Nerds, a Hershey's bell left over from Christmas, and a bite sized Snickers. I didn't track my dinner and I know I blew it and overate. Could my perception of myself be that off?

I'm chuckling because I can so relate to this. Christmas 2015 was my wake up call. I had been working out inconsistently all through the year, but I thought I looked pretty good! When I saw the proofs of our family Christmas pictures, I about died. I was so discouraged. My face was so fat, and the sweater I was wearing made me look like an elephant. I could go on and on about this. I refused to purchase the pictures (dh got them anyway).


I finally decided that I was going to get serious and do something about it. I re-joined my boot camp and started an accountability program with the trainer. This year I looked much better in our pictures. I was going to wear a sweater but decided against it when I saw myself in the mirror. I guess I don't have the right body type to wear sweaters and look normal.


Don't be depressed. I've found that with clothing, its all about how the clothes flatter your body type. Also, use this to motivate yourself to set goals and work towards accomplishing them.

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I started this in November.

OK, that was not the smartest time to try for fitness milestones, being right before the holidays, but it's a longterm play. (ETA--What I mean was I started strategizing then--studying and ordering fitbits, deciding on a food tracking strategy, figuring out how to prioritize diet and exercise, etc. I didn't actually start implementing these things until early January. So the 10 lbs is during about a month of watching it.)


I'm using MyFitnessPal to track food consumption, religiously.


I bought two fitbits (I hardly ever do technology upgrades, but when I do, I do it BIG), a Surge and a Flex 2.


The Surge is fantastic for hiking in the Sierras, which is my primary 'big' exercise. It has its own internal GPS and altimeter, and it has a watch face, and it measures and can show steps and heart rate continuously. It also has features that enable it to track things like biking that don't generate step counts, and since it measures heart rate it knows when I'm exercising whether I take a lot of steps or not and records those minutes.


The Flex 2 is small and in its original wristband is waterproof, so when I start boating this summer I won't have to worry about ruining it. I am considering joining a place with water aerobics, not sure how it will work for those since it's primarily a step counter, but it is supposed to be good for lap swimming as well. (Which I don't currently do, but hope to start sometime this year.) Also, the Flex 2 can be put into a jewelry-appearing bangle, so that is great for work and more formal occasions, which increases how much I use it.


I also got a fitbit scale, which records weight and fat percent and automatically sends those to the fitbit app on the computer. I hope to reduce both of those stats quite a bit this year.


All of this sounds like a big investment, and it sort of is, but it's a lot cheaper than joining a gym, and I usually have better luck sticking with plans that don't involve exercising around other people, LOL.


So far I've lost 10 pounds, and only gained back 2 in a very food intensive work-related weekend. That's pretty good. I'm not feeling super deprived foodwise despite staying in my goal range consistently except for that blowout weekend. My tricks are drinking a lot of hot liquids (an ayurvedic suggestion that is surprisingly helpful), drinking ginger tea every day, eating raw veggies with water or just drinking water whenever I feel hungry, to start with, and not really eating much of anything except coffee with milk and sugar until around 1-2PM.


My next investment is going to be a standing desk or at least a counter height table so I can gently improve on my sedentary ways.


As far as a goal, I would like to be able to wear standard XL clothes or smaller by year end. I'd like to increase my average steps by at least 1000/day.

You're off to a great start! I have a Withings scale and a Garmin Vivosmart HR that pair with each other and with myfitnesspal. I am an information nerd and love to have lots of data to track and analyze. I hope you like your fitness tech as much as I like mine.

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You're off to a great start! I have a Withings scale and a Garmin Vivosmart HR that pair with each other and with myfitnesspal. I am an information nerd and love to have lots of data to track and analyze. I hope you like your fitness tech as much as I like mine.

I am!


I decided not to connect everything.


So my food diary is not connected with the other information, and I don't wear my tracker to bed and track sleep.  


I'm getting exactly what I want, no more and no less!  And, it's working.  

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Yesterday I walked 5 miles in the morning with a much longer-legged friend, so I was constantly challenged to keep up.  Then at my rowing class that night, too many people showed up for the ergs, so they had us do a circuit workout, one minute on the ergs at full pressure (that's about 250m), a minute rest, and then a minute straight of push-ups, squats, lunges and other such things (like, one minute of just push-ups, or just squats), then back to the ergs and back for a different exercise.  I ended up skipping my 8am Pilates class this morning.  My legs are sore like they haven't been in ages.  Also whatever muscles are under my arms, I'm guessing from the push-ups and rowing sprints.


I have nothing so positive to report about my eating habits... :tongue_smilie:

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I got up and went to my 6:15am boxing class, even though I didn't really want to and was a little scared.  But it was great!  Such hard work!!


I can totally relate to the bad robot photo from above (many times, actually - I do not photograph well, and what is it about others posting the worst possible photos of me on facebook) - at the end of the session, we did squats in front of the mirror.  The work out guy kept asking me to curve my spine a certain way, so basically we were both just watching my hiney in the mirror - not attractive!  And I was feeling somewhat fit and in shape, until I watched my bootie for two rounds of 3 minutes of squats.... I'm still not sure that I had the correct spine curve that he was talking about...


So, anyway, I did my boxing class and I did my morning stretching.  I will stretch one more time tonight before bed.  If it wasn't snowing out there, I'd go for an afternoon run.  


eta - No Sugar day 2 = going great - I do have to go to a cooking class tonight and I'm planning to simply not eat anything there.

Edited by wendy not in HI
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TrulyCrabby, I want to be like you! I had your level of fitness before I had kids, but haven't regained it yet (9 years and counting). I'm no slouch, but the ability to do two hardcore workouts a day most days is one of my long term goals (never voluntarily at 95 degrees though...I'd rather exercise in zero F than 95F :-)).


Also, I finished the 3 mile run I was avoiding all morning.

Yeah, I am weird about the heat. I never ever try to convince people to do them because, yeah, most (sane) people hate them.


:hurray: Three miles are behind you! It's always satisfying to get past the dread factor.

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Yeah, I am weird about the heat. I never ever try to convince people to do them because, yeah, most (sane) people hate them.


:hurray: Three miles are behind you! It's always satisfying to get past the dread factor.

Thanks for the applause. :-) It was a good run.

I love to run, so it's not dread that holds me back. More, inertia, I think. And feeling that I should be cleaning or something otherwise "important" instead. I almost always end up exercising anyway because nobody wants to be around this Mama if she stops exercising, but like many women, I have a tendency to put taking care of myself at the bottom of the priority list.

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I know what a barbell glute bridge is but not the single keg squats, unless that's supposed to be leg. And if this the case, you are awesome. I struggle mightily with single leg squats because of both balance and strength.

:lol: stupid phone!


Note, the single-leg squats are to a bench---I can't do them all the way up and down!

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I think I did something to my leg today. I feel sore and swollen already, and on one leg I have annoying pain in the middle of my thigh when I walk. It kind of feels like a muscle tear, but the pain isn't more than a four on a scale of 1-10. I'll ice it and hope for the best.


Hope it's better today.  I did something to my glute area, but it's not too bad.  I'll ask DH to rub it.  :)

Edited by Erica H
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I didn't feel like getting up this morning so I postponed my scheduled workout for this evening. In my half asleep state I forgot that I have a really busy, long day and I am absolutely NOT going to want to work out when it's over. 🙄😒 I'll try to make myself do it anyway.


Did slightly better drinking enough water yesterday. Trying to do even better today. Better go fill my glass again!


Good job everyone! Keep it up! We just have to stay focused on our goals. 🙂

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Soreness from Monday's workout and a migraine conspired against me to ruin my workout plan for the day.  I did manage to get in an hour of cardio on the AMT machine, this time low-intensity, because that was as much as I could manage.  Better than nothing!



I think I did something to my leg today. I feel sore and swollen already, and on one leg I have annoying pain in the middle of my thigh when I walk. It kind of feels like a muscle tear, but the pain isn't more than a four on a scale of 1-10. I'll ice it and hope for the best.



I woke with the dickens of a sinus headache, including light sensitivity--no gym this morning for me! I hope it will improve by early afternoon so that I can go lift before the gym gets busy.




Hope that you both feel better!

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I woke with the dickens of a sinus headache, including light sensitivity--no gym this morning for me! I hope it will improve by early afternoon so that I can go lift before the gym gets busy.


Hope you feel better soon!  




Soreness from Monday's workout and a migraine conspired against me to ruin my workout plan for the day.  I did manage to get in an hour of cardio on the AMT machine, this time low-intensity, because that was as much as I could manage.  Better than nothing!




Nice job getting an hour done!

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Hey there,


I had this great plan for the New Year and I failed miserably.  I've had a sinus infection/chest cold since before Christmas and I simply do not feel like exercising or eating well.  But it's a new month and I'm starting to feel better, so I'm jumping back on the wagon.


I signed up for a 5K in May so I"m starting the Couch to 5K program and I'm recommitting to sticking with my Weight Watchers eating plan.  


Overall, nothing dramatic, but my problem is sticking to it so I gotta learn to stick!

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